AS :: Volume #124

#12319: Rolling victory

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Right. 没错。 This time. 这一次。 The emperor bone they were true di to turn into the living target. 帝骨他们是真正旳变成了活靶子。 Without the universe battleship, they lost the final card in a hand. 没有了宇宙战舰,他们就失去了最后的底牌。 On, gives me first to kill Xia Tian together!!!” Although emperor bone now very shocking Xia Tian ability, but he just also saw the Xia Tian body condition is not very good. “一起上,给我先杀夏天!!!”帝骨虽然现在非常震惊夏天的能力,但他刚刚也看到了夏天的身体状态不是很好。 Therefore. 所以。 He thinks. 他认为。 Now cuts to kill the Xia Tian best time, so long as cut to kill Xia Tian, they also had the opportunity of overturn, at least can escape several. 现在正是斩杀夏天的最好时机,只要斩杀了夏天,那他们就还有翻盘的机会,最起码是可以逃掉几个的。 „To kill Xia Tian, must ask us whether agreed!!!” These Expert of divine land blocked completely in Xia Tian front, they, strengths were also incomparable formidable. “想杀夏天,也要问过我们是否同意!!!”神州的那些高手全部拦在了夏天的前面,他们这些人,一个个实力也是无比的强悍 Hateful, escapes, three people of one group!!!” The emperor bone sees not to have the opportunity, ordered to escape again. “可恶,逃,三人一组!!!”帝骨看到没有机会,也是再次下令逃跑。 But his time study was intelligent. 但他这次学聪明了。 He felt, words that person escape, is sneak attacked by Xia Tian very much easily. 他觉得,一个人自己去逃的话,是很容易被夏天偷袭的。 The words that but three people escape together, can take care of mutually, their later fights can also prevent to be sneak attacked. 但三个人一起逃的话,就可以互相照应,那他们之后的战斗也能防止被偷袭。 e was similar, you go!!!” Xia Tian just truly overdrew some own strengths. “莪差不多了,你们去吧!!!”夏天刚刚确实是透支了一些自己的力量。 But his within the body has the strength of divine land elf. 但他体内可是有神州精灵的力量的。 Now the strength of divine land elf has poured into to his within the body completely. 现在神州精灵的力量已经完全注入到他的体内了。 Let his body thoroughly restore. 让他的身体彻底恢复。 Xia Tian, you cannot fight my, you remembered, sooner or later, you can die is very miserable!!!” The emperor bone shouts loudly. 夏天,你斗不过我的,你记住了,早晚有一天,你们一定会死的很惨的!!!”帝骨大声喊道。 Who gives you such big energy?” After the Xia Tian sound falls, appears in the side of emperor bone instantaneously: Is immortal Azure Dragon?” “谁给你这么大的底气?”夏天的声音落下之后,瞬间出现在帝骨的身边:“是仙青龙吗?” His words just fell. 他的话刚刚落下。 The emperor bone whole body trembles, he has not thought that Xia Tian will suddenly appear side him, without has not thought that Xia Tian will say immortal Azure Dragon these three characters. 帝骨浑身一颤,他根本就没想到夏天会突然出现在他身边,没没想到夏天会说出仙青龙这三个字。 Therefore. 所以。 This let his god. 这就让他愣神了。 But in instance of this god. 可就是在这愣神的瞬间。 His universe machine armor was defeated by Xia Tian directly. 他身上的宇宙机甲直接被夏天击破。 Several other Expert are also attacking his universe machine armor simultaneously. 其他几个高手也是在同时攻击他身上的宇宙机甲。 Quick. 很快。 Emperor bone 4S level universe machine armor was broken through temporarily. 帝骨身上的4S级宇宙机甲就被暂时攻破。 But the emperor bone is also very rich, first put on one set of 3 S universe machine armor, although this not just formidable, but after putting on universe machine armor, can dramatically increase his battle efficiency, increases his defensive power. 但帝骨也是非常富有的,第一时间穿上了一套3S宇宙机甲,虽然这个没有刚刚的强悍,但穿上了宇宙机甲之后,也能大幅度的增加他的战斗力,增加他的防御力。 In this case. 在这种情况下。 Xia Tian wants to sneak attack him, he can also better protects itself. 夏天想要偷袭他,他也能更好的保护自己。 Why you will know existence of immortal Azure Dragon!!!” Emperor bone panic-stricken looks at Xia Tian. “为什么你会知道仙青龙的存在!!!”帝骨惊恐的看着夏天 You are not curious, each time why you plan me to know is very clear? You are not curious, why I prepare the trap each time?” Xia Tian asked again. “难道你就不好奇,为什么你们每次的计划我都会知道的很清楚吗?难道你就不好奇,为什么我每次都是准备好陷阱的吗?”夏天再次问道。 Why?” The emperor bone from most starts also to think why oneself is the condition of exposition. “为什么?”帝骨从最开始也是一直在想,为什么自己一直都是暴露的状态。 Why Xia Tian will have prepared each time ahead of time. 为什么每次夏天都会提前有所准备。 Also needed me to say was so clear? Knows that the person of this matter are not many!!!” The corners of the mouth of Xia Tian raise slightly. “还需要我说的那么清楚吗?知道这个事情的人不多吧!!!”夏天的嘴角微微一扬。 He said intentionally. 他是故意这么说的。 To let the insect clan and seals up human of four states to present the internal contradictions. 就是为了让虫族和封闭四州的人类出现内部矛盾。 Was the insect clan, the insect clan contacted with you!!!” The emperor bone shouts loudly. “是虫族,虫族联系了你!!!”帝骨大声喊道。 You were also dying in any case, now knows that are not related!!!” Xia Tian had not explained that but continued to kill to the emperor bone. “反正你也要死了,现在知道也没关系了!!!”夏天没有去解释,而是继续杀向了帝骨。 The emperor bone rubbish. 帝骨没有废话。 Put out a pass on message symbol instantaneously. 瞬间拿出了一道传讯符。 This is the universe pass on message symbol, can the wearing out universe. 这是宇宙传讯符,可以穿破宇宙。 Xia Tian they cannot stop absolutely. 夏天他们是绝对阻拦不住的。 He is wants first to pass on this news. 他就是想要第一时间将这个消息传回去。 „It is not good, blocks him!!” Xia Tian pretends the startled appearance intentionally. “不好,拦住他!!”夏天故意装作惊慌的样子。 Already without enough time.” The emperor bone is favorite: This pass on message symbol can penetrate the universe, therefore you could not have blocked!!” “已经来不及了。”帝骨非常得意:“这个传讯符可是能够穿透宇宙的,所以你们已经拦不住了!!” That first killed you!!!” Xia Tian killed. “那就先杀了你!!!”夏天杀了上去。 All during his plan. 一切都在他的计划之中。 Died one after another so many people. 接连死了这么多人。 Seals up four state remaining that two kings is not not possible not to care. 封闭四州剩下的那两个王不可能不在意。 But the emperor bone beforehand pass on message symbol, will certainly become the blasting fuse at the point of death, lets seal up between four state remaining human and insect clans presents the giant contradiction, this contradiction, is not immortal Azure Dragon can deter, even if they on have not hit outwardly. 而帝骨临死之前的传讯符,就一定会成为导火索,让封闭四州剩下的人类和虫族之间出现巨大的矛盾,这个矛盾,已经不是仙青龙可以威慑的,哪怕他们明面上没有打起来。 Then works, each other concealed mind. 接下来做事的时候,也会彼此藏个心眼。 In this case. 在这种情况下。 Their cooperation, were not worth mentioning. 他们的合作,就不值一提了。 This is also the Xia Tian goal. 这也是夏天的目的。 Fight of both sides gets stronger and stronger. 双方的战斗愈演愈烈。 The divine land unusual is been serious, at this time, the person who in entire divine land this fight destroys, hid, seemed worried was affected general by this fight, although this fight was away from them to have very far distance, but they were still worried. 神州被这场战斗破坏的非常严重,此时,整个神州的人,都躲起来了,仿佛是担心被这种战斗波及到一般,虽然这种战斗距离他们有很远的距离,可他们依然担心。 Because. 因为。 The fight of this scale. 这种规模的战斗。 Really can casual extinguish them kills. 是真的可以随随便便就将他们灭杀的。 You also were really bad, must kill the opposite party, unexpectedly must plan them to seal up four states using the opposite party!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你还真是太坏了啊,都已经要杀了对方了,居然还要利用对方来算计他们封闭四州!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 „Everyone has own value, since he had soon died, he must display his value!!” Xia Tian said , the body vanished in same place. “每个人都有属于自己的价值,既然他已经快要死了,那他也要发挥他的价值!!”夏天说完之后身体消失在了原地。 Not again with emperor bone entanglement. 没有再和帝骨纠缠。 But held a person of team to leave behind. 而是抓住了一个队伍的人落单。 ! 噗! The hand culmination cold sword started the harvesting pattern. 手中天寒剑开始了收割模式。 Afterward. 随后。 Vanishes again. 再次消失。 The following fight, is harvesting, although the opposite party is discrete . Moreover the time of fighting, they are also very careful, but was bullied the person to be few after all, this makes their pressures bigger and bigger, no matter they are careful, in this case, will not be 100% may focus on the sneak attacked issue. 接下来的战斗,就是一场收割,虽然对方已经非常谨慎了,而且战斗起来的时候,他们也是非常小心,可毕竟是被人多欺负人少,这就让他们的压力越来越大,不管他们多么小心,在这种情况下,都不可能是百分之百将注意力放在被偷袭的问题上。 Moreover they cannot manage, assisted the teammate very much difficultly. 而且他们自己都管不过来,也很难去协防队友了。 This gave Xia Tian more and more opportunities. 这就给了夏天越来越多的机会。 Died here one after another. 一个接着一个在这里死去。 Finally. 最后。 The body of emperor bone is also tattered and torn. 帝骨的身上也已经是千疮百孔了。 Emperor bone, your person died, was you!!” The Xia Tian reminder said. “帝骨,你的人死光了,接下来就是你了!!”夏天提醒道。 I am unwilling, I am unwilling, I must succeed obviously!!!” The emperor bone shouts loudly. “我不甘心,我不甘心,明明我已经要成功了!!!”帝骨大声喊道。 You biggest mistake should provoke me, everyone must pay the price for own decision, but is your time price has in a big way some!!!” The day cold sword in Xia Tian hand pierced emperor bone node. “你最大的错误就是应该来招惹我,每个人都要为自己的决定而付出代价,只不过是你这次的代价有一些大罢了!!!”夏天手中的天寒剑刺穿了帝骨身上的节点。 Finished. 结束了。 This imposing war ended like this. 这场轰轰烈烈的大战就这样结束了。 The fight of this scale. 这种规模的战斗。 Was also unprecedented in three island ten states. 在三岛十州也是空前了。 Moreover finally Xia Tian their side ends the victory. 而且最后夏天他们这一边是完胜。 Although the injured person are many, but had not died. 虽然受伤的人不少,但一个都没有死亡的。 This type the victory, increased very big imposing manner to the alliance. 这种完胜,给联盟增加了很大的气势。 Brothers, prepared to attack to seal up four states comprehensively!!!” The long life seizes the chance to shout. “兄弟们,准备全面进攻封闭四州了!!!”长生灵趁机喊道。 Now such high imposing manner. 现在这么高的气势。 How he possibly misses. 他怎么可能错过呢。 Hits to seal up four states to want, but this time spoils of war are also very rich, after I first spoils of war everyone the minute/share gets down, you again comprehensively attack!!!” “打封闭四州是一定要的,不过这次的战利品也很丰厚,我先把战利品给大家分下去之后,你们再全面进攻吧!!!”
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