AS :: Volume #124

#12323: Plans again

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I did not understand you saying that di was anything!!” The spirit of response immortal beast said. “我不懂你说旳是什么!!”仙兽之灵回应道。 According to our investigations, the human camouflage has entered our insect palace, is he, instigated the relations of our insect clan and human, it seems like that this person was Xia Tian, no wonder he can each time being ahead of time prepare, since knows this, that was then easier to do!!” That cephalont mother said, turn around leaves. “根据我们的调查,有一个人类伪装进入过我们的虫宫,就是他,挑拨了我们虫族和人类的关系,看来这个人就是夏天了,难怪他每次都能提前布置好,既然知道了这个,那接下来就好办多了!!”那头虫母说完之后转身离开。 Since determined is Xia Tian does. 既然确定了是夏天做的。 They can dig good pit and other Xia Tian ahead of time. 那他们就可以提前挖好坑等夏天 However they believe, grasping Xia Tian is not anything. 不过他们认为,抓一个夏天不算什么。 They must study the Xia Tian appearance, plans Xia Tian time. 他们要学着夏天的样子,算计一次夏天 Their this plans are to tempt Xia Tian to continue with coming intentionally, when then Xia Tian with time, they do not act to Xia Tian, making a Xia Tian belt/bring false news go back, then directs the enemies, they ahead of time prepare trap, so long as the enemy steps into to the trap, that their fights certainly will then win. 他们这次打算是想要故意引诱夏天继续跟过来,然后等到夏天跟过来的时候,他们不对夏天出手,让夏天带个假消息回去,然后将敌人都引过去,他们提前布置好陷阱,只要敌人踏入到陷阱之中,那接下来他们的战斗就一定会胜利了。 They want to plan your Ah! probably!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “他们好像是想要算计你啊!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 I kept one to lose concentration outside, transformed with the wing of Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), since they wanted to make me swallow the bait, I deferred to their plans, when the time comes they wanted to plan me, I informed long life their group of people ahead of time, made some false clone intentionally, when the opposite party wanted to begin, they surrounded from the surrounding, hit opposite party one to be caught off guard, the plan of opposite party will become their cemetery!!!” Although Xia Tian cannot determine that actually temporarily the opposite party wants to do. “我在外面留了一个分神,是用红凤的羽翼幻化的,既然他们想要引我上钩,那我就按照他们的计划去好了,到时候他们想要算计我,我就提前通知长生灵他们那群人,故意弄一些假的分身过去,等对方想要动手的时候,他们从外围包围过来,打对方一个措手不及,那对方的计划就会成为他们自己的坟场!!!”夏天虽然暂时不能确定对方究竟想要干什么。 But he has been able to guess was similar. 但他已经可以猜测的差不多了。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 His clone is also first gathers everyone. 他的分身也是第一时间将所有人聚集起来。 This time good news was the corrupt wolf and nightmare also, their two may be before planned well human that sealed up four states. 这次的好消息就是贪狼和梦魇也在了,他们两个之前可算是好好的算计了一下封闭四州的人类。 They will seal up most immortal beast and immortal that monster four states detain all put, the foundation of their assembly line destroying, energy Crystal Stone that but also makes them snatched. 他们将封闭四州关押的大部分仙兽和仙妖全都放出来了,将他们流水线的根基给破坏了,还将他们制造出来的能量晶石都抢过来了。 This time. 这一次。 Has them, that opportunity was bigger. 有他们两个在,那机会就更大了。 You meant, they had discovered you listened secretly, therefore you plan that now the praying mantis catches the cicada canary after!!” The corrupt wolf asked. “你的意思是说,他们已经发现你偷听了,所以你现在打算螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后是吧!!”贪狼问道。 Right, our here spirit quantities have exposed, no matter they use what means that is impossible to extinguish directly kills our so many spirits, only if wants to depend on any fierce method to conduct the seal, or throws in everyone the space and time turbulent flow, otherwise should not have other good ways!!!” Xia Tian clone to say. “对,我们这边灵的数量已经曝光了,不管他们用什么办法,都不可能直接灭杀我们这么多的灵,除非是想要靠着什么厉害的手段进行封印,或者把所有人都扔到时空乱流里面去,否则应该是没有其他的好办法了!!!”夏天的分身说道。 „The second possibility is bigger, no matter what means that should be similar, since this, we enlarge the encirclement ring, while they open the space time, throws them!!!” The corrupt wolf said. “第二种可能性更大,而且不管是什么办法,应该都是差不多的,既然这样,那我们就放大包围圈,趁着他们打开空间的时候,将他们扔出去!!!”贪狼说道。 „It is not good, useless, this majority is the insect clan, other human have universe machine armor, the universe battleship, even if throws them, still has no function to them, I mean, while the opposite party goes out, attacks the hub of their supreme headquarters and each main position, they are affirmed that cannot respond, time when they responded, already without enough time!!!” The ideas and others of Xia Tian are forever different. “不行,没用的,这次大部分都是虫族,其他的人类也有宇宙机甲,宇宙战舰,就算是将他们扔出去,对他们也没有什么作用的,我的意思是,趁着对方出去的时候,袭击他们的大本营和各个主要位置的枢纽,他们是肯定反应不过来的,等他们反应过来的时候,就已经来不及了!!!”夏天的想法和其他人永远都是不一样的。 Good way, our so many spirits, if divides the work explicitly, the team that will let the opposite party disintegrates instantaneously.” Immortal spiritual eye previous bright. “好办法啊,我们这么多的灵,如果明确分工的话,会让对方的队伍瞬间瓦解啊。”长生灵眼前一亮。 He was also the discovery. 他也算是发现了。 Xia Tian wants the opens the mouth, stuns the world inevitably. 夏天只要开口,必然是语出惊人。 Can say the key point each time. 每次都能说出重点。 This, we fan out in several groups, attacks the supreme headquarters of four kings respectively, the agglomeration of their significant factory, is the core center tower in insect palace!!!” The corrupt wolf proposed. “这样吧,我们兵分几路,分别袭击四王的大本营,他们重大工厂的聚集地,还有就是虫宫的核心中心塔!!!”贪狼提议道。 How much time can we have?” The long life asked. “我们能有多少时间?”长生灵问道。 I calculated, the position that they want is a divine land, since they receive the news to hurry back to them, even if quickest transmission, quickest Teleport, least also takes ten minutes, but this is quickest, their not possible everyone to have the quickest speed, in other words, we must be careful five minutes of turning back in order to help friendly forces a group of people, but slowest should about 20 minutes, therefore, this is our limit time, in other words, no matter everyone 18 minutes of time, matter also difference how many on hand completes, we must retreat immediately, preferably. Retreats in 15 minutes, but position that you are, come back that person speed is faster, you run must be quicker, cannot have the slight stay absolutely.” The corrupt wolf reminder said. “我计算了,他们要的位置是神州,从他们接到消息到他们赶回来,哪怕是最快的传送阵,最快的瞬移,最少也需要十分钟,但这是最快的,他们不可能每一个人都有最快的速度,也就是说,我们要小心五分钟回援的一批人,而最慢的应该是在二十分钟左右,所以,这是我们的极限时间,也就是说,不管大家十八分钟的时候,手上的事情还差多少完成,我们都必须立刻撤退,最好是在十五分钟撤退,而你所在的位置,回来的那个人速度越快,你跑的也就要越快,绝对不能有丝毫的停留。”贪狼提醒道。 Relax, everyone is not that miser, after this time, e crusaded against seals up mission of four states to complete the larger part!!!” Immortal inspiration indignant say/way. “放心吧,大家都不是那种贪婪之人,这次过后,莪们讨伐封闭四州的任务就完成一大半了!!!”长生灵感慨道。 My strength remaining are not many, now I make the opposite party swallow the bait, following gave you, I will handle the meaningful matter in inside.” Clone of Xia Tian said, vanished in same place. “我的力量剩下的不多了,现在我就去引对方上钩,接下来的就交给你们了,我会在里面做更多有意义的事情。”夏天的分身说完之后消失在了原地。 These people are also filled with emotion. 现场的这些人一个个也是感慨万千啊。 They experience the Xia Tian mode of operations. 他们算是见识到了夏天的作战方式啊。 Because recently the performance of Xia Tian was really good, therefore they also inquired the information about Xia Tian somewhat. 因为最近夏天的表现实在是太好了,所以他们也多多少少打探了一些关于夏天的情报。 Sees to invite the content on report. 看到请报上的内容。 They felt inconceivable. 他们都感觉到了不可思议。 Most common powder cultivates, depends on such several years, unexpectedly arrived at today step by step. 一个最普通的散修,就靠着这么几年的时间,居然一步一步的走到了今天。 Now and Xia Tian fights side-by-side together, they understand that anything is called the true mode of operations. 现在和夏天一起并肩作战,他们才明白什么叫做真正的作战方式。 That side Xia Tian. 夏天那边。 Also hides in the belly of spirit of immortal beast. 还藏在仙兽之灵的肚子里。 He now anything is undoable. 他现在什么都不能做。 Only needs. 只需要等。 When the opposite party wants to conduct the final time. 等到对方想要进行最后的时刻为止。 But outside. 而外面。 All are deferring to his plan. 一切都在按照他的计划进行着。 Really. 果然。 This time. 这一次。 The tiger leaps before Monarch sovereign is also wants snow the shame, they led the person to catch up personally, that side insect clan, was elite all sends out, their time a person who was the alliance threw in the space and time turbulent flow completely, moreover after attacking, threw, did not give the opportunity that these people turned over/stood up. 虎跃和君皇也是想要一雪前耻,他们亲自带人赶了过来,虫族那边,也是精锐全部出动,他们这次就是要将联盟的人全部扔到时空乱流里面去,而且是攻击了之后扔进去,不给这些人翻身的机会。 Always felt that some are not right!!!” The tiger leaps deeply frowned. “总感觉还是有些不对!!!”虎跃眉头紧锁。 Relax, this time will not have the issue, they have watched then video recording to me, truly the person camouflages our people in behind with, at that time everyone compared to worry, in addition there situation is special, no one thinks, some people will camouflage our attendant to go.” Your sovereigns have not thought. “放心吧,这次不会有问题,他们已经给我看过当时的录像,确实是有一个人伪装成我们的人在后面跟进去的,当时大家比较着急,再加上那里的情况特殊,根本就没人想到,会有人伪装成我们的跟班进去。”君皇也没想到。 Some unexpectedly people will use the safe area in their subconscious to track them. 居然会有人利用他们潜意识里的安全区对他们进行跟踪。 Planning. 算计。 This time we should be able to catch the whole lot in a dragnet Expert of alliance!!” The tiger leaps says with emotion. “这次我们应该可以将联盟的高手一网打尽了吧!!”虎跃感慨道。 Killed is completely not possible, but they absolutely did not have strength of the war temporarily, after waiting for immortal Sir Azure Dragon to resurrect, happen to can defeat them one by one, did not submit killed!!” On the faces of your sovereign filled with the anticipation. “全部杀了是不可能的,但暂时他们绝对没有一战之力了,等仙青龙大人复活之后,正好可以将他们逐个击破,不屈服的就杀了!!”君皇的脸上充满了期待。
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