AS :: Volume #124

#12324: The loss is serious

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Your sovereigns think to take revenge, moreover plans the means of his person to plan Xia Tian by Xia Tian they. 君皇一想到可以复仇,而且是以夏天同样算计他的人的办法来算计夏天他们这些人。 Let Xia Tian they die during own di is proud. 夏天他们这些人死在自己旳自负之中。 This is he happiest matter. 这才是他最开心的事情。 Right, that legend real?” The tiger leaps asks. “对了,那个传说是真的吗?”虎跃问道。 „, Our human can turn over/stand up, because of presenting a person of emperor, but the inheritance of person emperor, actually continuously, moreover in our three island ten states!!!” Your sovereigns mentioned this inheritance time, on his face also showed the exciting facial expression. “是真的,我们人类之所以能够翻身,就是因为出现了人帝,而人帝的传承,其实一直都在,而且就在我们三岛十州之中!!!”君皇一提到这个传承的时候,他的脸上也露出了兴奋的神情。 This matter, if makes the insect clan know that troubled!!” The vision that the tiger leaps looked in the surroundings. “这件事情如果让虫族知道的话就麻烦了!!”虎跃的目光在周围看了一圈。 Their insect clan had/left an insect emperor, our person clan some people of emperors, they have also been seeking for the inheritance of insect emperor, this resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon succeeds, immortal Azure Dragon can help us obtain the god position, making us also one of the 72 evil spirits, when the time comes, we can certainly find the inheritance of person emperor, you and I, will become the new person emperor!!!” Your sovereign excited saying. “他们虫族出了一个虫帝,我们人族有人帝,他们也一直都在寻找虫帝的传承,这次复活仙青龙成功,仙青龙就能帮我们获得神位,让我们也成为七十二地煞之一,到时候,我们就一定可以找到人帝的传承,你和我,将成为新的人帝!!!”君皇一脸兴奋的说道。 That even immortal Azure Dragon must be stepped on by us in the under foot!!!” The tiger leaps excitedly also. “那岂不是连仙青龙都要被我们踩在脚下了!!!”虎跃也是非常的兴奋。 I will grasp to work as the mount him to you!!!” Your sovereigns more said that is more excited. “我会把他抓过来给你当坐骑!!!”君皇越说越兴奋。 As if was he has completed. 就仿佛是他已经完成了。 We drew near.” The insect clan leads is also top Expert, he caught up from behind. “我们快到了。”虫族带队的也是一名顶尖高手,他从后面赶了过来。 When the time comes your insect clan goes all out to me, if there is mistake, I will not be polite!!!” Saying of your sovereign coldly. “到时候你们虫族给我卖力点,如果出现差错,我可不会再客气了!!!”君皇冷冷的说道。 Relax, came above to tell before, will not definitely have any mistake!!!” The insect mother of leading said. “放心,来之前上面已经吩咐过了,肯定不会出现任何差错!!!”带队的虫母说道。 Xia Tian, you must the matter pay the price for oneself have handled!!!” In the vision of your sovereign is completely murderous aura. 夏天,你要为自己做过的事情付出代价!!!”君皇的目光之中尽是杀气 This. 就这样。 They arrived in the destination. 他们抵达了目的地。 Sir, has searched their trail, they are all hiding, we continue words forward, will be investigated by them.” An insect mother reminded. “大人,已经搜索到他们的踪迹了,他们全部都在隐藏,我们继续向前的话,就会被他们探查到了。”一名虫母提醒道。 They conduct the investigation with the special method. 他们是用特殊方法进行探查的。 The detection ability of this special method is effective, they can overstep the spirit reconnaissance scope. 这种特殊方法的侦查能力非常管用,他们可以超越灵的侦查范围。 Preparation!!” Your sovereigns reminded. “准备吧!!”君皇提醒道。 Un! 嗯! Afterward. 随后。 Hundreds of thousands of cephalont clans and human Expert, gathered at one. 数十万头虫族和人类高手,聚集在了一起。 They the strongest attack will gather in one. 他们将最强的攻击汇聚在了一起。 Afterward attacks to the place that alliance Expert hid. 随后攻击向了联盟高手隐藏的地方。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The attack makes. 攻击打出。 The strong impulse breaks open the space directly, they had not said that any idle talk, begins directly. 强大的冲击力直接将空间破开,他们没有说任何的废话,直接动手。 The tremendous space was ripped open directly. 巨大的空间直接被撕开。 The intense suction appears from the giant space crack. 强烈的吸力从巨大的空间裂缝里面出现。 Everyone attacks, the suction of compression space, attracts them!!!” Your sovereigns shout loudly. “所有人攻击,压缩空间的吸力,将他们都吸进去!!!”君皇大声喊道。 At this time. 此时。 He is also the incomparable excitement, gets rid of alliance all spirits all of a sudden, this to them, simply was the most exciting matter. 他也是无比的兴奋,一下子干掉联盟所有的灵,这对于他们来说,简直就是最兴奋的事情了。 Hahahaha! 哈哈哈哈! Your sovereigns are one'sing heart's content laugh. 君皇在放怀大笑。 He now is very happy: Your so many spirits how? Finally same must defeat in my hands, going to war is to depend on the brain.” 他现在别提多开心了:“你们有那么多的灵又如何?最后一样要败在我的手里,打仗是要靠脑子的。” He thinks. 他认为。 Oneself won. 自己赢了。 Won unusual is smooth. 赢的非常顺利。 This. 就这样。 Front all have vanished. 面前的一切都已经消失了。 Space crack healing gradually. 空间裂缝渐渐的愈合。 Handled.” That cephalont mother reminded. “搞定了。”那头虫母提醒道。 My so many people died in the divine land, that killed off divine land everyone, lets them give my subordinate to be buried along with the dead!!!” Your sovereigns do not plan to leave. “我那么多人死在了神州,那就杀光神州所有人,来让他们给我的手下陪葬吧!!!”君皇可不打算就这么离开。 bo! 啵! At this moment. 就在这时。 Subpoenaed rune/symbol flying. 一道道的传讯符飞了过来。 When they see pass on message symbol inside content, their complexions all become pale: Goes back!!” 当他们看到传讯符里面的内容时,他们的脸色全都变得铁青:“回去!!” Your sovereigns think clearly, why unable like this. 君皇怎么也想不明白,为什么会这样。 Their plans are so obviously perfect, why, that side their supreme headquarters will present large quantities of spirits, they just should extinguish alliance all spirits completely killed is right, but now, where sneak attacks the spirit of their supreme headquarters from come. 明明他们的计划已经如此完美了,为什么,他们的大本营那边会出现大批的灵,他们刚刚应该是已经将联盟所有的灵全部灭杀了才对的,可现在,偷袭他们大本营的灵到底是从什么地方来的。 What's the matter? If sneak attacks the spirit of our supreme headquarters is the spirit of alliance, who we just did rush to space and time turbulent flow these are?” The tiger leaps asks. “到底是怎么回事?如果偷袭我们大本营的灵是联盟的灵,那我们刚刚赶到时空乱流里面的那些是谁?”虎跃问道。 Is impossible, they not possible so many spirits, where made certainly a mistake absolutely.” Your sovereigns also think clearly, where not to make a mistake now. “不可能,他们绝对不可能有那么多的灵,一定是哪里搞错了。”君皇现在也想不明白,到底是什么地方出错了。 Their plans are so thorough. 他们的计划如此周密。 Moreover this plan is absolutely absolutely safe, he clear seeing from monitoring. 而且这次的计划绝对是万无一失的,他从监控里面清楚的看到。 Xia Tian with. 夏天是跟上来的。 Moreover listened secretly their false plan. 而且偷听到了他们的假计划。 That must be swindled is right. 那就不可能不上当才对。 Was we are planned?” The tiger leaps asks. “难道是我们又被算计了?”虎跃问道。 Your meaning is, is the insect clan intentionally, but they also suffered to attack Ah!!!” Your sovereigns shake the head. “你的意思是,是虫族故意的,可他们也遭受袭击了啊!!!”君皇摇了摇头。 Just like before, they were also attacked, we should not think that is they do!!!” The tiger leaps said. “和之前一样,他们也遭受袭击,我们应该就不会认为是他们做的!!!”虎跃说道。 Hateful!!” Your sovereigns the person of leading held nearby insect clan: You give the e explanation to be clear, this outcome what's the matter.” “可恶!!”君皇一把抓住了旁边虫族的带队之人:“你给莪解释清楚,这究竟是怎么回事。” That insect clan the person of leading now is also veiled Quan, he not yes what's the matter: I do not know Ah!!!” 那个虫族的带队之人现在也是蒙圈的,他也不明白是怎么回事:“我也不知道啊!!!” Doesn't know? You had said absolutely safe, finally now turns into this!!!” A your sovereign fist strikes to fly the person who that cephalont clan leads directly. “不知道?你们说过万无一失的,结果现在变成了这样!!!”君皇一拳直接将那头虫族带队的人打飞。 Dissolute!!” Other insect mothers first flew. “放肆!!”其他的虫母第一时间飞了上来。 both sides must make war at once directly. 双方一时之间直接就要开战。 Stops to me, first goes back, in the family/home has an accident, we must first handle family's matter said again!!!” The insect mother of lead has not let the development, the matter that they must handle now is, first handles family's matter, then said the issue. “都给我住手,先回去,家里出事,我们要先将家里的事情搞定再说!!!”带头的虫母没有让事态发展下去,他们现在要做的事情是,先将家里的事情搞定,然后再说问题。 You are waiting to me, this matter I will not consider as finished absolutely!!!” Your sovereigns got hold of oneself fist. “你们给我等着,这件事情我绝对不会就这么算了的!!!”君皇握紧了自己的拳头。 Afterward to returning catches up!! 随后向回赶!! Central tower! 中心塔! Sir!!!” All guards bow completely. “大人!!!”所有的守卫全部鞠躬。 Because the white hair insect female old man caught up. 因为白发虫母老者赶过来了。 Prepares these immortal beast and immortal monster, delivers to the tower bottom!!!” The old men said. “将那些仙兽和仙妖都准备,送到塔底!!!”老者说道。 Yes!!!” “是!!!” Quick. 很快。 Your sovereigns, the tiger leapt also to have other strong beast mothers also to catch up, they, have not caught causing trouble the person of alliance, but now them destroyed was too serious, therefore they decided that opening emergency plan. 君皇,虎跃还有其他的强大虫母也赶了过来,他们在回来的时候,并没有抓到闹事的联盟之人,不过现在他们这边被破坏的太严重了,所以他们决定,开启紧急方案。 With spare method resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon. 用备用方法复活仙青龙 Changes the situation. 来扭转局势。 Otherwise. 不然的话。 Their failure have become the foregone conclusion. 他们的失败已经成为定局了。 It seems like, they must start to take action!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “看来,他们要开始行动了!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 ! 呼! Xia Tian aspirates: I inform outside person, making them launch the general attack, collaborated from outside with the inside, can play the best role.” 夏天吐了一口气:“那我就通知外面的人,让他们发起总攻了,里应外合,才能起到最好的作用。” He also got hold of oneself fist. 他也是握紧了自己的拳头。 The preparation goes all out. 准备大干一场。 This ultimate war. 这场终极之战。 Finally must start. 终于要开始了。 Actually is the alliance to win, seals up four states to win, is only flash's matter. 究竟是联盟获胜,还是封闭四州获胜,都只是一瞬间的事情。
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