AS :: Volume #124

#12321: The means of submerging

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My anything meaning, yourself look!!!” Your sovereigns emperor bone di will pass on message rune/symbol throw finally in the past. “我什么意思,你自己看!!!”君皇将帝骨最后旳传讯符扔了过去。 After the old man looks at the content of pass on message symbol, is the brow tight wrinkle: I can guarantee, is not the e insect clan does absolutely!!!” 当老者看完传讯符的内容之后,也是眉头紧皱:“我可以保证,绝对不是莪们虫族做的!!!” You ensure you did guarantee with what? My person had died, did you say the guarantee to me?” Since your sovereigns have torn to pieces the facial skin, did not have the plan to speak well. “你保证,你拿什么保证?我的人已经死了,你跟我说保证?”君皇既然已经撕破了脸皮,就没打算好好说话了。 He also gets angry now directly here. 他现在也是直接在这里发火。 This definitely has the issue, our insect clan has no reason to betray you, moreover we also died so many insect mothers!!!” The old men thought that this has certainly the issue. “这绝对有问题,我们虫族没有任何理由出卖你们,而且我们也死了那么多的虫母!!!”老者觉得这一定有问题。 Because he has not incited oneself subordinate to handle this matter. 因为他根本就没有授意自己的手下去做这种事情。 Own subordinate will not do absolutely. 那自己的手下就绝对不会去做。 But at this critical moment, does this matter maybe, this is not looking for trouble for oneself. 而别是在这种关键时刻,去做这种事情,这不是在给自己找麻烦嘛。 Your meaning is, my own person betrayed my own person, then killed my own person?” Your sovereigns think that this is true nonsensical talk. “你的意思是,我自己的人出卖了我自己的人,然后害死了我自己的人是吗?”君皇认为这才是真正的无稽之谈。 His own person, how possibly handles that matter. 他自己的人,怎么可能去做那种事情。 Therefore in this has certainly the issue. 所以这里面一定有问题。 Thinks of here. 一想到这里。 He is also quickly explained: This matter, I certainly will investigate clearly.” 他也是急忙解释:“这件事情,我一定会调查清楚。” You investigate slowly, first sends for!!!” Your sovereigns do not trust the old man, therefore the old man said the investigation to be clear, in his opinion, is the old man is directing and perform, such situation, what explanation no matter the old man gives finally, he does not believe. “你慢慢调查去吧,先派人!!!”君皇可不信任老者,所以老者说调查清楚,在他看来,就是老者在自导自演,这样的情况,那不管老者最后给出什么样的解释,他都不信。 Relax, I will send , but how they suddenly present so many spirits!!!” The old men are also very puzzled, he does not think clearly, according to their beforehand information, that side the alliance spirit quantity should many not be right. “放心,我会派人的,不过他们怎么突然出现这么多的灵!!!”老者也是非常不解,他想不明白,根据他们之前的情报,联盟那边的灵数量应该并没有多少才对。 Moreover their internal contradictions should be very serious. 而且他们内部矛盾应该是非常严重的。 The working efficiency of insect clan is quick. 虫族的办事效率还是很快的。 Their people first joined during the fight. 他们的人第一时间加入到了战斗之中。 At once. 一时之间。 The fights of entire seal four states thorough was fired. 整个封闭四州的战斗彻底的被打响了。 Mr. Xia, is you!!!” Hurrying along Xia Tian bumped into the acquaintance suddenly. 夏先生,是您!!!”正在赶路的夏天突然碰到了熟人。 The spirit of immortal beast before he rescued. 正是之前他救的仙兽之灵。 You can move Ah! now freely!” Xia Tian says with emotion. “你们现在可以自由活动了啊!!”夏天感慨道。 My present is very difficult to recover, but the little battle efficiency has, outside alliance army had arrived, looks everyone hits is so fiery, we naturally must help busily some, moreover we are the local area, certainly must strive to be good!!!” The spirit of that immortal beast answered. “我现在的身体很难恢复,但一点点的战斗力还是有的,外面的联盟军队已经到了,看着大家打的这么火热,我们自然也是要帮一些忙的,而且我们还是本地的,肯定是要多出一份力才行!!!”那头仙兽之灵解释道。 Un! 嗯! Protected on the line!!!” Xia Tian slight nod. “保护好自己就行了!!!”夏天微微点头。 He also has other things to manage, without planning to stay here. 他还有其他的事情要办,没打算停留在这里。 Sir, do you want inside of insect palace?” The spirit of that immortal beast asked. “大人,您是不是想要去虫宫的里面?”那头仙兽之灵问道。 Right, I infiltrate, but my beforehand means are not good, just went in discovered that I have exposed, their guards are also stricter, I am thinking that other means infiltrate!!” Xia Tian answered. “对,我渗透到里面,不过我之前的办法已经不行了,刚刚进去的时候发现我已经暴露了,他们的守卫也更加严密,我正在想其他的办法渗透进去!!”夏天解释道。 I have means to deliver you to go in!!” The spirit of immortal beast said. “我有一个办法可以送您进去!!”仙兽之灵说道。 ? 哦? Xia Tian at present one bright: What means?” 夏天眼前一亮:“什么办法?” They have wanted to catch me to go back, because the spirit of spirit and the immortal monster our these grasped immortal beast solely was not taken the flesh by them, but also was fed by them year to year, present we, it can be said that a medicine jar, regarding their core mission, have certainly the huge role, recently caught my person to be getting more and more, I estimated, soon must be grasped, was grasped with it, might as well I swallow into you abdomen, was seized by them, in this case, I can lead you to submerge to their core regions!!!” The spirit of immortal beast said. “他们一直想要抓我回去,因为我们这些被抓的仙兽之灵和仙妖之灵不单单是被他们吸食血肉,还被他们常年喂养,现在的我们,可以说是一个药罐子,对于他们的核心任务来说,一定有着巨大的作用,最近来抓我的人越来越多了,我估计,用不了多久就要被抓回去了,与其这么被抓回去,还不如我将您吞入腹中,然后再被他们抓走,这样的话,我就可以带着您潜入到他们的核心地带了!!!”仙兽之灵说道。 This was also too dangerous Ah!!” Xia Tian shakes the head. “这也太危险了啊!!”夏天摇了摇头。 He also thought what means before, but unexpectedly must sacrifice others to help him now. 他之前还以为什么办法呢,可现在居然是要牺牲别人来成全他。 He is very difficult to accept. 他还是很难接受的。 Does not help you, I will also be the same am seized, moreover our lives have overdrawn seriously, even if fights to stop now, how long we could not live, with the such vexed death, might as well died a worthy death, dying had value some, looks at others such diligently, I as local spirit, wanted to make the little contribution to the posterity, I believe that Mr. Xia you, if can go, certainly can achieve well!!!” After the spirit of immortal beast said that knees down. “就是不帮您,我也一样会被抓走,而且我们的寿命已经透支严重,哪怕现在战斗停止了,我们也活不了多久了,与其这么窝窝囊囊的死,还不如死得其所,死的有价值一些,看着别人都在这么努力,我身为本地的灵,也想要为子孙后代做一点点的贡献,我相信,夏先生您,如果可以进去的话,一定能够做到最好!!!”仙兽之灵说完之后单膝跪地 Xia Tian visits him. 夏天看着他。 Deeping frown. 眉头紧锁。 He most does not like resorts to all means for the goal. 他最不喜欢的就是为了目的不择手段。 Although sneaks the incomparable difficulty, so long as he tries to find the solution slowly, should be have the means. 虽然潜入进去无比的困难,但只要他慢慢想办法,应该还是能有办法的。 Mr. Xia , you should understand without enough time, this is against the matter that the time races, every minute, every seconds, does not know must die many people, if you can morning a point disintegrate them from the interior, we can little die a person, even if they cannot catch me, definitely still has other means that they are definitely prepared with the plan, when the time comes, my value does not exist!!!” The spirit of immortal beast begged. 夏先生,已经来不及了,您应该明白,这是在与时间赛跑的事情,每一分,每一秒,都不知道要死多少人,如果您能从内部早一点瓦解他们的话,那我们就能少死一点人,而且就算是他们抓不到我,肯定也有其他的办法,他们肯定有备用方案的,到时候,我的价值就不存在了!!!”仙兽之灵央求道。 Xia Tian helped up him. 夏天扶起了他。 You will become the pride of your clansman!!!” “你会成为你们族人的骄傲!!!” You are we seal up four state all immortal beast and immortal monster obligation person!!!” The spirit of immortal beast has held the determination that must die. “您是我们封闭四州所有仙兽和仙妖的大恩人!!!”仙兽之灵已经抱着必死的决心了。 He wants to give off heat with oneself final life illumination. 他想要用自己最后的生命发光发热。 Xia Tian this time has not rejected him. 夏天这次没有拒绝他。 But hides in his within the body. 而是藏在他的体内。 After the spirit of immortal beast said goodbye to own subordinate, exposed own position intentionally. 仙兽之灵告别了自己的手下之后,故意暴露了自己的位置。 Quick. 很快。 The insect clan looked for him, and his seal, seized him. 虫族就找上了他,并将他封印,将他抓走。 You really grew up Ah!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你真的是长大了啊!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 You meant that discards others?” Xia Tian asked. “您是说舍弃他人吗?”夏天问道。 No, sometimes, solely is not you have the sacrificing spirit, others have, everyone has own choice, you should respect the choice of everyone.” Immortal Black Tortoise slight nod. “不,有的时候,不单单是你一个人有奉献精神的,别人也有,每个人都有属于自己的选择,你应该尊重每一个人的选择。”仙玄武微微点头。 Un! 嗯! I am will not waste him for the opportunity that I catch absolutely!!” The Xia Tian conceals entered in all things. “我是绝对不会浪费他为我争取的机会的!!”夏天藏入到了森罗万象之中。 Like this he hides by an appearance of grain of dust in immortal Black Tortoise within the body. 这样他就是以一粒灰尘的样子藏在仙玄武体内。 Good that this can hide. 这样能够隐藏的更好。 Others use all kinds of abilities even, is impossible to investigate his existence. 别人就算是使用各种各样的能力,也不可能探查出他的存在。 This going, you may directly enter to their core regions very much, when the time comes you must face is immortal Azure Dragon, if you destroyed his rebirth, you may bring the big trouble!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “这次进去,你很有可能会直接进入到他们的核心地带,到时候你要面对的就是仙青龙,如果你破坏了他的重生,那你可就闯大祸了!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Fears anything!!” Xia Tian shows a faint smile. “怕什么!!”夏天微微一笑。 Said also right, you are always are fearless, that makes me have a look, what world you can rush out!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise is also very curious. “说的也对,你向来是天不怕,地不怕的,那就让我看看,你到底能闯出什么样的天地吧!!!”仙玄武也很好奇。 In the future which step Xia Tian will arrive. 夏天将来会走到哪一步。 Knows Xia Tian from him. 从他认识夏天起。 Xia Tian really more walks is farther. 夏天真的是越走越远。 Now even has exceeded his imagination. 现在甚至已经超出了他的想象。
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