AS :: Volume #124

#12320: Enters seals up four states

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Spoils of war. 战利品。 Hears here di time, the people are also at present one bright, this time they cut to kill 21 spirits, can the treasure that they carried along how many have? 听到这里旳时候,众人也是眼前一亮,这次他们可是斩杀了二十一个灵,他们随身携带的宝物会有多少? Did not say other. 不说别的。 Solely is their universe machine armor, each is the genuine good thing. 单单是他们身上的宇宙机甲,每一个都是真正的好东西啊。 They in these patterns during the fight taking , is really the good thing. 还有他们在战斗之中拿出来的那些花样,也真的是好东西。 Various types of compounded drugs wait/etc. 各种丹药等等。 Innumerable. 数不胜数。 First said that universe machine armor, universe machine armor of one set of 4S rank, universe of five sets of 3 S rank, universe machine armor of 20 sets of 2 S level, 100 sets of S level universe machine armor, insect mother battledress ten sets, various types of weaponry, innumerable, top, the compounded drug here, the average minute/share, I do not need!!!” Xia Tian assigns the resources time is this. “先说宇宙机甲吧,一套4S级别的宇宙机甲,五套3S级别的宇宙家,二十套2S级的宇宙机甲,一百套S级宇宙机甲,还有虫母身上的战斗服十套,各种武器装备,数不胜数,都是顶级的,丹药也都在这里,平均分,我不需要!!!”夏天分配资源的时候就是这样。 He proposed was the equal distributions. 他提议的就是平均分配。 But he himself will exclude each time. 但每次他自己都会将自己排除在外。 This your merit is biggest, without you, let alone was the spoils of war, perhaps that group of people also escaped, therefore you least must take away half!!!” The long life proposed. “这次你的功劳最大,如果没有你的话,别说是战利品了,那群人恐怕也都逃了,所以你最少也要拿走一半!!!”长生灵提议道。 His words. 他的话。 The people also feel very reasonable. 众人也觉得非常合理。 This type of thing is very good fight commodity, gives others, can increase others' battle efficiency, wins regarding us is more helpful, but to the e words, will only be thrown in the storage space by me, we now is a body, the matter that must consider how beats the opposite party, rather than hides contraband respectively!!!” The Xia Tian principle of righteousness lets that the person most admires forever. “这种东西都是非常好的战斗物资,交给别人,能够增加别人的战斗力,对于我们获胜更有帮助,但给莪的话,只会被我扔到储物空间里面去,我们现在是一体的,要考虑的事情是怎么样击败对方,而不是各自藏私!!!”夏天的大义永远都是让人最佩服的那一个。 Hears his words. 听到他的话。 The people have not said anything. 众人也没有说什么。 Has Mr. Xia such person, our alliance is impossible to lose, person who the brothers, apportion these fight commodities most have the need, I announced, to sealing up the fights of four states, fully fires, we will infiltrate to seal up four states, the insect clan that any person of resistance and sees, kills without the amnesty!!!!” The long life issued own order. “有夏先生这样的人在,我们联盟不可能输,兄弟们,将这些战斗物资分给最有需要的人,我宣布,对封闭四州的战斗,全面打响,我们将打入封闭四州,凡是抵抗的人和所见的虫族,杀无赦!!!!”长生灵下达了自己的命令。 Now at this time. 现在这种时候。 Is kills to seal up four state best times. 是杀到封闭四州最好的时机。 Opposite party casualty so many Expert. 对方死伤了这么多的高手 It can be said that the loss is serious. 可以说是损失惨重啊。 They can follow up a victory with hot pursuit. 他们可以乘胜追击。 Seals up four states from various attacks, this can also accelerate to fight. 从多方面进攻封闭四州,这样也可以加速战斗。 As for spoils of war, us is very simple, who projects on, whose is, the custom of alliance is, having the need can seek help, without need time, let loose hitting to me!!!” The long life this time was also under decides the decision. “至于战利品方面,我们这边很简单,谁打到的,就是谁的,联盟的规矩就是,有需要可以求助,没需要的时候,就给我放开了打!!!”长生灵这次也算是下定决定了。 He is thoroughly handles all these. 他就是要彻底的搞定这一切。 The solution seals up the fights of four states. 解决封闭四州的战斗。 After Xia Tian handled here matter, his knowledge sea also obtained many powerful Divine Soul, in Wang Jue's dantian, the strength attacks are more. 夏天搞定了这边的事情之后,他的识海也获得了更多强大的神魂,界王决的丹田内,力量冲击更多。 Moreover he also unified many emperor Wang Dan and paradise Wang Dan. 而且他还凝聚了不少的帝界王丹和仙界王丹。 What is main is. 最主要的是。 He that also received likely. 他将那一象也收了。 Seals up in four states, in four king hands has four elephants, this is also one of the resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon important goods, Xia Tian at this time also huge plans, that is: Resurrecting immortal Black Tortoise. 封闭四州里面,四王手里有四象,这也是复活仙青龙的重要物品之一,夏天此时也有一个巨大的计划,那就是:复活仙玄武。 If immortal Azure Dragon can resurrect. 如果仙青龙都可以复活的话。 Why can't that immortal Black Tortoise resurrect? 那仙玄武为什么不能复活呢? The object who if he is going to resurrect trades to become an immortal Black Tortoise, that immortal Black Tortoise can resurrect. 如果他将要复活的对象换成仙玄武的话,那岂不是仙玄武就能复活了。 However. 不过。 He has not gone saying that with immortal Black Tortoise temporarily this matter, he will not handle the matter that type has not grasped, will not promise to others casually, he can promise, can certainly achieve. 他暂时没有去和仙玄武说这件事情,他不会去做那种没有把握的事情,也不会随随便便给别人许诺,他能许诺的,都是一定可以做到的。 Moreover this road certainly is very dangerous. 而且这条路一定是非常危险的。 He worried that immortal Black Tortoise will prevent him. 他担心仙玄武会阻止他。 Arrives at seals up four states the time again, sealed up four states not to have the beforehand scenery, because transmits now radical opening, all transmission had large numbers of soldiers to fly, especially immortal monster and a person of immortal beast clan after hearing here matter, was angry, they want to destroy this terrifying seal four states. 再次来到封闭四州的时候,封闭四州就没有之前的风光了,因为现在传送阵已经彻底的开启,所有的传送阵都有大批的战士飞进来,特别是仙妖和仙兽一族的人在听到这里的事情之后,就更加的愤怒了,他们更想来毁灭这个恐怖的封闭四州。 This fight. 这次的战斗。 The alliance is occupying the principle of righteousness. 联盟是占着大义的。 Everyone is also unafraid of death. 每一个人也都是视死如归。 Seals up four states to fight for the benefit. 封闭四州这边是为了利益而战。 Because died recently too many Expert, therefore just started to fight, even if their science and technology are advanced, cannot resist the attack of alliance completely. 而且因为最近死了太多的高手,所以刚开始交手的时候,哪怕他们的科技先进,也完全阻挡不住联盟的进攻。 The rout is only flash's matter. 溃败只是一瞬间的事情。 Especially these Expert of alliance, they as if are the war machine general...... 特别是联盟的那些高手,他们一个个就仿佛是战争机器一般…… Where they kill. 他们杀到什么地方。 Where battlefield will change. 什么地方的战场就会发生改变。 Seals up four state here. 封闭四州这里。 Remaining two king Juji here. 剩下的二王聚集在了这里。 Blames that two idiots, if not Emperor health/guard Lanhe the bone two people thinks oneself clever, we not so passive!!!!” The tiger leaps indignant saying. “都怪那两个蠢货,如果不是卫兰和帝骨两人自作聪明的话,我们也不会如此的被动!!!!”虎跃气愤的说道。 Now said that these, have only been able to make the insect clan late to enter the war, otherwise, how long we could not shoulder!!!” Your sovereign brow tight wrinkle. “现在说这些已经晚了,只能让虫族进行参战了,不然的话,我们扛不住多久了!!!”君皇眉头紧皱。 He is four king's heads. 他就是四王之首。 The owner of another 5 S rank universe machine armor. 另外一个5S级别宇宙机甲的拥有者。 Looks for them? The emperor bone was not passes on a message saying that he was betrayed by the insect clan?” The tiger leaps asks. “找他们?帝骨不是传讯回来说,他就是被虫族出卖的吗?”虎跃问道。 They have known that the emperor bone and belt/bring past person died in battle completely. 他们已经知道帝骨和带过去的人全部阵亡了。 Although the strength of their also very surprised alliance, may think was planned, they also felt relaxed, moreover they have not thought, alliance unexpectedly Expert of more than 60 spirit above ranks, before this is them, has not expected. 虽然他们也很惊讶联盟的实力,可一想到是被算计的,他们也就释然了,而且他们没想到,联盟居然又六十多位灵以上级别的高手,这是他们之前所没有料到的。 This account, later calculates with them, after they definitely are wants resurrecting immortal Sir Azure Dragon, monopolizes the advantage.” Your sovereigns got hold of oneself fist. “这笔账,以后再和他们算,他们肯定是想要复活仙青龙大人之后,独占好处。”君皇握紧了自己的拳头。 On his face also is completely the hatred. 他的脸上也尽是恨意。 They and insect clans cooperated so many years, every day is preparing food for the insect clan, even they also did reared in a pen the immortal beast and immortal monster matter. 他们和虫族合作了这么多年,每天都在为虫族准备食物,甚至他们还做了圈养仙兽和仙妖这种事情。 But insect clan unexpectedly betrayed them. 可虫族居然还是背叛了他们。 They are really also willing under the initial capital, for did not give a pretext to us, their unexpectedly also sent own person also to bring death!!!” The tiger leaps indignantly also. “他们也真是肯下血本啊,为了不给我们借口,他们居然还派自己的人也去送死!!!”虎跃也是非常的气愤。 You have the remaining spirits and all S level above machine armor, goes to block them to me some time, I go to an insect palace, I must ask that fellow to chat!!!” The facial colors of your sovereign cold. “你带着剩下的灵和所有S级以上的机甲,去给我挡住他们一段时间,我去一趟虫宫里面,我要找那个家伙谈谈了!!!”君皇的面色冷了下来。 Relax, we, although the present is the disadvantage, but resists some time or No problem!!” The tiger leaps is also the non- common confidence. “放心吧,我们虽然现在是劣势,但抵挡一段时间还是没问题的!!”虎跃也是非常有信心。 Your sovereigns leave directly. 君皇则是直接动身。 The interior of insect palace. 虫宫的内部。 Core region. 核心区域。 Your sovereigns look that front hand takes the insect clan old man of scepter: We could not block!!!” 君皇看着面前手拿权杖的一个虫族老者:“我们挡不住了!!!” „The present is the important moment of resurrecting immortal Sir Azure Dragon, cannot have the accident/surprise, four alike issues you handle, the godship we handles, as for the foreign enemy, I will make insect clan Dajun help resist!!!” The insect clan old men answered. “现在是复活仙青龙大人的重要时刻,不能出现意外,四象的问题你们来搞定,神格我们来搞定,至于外敌,我会让虫族大军去帮忙抵挡!!!”虫族老者解释道。 Will not work as the cannon fodder with my person!!!” Saying that your sovereigns taunted. “不会拿我的人当炮灰吧!!!”君皇冷嘲热讽的说道。 Your what meaning?” The insect clan old men asked. “你什么意思?”虫族老者问道。 My anything meaning you should be very clear, this matter, I can with immortal Sir Azure Dragon say that I must want the justice for my person!!!” Your sovereigns pound on the table, stood directly. “我什么意思你应该很清楚,这件事情,我一定会和仙青龙大人说的,我要为我的人讨回公道!!!”君皇一拍桌子,直接站了起来。 What wind do you pull out?” “你抽什么风?”
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