AS :: Volume #124

#12333: Absorbs Xia Tian

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Although Xia Tian looks very good, the change that but still has no finally, the balance of victory inclined slightly little, but also is only little. 夏天这边虽然看上去很牛,但结果依然没有任何的改变,胜利的天平稍微倾斜了一点点,但也只是一点点而已。 Crazy of immortal Azure Dragon. 青龙的疯狂。 Still is no one can prevent. 依然不是什么人都可以阻挡的。 I eat, I eat, I eat!!” Xia Tian starts crazy gnawing to nip. “我吃,我吃,我吃吃吃!!”夏天开始疯狂的啃咬。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 He was caught by immortal Azure Dragon again. 他再次被仙青龙抓了出来。 The attack of immortal Azure Dragon was also unusual hitting to him. 青龙的攻击也是非常的打向了他。 ! ! 噗!噗! Dodging that Xia Tian non-stop, making the attack of immortal Azure Dragon hit in the vacancy, his body unceasing changes into the dirty blood. 夏天不停的闪躲,让仙青龙的攻击打在空处,他的身体不断的化为污血。 You think that your condition was invincible?” Immortal Azure Dragon angry shouts...... “你以为你这个状态就无敌了吗?”仙青龙愤怒的喊道…… Having the skill used to be good!!” The Xia Tian response said. “有本事用出来就好了!!”夏天回应道。 Dirty blood is powerful , because in has this world's dirtiest over ten thousand blood, their dirtiness, are as dirty as the bone, although I do not know how you absorb the strength of dirt blood, but the dirty blood also has the weakness, that is the powerful dirty blood can absorb the weak dirty blood body, in other words, actually you are also my nourishment, but I have been looking for the opportunity, but now, on was the opportunity!!!” The claw of immortal Azure Dragon pierced the body of Xia Tian. “污血之所以强大,就是因为里面有这个世界上最肮脏的上万种血液,他们的肮脏,是肮脏到骨子里面的,虽然我不知道你是如何吸收污血的力量的,但污血也有弱点,那就是强大的污血可以吸收弱的污血体,也就是说,其实你也是我的养料,只不过我一直在寻找机会,而现在,就是机会了!!!”仙青龙的爪子洞穿了夏天的身体。 Although the ability of Xia Tian use dirt blood evaded the attack of immortal Azure Dragon. 虽然夏天使用污血的能力躲过了仙青龙的攻击。 But above the claw of immortal Azure Dragon unexpectedly starts to present the vortex. 可仙青龙的爪子之上居然开始出现漩涡。 The strength of this vortex is pulling the body of Xia Tian in fast attracting. 这個漩涡的力量正在快速的吸扯夏天的身体。 What situation?” Xia Tian feels suddenly. “什么情况?”夏天突然感觉到。 The strength of own within the body by crazy withdrawing outside the body. 自己体内的力量正在被疯狂的拉出体外。 Do not revolt, the dirty blood in your within the body, Wang Jue dantian digested even, sooner or later will still have the influence on your body, might as well suction by him while this opportunity!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “不要反抗了,污血在你体内,就算是界王决丹田消化了,早晚也会对你的身体产生影响的,还不如趁着这个机会被他吸走!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 „But if the dirt blood was absorbed by him, he becomes more powerful, but my body, will be pierced directly?” Xia Tian asked. “可如果污血被他吸收了,那他是不是会变得更强大,而我的身体,也会被直接洞穿?”夏天问道。 Right, his becomes stronger, because you have digested the strength of dirt blood, therefore after he absorbs, will use for him directly, he himself has absorbed the limit, but depends on you, can make him stronger, but I will save you in the final moment, will not let your body be at the pierced condition!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise does not hope that the dirt blood harmed Xia Tian. “没错,他的会变得更强,因为你已经消化了污血的力量,所以他吸收之后,会直接为他所用,他自己早就吸收到了极限,但靠着你,可以让他变得更强,但我会在最后关头将你救下来,不会让你的身体处于被洞穿的状态!!!”仙玄武也不希望污血害了夏天 „It is not good, now I coped with him is very difficult, if made him continue to grow, I really did not have the means!!” Xia Tian shakes the head. “不行,现在我对付他就已经很困难了,如果让他继续这么成长下去的话,那我就真的没办法了!!”夏天摇了摇头。 You did not say often, keeps the mountain not to worry not to have the firewood fever? We can escape, by your talent, so long as gives your enough time, you can certainly grow rapidly, when the time comes asks him to revenge again also with enough time!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise urged. “你不是经常说,留得青山在不愁没柴烧吗?我们可以逃,以你的天赋,只要给你足够的时间,你就一定可以快速成长起来,到时候再找他报仇也来得及!!!”仙玄武劝道。 He does not trust Xia Tian actually not. 他倒不是不信任夏天 But was he also feels now helplessly. 而是他现在也感觉到了无能为力。 Really a wee bit means do not have. 真是一丁点的办法都没有。 This fight I do not have the escape route, my behind, is my brothers, if my retreat, that death was they, I cannot allow permits this matter to happen!!!” Xia Tian clenches the teeth. “这次的战斗我已经没有退路了,我的身后,是我的兄弟们,如果我后退了,那死的就是他们了,我不能容许这种事情发生!!!”夏天咬紧了牙关。 He wants to control the outflow in within the body dirt blood. 他想要控制自己体内污血的流失。 He does not want to make immortal Azure Dragon continue to grow. 他不想让仙青龙继续成长下去。 But immortal Azure Dragon has been ready. 可仙青龙是早就做好了准备的。 . 要知道。 Immortal Azure Dragon also inherits existence of rank, their operational experiences are also incomparably rich, although he just started to be hit one to be caught off guard by Xia Tian, the method of also by that being emerged one after another incessantly was ignorant to the dozen, but he himself also has the sufficient operational experience. 青龙也是传承级别的存在,他们的作战经验也是无比丰富的,虽然他刚开始被夏天打了一个措手不及,也被那层出不穷的手段给打懵了,但他自己也有着充足的作战经验。 At this time. 此时。 Since he seizes the opportunity. 既然他已经抓住了机会。 The time of how also to Xia Tian to escaping from. 又怎么会给夏天逃脱的时间了。 Bang! 轰! Immortal Black Tortoise starts to attack immortal Azure Dragon. 仙玄武开始冲击仙青龙 However kept off equally by immortal Azure Dragon: You felt, you can break through my attack?” 不过一样被仙青龙挡下:“你觉得,你能突破我的攻击吗?” Immortal Azure Dragon felt that all these look like the joke to be the same. 青龙感觉这一切就像是笑话一般。 Another side battlefield. 另外一边的战场。 The people of alliance fiercely compete and successfully compete, but Expert unexpectedly of seal four states started to flee in all directions, they have not fled seal up four states, because in their opinion, immortal Azure Dragon has not lost, so long as immortal Azure Dragon has not lost, they were not lose, they also had the opportunity. 联盟的人越战越勇,而封闭四州的高手居然开始四处逃窜了,他们并没有逃离封闭四州,因为在他们看来,仙青龙还没有输,只要仙青龙没输,那他们就不算输,他们就还有机会。 Therefore they then must do is. 所以他们接下来要做的就是等。 After immortal Azure Dragon struck to kill Xia Tian and immortal Black Tortoise . 等到仙青龙击杀了夏天和仙玄武之后。 That fight was they wins. 那战斗就是他们获胜了。 No matter they now distressed. 不管他们现在有多狼狈。 When the time comes. 到时候。 They is a side of achievement. 他们都是获胜的一方。 „It is not good, Xia Tian that side situation is not right!!!” The corrupt wolf shouts. “不行,夏天那边的情况不对!!!”贪狼喊道。 Us does not have the result now, they have been escaping, continue to hit, is the cat catch mouse, with its this, might as well makes us go with Xia Tian to fight side-by-side together, so long as defeats immortal Azure Dragon, we same win!!!” The long life also felt, opposite party in protracted time. “我们这边现在没有结果,他们一直在逃跑,继续这么打下去,也是猫捉老鼠,与其这样,还不如让我们去和夏天一起并肩作战,只要击败仙青龙,那我们一样获胜!!!”长生灵也感觉到了,对方就是在拖延时间。 Continues to delay. 继续这么拖延下去。 No result. 没有任何的结果。 Might as well goes to that side Xia Tian to help. 还不如去夏天那边帮忙。 Walks!!!” 13 took the lead to fly. “走!!!”十三率先飞了出去。 Other Expert also flew in abundance to the immortal Azure Dragon direction. 其他的高手也纷纷飞向了仙青龙的方向。 Was lifting the head with immortal Azure Dragon that immortal Black Tortoise fought suddenly, saw Expert that the distant place flew: One flock of ants, unexpectedly also dare to come.” 正在和仙玄武战斗的仙青龙突然抬起了头,看到了远处飞来的高手:“一群蝼蚁,居然还敢过来。” Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Corrupt wolf and the others came time, rubbish, launches own powerful offensive directly. 贪狼等人过来的时候,也没有废话,直接发动自己的强大攻击。 This time immortal Azure Dragon, in resistance immortal Black Tortoise, while is absorbing the Xia Tian strength, has no time to attend to other things, moreover Xia Tian just gave his body also to cause many wounds. 此时的仙青龙,一边在对抗仙玄武,一边在吸收夏天的力量,正是无暇他顾的时候,而且夏天刚刚给他的身上也弄出了不少的伤。 Was sneak attacked by the people. 被众人偷袭。 Also really had the effect. 还真的有了效果。 Had the effect, Xia Tian has injured him, we must seize this opportunity.” The corrupt wolf shouts loudly. “有效果,夏天已经打伤了他,我们要抓住这个机会。”贪狼大声喊道。 Afterward. 随后。 He took the lead to fly. 他率先飞了出去。 Speed incredibly fast is incomparable. 速度奇快无比。 ! ! ! 噗!噗!噗! Their attacks start to leave behind the scar on the body of immortal Azure Dragon. 他们的攻击开始在仙青龙的身上留下伤痕。 Hateful, your flock of ants, after I absorbed Xia Tian, I must kill off you completely!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon angry shouting. “可恶,你们这群蝼蚁,等我将夏天吸收了之后,我就要将你们全部杀光!!!”仙青龙愤怒的喊道。 These people. 这些人。 Now is touching his reverse scale. 现在是在触碰他的逆鳞。 Reverse scale of dragon, touching must get angry. 龙之逆鳞,触之必怒。 This makes his anger increase unceasingly. 这就让他的怒火不断攀升。 Here absorbs Xia Tian luckily time is smooth, the strength of Xia Tian within the body dirt blood is also pure, had been digested, this he imagines must be more perfect , after absorbing this strength, his strength will again definitely rise suddenly. 幸好这边吸收夏天的时候非常顺利,夏天体内污血的力量也非常纯正,都是被消化过的,这比他想象中的要更加完美,吸收了这种力量之后,他的力量肯定会再次暴涨。 When the time comes. 到时候。 No matter Xia Tian, is immortal Black Tortoise, is this crowd of so-called alliance Expert. 不管是夏天,还是仙玄武,还是这群所谓的联盟高手 By his relaxed defeating. 都会被他轻松的击败。 ! 噗! Xia Tian felt that own body must be found time generally. 夏天感觉自己的身体都要被抽空了一般。 Is now!!” Immortal Black Tortoise seized the time, a strength packages the body of Xia Tian, later forcefully Xia Tian pulling back. “就是现在!!”仙玄武看准了时机,一股力量包裹夏天的身体,随后硬生生的将夏天给拉了回来。 Xia Tian also recovers now is the normal appearance. 夏天的身体现在也恢复了是正常的样子。 No longer is the black. 不再是黑色。 But similarly. 但同样的。 On immortal Azure Dragon all scars vanish, the black scale is sparkling, his body also leaps directly, charges into the highest heaven: Ants, your disasters came.” 青龙身上的所有伤痕消失,黑色的鳞片闪闪发光,他的身体也是直接一跃,冲向九霄:“蝼蚁们,你们的灾难来了。”
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