AS :: Volume #124

#12332: Irritated

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Xia Tian also in unceasing speeding up speed. 夏天也是在不断的加快速度。 He also understands, although immortal Black Tortoise this attack way can catch very big opportunity to him, but is also easy injured, the immortal Azure Dragon present attack is almost crazy, under this attack, the opportunity that can shoulder is also very small. 他也明白,仙玄武这种进攻方式虽然可以给他争取很大的机会,但也非常容易受伤,仙青龙现在的攻击几乎算是疯狂的,在这种攻击之下,能够扛住的机会也是很小的。 ! 噗! ! 噗! Xia Tian on such big mouth swallowing immortal Azure Dragon flesh. 夏天就这样大口的吞食仙青龙的血肉。 Painful immortal Azure Dragon suffers extreme distress. 痛的仙青龙死去活来。 However the restoration speed in immortal Azure Dragon body is also very quick, Xia Tian here eats, his side restores. 不过仙青龙身体内的恢复速度也是非常快的,夏天这边吃,他那边恢复。 This speed insufficient Ah!!!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) somewhat anxious saying. “这个速度不够啊!!!”红凤有些焦急的说道。 Now does, behind our opportunities can Freshman some!!!” Xia Tian cannot think that now so many, he only as far as possible does. “现在多做一点,后面我们的机会就会更大一些!!!”夏天现在想不了那么多,他只会尽可能的去多做一些。 Existence of immortal Azure Dragon this rank. 青龙这个级别的存在。 It is not is easy to cope...... 并不是那么容易对付的…… What method no matter there is, he must treasure, he must try hard to complete all. 不管有什么样的手段,他都要珍惜,他要努力的做好一切。 ! ! 噗!噗! Xia Tian very greedy is eating the immortal Azure Dragon flesh. 夏天非常贪婪的吃着仙青龙的血肉。 Bang! 轰! The body of immortal Black Tortoise was struck to fly by immortal Azure Dragon. 仙玄武的身体被仙青龙击飞了出去。 He wants to fly, but his body is unable to transfer in a short time, can only look that immortal Azure Dragon rips open oneself black scale, the time time that the black scale was ripped, changes into directly vanishes black light, later his claw grasped to own abdomen. 他想要飞回来,可他的身体短时间内无法调动,只能看着仙青龙去撕开自己身上的黑色鳞片,黑色鳞片被撕下来的时候时候,直接化为黑光消失,随后他的爪子抓向了自己的腹部。 Powerful attack almost directly the body puncture of Xia Tian. 强大的攻击差点直接将夏天的身体击穿。 Rapidness that Xia Tian escapes luckily. 幸好夏天逃的快。 However. 不过。 The immortal Azure Dragon movement has not stopped, bunch of air currents of change into the claw, charged into his own within the body directly. 青龙的动作并没有停止,一团团的气流化为爪子,直接冲向了他自己的体内。 As to give to grasp Xia Tian to be the same forcefully. 仿佛想要将夏天硬生生给抓出来一样。 Xia Tian is fluctuating unceasingly own position. 夏天则是在不断的变幻自己的位置。 Body good hot Ah!!” Xia Tian ate too many immortal Azure Dragon flesh. “身体好热啊!!”夏天吃了太多仙青龙的血肉。 When these flesh enter to his body, starts little unceasing multiplying. 这些血肉进入到他的身体之中时,开始一点点不断的滋生。 These dirt blood that he drank up before, although had been digested by Wang Jue, but this strength when meeting the immortal Azure Dragon flesh, is having the different changes. 他之前喝掉的那些污血,虽然都已经被界王决消化了,但这种力量在遇到仙青龙的血肉时,也是在发生着不一样的变化。 ! 噗! Finally. 终于。 When Xia Tian and immortal Azure Dragon dogfight a half hour, he was caught outside the body by immortal Azure Dragon. 夏天和仙青龙缠斗了半個小时的时候,他还是被仙青龙抓出了体外。 This time immortal Azure Dragon seemingly is scarred, the scar of his body surface, is he himself scratches, this is he price to grasp Xia Tian paying. 此时的仙青龙看上去伤痕累累,他体表的伤痕,都是他自己抓伤的,这是他为了抓出夏天付出的代价。 But Xia Tian was also the body turns into the black red from the black now. 夏天现在也是身体从黑色变成了黑红色。 How feels?” Immortal Black Tortoise asked. “感觉怎么样?”仙玄武问道。 „It is not good, his flesh could not finish eating, although this means are useful, but cannot beat him thoroughly!!!” Xia Tian also sees the immortal Azure Dragon fierce place now. “不行,他的血肉吃不完,这个办法虽然有用的,但还是不能彻底击败他!!!”夏天现在也看到了仙青龙的厉害之处。 It can be said. 可以说。 The means that in order to cope with immortal Azure Dragon, Xia Tian can think have thought that the means that oneself can use also used. 为了对付仙青龙,夏天将自己能够想到的办法都想过了,将自己能够使用的办法也都使用了。 But immortal Azure Dragon is still in an impregnable position now. 可现在仙青龙依然是立于不败之地。 His wound in the fast healing, these also in oneself is been also long by the scale that he himself tears up. 他身上的伤口也在快速的愈合,那些被他自己撕掉的鳞片也在自己重新长出来。 All these. 这一切。 Occurred unusual is quick. 发生的非常快。 ! 呼! Xia Tian aspirates. 夏天吐了一口气。 The vision looked to is front immortal Black Tortoise: „It is not easy to do Ah!!!” 目光看向了是自己面前的仙玄武:“不好办了啊!!!” I believe you!!” Immortal Black Tortoise is giving Xia Tian to inflate. “我相信你!!”仙玄武在给夏天打气。 I do not believe myself!!!” Xia Tian is also very speechless, although his usual wicked idea are many, handles anything to think of the best way, but now power gap of both sides was really big. “我自己都不相信自己!!!”夏天也是非常无语,虽然他平时的鬼点子多,做什么事情都能想到最好的办法,可现在双方的实力差距实在是太大了啊。 In this case. 在这种情况下。 His these methods and scheme, seem somewhat weak. 他的那些手段和计谋,都显得有些无力。 You can!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise from knowing Xia Tian that day, he trust Xia Tian is blind. “你可以的!!!”仙玄武从认识夏天的那一天起,他对夏天的信任就是盲目的。 No matter then situation how. 不管当时的情况如何。 No matter many people think that Xia Tian is not good. 不管有多少人认为夏天不行。 His attitude is forever same. 他的态度永远都是一样的。 That is: Xia Tian certainly yes. 那就是:夏天一定是可以的。 That spelled!!” Xia Tian killed directly. “那就拼了!!”夏天直接杀了上去。 ! 噗! Immortal Azure Dragon sees Xia Tian to kill, penetrated thoroughly the body of Xia Tian directly. 青龙看到夏天杀过来,也是直接一击穿透了夏天的身体。 Without assimilation ability. 在没有同化能力的情况下。 This strikes seems like must kill. 这一击看上去是必杀的。 However Xia Tian attacked place, seems an vortex is the same in revolving, that body is empty. 不过夏天被攻击的地方,却仿佛是一个漩涡在旋转一样,那一处身体是空洞的。 Originally. 原来。 Was Xia Tian has seen through the point of attack of opposite party, he used the new ability, changed by own body, evaded this struck. 夏天早就看穿了对方的攻击点,他利用了新能力,让自己的身体发生变化,躲过了这一击。 Un? 嗯? Do not forget, I also drank many dirty blood, you should know that the function of dirt blood, I do not have to be killed easily!!!” Xia Tian said , the body changed into one group of dirt blood, the direct winding approached the body of immortal Azure Dragon. “你可别忘了,我也喝了很多的污血,你应该知道污血的作用,我没那么容易被杀的!!!”夏天说完之后身体化为了一团污血,直接缠绕向了仙青龙的身体。 It is not good! 不好! Immortal Azure Dragon quickly shut own mouth. 青龙急忙闭上了自己的嘴。 He feared Xia Tian. 他可是怕了夏天了。 Cannot make Xia Tian break to his within the body absolutely again, if makes Xia Tian clash again, he does not know that also Fido's big strength can come out Lane Xia Tian. 绝对不能让夏天再次冲入到他的体内,如果让夏天再次冲进去的话,那他又不知道也费多大的力气才能将夏天出来了。 Such fierce exists, now the words that I frightened is dared to say Ah!!” Saying of Xia Tian provocation. “这么厉害的一个存在,现在被我吓的连话都不敢说了啊!!”夏天挑衅的说道。 Snort! 哼! Xia Tian, I will certainly make you die unusual is ugly!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon uses Divine Soul to start to shout. 夏天,我一定会让你死的非常难看!!!”仙青龙使用神魂开始呼喊。 Good opportunity!!” Xia Tian saw that opposite party unexpectedly starts to shout with Divine Soul, he will not naturally miss such good opportunity. “好机会!!”夏天看到对方居然神魂开始呼喊,他自然是不会错过这么好的机会了。 No matter immortal Azure Dragon is strong, his Divine Soul is impossible to have Xia Tian knowing sea to be strong. 不管仙青龙多强,他的神魂都不可能有夏天的识海强。 Therefore. 所以。 Then. 接下来。 The matter that Xia Tian must handle holds Divine Soul. 夏天要做的事情就是抓住神魂 bo! 啵! One group of strengths changed into the Divine Soul chains, belayed immortal Azure Dragon Divine Soul directly. 一团力量化为了神魂锁链,直接套住了仙青龙神魂 Hateful, unexpectedly forgot matter that knows the sea!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon also responded at this time, before Xia Tian had used ability that knew the sea, just when just fought, his unexpectedly neglected this point. “可恶,居然忘了识海的事情!!!”仙青龙此时也反应过来了,之前夏天就已经使用过识海的能力,只不过在刚刚战斗的时候,他居然忽略了这一点。 At this time. 此时。 He by the knowledge sea fetter of Xia Tian, was felt immediately oneself body cannot move. 他被夏天的识海束缚,顿时感觉自己的身体动弹不得。 If he even the slightest misstep. 如果他稍有不慎。 Divine Soul may pull out outside the body by Xia Tian. 神魂就可能会被夏天拉出体外。 Good opportunity!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise sees this time , is to seize the opportunity, the love attacks the immortal Azure Dragon main body. “好机会!!!”仙玄武看到这一幕的时候,也是想要抓住机会,爱是攻击仙青龙的本体。 Bang! Rumbling! 轰!轰轰! The attack of immortal Black Tortoise makes unceasingly, although he and between immortal Azure Dragon has some disparities, but if immortal Azure Dragon is only a living target, his striking power is also very terrifying. 仙玄武的攻击不断打出,虽然他和仙青龙之间是有一些差距的,但如果仙青龙只是一个活靶子的话,那他的攻击力也是非常恐怖的。 Immortal Black Tortoise, your such skill?” Immortal Azure Dragon angry shouting. “仙玄武,你就这么点本事吗?”仙青龙愤怒的喊道。 At this moment. 就在这时。 Xia Tian let loose own fetter. 夏天放开了自己的束缚。 Flew into the immortal Azure Dragon mouth directly. 直接飞入到了仙青龙的口中。 Irritated. 气死了。 Immortal Azure Dragon was irritated simply, he just does not dare to shout propaganda with Divine Soul, but was really angry, he is thinking shouted one. 青龙简直就是要被气死了,他刚刚不敢用神魂喊话,但实在是太生气了,他就想着喊一句。 Finally. 结果。 Xia Tian unexpectedly flew. 夏天居然又飞进去了。 This boy!!” Immortal Black Tortoise saw that Xia Tian flies immortal Azure Dragon within the body again, almost smiled to make noise. “这小子!!”仙玄武看到夏天再次飞到仙青龙体内,也是差点笑出声了。 The immortal Azure Dragon present mood definitely collapses very much. 青龙现在的心情肯定是很崩溃的。 However. 不过。 He also understands, this does not change the war the key. 他也明白,这并不是改变战局的关键。 Although this can consume immortal Azure Dragon significantly, can make immortal azure Long Yi stay the injured condition, but is still not able to cut to kill immortal Azure Dragon. 虽然这样还是可以大幅度的消耗仙青龙,也可以让仙青龙一直保持受伤的状态,但依然无法斩杀仙青龙
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