AS :: Volume #124

#12331: Only opportunity

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Although immortal Black Tortoise also understands, this pressure too big. 仙玄武虽然也明白,这种压力太大的了。 But he with Xia Tian for a long time, Xia Tian most was good at not being impossible probably to turn. 但他跟了夏天这么长时间,夏天是最善于将不可能变成可能的。 Therefore he can only make Xia Tian try to find the solution. 所以他只能去让夏天想办法。 Cannot escape, cannot delay the time, the fight could not have been victorious, this was difficult the office.” Xia Tian is also the brow tight wrinkle, he all di methods takes now, is insufficient with the immortal Azure Dragon resistance. “不能逃,不能拖延时间,战斗还打不过,这就难办了啊。”夏天也是眉头紧皱,他现在所有旳手段都拿出来,也不足以和仙青龙对抗。 How can he change the present war? 那他到底要如何改变现在的战局呢? ! 呼! Xia Tian aspirates: It seems like, can only from the internal attack, his present's internal defense, although is also very strong, but depends on Wang Jue and Golden Blade words, same can cause the damage to his interior!!!” 夏天吐了一口气:“看来,只能从内部攻击了,他现在的内部防御虽然也很强,但靠着界王决和金刀的话,一样可以对他的内部造成伤害!!!” Similar means that not possible success twice!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise helpless saying. “同样的办法,不可能成功两次的!!!”仙玄武无奈的说道。 He thinks. 他认为。 Although the Xia Tian means are effective, but immortal Azure Dragon will certainly have guard against, immortal Azure Dragon will not give the Xia Tian second chance of success absolutely. 夏天的办法虽然有效,可仙青龙是一定会有所防备的,仙青龙也绝对不会给夏天第二次成功的机会。 „Because even your I think, therefore I must instead its say/way, but for it, he although now has guarded, but he also definitely thinks that I do not dare to use again for the second time this means that I want to use this means for the second time!!!” Xia Tian works is so, he must be others unable to achieve each time, matter that or others do not want to handle. “正因为连你我都这么想,所以我更要反其道而为之,他现在虽然有所防备,但他也肯定认为我是不敢再用第二次这种办法了,那我要第二次用这种办法!!!”夏天做事一直都是如此,他每次都是要做别人做不到,或者别人不想做的事情。 Matter that does not dare to handle. 不敢做的事情。 If everyone can think. 如果人人都能想到的。 That this means certainly will not be effective. 那这种办法就一定不会奏效。 But the idea that everyone dreads, will certainly have the opportunity. 但人人都畏惧的想法,就一定会有机会。 Bang! 轰! The attack of immortal Azure Dragon pounds down again. 青龙的攻击再次砸下。 Although immortal Black Tortoise now is not in peak condition, but resists No problem occasionally. 虽然仙玄武现在不是巅峰状态,但偶尔抵挡一下还是没问题的。 Immortal Black Tortoise, can you also shoulder several attacks?” Saying that immortal Azure Dragon disdains. “仙玄武,你还能扛住几次攻击?”仙青龙非常不屑的说道。 I can shoulder several times is not unimportant, this fight makes me feel that I am also living, but you are different, you now is a corpse, when your strength thorough consumption light/only, you must die without doubt!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise response said. “我能扛住几次不要紧,这种战斗让我感觉到我还活着,但你不同,你现在就是一具死尸罢了,当你的力量彻底消耗光的时候,你就必死无疑!!!”仙玄武回应道。 His is helping Xia Tian provoke immortal Azure Dragon. 他这是在帮夏天挑衅仙青龙 Let immortal Azure Dragon make mistakes. 让仙青龙犯错。 I, so long as ate you, same can resurrect!!” The immortal Azure Dragon response said. “我只要吃了你,一样可以复活!!”仙青龙回应道。 You felt, I for they do die to fight here? Now fights has not decided the victory and defeat, I will enter the war here, but if I soon cannot shoulder, I will certainly choose to escape, you felt, I breakneck to escape, can you catch up?” Immortal Black Tortoise air/Qi immortal Azure Dragon intentionally. “你觉得,我会为了他们在这里死斗吗?现在战斗没有分出胜负,我会在这里参战,但如果我快要扛不住的时候,我是一定会选择逃跑的,你觉得,我玩命逃跑的话,你能追上吗?”仙玄武是在故意气仙青龙 Snort! 哼! I absolutely not to the opportunity that you escape!!” Immortal Azure Dragon also understands, their four Great Sage beasts, the skill of fight possibly has the weakness. “我绝对不会给你逃跑的机会!!”仙青龙也明白,他们四大圣兽,打架的本事可能有强有弱。 Skill that but escapes, that is inherits, is ability that several generations of Saint beasts accumulate. 但逃跑的本事,那都是传承出来的,是几代圣兽积累下来的能力。 That absolutely is strongest. 那绝对是最强的。 Once immortal Black Tortoise uses this escape skill, he wants to catch up is almost not possible. 一旦仙玄武使用出这种逃命本事的话,那他想要追上几乎是不可能的。 You may probably stare to tighten me, if gives me the opportunity, I will escape momentarily!!” Immortal Black Tortoise said, to capture his body the immortal Azure Dragon attention. “那你可要盯紧我了,万一给我机会,我可是随时都会逃掉的!!”仙玄武这么说,是为了将仙青龙的目光吸引到他的身上。 Also to let immortal Azure Dragon places his escaping above more thoughts. 同时也是为了让仙青龙把更多的心思放在他逃跑上面。 He is to give Xia Tian to win the time as far as possible. 他就是要尽可能给夏天争取时间。 Bang! 轰! Immortal Black Tortoise, you really made a wrong decision, after I ate you, I will not let off your Black Tortoise clan absolutely, I will slaughter cleanly your Black Tortoise clan!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon starts to get angry exclaims. “仙玄武,你真的是做了一个错误的决定,等我吃了你之后,我绝对不会放过你们玄武一族,我会将你们玄武一族屠杀干净!!!”仙青龙开始怒吼道。 If not immortal Black Tortoise is helping Xia Tian, that this fights the probability that he wins is 100%. 如果不是仙玄武帮着夏天的话,那这场战斗他获胜的几率就是百分之百的。 But now. 可现在。 Presented so many accidents. 却出现了这么多的变故。 Although he also thinks oneself will certainly win, but he thought somewhat restlesses. 虽然他也认为自己一定会获胜,但他还是觉得有些心神不宁。 Un? 嗯? At this moment. 就在这时。 He feels suddenly, oneself is injured there, was sneak attacked by Xia Tian again: Snort, how, wants to return to e within the body again, you felt, I will give you again the opportunity?” 他突然感觉到,自己受伤那里,再次遭受到夏天的偷袭:“哼,怎么,想要再次回到莪体内,你觉得,我会再给你那个机会吗?” Saying that immortal Azure Dragon disdains. 青龙非常不屑的说道。 Afterward he mechanism that arranges there starts. 随后他在那里布置的机关发动。 Strong impulse instantaneously Xia Tian to flying. 强大的冲击力瞬间将夏天冲飞。 He wants to seize this opportunity, extinguishes Xia Tian thoroughly kills. 他想要抓住这个机会,彻底将夏天灭杀。 Xia Tian that but is flying upside down, the body vanished in suddenly same place, this vanished baseless. 可正在倒飞出去的夏天,身体突然消失在了原地,就这样凭空消失了。 Teleport?” Immortal azure Long Yi stares. 瞬移吗?”仙青龙一愣。 „It is not right, is not Teleport, why will he disappear suddenly?” “不对,不是瞬移,那他为什么会突然消失?” ! 呼! Gale raids. 一股强风袭来。 Blew his body directly. 直接吹到了他的身上。 „Don't you find it ridiculous? This method to me, a use does not have.” Immortal Azure Dragon thinks the attack that immortal Black Tortoise launches is the joke seems to be ordinary. “你不觉得可笑吗?这种手段对我来说,一点用处都没有。”仙青龙认为仙玄武发动的攻击仿佛是笑话一般。 Cannot become any injury to other party. 根本就不能给他造成任何的伤害。 Bang! 轰! Immortal azure Long Yi strikes repels immortal Black Tortoise directly. 仙青龙一击直接将仙玄武击退。 Un? 嗯? At this moment, he felt suddenly oneself within the body transmits the severe pain again. 就在这时,他突然感觉到自己的体内再次传来剧痛。 What?” This type felt that he was too familiar, before is Xia Tian, crashes in his within the body to conduct the feeling of sneak attack to him, now he felt that oneself within the body as if must blast open to be the same, the entire body was cut open. “什么?”这种感觉他太熟悉了,就是夏天之前冲进他体内对他进行偷袭的感觉,现在他感觉自己的体内仿佛要炸裂开来一样,整个身体都被切开了。 He is not clear. 他不明白。 This outcome what's the matter. 这究竟是怎么回事。 Oneself are obviously careful. 自己明明已经非常小心了。 How that does Xia Tian enter to his within the body? 夏天是如何进入到他体内的? Actually this is very simple. 其实这很简单。 Is all things. 就是森罗万象。 Xia Tian hides into all things, following the inertia strength, making the dust fly to immortal Azure Dragon, finally the immortal Black Tortoise artillery attack, hits all at once, the self-defence of immortal Azure Dragon to is proud, therefore he will definitely not defend, if he conducts the defense, can certainly keep off Xia Tian outside. 夏天躲入森罗万象之中,顺着惯性的力量,让灰尘飞向仙青龙,最后仙玄武一股气炮攻击,打出去的时候,仙青龙对自己的防御非常自负,所以他肯定不会防御,如果他进行防御的话,就一定可以将夏天挡在外面。 The words that but he does not defend, Xia Tian can follow weapon delivery run of air/Qi artillery to his within the body. 可他不防御的话,夏天就可以顺着气炮的攻击进入到他的体内。 This time. 这一次。 The Xia Tian study was intelligent. 夏天学聪明了。 Starts to attack in the different positions, to prevent immortal Azure Dragon will spit, he in immortal Azure Dragon within the body, made many to hide to resist, in this case, immortal Azure Dragon, even if wanted through ripping open outside skin grasps him is still not possible. 开始在不同的位置进行攻击,而且为了防止仙青龙将自己吐出来,他在仙青龙的体内,制造了多个藏身抵挡,这样的话,仙青龙就算是想要通过撕开外面皮肤把他抓出去也是不可能的。 His eyes can see through all. 他的双眼能够看穿一切。 So long as he discovered that immortal Azure Dragon has that movement, he will certainly change another place fast. 只要他发现仙青龙有那个动作,那他就一定会快速换到另外一个地方。 This movement is quick. 这种动作非常快。 Moreover he creates the opportunity with Gold Thread. 而且他是用金线来制造机会的。 In this case, even if he did not let slip carefully, he can still rely on the Gold Thread strength, is flying. 这样的话,就算是他不小心失手了,他也可以借助金线的力量,在飞回来。 ! ! 噗!噗! The body of Xia Tian unceasing cutting immortal Azure Dragon, swallows the immortal Azure Dragon flesh simultaneously. 夏天不断的切割仙青龙的身体,同时吞噬仙青龙的血肉。 Father's appetite is very big, I thought that you have many flesh enough me to eat!!!” Xia Tian also seizes this opportunity, started to eat crazily. “老子的胃口可是很大的,我看你有多少血肉够我吃的!!!”夏天也是抓住这个机会,开始疯狂的吃了起来。 Unceasing swaying back and forth of immortal Azure Dragon pain. 青龙痛的不断打滚。 His attack is also scatters in all directions. 他的攻击也是四散而来。 Immortal Black Tortoise to give Xia Tian manufacture opportunity. 仙玄武为了给夏天制造机会。 Also is the earliest possible time comes up to prevent the immortal Azure Dragon movement. 也是第一时间上去阻止仙青龙的动作。 Bang! 砰! Goes away to me!” The attack of immortal Azure Dragon striked to fly immortal Black Tortoise directly. “给我滚开!”仙青龙的攻击直接将仙玄武打飞了出去。 But immortal Black Tortoise also unceasing flies. 但仙玄武也是不断的飞回来。 The time that he wins are more much, the Xia Tian opportunity is also bigger. 他争取的时间越多,夏天的机会也就越大。 Then. 接下来。 Is the opportunity that they overturn, is the opportunity that they win only. 就将是他们翻盘的机会的,也是他们唯一获胜的机会。
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