AS :: Volume #124

#12330: Invincible

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Immortal Black Tortoise had been released from all things by Xia Tian. 仙玄武已经被夏天从森罗万象之中释放出来了。 Immortal Black Tortoise presents di at that moment. 仙玄武出现旳那一刻。 The world seemed vibrated generally. 天地都仿佛被震动了一般。 The powerful pressure makes everyone all not dare to be on the rise. 强大的威压让所有人全都不敢抬头。 This is...” “这是...” Immortal Hyunmoo Senior!!!” Taihao and the others saw immortal Black Tortoise time, stares in a big way the eyes. “仙前辈!!!”太昊等人看到仙玄武的时候,也是瞪大了双眼。 Is this main body of immortal Black Tortoise? 这就是仙玄武的本体吗? They before have communicated in Xia Tian within the body and immortal Black Tortoise. 他们之前都是在夏天体内和仙玄武沟通过的。 But not true has seen immortal Black Tortoise. 但并没有真正的见过仙玄武。 Now. 现在。 They can see the main body of immortal Black Tortoise finally. 他们终于可以见到仙玄武的本体了。 Immortal Black Tortoise?” Hears this name time. “仙玄武?”听到这个称呼的时候。 Everyone's attitude is different. 所有人的态度都是不一样的。 Alliance's here person started to be excited, because now opposite party strongest was immortal Azure Dragon, his great strength, has surpassed all, this made the people not have the opportunity of resistance. 联盟这边的人开始兴奋起来了,因为现在对方最强的就是仙青龙,他的强大,已经超出一切了,这就让众人连反抗的机会都没有。 But now. 可现在。 Presented and existence of immortal Azure Dragon similar rank, this was different. 出现了和仙青龙同样级别的存在,这就不一样了。 Immortal Black Tortoise can definitely temporarily and immortal Azure Dragon opposite party. 仙玄武完全可以暂时和仙青龙对方。 They can beat others. 那他们就可以去击败其他的人。 Finally this fights they not to lose. 最后这场战斗他们就没有输。 Hands over me him, you first deal with others, the seal they, I can cut to kill as far as possible!!” Xia Tian shouts loudly. “把他交个我,你们先去对付其他人,尽量封印他们,我会一个一个斩杀!!”夏天大声喊道。 Everyone may understand the Xia Tian skill. 大家可都是非常了解夏天的本事的。 They also trust Xia Tian. 他们也非常信任夏天 Believes that Xia Tian has the skill that cuts to kill these people. 相信夏天有斩杀那些人的本事。 Depends on you, wants to block me?” Immortal Azure Dragon disdains looks at front immortal Black Tortoise. “就凭你们,也想挡住我吗?”仙青龙非常不屑的看着面前的仙玄武。 Does not give a try, how to know is good?” Xia Tian asked. “不试试看,怎么知道行不行呢?”夏天问道。 Even his heyday, possibly is not my opponent, not to mention his present condition, although he now is the condition of resurrecting, but his present condition is away from his in peak condition also to miss many, in this case, how does he fight with me?” Immortal Azure Dragon does not think that their strengths have what comparability. “就算是他全盛时期,也不可能是我的对手,更不用说他现在的状态了,虽然他现在是复活的状态,但他现在的状态距离他的巅峰状态还差很多,在这种情况下,他怎么和我打?”仙青龙根本就不认为他们的实力有什么可比性。 If both sides hit in the same place. 双方如果打在一起的话。 Immortal Black Tortoise also absolutely possibly is not his opponent. 仙玄武也绝对不可能是他的对手。 Our mission do not strike to kill you, but constrains you, can your present condition, how long shoulder? So long as the time arrives, you radical dissipation in this stretch of the world.” Xia Tian said that this words, to let immortal Azure Dragon worry, so long as immortal Azure Dragon worries, he will certainly make mistakes. “我们的任务不是击杀你,而是拖住你,你现在的状态,能扛住多久?只要时间一到,那你就会彻底的消散在这片天地间。”夏天说这种话,就是为了让仙青龙着急,只要仙青龙着急,那他就一定会犯错。 Xia Tian wants to look is the opportunity that he makes mistakes. 夏天想要找的就是他犯错的机会。 Otherwise. 不然的话。 Immortal Azure Dragon of this condition, is not he can resist. 这种状态的仙青龙,根本就不是他所能对抗的。 I first killed you, so long as I ate immortal Black Tortoise, I same can resurrect, although condition almost, so long as I resurrected, I can the little restoration to my in peak condition!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon fiercely looks at Xia Tian and immortal Black Tortoise. “那我就先杀了你们,只要我吃了仙玄武,那我一样可以复活,虽然状态会差一点,但只要我复活了,我就可以一点点的恢复到自己的巅峰状态!!!”仙青龙恶狠狠的看着夏天和仙玄武。 In his look is completely murderous aura. 他的眼神之中尽是杀气 But at this time. 而此时。 Other spirits have also hit. 其他的灵也已经打起来了。 Xia Tian their here people do not have the escape route. 夏天他们这边的人是没有退路的。 Is unafraid of death, they understand, if lost, they die either, either was enslaved, this is not the scene that wants to see. 一个个视死如归,他们都明白,如果输了,那他们要么死,要么被奴役,这可不是他们想要看到的场面。 Therefore. 所以。 They can only win. 他们只能赢。 But another side, actually has own axe to grind, when especially they saw immortal Black Tortoise appears, had an anxiety of faint trace at heart, even they possibly felt that this fight will really have the accident/surprise. 但另外一边,却是各怀鬼胎,特别是当他们看到仙玄武出现的时候,心里也出现了一丝丝的疑虑,甚至他们可能感觉这场战斗真的会出现意外。 Immortal Azure Dragon appears. 一个仙青龙出现。 Is definitely invincible. 肯定是无敌的。 But appears in an immortal Black Tortoise now, that accident/surprise will appear. 可现在出现在了一个仙玄武,那意外就会出现。 Especially the condition of immortal Azure Dragon present, before is them, thinks the worst condition, because in this condition, immortal Azure Dragon enters to the fight pattern in temporarily, is not really resurrects, if cannot swallow immortal Black Tortoise in this condition, that lost 100 percent. 特别是仙青龙现在的这个状态,是他们之前认为最坏的状态,因为在这个状态下,仙青龙只是暂时进入到战斗模式之中,并不是真的复活,如果在这个状态下不能吞噬仙玄武的话,那就满盘皆输了。 This makes them think ahead of time the way of escaping. 这就让他们都会提前想好逃命的方式。 If fights becomes not really controllable. 如果战斗真的变得不可控了。 They can also escape at least. 那他们最起码还可以逃跑。 A side pledges to fight to the death the fight, a side is actually thinking how to escape. 一方誓死战斗,一方却想着怎么逃跑。 The fight naturally was nothing too suspense. 战斗自然是没有什么太大的悬念了。 Another side. 另外一边。 Xia Tian to avoid the attack of immortal Azure Dragon injures accidentally to the person of alliance, he fight will also draw in the position that insect clan Dajun was at specially little, in this case, these attacks that even if he evades, can still hit directly in insect clan Dajun. 夏天为了避免仙青龙的攻击误伤到联盟的人,他还特意将战斗一点点拉到了虫族大军所在的位置上,这样的话,就算是他躲过的那些攻击,也可以直接打在虫族大军之中。 Extinguishing as far as possible kills more insect clans. 尽可能的灭杀更多的虫族。 This is the attack of immortal Azure Dragon. 这可是仙青龙的攻击。 His attack regarding these insect clans, is completely destructive. 他的攻击对于这些虫族来说,完全是毁灭性的。 You think that I cannot look at your goal, consumes the insect clan with my attack, pitifully, your wishful thinking with the wrong place, I did not only care about the lives of these insect clans, even if killed off their me not to care, so long as I am living, such insect clan slave, I wanted many to have many, will be only stronger than them!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon thinks oneself have grasped the Xia Tian psychology. “你以为我看不出来你的目的吗,用我的攻击来消耗虫族,只可惜,你的如意算盘用错地方了,我根本就不在乎这些虫族的死活,哪怕杀光他们我也不在乎,只要我活着,这样的虫族奴隶,我要多少有多少,只会比他们更强!!!”仙青龙认为自己已经掌握了夏天的心理。 But he does not know. 可他并不知道。 Xia Tian does not care about him to have many subordinate. 夏天根本就不在乎他有多少手下。 What Xia Tian cares is reduces the pressure on own brothers. 夏天在乎的是给自己的兄弟们减少压力。 As far as possible cuts the insect disinfestation clan. 尽可能的多斩杀虫族。 And. 而且。 Xia Tian can also use the attacks of these insect clans to help him delay the time. 夏天也可以利用这些虫族的攻击来帮他拖延时间。 Continues to delay the time the significance actually is also not big, we were impossible to delay to him died.” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “继续这么拖延时间的意义其实也是不大的,我们不可能拖延到他死亡的。”仙玄武提醒道。 The immortal Azure Dragon strength he too understood. 青龙的实力他太了解了。 According to his inheritance memory understanding. 根据他的传承记忆了解。 The immortal Azure Dragon strength is incomparable formidable. 青龙的实力是无比强悍的。 Impossible defeating easily. 根本就不可能轻易的击败。 Moreover he strongest is the lethality, in the face of his strong lethality, the approach of protracted time is the biggest mistake, so long as because you were hit strike, time that following attack being similar violent storm general pounding down, these attacks will pound, destroying the strength is very terrifying. 而且他最强的就是杀伤力,在他强大的杀伤力面前,拖延时间的做法是最大的错误,因为只要你被命中一击,那接下来的攻击就会仿佛狂风暴雨一般的砸下,这些攻击砸下来的时候,毁灭力是非常恐怖的。 That is a mistake, was step by step wrong. 那就是一步错,步步错了。 No matter Xia Tian many methods, he cannot use when the time comes. 不管夏天到时候有多少手段,他都用不出来。 That counter-attacks, on him does not have the flesh wound that he himself makes, although this flesh wound is healing, but there and defensive powers of his body other spots definitely do not fall into the same ranking, so long as we attack that spot, can become the injury to other party.” Xia Tian got hold of own fist. “那就反攻,他身上不是有他自己制造的外伤嘛,虽然这个外伤正在愈合,但那里和他身体其他部位的防御力肯定不是一个等级的,只要我们攻击那个部位,就可以对他造成伤害。”夏天握紧了自己的拳头。 I said that the protracted time is not the means that but counter-attacks, was more difficult, do not look that on him has the little wound, but his resiliency is very terrifying . Moreover the upfront fight, we will defeat quickly.” Immortal Black Tortoise does not think oneself are the immortal Azure Dragon opponent. “我说拖延时间不是办法,但反攻嘛,更困难了,你别看他身上有一点点的伤,但他的恢复力是非常恐怖的,而且正面战斗,我们很快就会败下来的。”仙玄武可不认为自己是仙青龙的对手。 Especially in this case. 特别是在这种情况下。 Among them disparity. 他们之间的差距。 Sounds probably not big, but once hits. 听上去好像没有多大,可一旦打起来。 This disparity will be getting bigger and bigger. 这个差距就会越来越大。 Bang! 轰! Immortal Black Tortoise blocked the attack of opposite party. 仙玄武挡住了对方的攻击。 Xia Tian also saw. 夏天也看到了。 Absolute of immortal Black Tortoise defended unexpectedly to present a crack of faint trace. 仙玄武的绝对防御居然出现了一丝丝的裂纹。 „Is disparity so big?” Xia Tian surprised saying. “差距这么大吗?”夏天惊讶的说道。 Naturally, to our ranks, the disparity will be getting bigger and bigger, moreover in the event of the mistake, can only escape, but we have not been able to escape now, once we escaped, the people of alliance must die without doubt!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise helpless saying. “当然了,到了我们这个级别,差距会越来越大,而且一旦出现差错,就只能逃命,但现在我们还不能逃,一旦我们逃了,联盟的人必死无疑!!!”仙玄武无奈的说道。 Now. 现在。 He was also nothing the means. 他也是没有什么好办法了。 At once. 一时之间。 All pressure again second rollings on Xia Tian. 所有的压力再次压在夏天身上。 Chapter 12333 is invincible 第12333章不可战胜
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