AS :: Volume #124

#12326: Only means

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Xia Tian hears the di time in peak condition, the scalp is tingling with numbness. 夏天一听到巅峰状态旳时候,头皮都在发麻啊。 Before immortal Black Tortoise has said that he in peak condition, bumped into the universe battleship in the universe and puts on the person who the 5 S level universe fought armor, to playing was noisily same. 之前仙玄武说过,他在巅峰状态的时候,在宇宙之中碰到宇宙战舰和很多穿着5S级宇宙战甲的人,都跟玩闹一样。 Then terrifying strength. 那么恐怖的实力。 Xia Tian does not want to attempt. 夏天可不想去尝试。 Destroys immortal Azure Dragon to resurrect this matter to come to see at own present. 以自己现在破坏仙青龙复活这件事情来看。 If makes immortal Azure Dragon have such strength, he must and all relatives and friends extinguishes himself kills was strange. 如果让仙青龙拥有那样的实力,那他岂不是要将自己和自己所有的亲朋好友都灭杀了才怪。 Kill! 杀! Xia Tian first charged into that side the blood pond. 夏天第一时间冲向了血池那边。 Bang! 轰! The principle of day. 日之法则。 Frozen!!! 冰封!!! Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), explodes to me, can ruin many, ruins many to me!!!” Xia Tian quickly shouts. 红凤,给我炸,能毁掉多少,就给我毁掉多少!!!”夏天急忙喊道。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) also sends out directly. 红凤也是直接出动。 The Xia Tian culmination cold sword is also unceasing wielding cuts. 夏天手中天寒剑也是不断的挥砍。 He is to cut up the bloody water in blood pond. 他就是要将血池之中的血水砍光。 Just he is wants the direct income to all things, but this action was actually prevented by immortal Black Tortoise, immortal Black Tortoise told him: This blood is the world's dirtiest blood, once enters to all things, that all things on thorough destroying. 刚刚他是想要直接收入到森罗万象之中,可是这个举动却被仙玄武阻止了,仙玄武告诉他:这个血是世界上最肮脏的血液,一旦进入到森罗万象之中,那森罗万象就彻底的毁了。 Only can attack. 只能攻击。 Consumption! 消耗! „It is not good, this attack method consume was too uncertain, words that gets down, basic on consumption many, moreover I so many Expert am also chasing down me behind, I attack many without enough time!!!” Xia Tian even also traps their attacks to attack this black blood pond together. “不行,这种攻击方式消耗的太渺茫了,这么下去的话,根本就消耗不了多少,而且我身后还有这么多的高手在追杀我,我来不及攻击多少!!!”夏天甚至还去诱骗他们的攻击一起攻击这个黑色的血池。 May still be minimal. 可依然是微乎其微。 If continues to get down. 如果继续这么下去的话。 Immortal Azure Dragon really may restore to the most flourishing condition. 青龙是真的有可能恢复到全盛状态的。 He must try to find a good solution. 他必须想一个好办法。 Solves all these. 来解决这一切。 Otherwise. 不然的话。 Gets down, is not definitely able to prevent immortal Azure Dragon. 这么下去,肯定是无法阻止仙青龙的。 „It is not really good, I and he perish together!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise shouts. “实在不行,我和他同归于尽!!!”仙玄武喊道。 You have your matter, I have my matter, your matter resurrects a bit faster oneself, my matter prevents him, you completed your matter to be OK, remaining gave me!!!” Xia Tian very aggressive saying. “你有你的事情,我有我的事情,你的事情是快点复活自己,我的事情是阻止他,你做好自己的事情就可以了,剩下的交给我!!!”夏天非常霸气的说道。 At this moment. 这一刻。 Immortal Black Tortoise also stares. 仙玄武也是一愣。 Xia Tian is usually polite to him. 平时夏天对他非常客气。 But now. 可现在。 Xia Tian unexpectedly so aggressive spoke with him. 夏天居然会如此霸气的和他说话。 As if ordering him to be the same. 仿佛是在命令他一般。 What is main is. 最主要的是。 Meaning that his feelings of heart obedience, have not even wanted to revolt against completely. 他的心底甚至有一种服从的感觉,完全没有想要反抗的意思。 He had the imposing manner more and more!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “他越来越有王者风范了!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Xia Tian when fights truly, understands that what protection immortal Black Tortoise gave his, these spirits, may be highest level existences, but their attacks hit now when the body of Xia Tian, with flexure itchy basic on no difference. 夏天在真正战斗的时候,才明白仙玄武到底给了他什么样的保护,现场这些灵,可都是最顶级的存在,可他们的攻击现在打在夏天的身上时,和挠痒痒根本就没什么区别。 This also facilitated attack of Xia Tian to the blood pond. 这也方便了夏天对血池的攻击。 „It is not good, this blood pond, although seems like the liquid, but as if the solid is common, the attack that I go all out, collapsed flew several strengths!!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) helpless saying. “不行啊,这个血池的虽然看上去是液体,但仿佛和固体一般,我那么卖力的攻击,就崩飞了几道的力量而已!!”红凤无奈的说道。 He has exhausted the full power. 他已经用尽全力了。 But this means. 可这种办法。 It is not able to prevent immortal Azure Dragon. 根本就无法阻止仙青龙 Words that continues to get down. 继续这么下去的话。 All without enough time. 一切就来不及了。 Hateful, what also means has?” Xia Tian starts to use the all kinds of abilities to attack the black blood pond, no matter how but he attacks, finally is the same, is nothing use. “可恶,到底还有什么办法?”夏天开始使用自己各种各样的能力来攻击黑色的血池,可不管他怎么攻击,结果都是一样的,是没有任何用处的。 It is not good!! 不行!! It is not good!! 还是不行!! Xia Tian worries more and more. 夏天这边越来越着急。 That side attacks his several people to reduce his space unceasingly , to continue to get down the words that space that he can move getting smaller, he solely was not suffers over three Expert to attack. 那边攻击他的几个人已经在不断的压缩他的空间,继续这么下去的话,他能够活动的空间越来越小,那他就不单单是遭受到三个以上的高手攻击了。 But must suffer more people to attack. 而是要遭受到更多人袭击。 ! 呼! Now Xia Tian most worries is here attack. 夏天现在最犯愁的就是这边的攻击。 Outside brothers are fighting a bloody battle, may kill very much momentarily, but if makes immortal Azure Dragon succeed, the person who they kill, was equal to that is bringing death. 外面的兄弟们正在浴血奋战,很有可能随时杀进来,可如果让仙青龙这边成功的话,那他们杀进来的人,就等于是在送死。 Immortal Azure Dragon in violent anger situation. 青龙在暴怒的情况下。 Sees everybody to cut to kill. 是见谁都会斩杀的。 Xia Tian, you think that you can prevent immortal Sir Azure Dragon to resurrect?” 夏天,你以为你能阻止仙青龙大人复活吗?” Even you resurrected immortal Black Tortoise, he is impossible to restore in peak condition, when the time comes immortal Sir Azure Dragon will swallow directly immortal Black Tortoise, that immortal Sir Azure Dragon same can resurrect with the special way.” “就算是你复活了仙玄武,他也不可能恢复巅峰状态,到时候仙青龙大人会直接将仙玄武吞噬掉,那仙青龙大人一样可以用特殊的方式进行复活。” When the time comes your alliance what score, no matter made, finally is the same, death burial ground.” “到时候你们联盟不管打出了什么样的战绩,结果都是一样的,都会死亡葬身之地。” These Expert exciting shouting of scene. 现场的这些高手兴奋的喊道。 Some many people have thought must kill me, but I still stand here, but these want to kill my person, almost died!!” The Xia Tian response said. “曾经有很多人想过要杀我,可我依然站在这里,而那些想要杀我的人,几乎都死光了!!”夏天回应道。 Snort! 哼! You killed my so many subordinates, I must make you live to might as well die!!!” Your sovereign angry shouting. “你害死了我那么多的手下,我一定要让你生不如死!!!”君皇愤怒的喊道。 Your idiot, was planned that many times by me, finally also has the false that the person attacked us to leave behind intentionally clone, didn't find it very ridiculous?” Xia Tian seemed looking that a joke looks at Monarch sovereign generally. “你个蠢货,被我算计了那么多次,最后还带人攻击了我们故意留下的假分身,不觉得很可笑吗?”夏天仿佛是在看一个笑话一般的看着君皇。 Cluck! 咕咕! Black blood pond also in unceasing bubbling. 黑色血池还在不断的冒泡。 Obviously that side immortal Azure Dragon progresses is quite smooth, if continued to get down really not to have the opportunity. 显然仙青龙那边进展的还是比较顺利的,如果继续这么下去的话就真的没机会了。 What's wrong, now started to worry, you also really felt, you can become the Savior?” Your sovereigns think own unexpectedly by Xia Tian planning such, he very depressed. “怎么,现在开始着急了,难道你还真的觉得,自己可以成为救世主吗?”君皇一想到自己居然夏天给算计成那样,他就非常的郁闷。 He must make Xia Tian pay the price. 他一定要让夏天付出代价。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! His attack also makes unceasingly. 他的攻击也是不断打出。 Xia Tian that side thoughts in their sides, absolutely do not have the sign of counter-attack. 夏天那边的心思都不在他们的身边,根本就没有反击的迹象。 ! 呼! Xia Tian aspirates: Now only then last means!!!” 夏天吐了一口气:“现在只有最后一个办法了!!!” What means?” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) asked. “什么办法?”红凤问道。 He does not know that Xia Tian wants to do, coming out that but he looks, Xia Tian must certainly make a very important decision, is that type must display calmly. 他不知道夏天想要干什么,但他看的出来,夏天肯定是要做一个非常重要的决定,就是那种要视死如归的表现。 He too understood Xia Tian. 他太了解夏天了。 bo! 啵! The ray flashes before. 光芒闪现。 In the day cold sword in Xia Tian hand presented the endless flame, the flame swallowed the trim space. 夏天手中的天寒剑之中出现了无尽的火焰,火焰吞噬了整片空间。 The Karma Fire might is very big. 业火的威力还是很大的。 Temporarily can prevent their footsteps slightly. 暂时可以稍微阻止他们的脚步。 Xia Tian, you also thought that you do have the opportunity? The truth told you, your attack was nothing use, because of inside blood, enough immortal Sir Azure Dragon completed three times, no matter how you destroyed, you were impossible to destroy over 2/3, you are unable to prevent immortal Sir Azure Dragon!!!” Saying that your Huangxing exerted. 夏天,难道你还觉得你有机会吗?实话告诉你吧,你的攻击是没有任何用处的,因为里面的血液,足够仙青龙大人完成三次的,所以不管你怎么破坏,你都不可能破坏三分之二以上,那你就无法阻止仙青龙大人!!!”君皇兴奋的说道。 Snort! 哼! Xia Tian numerous snort/hum: So long as my Xia Tian wants to do, that is impossible unable to achieve.” 夏天重重的哼了一声:“只要我夏天想做,那就不可能做不到。” Good, some skills you prevent to give us to look, making e have a look at some of your Xia Tian big skills.” Saying that your sovereigns disdain. “好啊,有本事你就阻止给我们看,让莪们看看你夏天到底有多大的本事。”君皇非常不屑的说道。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian turn around plunged into the blood pond directly: Since I cannot consume light/only here bloody water, I drink light/only here bloody water!!!” 夏天转身直接跳入到了血池之中:“既然我不能消耗光这里的血水,那我就喝光这里的血水!!!” What?” Sees this time, everyone stares. “什么?”看到这一幕的时候,所有人都是一愣。 But they have not pursued. 但他们并没有追上来。 Because they think: Xia Tian died. 因为他们认为:夏天死定了。
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