AS :: Volume #124

#12318: The empty shadow reappears

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Couldn't block? 挡不住了? Long life and the others also can only di shake the head unceasingly, they also understand, Xia Tian definitely made contribution, can block so many under is the miracle. 长生灵等人也只能不断旳摇头,他们也明白,夏天肯定是尽力了,能够挡住那么多下已经算是奇迹了。 Although makes the opposite party run away. 虽然让对方逃走。 Will leave behind very big disaster to them. 会给他们留下很大的祸患。 But they also understand. 但他们也明白。 This does not have the matter of means. 这是没有办法的事情。 Can achieve this degree, is really invincible, although makes the opposite party escape was a pity, but Mr. Xia is really invincible.” “能够做到这种程度,真的是已经无敌了啊,虽然让对方逃掉非常可惜,可夏先生真的已经是无敌了。” Has Xia Tian, how even if they did escape? In the future we same can get rid of them, but is to make them live some time.” “有夏天在,就算是他们逃掉了又如何?将来我们一样是可以将他们干掉,只不过是让他们多活一段时间罢了。” „It is not right, you looked quickly, the universe battleship has not gone forward, but in retreat!!!” “不对,你们快看,宇宙战舰并没有前进,而是在后退!!!” When the people are sigh with emotion, they suddenly discovered, universe battleship unexpectedly has not flushed, but seemed given pulling back of forcefully by a tremendous strength. 就在众人感慨的时候,他们突然发现,宇宙战舰居然没有冲出去,而是仿佛被一股巨大的力量给硬生生的拉了回来。 Limitless, attraction!!!】 【无极,吸引!!!】 Xia Tian appears in universe behind. 夏天出现在宇宙的后面。 Like this universe battleship pulling back. 就这样将宇宙战舰给拉回来了。 What?” The emperor bone looks own front space and time crack little seal, in his heart is completely desperate. “什么?”帝骨看着自己面前的时空裂缝一点点的封闭,他的心中尽是绝望。 Sir, is not good, the strength of energy cover only enough hits space crack a time, if this time kept off again, we could not hit the space crack!!!” Under a master report said. “大人,不行了,能量罩的力量只够撞击一次空间裂缝的,如果这次再被挡下的话,我们就撞不开空间裂缝了!!!”一名手下禀报道。 How can like this!!!” The emperor bone does not know how now should describe own feelings. “怎么会这样!!!”帝骨现在已经不知道该怎么去形容自己的心情了。 He regards is the ability of card in a hand, now unexpectedly will turn into this, was blocked by Xia Tian like this. 他当成是底牌的能力,现在居然会变成这样,就这样被夏天拦了下来。 „It is not good, to/clashes to e, no matter he used what method, should use was similar, then he surely did not have so many abilities to use.” The emperor bone believes that Xia Tian not possible again blocks the hit of universe battleship, they can certainly flee from here. “不行,给莪冲,不管他用了什么手段,都应该用的差不多了,接下来他肯定没有那么多的能力可以使用了。”帝骨认为,夏天不可能再一次的挡住宇宙战舰的撞击的,那他们就一定可以逃离这里了。 Un un! 嗯嗯! Is also driving the universe battleship, hit again to the space crack. 手下也是开着宇宙战舰,再次撞向了空间裂缝。 However this time. 不过这一次。 The universe battleship above energy cover vanished. 宇宙战舰上面的能量罩消失了。 Vanished, everyone attacks!!!” In the people saw that moment that the energy cover vanishes, they also understand, Xia Tian achieved. “消失了,大家攻击!!!”在众人看到能量罩消失的那一刻,他们也明白,夏天做到了。 He really the defense of universe battleship surface defeating. 他真的将宇宙战舰表面的防御给击破了。 However the universe battleship self-defence strength is also very formidable. 不过宇宙战舰自身的防御力也是非常强悍的。 It is not their attacks can crush instantaneously. 并不是他们的攻击可以瞬间粉碎的。 Saw that the universe battleship must break to the space and time crack in again. 眼看着宇宙战舰就要再次冲入到时空裂缝里面。 Xia Tian another keeping off in front of universe battleship. 夏天又一次的挡在了宇宙战舰的前面。 Also can come?” The people saw Xia Tian goes forward again, they are also one startled, they understand, Xia Tian should now really no method, otherwise he will not just go to behind of universe battleship. “还要来吗?”众人看到夏天再次上前的时候,他们也是一惊,他们都明白,夏天现在应该真的没有什么手段了,不然他刚刚也不会去宇宙战舰的后面。 But now, he still stands there. 可现在,他依然站在那里。 Is he wants to depend on oneself flesh and blood to prevent the universe battleship? 难道他是想要靠着自己的血肉之躯去阻挡宇宙战舰吗? Thinks here. 一想这里。 The people are face the colors of doubts. 众人都是一脸的疑惑之色。 Actually they want to take a look at Xia Tian to do. 他们都想要看看夏天究竟要干什么。 ! 呼! Xia Tian aspirates. 夏天吐了一口气。 You are breaknecking, the method that you can resort to now has used, your other strengths are not enough to shoulder such attack, if were attacked by the upfront, you might be killed very much directly.” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “你这是在玩命啊,你现在能够动用的手段都已经动用过了,你其他的力量是不足以扛住这样的攻击的,如果被正面冲击,你很有可能会被直接撞死的。”仙玄武提醒道。 The impulse of universe battleship is air-splitting. 宇宙战舰的冲击力可是破空的。 Such terrifying impulse, is equivalent to 50 spirits to impact a point full power. 这么恐怖的冲击力,相当于五十个灵全力冲击一个点。 And is the impact. 而且是冲击。 Even if such big strength the present alliance everyone prevent together, cannot block. 这么大的力量就算是现在联盟所有人一起去阻挡,也是挡不住的。 Because the strengths of alliance these people are not possible to hit in the same point, will otherwise take the lead to break open the space, others escaped directly. 因为联盟这些人的力量是不可能打在同一个点上的,不然会率先将空间破开,那人家直接就逃了。 Life, needs to challenge, since had come, that must go to facing well.” On the face of Xia Tian showed a smile of faint trace. “人生,就是需要挑战的,既然已经已经来了,那就要去好好的面对。”夏天的脸上露出了一丝丝的笑容。 Stepping on that his both feet makes an effort above ground. 他的双脚用力的踩在了地面之上。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In his body erupts to bleed the red strength, the eyes also turned into the blood red from the ice blue color, entire dances in the air. 他的身体之中爆发出了血红色的力量,双眼也从冰蓝色变成了血红色,整个飞舞起来。 The whole person as if fell into the fascinated condition. 整个人仿佛陷入到了入魔的状态。 This was immortal Black Tortoise stares in a big way own eye, looks at the Xia Tian present condition, his unexpectedly had a frightened feeling. “这是”仙玄武瞪大了自己的眼睛,看着夏天现在的状态,他居然出现了一种恐惧的感觉。 . 要知道。 Since he was so long with Xia Tian, the small insect makes him feel the fear. 他跟了夏天这么久以来,只有小虫子让他感觉过恐惧。 But that fear and present Xia Tian appearance compares. 但那种恐惧和现在夏天的样子比起来。 Probably was not anything. 好像又不算什么了。 The empty shadow appears in Xia Tian together behind. 一道虚影出现在夏天的身后。 When this empty shadow appears. 当这个虚影出现的时候。 These spirits of alliance all lower the head, does not dare to look straight ahead, even the feelings of their wish worships, as if saw the supreme creation world god is common. 联盟的那些灵全都低下了头,不敢直视,甚至他们都有一种想要朝拜的感觉,就仿佛是看到了至高无上的创世神一般。 This is what strength, why I control no matter how, is unable to raise the head.” “这是什么力量,为什么我不管怎么控制,都无法抬起头。” I am also same, I stand need to insist, otherwise I have knelt down.” “我也一样,我连站立都需要坚持,不然我已经跪下了。” I control do not live in my body instinct and my heart, this feeling, I many years have not had.” “我控自不住自己的身体本能和自己的心,这种感觉,我已经好多年都没有过了。” These spirit present felt oneself returned to the childhood the bullied age. 那些灵现在一个个感觉自己回到了小时候被人欺负的年代。 Saw these exist powerful the feeling. 看到那些强大存在的时候出现的感觉。 Bang! 轰! Both hands of Xia Tian grasped above of universe battleship. 夏天的双手抓在了宇宙战舰的上面。 This held forcefully. 就这样硬生生的抓住了。 Afterward. 随后。 An inconceivable appearance. 不可思议的一幕出现。 His both hands unexpectedly is making an effort to the external bracing. 他的双手居然在用力向外拉。 Muscle as if exploded in this moment generally. 身上的肌肉在这一刻仿佛爆炸开了一般。 The ancient strength spreads the whole body of Xia Tian. 亘古的力量流传到夏天的全身。 This. 就这样。 Xia Tian forcefully ripped open the universe battleship. 夏天硬生生的将宇宙战舰撕开了。 As if ripping open bread to be equally simple. 仿佛是在撕开一个面包一样简单。 The people in universe battleship were also ignorant, they as if are having a dream general, in their eyes, the universe battleship is the most reliable thing, that is indestructible, but the universe battleship is ripped open by Xia Tian now like this forcefully. 宇宙战舰内的众人一个个也都懵了,他们仿佛是在做梦一般,在他们的眼中,宇宙战舰是最牢固的东西,那是坚不可摧的,可现在宇宙战舰就这样被夏天硬生生的撕开了。 They do not dare to imagine. 他们根本就不敢去想象这是怎么回事。 Why Xia Tian can achieve this situation. 为什么夏天可以做到这种地步。 Kills!!” After the long life responded, was quickly shouts. “杀!!”长生灵反应过来之后,也是急忙喊道。 But that side Xia Tian. 夏天那边。 The empty shadow vanishes, his body to retreat one step, nearly threw down. 身后的虚影消失,他的身体向后退了一步,险些摔倒。 But finally. 但最后。 His recovered the original design. 他的身体恢复了原样。 Body also in fast restoration. 身体也在快速的恢复。 Xia Tian, you just 夏天,你刚刚” Is my trump card, but usually almost cannot use, just when I facing the universe battleship, in my heart raised infinite war intent, this war intent I could not control, at that time, my instinct is thinking must resist the universe battleship, rather than made way, therefore I acted!!!” Xia Tian answered. “是我的杀手锏,不过平时几乎用不出来,刚刚在我面对宇宙战舰的时候,我心中升起无限的战意,这种战意我自己都控制不住,那个时候,我本能的就想着要去对抗宇宙战舰,而不是让开,所以我就出手了!!!”夏天解释道。 This strength also went against heaven's will some!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise thinks before oneself, is powerful enough. “这种力量也太逆天一些了吧!!!”仙玄武自认为自己以前已经足够强大了。 If not bump into insect emperor rank, oneself free ballooning in universe, that is invincible existence. 如果不是碰到虫帝这个级别的话,自己在宇宙之中自由翱翔,那就是无敌的存在。 But just strength made him feel that oneself was a reptile is common. 可刚刚的力量让他感觉自己就是一只爬虫一般。 Fight, has reached the last act!!!” Xia Tian looked to front emperor bone. “战斗,已经进入尾声了!!!”夏天看向了面前的帝骨。
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