AS :: Volume #124

#12325: The blood is addicted to

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Outside human Expert started to launch the counter-attack, they must hit as soon as possible, Xia Tian had told them in what happened, if they did not seize this opportunity, that may waste all previous efforts very much. 外面的人类高手开始发动了反击,他们要尽快打进去,夏天已经跟他们说了里面正在发生什么事情,如果他们不抓住这个机会的话,那很有可能就会前功尽弃。 Outside di insect clan is resisting now, rather than counter-attacking. 外面旳虫族现在只是在抵挡,而不是在反击。 They in protracted time. 他们是在拖延时间。 To inside resurrecting dragging time. 给里面的复活拖延时间。 So long as time. 只要时间到了。 Immortal Azure Dragon resurrecting. 青龙复活。 No matter their appearances miserable, the opposite party had the big advantage, is useless, the final winner also certainly is they. 那不管他们的样子有多惨,对方占据了多大的优势,都是无用的,最后的获胜者也一定是他们。 You did not need to shout, can provide the strength for resurrecting immortal Sir Azure Dragon, was your good fortunes!!!” An insect clan commands the reminder to say. “你们不用喊了,能够为复活仙青龙大人提供力量,是你们的福份!!!”一名虫族统领提醒道。 At this time. 此时。 Xia Tian saw immemorial Formation. 夏天看到了一个太古阵法 This Formation is tedious. 这个阵法非常繁琐。 Taking a quick look around. 一眼看去。 As if a blood-color mark is ordinary. 仿佛是一个血色标记一般。 The Formation four corners have four holes, now two stones put in inside. 阵法的四个边角有四个孔洞,现在有两块石头放入里面。 This should be four elephants. 这个应该就是四象。 But the center has the star anise. 而中心内部有八角。 Eight cephalont clans commanded thing in the hand also placed inside, middle position, what appeared a special crystal, there should puts in the godship, because the godship has not looked, can only replace with this thing. 八头虫族统领将自己手中的东西也都放在了里面,中间的位置,出现的是一块特殊的晶体,那里原本应该是放入神格的,但因为神格没有找回来,只能用这件东西代替。 Eight immortal beast and immortal monsters were thrown the central position. 八头仙兽和仙妖被扔到了中心的位置。 The body starts to compress. 身体开始压缩。 Strength unceasing injection to middle crystal. 力量不断的注入向中间的晶体。 But that several Expert also start spirit strength unceasing the input within the body. 而那几个高手也是开始将自己体内的灵之力不断的输入。 At this time. 此时。 They sit in oneself position respectively. 他们各自坐在自己的位置上。 Cannot move. 动弹不得。 Immortal Azure Dragon Divine Soul appears in the above totem, the endless flesh starts to pour into from under. 青龙神魂则是出现在上方的图腾之中,无尽的血肉开始从上灌注而下。 Was quick!!” The people anticipate looks at middle immortal Azure Dragon Divine Soul. “快了!!”众人期待的看着中间的仙青龙神魂 bo! 啵! At this moment. 就在这时。 The form suddenly appears in the front of people together. 一道身影突然出现在众人的面前。 What?” Sees this sudden form, everyone stares, this appearance they were too familiar, is Xia Tian: Xia Tian!!!” “什么?”看着这个突然出现的身影,现场所有人都是一愣,这个样貌他们太熟悉了,正是夏天:“夏天!!!” Such big weaponry, did not use really to waste Ah!!” Xia Tian said, extended own hand, direct racket to immortal Azure Dragon. “这么大的阵仗,不利用一下真的是浪费了啊!!”夏天说完之后伸出了自己的手,直接拍向了仙青龙 courting death!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon sound one cold. 找死!!!”仙青龙的声音一冷。 Although he is only the Divine Soul condition. 虽然他只是神魂的状态。 But immortal Azure Dragon Divine Soul is also incomparable formidable. 但仙青龙神魂也是无比强悍的。 Even if the normal spirit, were hit by his Divine Soul suddenly, cannot shoulder. 就算是正常的灵,被他的神魂突然击中,也是扛不住的。 Saw. 眼看着。 His Divine Soul must destroy Xia Tian like this. 他的神魂就要这样毁灭夏天 Suddenly. 突然。 The palm of Xia Tian turns. 夏天的手掌一翻。 A palm of the hand, flew the immortal Azure Dragon Divine Soul racket directly. 一巴掌,直接将仙青龙神魂拍飞了出去。 How possibly?” Immortal Azure Dragon was ignorant. “怎么可能?”仙青龙懵了。 He that powerful Divine Soul, unexpectedly was flown by the direct racket, this matter is really cannot imagine. 他那么强大的神魂,居然被直接拍飞了出去,这种事情真的是不可想象啊。 But also not the time that waits for him to respond. 可还没等他反应过来的时候。 Eight immortal beast and immortal monsters were taken away by him suddenly. 八头仙兽和仙妖突然被他收走。 Meanwhile. 同时。 The middle crystal was also received by Xia Tian, two ray of light glow fell into the places of idle two shape. 中间的晶体也被夏天收了起来,两道光芒落入了空闲的两象之处。 The godship fell above the middle position. 神格落在了中间的位置之上。 Divine Soul of immortal Black Tortoise fell above the godship. 仙玄武的神魂则是落在了神格之上。 Bang! 轰! Because the middle crystal vanishes, the people who the surroundings are inputting the strength are forced to terminate, they can also act. 因为中间晶体消失,周围正在输入力量的众人被迫终止,他们也能行动了。 Killed him!!!!” The people flew directly to Xia Tian. “杀了他!!!!”众人直接飞向了夏天 Their speeds very quick, in an instant has killed the Xia Tian front. 他们的速度非常的快,转眼间就已经杀到了夏天的面前。 Limitless, defends!!!】 【无极,防御!!!】 Xia Tian defended their attack instantaneously. 夏天瞬间防御住了他们的攻击。 Brat, how you did not tell me earlier!!” Immortal Black Tortoise has not responded obviously. “臭小子,你怎么不早点跟我说!!”仙玄武显然也没反应过来。 Words that I and you spoke, will you agree?” Xia Tian asked. “我和你说的话,你会同意吗?”夏天问道。 Ok!!” Immortal Black Tortoise also wants to teach Xia Tian several, but does not say these times now, since Xia Tian has spread the road for him, he naturally cannot waste Xia Tian to the opportunity that he catches. “算了!!”仙玄武原本还想教训夏天几句,但现在已经不是说那些的时候了,既然夏天已经为他铺好了路,那他自然也不能浪费夏天给他争取的机会了。 Immortal Black Tortoise, your unexpectedly dares to snatch my resurrecting!!!” When immortal Azure Dragon sees is Divine Soul of immortal Black Tortoise, is the incomparable anger. “仙玄武,你居然敢抢我的复活!!!”仙青龙看到是仙玄武的神魂时,也是无比的愤怒。 World myriad things, have those who are able to occupy it, why you can rob others, harms others to resurrect, can't I snatch your?” Immortal Black Tortoise asked. “天地万物,有能者居之,凭什么你可以去抢夺别人,伤害别人来复活,我就不能抢你的?”仙玄武问道。 I killed you!!” Immortal Azure Dragon angry shouting. “我杀了你!!”仙青龙愤怒的喊道。 The Divine Soul attack that but he releases, immortal Black Tortoise a wee bit fine hair have not even bumped into. 可他释放的神魂攻击,连仙玄武一丁点的汗毛都没有碰到。 bo! 啵! Flower of the knowledgeable sea packages Divine Soul of immortal Black Tortoise. 一多识海之花将仙玄武的神魂包裹住。 „The flower of Divine Soul, this is how possible!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon sees knows the flower of sea the time, obviously also very surprised. 神魂之花,这怎么可能!!!”仙青龙看到识海之花的时候,显然也是非常的惊讶。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Following these Expert killed again to Xia Tian. 下面的那些高手再次杀向了夏天 But Xia Tian is the use is limitless and defense that the day power non-stop. 夏天则是使用无极和天权不停的防御。 But is limitless and use number of times of day power has the limit!!! 但无极和天权的使用次数是有限制的!!! Buzz!! 嗡!! When Xia Tian must unable to shoulder. 就在夏天要扛不住的时候。 A tortoise shell covers on the body of Xia Tian. 一个龟壳笼罩在夏天的身上。 This is the strength of immortal Black Tortoise. 这是仙玄武的力量。 Although I am impossible to take shape in a short time directly, but has been able to mobilize some my strengths, the boy, you have my defense in addition to hold temporarily, defend the aspect, so long as were not also hit by over three people, will not receive the little wound absolutely, does them!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “虽然我短时间内不可能直接成型,但已经可以发动一些我的力量了,小子,暂时你有我的防御加持,防御方面,只要不是被三个以上的人同时击中,就绝对不会受一点点的伤,去干他们吧!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Hears here time. 听到这里的时候。 Xia Tian is also at present one bright. 夏天也是眼前一亮。 In such narrow and small space, sentences by his eyes in advance, how hi was possibly hit by over three people simultaneously. 在这么狭小的空间里面,以他的双眼预判,怎么可能hi被三个以上的人同时击中呢。 In other words. 也就是说。 His temporary defense was almost invincible. 他暂时的防御几乎无敌了。 „Are you all right?” Xia Tian asked. “你没事吗?”夏天问道。 I am the Divine Soul body, they can only attack with Divine Soul to me cause the damage, but there is the flower of your knowledge sea, who can injure to result in me, you have a look at immortal Azure Dragon air/Qi what appearance to know that I will not be harmed now!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise answered. “我是神魂体,他们只能用神魂攻击对我造成伤害,但有你的识海之花在,谁又能伤得了我呢,你看看仙青龙气成什么样子就知道我现在不会受到伤害了!!!”仙玄武解释道。 You start to restore, little restoration in peak condition!!!” Xia Tian exciting saying. “那你就开始恢复吧,一点点的恢复到巅峰状态!!!”夏天兴奋的说道。 If makes immortal Black Tortoise restore in peak condition, that was invincible. 如果让仙玄武恢复到巅峰状态,那岂不是无敌了。 Is impossible, this is used for resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon, although I snatched his resurrecting, but in this I can only absorb 50% strengths, is not suitable, is definitely impossible fully to restore, what as for restoring, must look that changed specifically!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “不可能的,这是用来复活仙青龙的,虽然我抢了他的复活,但这里面我只能吸收百分之五十的力量,不适合的,肯定不可能完全恢复,至于恢复成什么样,就要看具体的变化了!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Immortal Black Tortoise, you are waiting to me, I must eat you!!!” Immortal Azure Dragon angry shouting. “仙玄武,你给我等着,我一定要吃了你!!!”仙青龙愤怒的喊道。 Afterward charged into the wall. 随后冲向了墙壁。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Wall smashing. 墙壁粉碎。 Inside has a giant blood pond. 里面有一个巨大的血池。 His Divine Soul jumps to leap, plunged into the giant blood pond directly. 他的神魂纵身一跃,直接跳入到了巨大的血池之中。 Immortal Azure Dragon, were you insane, you did that oneself will also die, moreover you will become the criminal of your azure Long Yi clan!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise shouts. “仙青龙,你是不是疯了,你这么做,自己也会死,而且你会成为你们青龙一族的罪人!!!”仙玄武喊道。 „Is he doing?” Xia Tian puzzled asking. “他在干什么?”夏天不解的问道。 He is conducting the blood to be addicted, this is a very ancient method, is method that a branch of our Saint beast clan once studied, received exchange for the temporary strength rebirth with the endless life span and will, if made him succeed, he might restore his peak time very much the condition, even may become stronger, but this had the time limit, passed the time, he will also die, was radical withering away.” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “他在进行血嗜,这是一个非常古老的手段,是我们圣兽一族的一个分支曾经研究出来的手段,用自己无尽的寿命和意志来换取短暂的力量重生,如果让他成功了,他很有可能会恢复他巅峰时候的状态,甚至可能会变得更强,不过这是有时间限制的,过了时间,他也会死,是彻底的消亡。”仙玄武说道。 „It is not good, must prevent him, if made him restore in peak condition, that three island ten states ended.” “不行,一定要阻止他,如果让他恢复到了巅峰状态,那三岛十州就完了。”
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