AS :: Volume #124

#12329: Who eats whom

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The voice of immortal Black Tortoise appeared. 仙玄武的声音出现了。 Almost, if not Wang Jue, di is really dying!!!” Xia Tian just also felt feeling that oneself must die. “差一点点,如果不是界王决的话,就真旳要死了!!!”夏天刚刚也感觉到自己要死亡的感觉了。 However Wang Jue also really rescued his life again. 不过界王决也真的是再次救了他一命。 Wang Jue not only can swallow all. 界王决不但可以吞噬一切。 Also can digest all. 也可以消化一切。 Although the dirty blood the terrifying, but under Wang Jue's strong digestion ability, condensed the body of Xia Tian, because Xia Tian ate many immortal Azure Dragon flesh essence, making his mortal body condense the speed to speed up. 污血虽然恐怖,但在界王决的强大消化能力之下,重新凝聚了夏天的身体,而且因为夏天吃了很多仙青龙的血肉精华,让他的肉身凝聚速度加快。 Then had the feeling of unexpectedly finding a way out. 这才有了绝处逢生的感觉。 Especially finally. 特别是最后。 Wang Jue unexpectedly will smear in the blood pond bloody water to eat clean. 界王决居然将污血池里面的血水吃光了。 You are living well!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你活着就好!!”仙玄武感慨道。 You how?” Xia Tian asked. “您怎么样?”夏天问道。 I was eaten, at that time also digested that strength completely, he first resurrects successfully compared with me, reason that because the blood is addicted, his strength is stronger, he while I am unable to defend, directly me swallows, in this case, he even if finally suffers backlash that the blood is addicted, could not die.” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “我被吃了,当时还完全消化那股力量,他比我先复活成功,而且因为血嗜的缘故,他的力量更强,他趁着我无法防御的时候,直接将我吞下,在这种情况下,他最后就算是遭受到血嗜的反噬,也死不了了。”仙玄武感慨道。 Also can mobilize own strength?” Xia Tian asked. “还能调动自己的力量吗?”夏天问道。 Can, so long as I had not been digested, I can mobilize my strength to give you to use, the strength that but can mobilize now are not many!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “能,只要我还没有被消化,我就可以调动我的力量给你使用,不过现在能调动的力量并不多!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Was enough, I will first save you, when the time comes, we cope with him together!!!” Xia Tian naturally understands, although oneself present resurrected . Moreover the body had some changes, but also has very big disparity with immortal Azure Dragon. “足够了,我会先将你救出来,到时候,我们一起对付他!!!”夏天自然明白,虽然自己现在复活了,而且身体发生了一些变化,但和仙青龙之间还有很大的差距。 This time immortal Azure Dragon has also stared at ten third-class people. 此时的仙青龙也已经盯上了十三等人。 You predecease!!!” The attack of immortal Azure Dragon hit to ten third-class people. “你们就先死吧!!!”仙青龙的攻击打向了十三等人。 However at this moment. 不过就在这时。 Xia Tian suddenly appears, he kept off in the immortal Azure Dragon front directly. 夏天突然出现,他直接挡在了仙青龙的面前。 ! 噗! The attack of immortal Azure Dragon penetrated the body of Xia Tian. 青龙的攻击穿透了夏天的身体。 Xia Tian!!!” Sees is Xia Tian time, everyone is on the face one happy, why does not know, so long as Xia Tian, them will have the energy very much. 夏天!!!”看到是夏天的时候,所有人都是脸上一喜,不知道为什么,只要夏天在,他们就会很有底气。 But now is not the happy time. 可现在不是开心的时候。 Because they saw. 因为他们都看到了。 The body of Xia Tian was penetrated by the attack of immortal Azure Dragon. 夏天的身体被仙青龙的攻击穿透了。 Your unexpectedly has not died!!” Immortal Azure Dragon is also very surprised. “你居然还没死!!”仙青龙也是非常惊讶。 He thinks that oneself is right the smashing that Xia Tian hit, but Xia Tian unexpectedly is also living now. 他认为自己已经将夏天打的粉碎了才对,可夏天现在居然还活着。 Depends on your reptile, wants to kill me?” Xia Tian disdains looks at front immortal Azure Dragon. “就凭你这条爬虫,也想杀我?”夏天非常不屑的看着面前的仙青龙 On his face is completely the meaning of taunt. 他的脸上尽是嘲讽之意。 Reptile. 爬虫。 Hears these two characters time. 听到这两个字的时候。 The immortal Azure Dragon anger rises suddenly instantaneously, no one dares to describe him, his unexpectedly was called is the reptile. 青龙的怒火瞬间暴涨,从来没有人敢这么形容他,他居然被人称呼为爬虫。 How this makes him be able to accept. 这让他如何能够接受。 Your courting death!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon directly flushed, opens his big mouth, he wants to eat Xia Tian directly, like this he can digest Xia Tian. “你找死!!!”仙青龙直接冲了过来,张开他的血盆大口,他就是想要将夏天直接吃掉,这样他就可以将夏天消化掉了。 Be careful!!” Corrupt wolf and the others quickly shout. “小心!!”贪狼等人急忙喊道。 This time corrupt wolf has also gotten back. 此时的贪狼也已经恢复过来。 He saw with one's own eyes Xia Tian to be eaten by immortal Azure Dragon like this. 他亲眼看到夏天被仙青龙就这样吃掉了。 The hope that just presented that did not have, these person of moods are collapse simply, they do not know how should describe own feelings. 刚刚出现的希望,就这么没了,现场的这些人心情简直就是崩溃的,他们不知道该如何形容自己的心情。 Hahahaha!!! 哈哈哈哈!!! „Is this your hopes? Now your hope by immortal Sir Azure Dragon eating.” Your sovereigns laugh were saying. “这就是你们的希望吗?现在你们的希望已经被仙青龙大人给吃了。”君皇大笑着说道。 He felt. 他感觉。 This group of people look like the joke to be the same. 这群人就像是笑话一般。 So-called hope. 所谓的希望。 In front of immortal Azure Dragon, is the trash. 在仙青龙面前,就是垃圾罢了。 I must revenge to Xia Tian!!” 13 rush, but his one round has not shouldered, was struck to fly by immortal Azure Dragon directly. “我要给夏天报仇!!”十三冲了上去,可他连一个回合都没扛住,就被仙青龙直接击飞。 However. 不过。 Present Xia Tian may not have that easy death. 现在的夏天可没那么容易死亡。 Xia Tian after was swallowed by immortal Azure Dragon, follows the immortal Azure Dragon body to fly directly to inside, in a while, found by stubbornly fetter the body of immortal Black Tortoise, this time immortal Black Tortoise body was being digested fast. 夏天在被仙青龙吞噬之后,直接顺着仙青龙身体向里面飞去,没过多久,就找到了被死死束缚的仙玄武的身体,此时的仙玄武身体正在被快速的消化着。 Wang Jue! 界王决! Swallow! 吞噬! Xia Tian will fetter the silk thread of immortal Black Tortoise to swallow completely. 夏天将束缚仙玄武的丝线全部吞噬掉。 Afterward receives immortal Black Tortoise to all things. 随后将仙玄武收入到森罗万象之中。 Handled!!” Xia Tian exciting saying. “搞定了!!”夏天兴奋的说道。 Your boy also is really counter Heavens!, is that classification person unable to achieve specially, even unthinkable matter!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你小子还真是逆天啊,专门去做那种别人做不到,甚至连想都不敢想的事情!!”仙玄武感慨道。 He has not really thought. 他是真的没想到。 Xia Tian unexpectedly dares to go into immortal Azure Dragon within the body to save him. 夏天居然敢跑到仙青龙的体内来救他。 At this time. 此时。 The surroundings also innumerable silk threads also tied up to approach Xia Tian. 周围也无数的丝线也捆绑向了夏天 Xia Tian has not revolted. 夏天没有反抗。 His body was digested like this. 他的身体就这样被消化。 Finally changed into a beach dirty blood. 最后化为了一滩污血。 May smear the blood to condense quickly. 可污血很快就重新凝聚。 Turns into the Xia Tian appearance again. 再次变成夏天的模样。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Golden Blade appears in his hands, since he started to cut the immortal Azure Dragon flesh from the interior directly, later started the big mouth ate. 金刀出现在他的手中,他直接开始从内部切起了仙青龙的血肉,随后开始大口的吃了起来。 Although his body unceasing was digested, but can condense each time, after condensing Xia Tian, is continues to start to eat the immortal Azure Dragon flesh. 虽然他的身体正在不断的被消化,但每次都可以重新凝聚,重新凝聚之后的夏天,也是继续开始吃仙青龙的血肉。 Fighting immortal Azure Dragon felt suddenly own within the body transmits the severe pain. 正在战斗的仙青龙突然感觉到自己的体内传来剧痛。 „It is not good!!” Immortal Azure Dragon clearly what happened. “不好!!”仙青龙明白发生了什么事。 Because Xia Tian had eaten his flesh before time, present Xia Tian unexpectedly came this set. 因为之前夏天就已经吃过一次他的血肉了,现在的夏天居然又来了这一套。 He does not think clearly. 他想不明白。 Why own strong digestion ability is unable to digest Xia Tian. 为什么自己的强大消化能力无法将夏天消化。 However now does not say these times, he wants to spit Xia Tian. 不过现在不是说这些的时候,他想要将夏天吐出来。 But Xia Tian is actually not willing to come out. 夏天却不肯出来。 Such unceasing is eating the flesh in his within the body, resistance immortal Azure Dragon furiously spits his action. 就这样不断的在他体内吃着血肉,奋力的抵抗仙青龙吐他的举动。 He how?” The people of alliance see the immortal Azure Dragon appearance strangely also. “他怎么了?”联盟的人看到仙青龙的样子也是非常的奇怪。 Is Xia Tian!!!” The corrupt wolf quickly shouts. “是夏天!!!”贪狼急忙喊道。 Hearing is Xia Tian time. 听到是夏天的时候。 The people as if saw the hope again. 众人仿佛再次看到了希望。 Starts to launch the attack to immortal Azure Dragon. 纷纷开始对仙青龙发动攻击。 Your this group of people, damn, I will kill off you!!” Immortal Azure Dragon saw the stinking insect in these his eye, unexpectedly also dares to attack him while this time, this let his anger. “你们这群人,都该死,我会杀光你们!!”仙青龙看到这些他眼中的臭虫,居然还敢趁着这个时候攻击他,这就让他更加的愤怒了。 Now. 现在。 He does not have thoughts manages these people. 他没心思管这些人。 Gave the man-machine meeting of alliance on the contrary. 反倒是给了联盟的人机会。 His big. 他的个头大。 Without revolting, does not counter-attack, is the living target. 在不反抗,不反击的时候,就是活靶子。 Hit also flutters unceasingly. 被打的也是不断翻飞。 Protection immortal Sir Azure Dragon!!!” Your sovereigns they also saw that the situation is not right, quickly shouts. “保护仙青龙大人!!!”君皇他们也看出情况不对了,急忙喊道。 Afterward. 随后。 both sides continued to hit in one. 双方继续打在了一起。 Immortal Azure Dragon by incomparable pain of Lane Xia Tian, no matter how he makes an effort, is unable Xia Tian spitting. 青龙夏天的无比痛苦,不管他怎么用力,都无法将夏天给吐出来。 Xia Tian has hidden in his flesh. 夏天已经藏在他的血肉之中。 This lets his incomparable depression. 这就让他无比的郁闷。 Hateful, you think that my didn't have the means to cope with you?” After immortal Azure Dragon said that the direct claw patted on own body. “可恶,你以为我这样就没办法对付你了吗?”仙青龙说完之后,直接一爪子拍在了自己的身上。 He rips open an opening oneself powerful scale. 他将自己的强大鳞片撕开一个口子。 Afterward to there is being. 随后对着自己那里就是一下。 ! 噗! Flesh and blood flying in all directions. 血肉横飞。 But similarly, he also Xia Tian forcefully gave drawing from that gap. 但同样的,他也将夏天硬生生的从那个缺口给拉了出来。 Your also really ruthless Ah!!!” Xia Tian saw that the immortal Azure Dragon appearance says with emotion. “你还真狠啊!!!”夏天看到仙青龙的样子感慨道。 I must kill you!!” Immortal Azure Dragon shouts. “我要杀了你!!”仙青龙喊道。 Pitifully, you do not have the opportunity.” The body of Xia Tian moves, a colossus appears under his body. “可惜,你已经没有机会了。”夏天的身体一动,一个庞然大物出现在他的身下。
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