AS :: Volume #124

#12328: Invincible immortal Azure Dragon

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Everyone di vision all looked to the position of central tower. 所有人旳目光全都看向了中心塔的位置。 But the people and insect clans in seal four states at this time in abundance knees down: See immortal Sir Azure Dragon.” 而封闭四州的人和虫族此时纷纷单膝跪地:“参见仙青龙大人。” A huge form appears in the front of people. 一道巨大的身影出现在众人的面前。 Azure Dragon. 青龙 Immortal Azure Dragon. 青龙 Length several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m). 长数万丈。 Moreover body each piece of scales seem like jet black incomparable, defensive power not unimaginable that type. 而且身上每一片鳞甲看上去都是漆黑无比,防御力无法想象的那一种。 Awe-inspiring. 威风八面。 A look. 一个眼神。 Makes their whole body shiver. 就让他们浑身颤抖。 This is not existences of their rank. 这根本就不是他们这个级别的存在啊。 How this hits!!!” In the innermost feelings of people starts to present the fear. “这怎么打!!!”众人的内心之中开始出现恐惧。 They do not know how at this time should describe own feelings. 他们此时不知道该如何形容自己的心情。 Sees corrupt wolf wound, they have been able to know that the immortal Azure Dragon striking power some were much fearful. 看到贪狼身上的伤,他们就已经可以知道仙青龙的攻击力到底有多可怕了。 Azure Long Yi clan. 龙一族。 Is existence in legend. 原本就是传说中的存在。 That immortal Azure Dragon. 那仙青龙呢。 Hateful, even immortal Azure Dragon how?” Some people did not believe in evil doctrines, launched oneself attack. “可恶,就算是仙青龙又如何?”有人不信邪,发动了自己的攻击。 But his attack hits on the black scale of immortal Azure Dragon, basic on does not have any injury, on scale of immortal Azure Dragon, but left behind a scratch. 可他的攻击打在仙青龙的黑色鳞片上,根本就没有任何的伤害,仙青龙的鳞片上,只是留下了一道划痕而已。 This “这” People thorough was scared. 众人彻底的傻眼了。 This lets them in the flash, lost the confidence of fight. 这让他们在一瞬间,就失去了战斗的信心啊。 „Aren't you clear? In the front of immortal Sir Azure Dragon, your weak is ordinary with the ants, not possible and immortal Sir Azure Dragon places on a par, if immortal Sir Azure Dragon wants to kill you, moves the matter of being moved head!!!!” Your sovereigns at this time very excited. “你们还不明白吗?在仙青龙大人的面前,你们弱的跟蝼蚁一般,根本就不可能和仙青龙大人相提并论,仙青龙大人如果想要杀你们,就是动动念头的事情!!!!”君皇此时非常的兴奋。 Just they hit unusual was miserable. 刚刚他们可是被打的非常惨啊。 Since battle. 自从开战以来。 His here loss is big, this lets his incomparable depression. 他这边的损失非常大,这就让他无比的郁闷。 Now. 现在。 They finally won. 他们终于赢了。 Taihao rubbish, killed directly. 太昊没有废话,直接杀了上来。 His present body is nine levels of spirit. 他现在的身体就是九级灵。 Although strength formidable of opposite party, but he before and immortal Black Tortoise has had many communications, he does not believe that immortal Azure Dragon that just resurrected can have the peak condition. 虽然对方的实力强悍,但他以前和仙玄武还是有过不少沟通的,他不相信,刚刚复活的仙青龙就能有巅峰的状态。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! His attack hitting time and time again to immortal Azure Dragon. 他的攻击一次又一次的打向了仙青龙 Brothers, on together!!!” 13 shout loudly. “兄弟们,一起上!!!”十三大声喊道。 Afterward. 随后。 These Expert of divine land launched oneself attack in abundance. 神州的那些高手纷纷发动了自己的攻击。 The long life also responded: Everyone attacks together, our so many spirits, how even is he Azure Dragon?” 长生灵也反应过来了:“大家一起攻击,我们这么多的灵,就算是他是青龙又如何?” Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰!轰! Attack unceasing hitting of people on the body of immortal Azure Dragon. 众人的攻击不断的打在仙青龙的身上。 The immortal Azure Dragon defensive power incomparable terrifying, these attacks have not become what too big injury to other party, enraged him on the contrary. 青龙的防御力无比恐怖,这些攻击并没有给他造成什么太大的伤害,反倒是激怒了他。 One flock of ants, you should same die to just that person.” Person Xia Tian that he said. “一群蝼蚁,你们就应该向刚刚那个人一样死去。”他说的人正是夏天 Just. 在刚刚。 He finally Xia Tian thorough routing, but Xia Tian also left behind many grief to him, not only drank many dirty blood, but also ate his most flesh, harmed he cannot restore to the complete body, but regarding the present him, cannot restore to the complete body is not the issue. 他终于将夏天彻底的击溃,不过夏天也给他留下了不少的伤痛,不但喝了很多的污血,而且还吃掉了他大部分的血肉,害的他不能恢复到完全体,不过对于现在他来说,不能恢复到完全体也不是什么问题。 Bang! 轰! His attack makes. 他的攻击打出。 The attack can each time relaxed makes into the assimilation a spirit. 每次攻击都能轻松的将一个灵打成同化。 Even because of his strength oversized reason, this made into the spirit of assimilation, in a short time unexpectedly is unable the meeting again body. 甚至因为他力量过大的缘故,这个被打成同化的灵,短时间内居然无法重聚身体。 Because impulse unexpectedly has existed. 因为冲击力居然一直存在。 Hahahaha! 哈哈哈哈! Depends on you, with attack immortal Sir Azure Dragon!!!” That side your sovereigns is the incomparable excitement. “就凭你们,也配攻击仙青龙大人!!!”君皇那边则是无比的兴奋。 In his eyes. 在他眼中。 At this time they had won completely. 此时他们已经完全获得了胜利。 Ten third-class people hear the immortal Azure Dragon words, stares: „Did Xia Tian die?” 十三等人一听到仙青龙的话,也是一愣:“夏天死了?” Originally just that person is called Xia Tian, since you are his friend, you also damn!!!” After immortal Azure Dragon said that penetrated thoroughly 13 bodies directly. “原来刚刚那个人叫做夏天,既然你是他的朋友,那你也该死!!!”仙青龙说完之后,直接一击穿透了十三的身体。 However when he wants to continue to attack. 不过在他想要上去继续攻击的时候。 The attacks of others also hit at the same time. 其他人的攻击也是在同一时间打了过来。 That side the long life united everyone, breaks the space directly, makes a space crack. 长生灵那边更是联合了大家,直接将空间打破,打出一条空间裂缝。 Afterward they use prepare the good impulse ahead of time. 随后他们利用提前准备好的冲击力。 Gave to project on the space crack immortal Azure Dragon directly forcefully. 直接将仙青龙硬生生给打到了空间裂缝之中。 Patching space!!” The long life quickly shouts. “修补空间!!”长生灵急忙喊道。 They are running against the time, each doing is very proper, everyone coordinates also very good. 他们是在和时间赛跑,每一步做的都是非常到位,大家配合的也是非常的好。 Victory?” “胜利了?” People very excited. 众人非常的兴奋。 But Taihao is actually the brow tight wrinkle: No!!” 可太昊却是眉头紧皱:“没有!!” No?” The people looked puzzled to him. “没有?”众人不解的看向了他。 Taihao was clear compared with anybody, immortal Black Tortoise had said that he has roamed through the innumerable years in the universe, since he can, how that immortal Azure Dragon possibly unable. 太昊比任何人都清楚,仙玄武曾经就说过,他是在宇宙之中遨游过无数年的,既然他能,那仙青龙又怎么可能不能呢。 In this case, although is impossible to extinguish kills him, but he is unable to come back at least in a short time!!” Some people said. “这种情况下,虽然不可能灭杀他,但最起码他短时间内无法回来了吧!!”有人说道。 But at this moment. 可就在这时。 The space had the crack. 空间出现了裂缝。 Was ripped open forcefully. 是被硬生生撕开的。 Was ripped open from outside. 被从外面撕开的。 Everyone looks that like this immortal Azure Dragon crawled from the space and time crack. 大家就这样看着仙青龙从时空裂缝之中爬了出来。 His claw grasps unusual is reliable. 他的爪子抓的非常牢固。 The air as if changed into the clouds. 空气仿佛化为了云朵。 One group of idiots, you think that what existence immortal Sir Azure Dragon is? Depending on your skills, wants to injure to immortal Sir Azure Dragon? Too was really laughable!!!” Saying that your sovereigns disdain. “一群蠢货,你们以为仙青龙大人是什么样的存在?就凭你们这点本事,也想伤害到仙青龙大人?真是太可笑了!!!”君皇非常不屑的说道。 Present he. 现在的他。 These people in front of overlooking. 就是在俯视面前的这些人。 Immortal Azure Dragon. 青龙 Is the invincible symbol. 是无敌的象征。 Although these people are spirit, is powerful, is in the immortal Azure Dragon front. 这些人虽然都是灵,一个个实力强大,可是在仙青龙的面前。 It is not anything. 根本就不算什么。 Xia Tian!!!” Ten Third Layer condensed oneself body newly, he is thinking the Xia Tian death the news. 夏天!!!”十三重新凝聚了自己的身体,他还是在想夏天死亡的消息。 This is he unacceptable. 这是他所不能接受的。 We are impossible to win!!!” These spirit present of allied armies started desperately, such terrifying existence, really kept them from imagining, cannot contend. “我们不可能赢的!!!”联军的那些灵现在一个个开始绝望了,这么恐怖的存在,是真的让他们无法想象,不可抗衡啊。 They can only feel now desperately. 他们现在只能感受到绝望。 Some things. 有些事情。 Can through change diligently, but something, are not possible to change. 是可以通过努力来改变的,但有些事情,是不可能改变的。 It looks like now front immortal Azure Dragon. 就像是现在面前的仙青龙 No matter they how diligently. 不管他们如何努力。 How to fight, puts out what card in a hand. 如何战斗,拿出什么样的底牌来。 Is useless. 都是没有用的。 In the face of absolute strength. 在绝对的实力面前。 Their these methods look very pitiful. 他们的那些手段看上去非常可怜。 You only have two choices, either submits, either death, but the Xia Tian brothers, I do not accept to submit, his brothers, must die completely!!!” The hatred of immortal Azure Dragon to Xia Tian is very deep. “你们只有两个选择,要么臣服,要么死亡,但夏天的兄弟,我不接受臣服,他的兄弟,必须全部都死掉!!!”仙青龙夏天的恨意可是非常深的。 He must destroy with Xia Tian related all. 他一定要毁灭跟夏天有关的一切。 He must make Western Paradise pay the price. 他要让西天付出代价。 Dares to destroy the price that he resurrects. 敢破坏他复活的代价。 We, even if dies, will not submit to you!!!” 13 shout loudly. “我们就算是死,也不会向你臣服!!!”十三大声喊道。 In dirty blood pond. 污血池中。 This time dirty blood disappearance gradually, the blood position little drop, is vanishing finally completely, but in the place of pit bottom, the body condensation again gradually, is condensing the Xia Tian appearance together finally. 此时的污血正在渐渐的消失,血位一点点的下降,最后全部消失,而在坑底之处,一道身体正在渐渐的重新凝聚,最后凝聚成了夏天的样子。 Just. 只不过。 Present Xia Tian. 现在的夏天 The whole body is jet black. 浑身漆黑无比。 Seemed like as if travelled from Africa was the same. 看上去仿佛是从非洲旅游了一圈回来的一样。 Moreover the body is luminous. 而且身上光亮无比。 You awoke finally, I also think that you are really dying!!!” “你终于醒了,我还以为你真的要死了!!!”
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