AS :: Volume #124

#12327: Dead end

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This was the suicide -type forms of combat, Xia Tian now already not a better way. 这才是自杀式的战斗方式,夏天现在已经没有更好的办法了。 He thinks that di is very simple, that is drinks light/only in the blood pond bloody water, since these bloody water cannot be consumed light/only, that drank the light to be good, all things inside had many lives, he cannot harm inside life, therefore he planned that traded everyone's life with own life. 他想旳很简单,那就是去喝光血池里面的血水,既然这些血水不能被消耗光,那就喝光好了,森罗万象里面有很多的生灵,他不能害了里面的生灵,所以他打算用自己的命来换所有人的命。 He is not impulsive. 他不是冲动。 But has thought carefully. 而是仔细想过了。 If makes immortal Azure Dragon successful, that the person of death must. 如果让仙青龙成功的话,那死的人就要多了。 When the time comes. 到时候。 Solely is not he must die, others will also die, all people who his brothers, his relatives and friends, he knows, will die. 不单单是他要死,其他的人也都会死,他的兄弟们,他的亲朋们,他所认识的一切人,都会死掉。 This is he intolerable. 这是他所不能容忍的。 But he to/clashes the hemorrhaging pond. 而他冲下血池。 If can immortal Azure Dragon perishes together with his death, that others do not need dead. 如果能用他的死来和仙青龙同归于尽的话,那其他的人就不需要死了。 So long as immortal Azure Dragon died. 只要仙青龙这边死亡。 That outside fight, allied armies although finally will also lose seriously, but wins certainly is the allied armies. 那外面的战斗,联军最后虽然也会损失惨重,但获胜的一定是联军。 courting death!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon sees the time that Xia Tian to/clashes, charged into Xia Tian directly. 找死!!!”仙青龙看到夏天冲下来的时候,也是直接冲向了夏天 Starts to attack Xia Tian crazily. 开始疯狂攻击夏天 This time he, solely is not the Divine Soul body. 此时的他,已经不单单是神魂体了。 But condensed the little body, although was only little, but can also be used to attack, moreover his attack formidable that attacked the time of hitting casually together, can cause a big damage to Xia Tian. 而是凝聚出了一点点的身体,虽然只是一点点,但也可以用来攻击了,而且他的攻击还是非常强悍的那种,随便一道攻击打过来的时候,都能给夏天造成不小的伤害。 Bang! 砰! When the attack hits on Xia Tian, if not the defense of immortal Black Tortoise, perhaps Xia Tian must be killed directly. 当攻击打在夏天身上的时候,如果不是仙玄武的防御,夏天恐怕都要被直接打死了。 But even this. 可就算是这样。 The incomparable aching feeling also same appears. 无比的疼痛感也一样出现。 But Xia Tian has not stopped own movement, but more drinks is quicker, his body as if never will drink general completely. 夏天并没有停止自己的动作,而是越喝越快,他的身体就仿佛是永远也不会喝满一般。 Good pain, is this attack of immortal Azure Dragon? If lets such terrifying existence resurrecting, his attack can be terrorist?” No matter Xia Tian also so many, he cannot make immortal Azure Dragon resurrect absolutely completely. “好痛啊,这就是仙青龙的攻击吗?如果让这么恐怖的存在复活的话,他的攻击会有多么恐怖?”夏天也不管那么多了,他绝对不能让仙青龙完全复活。 Otherwise. 不然的话。 It is not really able to imagine. 就真的无法想象了。 Attract! 吸! Xia Tian is dodging the attack of immortal Azure Dragon at the same time unceasingly, at the same time in did not shout at the bloody water in blood pond. 夏天一方面在不断闪躲仙青龙的攻击,一方面在不断喝血池之中的血水。 You in own courting death, even if I do not kill you, you drank so many dirty blood to die without doubt!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon shouts. “你这是在自己找死,就算是我不杀你,你喝了那么多的污血液必死无疑!!!”仙青龙喊道。 Dies must draw in you, when pad back, you are immortal Azure Dragon, I just am an average person, how died can?” The Xia Tian use knows to respond. “死也要拉上你当垫背的,你是仙青龙,我只不过是一个普通人,死了又能怎么样?”夏天使用识海回应。 Now. 现在。 He cannot open the mouth to respond. 他可不能开口回应了。 Looks that Xia Tian really does not fear death, must not shout at the light the bloody water in blood pond, immortal Azure Dragon somewhat was also hurried. 看着夏天真的是不怕死,要将血池之中的血水不断喝光,仙青龙也有些慌了。 He starts the body of crazy attack Xia Tian: Spits, you spit to me!!!” 他开始疯狂的攻击夏天的身体:“吐出来,你给我吐出来!!!” Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Immortal Azure Dragon on this attack Xia Tian time and time again. 青龙就这样一次又一次的攻击夏天 Xia Tian this time body has started to be infected by the dirty blood, the response of body becomes slow, immortal Black Tortoise gives his defense also to start to be smeared the blood to corrode, just started him also to dodge, the ability that but now, he almost dodges continually did not have. 夏天此时的身体已经开始被污血感染,身体的反应变得迟钝起来,仙玄武给他的防御也开始被污血所腐蚀,刚开始他还能闪躲,可现在,他几乎连闪躲的能力都没有了。 This. 就这样。 By an immortal azure Long Yi another attack. 被仙青龙一次又一次的攻击。 Also made his body soon reach the limit. 也让他的身体快要到极限了。 Since is not good, I eat you!!!” The right hand of Xia Tian wields. “既然还是不行,那我就吃掉你!!!”夏天的右手一挥。 Golden Blade appears in his hands, he directly Golden Blade including in mouth, later a body that bit to immortal Azure Dragon, present immortal Azure Dragon, is still recovering, was not the condition of formation, the defensive power is not very strong, in addition had the function of Golden Blade, Xia Tian really the immortal Azure Dragon flesh biting. 金刀出现在他的手中,他直接将金刀含在口中,随后一口咬向了仙青龙的身体,现在的仙青龙,身体还在恢复中,并不是成型的状态,防御力也不是很强,再加上有金刀的作用,夏天是真的将仙青龙的血肉给咬了下来。 ! 嗷! The pain shouted to shout together from the immortal Azure Dragon mouth, he felt the ache. 一道痛呼从仙青龙的口中喊出,他感受到了疼痛。 However this ache makes him very excited, so many years, he can feel the aching feeling finally. 不过这个疼痛却让他非常的兴奋,这么多年了,他终于可以感受到疼痛感了。 This familiar feeling. 这种熟悉的感觉。 Make him feel that found. 让他感觉重新找到了自我。 But quick. 可很快。 The pain sore feeling started continuously. 痛疼感就开始此起彼伏了。 This aching feeling unceasing emergence, as if must rip open general his body, his flesh unexpectedly in unceasing was gnawed to nip by Xia Tian, what is main, Xia Tian as if can see that his body weakest place is ordinary, gnaws the place that bites each time, is the weakness of his body, place that or continually is multiplying, this makes his restoration start to slow down. 这种疼痛感不断的出现,仿佛是要将他的身体撕开一般,他的血肉居然在不断的被夏天啃咬,最主要的是,夏天仿佛可以看到他身体最薄弱的地方一般,每次啃咬的地方,都是他身体的弱点,或者正在不断滋生的地方,这就让他的恢复开始变慢。 Even affected his restoration. 甚至影响了他的恢复。 Hateful, your courting death!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon starts crazy attack Xia Tian. “可恶,你找死!!!”仙青龙开始疯狂的攻击夏天 But Xia Tian no matter completely own body. 夏天完全不管自己的身体。 As to perish together with him. 仿佛就是想要和他同归于尽。 No matter but how he attacks Xia Tian. 可不管他怎么攻击夏天 Xia Tian still has not stopped own movement. 夏天依然没有停止自己的动作。 This. 就这样。 Time points pasts. 时间一点点的过去。 The person who outside is fighting also starts to attack crazily. 外面正在战斗的人也开始疯狂攻击。 Inside these big Expert start to flush away to outside. 里面这几大高手开始向外面冲去。 Both sides dozen of inextricable involvement. 双方打的难分难解。 Killed them, we won!!!” The long life shouts loudly. “杀了他们,我们就赢了!!!”长生灵大声喊道。 At this time. 此时。 The person morale of alliance surges upward, they have projected on to seal up the supreme headquarters in four states to come . Moreover the beforehand fight, they have completely the advantage, this lets their at heart, to fight hope. 联盟的人士气非常高涨,他们已经打到封闭四州的大本营来了,而且之前的战斗,他们都是占尽优势的,这就让他们的心里,对战斗更加的渴望。 Conversely. 相反的。 Seals up four state Expert actually each not to fight at risk of life, they have own axe to grind. 封闭四州这边的高手却每一个都不想拼死战斗,他们各怀鬼胎。 Moreover they clarified in the protracted time. 而且他们摆明了就是在拖延时间。 Retreats in defeat again and again completely. 完全就是节节败退。 No sign of counter-attack. 根本没有任何反击的迹象。 Brothers, they deliberately are delaying the time, cannot give them the opportunity!!!” The long life saw the intention of opposite party. “兄弟们,他们是在故意拖延时间,不能给他们机会!!!”长生灵看出了对方的意图。 Xia Tian has certainly the danger in, he is possibly winning the time to us, must clash to have a look!!” The corrupt wolf as if understood anything. 夏天在里面一定有危险,他可能是在给我们争取时间,必须冲进去看看!!”贪狼似乎明白了什么。 13 towed universe machine armor directly: Gives you!!!” 十三直接将身上的宇宙机甲拖了下来:“给你!!!” Corrupt wolf not polite, after putting on universe machine armor, can attend to making his battle efficiency increase again. 贪狼也没客气,穿上宇宙机甲之后,能顾让他的战斗力再次增加。 Meanwhile. 同时。 Formation of nightmare also affects completely on a body of corrupt wolf person. 梦魇的阵法也全部作用在贪狼一个人的身上。 For corrupt wolf opening!!!” These people in divine land hear Xia Tian to win the time to them, has the danger, starts to lead the way for the corrupt wolf, they must catch the opportunity to the corrupt wolf, making the corrupt wolf kill to have a look. “替贪狼开路!!!”神州的那些人一听到夏天给他们争取时间,有危险,一个个开始替贪狼开路,他们要给贪狼争取机会,让贪狼杀进去看看。 Blocks him!!!” These insect clan Expert also charged into the corrupt wolf. “拦住他!!!”那些虫族高手也是冲向了贪狼。 Opening!!” The long life shouts. “开路!!”长生灵喊道。 Alliance's here Expert also rushes. 联盟这边的高手也是纷纷冲了上去。 This. 就这样。 The corrupt wolf rushed ahead. 贪狼一路冲杀了进去。 His speed quickly, evaded these dozens ingeniously attack, he has not prolonged contact, but is goal is clear, broke in inside of central tower directly. 他的速度非常快,巧妙的躲过了那些打过来的攻击,他也没有恋战,而是目标明确,直接冲入到了中心塔的里面。 Success!!!” “成功了!!!” Saw the corrupt wolf to/clashes, everyone also very excited. 看到贪狼冲进去的时候,大家也都是非常的兴奋。 The corrupt wolf has not really disappointed everyone. 贪狼果然没有辜负大家的期望。 Ah! 啊! At this moment, the pitiful yell sound spreads to everyone's ear in together. 就在这时,一道惨叫声传入到大家的耳朵里面。 Afterward everyone saw the corrupt wolf. 随后大家看到了贪狼。 This time corrupt wolf flies upside down directly from inside. 此时的贪狼从里面直接倒飞出来。 Ancient times Formation under body already completely shatter, above the chest has a giant blood hole, even universe machine armor had been broken open directly. 身下的远古阵法已经完全破碎,胸口之上有一个巨大的血洞,连宇宙机甲都已经被直接破开。 What?” Everyone all panic-stricken looks at this. “什么?”所有人全都是惊恐的看着这一幕。 But quick. 可很快。 More terrorist appeared. 更加恐怖的一幕出现了。
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