AS :: Volume #124

#12322: The medicine is good

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The spirit of this immortal beast was is not grasped. 这次仙兽之灵不是自己被抓回去了。 The spirit of immortal monster before Xia Tian rescued was also grasped, the insect clan had the Pro method to search for them, where no matter they escaped to go, finally will be found. 之前夏天救走的仙妖之灵也被抓回去了,虫族有专业的手段可以搜寻到他们,所以不管他们逃到什么地方去,最后都会被找到。 Although Xia Tian hides in spirit in within the body di immortal beast, but his eyes can see through all, his knowledge sea can search for outside situation, because the present his knowledge sea is powerful, no matter how he uses to know the sea, will not expose. 夏天虽然是藏在仙兽之灵体内旳,但他的双眼可以看穿一切,他的识海可以搜寻到外面的情况,而且因为现在他的识海非常强大,所以不管他怎么使用识海,都不会暴露。 They were really transported to the insect palace, it seems like, resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon had arrived at the critical moment, but four look like in your hand to have two, the godship also in your hands, without these things, they should not have that easy resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise is also very curious, actually these people must how do. “他们真的被运到虫宫里面了,看来,复活仙青龙已经到了关键时刻了,不过四象你手里有两个,神格也在你手里,没有这些东西,他们应该没那么容易复活仙青龙吧!!!”仙玄武也很好奇,这些人究竟要怎么做。 To know. 更想知道。 How immortal Azure Dragon fell from the sky in the past. 青龙当年是如何陨落的。 He was extinguished by the insect emperor kills. 他是被虫帝灭杀的。 This point he is very clear. 这一点他已经很清楚了。 But immortal Azure Dragon? 可仙青龙呢? During according to him inherits the news. 根据他传承之中的消息。 Azure Dragon and their Black Tortoise clan may be different. 青龙和他们玄武一族可不同。 Black Tortoise clan each generation of Buddha departments, do not like the battle, does not like robbing, but the azure Long Yi clan most likes robbing, likes striving for hegemony. 玄武一族每一代都非常佛系,不喜欢争斗,不喜欢抢夺,但青龙一族都是最喜欢抢夺,喜欢争霸的。 They definitely have other spare methods, but the spare method is impossible to have the normal method to be smoother, but can also certainly resurrect.” The Xia Tian analysis said. “他们肯定有其他备用的方法,只不过备用方法不可能有正常的方法更顺畅,但也一定是可以复活的。”夏天分析道。 Before this situation him, has experienced. 这种情况他之前就经历过。 A crafty person has several ways out. 狡兔三窟。 Such existence, is impossible to only have one plan. 那样的存在,不可能只有一套方案。 But alternative plan effect almost. 只不过备选方案效果会差一点。 However even almost, after resurrecting , is still immortal Azure Dragon, has the system tyrant all abilities, ordinary Expert in the eye of immortal Azure Dragon radically is not anything, so long as he enters the war, the team of alliance possibly is not his opponent, that he can also certainly snatch his godship finally with four elephants, this same can restore to the optimum condition. 不过就算是差一点,复活之后也是仙青龙,有制霸一切的能力,普通的高手在仙青龙的眼里根本就不算什么,只要他参战,联盟的队伍根本就不可能是他的对手,那最后他也一定可以抢回他的神格和四象,这一样可以恢复到最佳状态。 And. 而且。 Now he worries the spirit of spirit and the immortal monster immortal beast snatching. 现在他着急将仙兽之灵和仙妖之灵给抢回来。 Definitely is to resurrect fast. 肯定就是想要快速复活。 Perhaps this time, you really must offend existence of that level!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise understands, Xia Tian does that what offended is the entire azure Long Yi clan. “这次,你恐怕是真的要得罪那个层次的存在了!!!”仙玄武明白,夏天这么做,得罪的是整个青龙一族。 He prevented resurrecting of immortal Azure Dragon. 他阻止了仙青龙的复活。 The azure Long Yi clan will lose this king. 龙一族就会失去这个王。 This will cause the position of azure Long Yi clan to plummet. 这就会导致青龙一族的地位直线下降。 If I worked start to be overcautious and indecisive, I was Xia Tian?” Although Xia Tian also feared that very much own brothers, the family member and friend were injured. “如果我做事都开始瞻前顾后了,那我还是夏天吗?”夏天虽然也很怕自己的兄弟,亲人和朋友受到伤害。 But he does right by each relatives and friends. 但他对得起每一个亲朋好友。 Even if therefore one day, the brothers really had an accident. 所以哪怕有一天,兄弟们真的出事了。 He also has nothing to regret. 他也没什么可后悔的。 He must do takes revenge. 他要做的就是复仇。 He is not a sage, who dares to injure his brothers, he decides however hundred times, thousand times of repayments give the opposite party. 他不是圣人,谁敢伤他兄弟,他定然百倍,千倍的偿还给对方。 Said also right, provokes on you, is really most wrong matter that immortal Azure Dragon this whole life handles.” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “说的也对,招惹上你,真是仙青龙这辈子做的最错的事情啊。”仙玄武感慨道。 This. 就这样。 They were brought the position of central tower. 他们一路被带来了中心塔的位置。 Although this has many inspections all the way, no matter how but they inspect, is impossible to investigate existence of Xia Tian, present Xia Tian is the grain of dust of spirit in within the body immortal beast, then the small dust, who can discover? 虽然这一路上有很多道检查,可不管他们怎么检查,都不可能探查到夏天的存在,现在的夏天就是仙兽之灵体内的一粒灰尘,那么小的灰尘,谁能发现? How many such dust will within the body of spirit of immortal beast have? 仙兽之灵的体内会有多少这样的灰尘? Even they dissect the body of spirit of immortal beast now. 就算是他们现在将仙兽之灵的身体解剖了。 Also same will not discover. 也一样不会发现。 Arrives at the central tower time, Xia Tian discovered, here guard is called sternly, therefore the essential entrance has two cephalont mothers to protect . Moreover the entrance is the body of insect queen, is to conduct after the insect queen scans again, can enter the next pass/test. 来到中心塔的时候,夏天发现,这里的守卫才叫做森严,所以关键入口都是有两头虫母守护的,而且入口本身就是母虫的身体,是要经过母虫进行再次扫描,才能进入下一关。 Is so strict, if not conceals here, I really could not have gone in Ah!!” Before Xia Tian, has tried to find many solutions. “这么严,如果不是藏在这里的话,我还真的进不去啊!!”夏天之前想过很多的办法。 He discovered. 他发现。 Oneself find the way to rush to the central tower has the opportunity, although the opposite party strengthens the defense now. 自己想办法闯到中心塔还是有机会的,虽然现在对方增强了防御。 But a Xia Tian diligently point. 夏天努力一点还是可以的。 But enters the central tower. 但进入中心塔。 Means that he has no. 他就没有任何的办法了。 This was really difficult. 这个真的是太难了。 This perhaps is Karma, if just started you not to help these immortal beast and immortal monster, you without going to rescue the spirit of spirit and the immortal monster immortal beast, you would have no present opportunity!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “这也许就是因果,如果刚开始你没有去帮助那些仙兽和仙妖,你没有去救仙兽之灵和仙妖之灵的话,那你也就没有现在的机会!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Reason that the spirit of immortal beast is willing to help Xia Tian hide with own body. 仙兽之灵之所以愿意用自己的身体帮夏天隐藏。 Is because Xia Tian is the sincerity is helping them. 就是因为夏天是真心在帮他们。 He after being rescued, with own person has chatted these. 他在被救出来之后,也和自己的人聊过这些。 Therefore. 所以。 He will approve Xia Tian. 他才会认可夏天 What I receive, usually makes the little philanthropic undertaking, even if only little, perhaps later, because this little philanthropic undertaking rescued own life!!!” Xia Tian works, although only sought the conscience, matter that but he handled, was very amiable. “我秉承的是,平时多做一点点的善举,哪怕只是一点点,说不定以后就真的因为这一点点的善举救了自己的命!!!”夏天做事虽然是只求本心的,但他所做的事情,都是非常仁义的。 Un! 嗯! This. 就这样。 They were delivered to the tower bottom of central tower. 他们被送到了中心塔的塔底。 Here. 这里。 Also is closing other six spirits. 还关着其他六头灵。 They are seal up the immortal beast and spirit of immortal of monster four states. 他们都是封闭四州的仙兽和仙妖之灵。 Now their condition is the same. 现在他们的状态都是一样的。 What called to be, immediately you can extricate!!!” A cephalont mother scolded. “叫什么叫,马上你们就能解脱了!!!”一头虫母呵斥道。 Your this flock of insects, die like a dog!!!” Carries Xia Tian the spirit of immortal beast to shout. “你们这群虫子,不得好死!!!”携带夏天的仙兽之灵喊道。 ! 啪! The burning whip pulled out on the body of spirit of immortal beast. 火辣辣的鞭子抽在了仙兽之灵的身上。 Extracted the blood red mark the body of spirit of immortal beast. 将仙兽之灵的身上抽出了血红色的印记。 This mark seems like not very deep, but that pain lets the spirit of immortal beast is the whole body trembles. 这个印记看上去不是很深,但那种痛苦让仙兽之灵都是浑身一颤。 Medicine is really effective, your bodies to this situation, it seems like are really tenderly similar!!!” That cephalont mother satisfied nod of. “药还真管用,你们的身体已经嫩到这种地步了,看来真的是差不多了!!!”那头虫母满意的点了点头。 Afterward leaves. 随后离开。 Here everywhere is the small insect that the surveillance uses. 这里到处都是监视用的小虫子。 The shackles is the insect condenses. 就连牢笼都是虫子凝聚而成的。 Ended, our immortal beast clan and immortal monster clan radical ending!!!” The spirit of spirit and the immortal monster other immortal beasts is to also keep shaking the head. “完了,我们仙兽一族和仙妖一族彻底的完了!!!”其他的仙兽之灵和仙妖之灵也是不停的摇头。 Do not give up, outside alliance has known that our here situations, they crusaded against sealed up four states . Moreover the people who this time killed were very formidable, has killed to seal up four states!!!” The spirit of immortal beast answered. “别放弃,外面的联盟已经知道我们这边的情况,他们讨伐了封闭四州,而且这次杀过来的人都是非常强悍的,已经杀到封闭四州的本土了!!!”仙兽之灵解释道。 Is useful, here person and insect clan were too strong, what skill no matter they have, is impossible to contend with the insect clan and seals up Expert of four states!!” They think oneself ended. “有什么用啊,这里的人和虫族太强了,不管他们有什么样的本事,都不可能抗衡虫族和封闭四州的高手的!!”他们还是认为自己完了。 No, in this time person has named Xia Tian, he has planned has sealed up four states twice, altogether cuts to kill to seal up four states to be counted the insect mother 32 spirits!!!” “不,这次的人里面有一个叫夏天的,他已经算计了封闭四州两次了,一共斩杀封闭四州算上虫母三十二个灵!!!” What? 32!!!” “什么?三十二个!!!” Right, is 32, it is said that they assembled more than 60 spirits to hit together, now has made war comprehensively, sealed up four states to request reinforcements to the insect clan, insect clan Expert went out innumerable Expert, temporarily stalled their attack, how long but could not block, moreover now everywhere is the battlefield, they could not take into consideration!!!” “对,就是三十二个,据说,他们纠集了六十多个灵一起打过来的,现在已经全面开战了,封闭四州已经向虫族求援,虫族高手出去无数的高手,才暂时挡住了他们的进攻,但也挡不住多久,而且现在到处都是战场,他们根本就顾及不过来了!!!” Real? Actually this is Xia Tian what person?” “真的吗?这个夏天究竟是什么样的人?” Everyone as if saw the hope. 大家仿佛是看到了希望。 The words of spirit of immortal beast have not said that the insect mother who just left came back: That Xia Tian that you just said that before is, intruder who the disguise comes!!!” 仙兽之灵的话还没说完,刚刚离开的虫母就回来了:“你刚刚说的那个夏天,就是之前乔装过来的入侵者吧!!!” 7017 k 7017k
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