AS :: Volume #124

#12317: Shoulders the universe battleship hardly

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He thinks before di is tempts the opposite party to attack them, like this they can seize the chance to attack a point, breaks open the space, after breaking to the space, they can use the universe battleship to escape, but since now the opposite party had prepared, he can only depend on the universe battleship to clash. 他之前想旳是引诱对方一直攻击他们,这样他们就可以趁机攻击一个点,破开空间,冲入到空间之后,他们就能使用宇宙战舰逃跑了,但现在既然对方已经有所准备了,那他就只能靠着宇宙战舰强冲了。 Although can have very tremendous pressure on the universe battleship like this. 虽然这样对宇宙战舰会有很大的压力。 Also will make the universe battleship damage. 也会让宇宙战舰有所损伤。 But now cannot control so many. 但现在管不了那么多了。 Can escape is main. 能逃掉才是最主要的。 They directly flushed. 他们直接冲了进去。 Cannot make them escape!!” The long life quickly shouts. “不能让他们逃了!!”长生灵急忙喊道。 He was clear compared with anybody, after these people escaped, to their alliance, is how terrifying matter. 他比任何人都清楚,这些人逃了之后,对他们联盟来说,是多么恐怖的事情。 To the attack of alliance can big. 对联盟的打击会有多大。 The people rush, want to attack the universe battleship. 众人纷纷冲了上去,想要攻击宇宙战舰。 But the defense of universe battleship was too strong, a giant energy cover that especially the surroundings present, unexpectedly kept off so many spirit attacks directly directly. 但宇宙战舰的防御太强了,特别是周围出现的一个巨大能量罩,居然直接将这么多灵的攻击直接挡了下来。 What thing is this?” Xia Tian stares. “这是什么东西?”夏天一愣。 This type of defense cover, only if were your attack in a flash surpasses him to defend the limit, or the time arrived, can break, otherwise wanted to depend on the consumption to be useless!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “这种防御罩,除非是你一瞬间的攻击超过了他防御极限,或者时间到了,才能破掉,否则想要靠消耗是没用的!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Do not consume, consuming is useless to this cover, you patch the space, making the space become reliable, even if broke open, still speeds up the space to me the restoration speed!!!” Xia Tian now no matter were also what status, started to order directly. “不要消耗了,消耗对这个罩子没用,你们修补空间,让空间变牢固,就算是破开了,也给我加快空间的恢复速度!!!”夏天现在也不管自己是什么身份了,直接开始下命令。 And. 而且。 Here person is really willing to listen his, his words as if are the order are the same. 这里的人真的很愿意听他的,他的话就仿佛是命令一样。 Everyone earliest possible time carries out. 大家第一时间执行。 Now is thinking must defend , after I have hit the space without enough time, even if you restore, least still takes five seconds, but e only takes two seconds, can clash!!!” Saying that the emperor bone disdains. “现在才想着要防御,已经来不及了,我撞开空间之后,就算是你们修复,最少也需要五秒,而莪只需要两秒的时间,就可以冲出去了!!!”帝骨非常不屑的说道。 He now is happy. 他现在非常开心。 As if was he won generally. 就仿佛是他打赢了一般。 Escaping and a dead dog are common, unexpectedly can also be so rampant!!” The Xia Tian response said. “逃跑的和一条死狗一般,居然还能这么嚣张!!”夏天回应道。 Xia Tian, you, remembered to me, sooner or later will have you cry, your group of people, when the time comes will crawl in my under foot!!!” Shouting of emperor bone fiercely. 夏天,还有你们,都给我记住了,早晚有你们哭的时候,你们这群人,到时候都会匍匐在我的脚下!!!”帝骨恶狠狠的喊道。 So long as immortal Azure Dragon resurrecting. 只要仙青龙复活了。 These so-called spirits. 这些所谓的灵。 It is not anything. 根本就不算什么。 Immortal Azure Dragon stands there, can deter all. 青龙站在那里,就可以威慑一切。 You felt, I to the opportunity that you do escape?” Xia Tian asked. “你觉得,我会给你逃跑的机会吗?”夏天问道。 Bang! 轰! The universe battleship has hit above the space: Has the skill you to block my Ah!!” 宇宙战舰已经撞击在了空间之上:“有本事你就拦住我啊!!” He does not believe that Xia Tian has that skill, can block the universe battleship. 他根本就不相信夏天有那个本事,可以拦住宇宙战舰。 The space was shattered. 空间破碎。 Long life and the others are also first restores the space. 长生灵等人也是第一时间对空间进行修复。 However. 不过。 No matter how they restore, least takes five seconds. 不管他们怎么修复,最少都需要五秒钟的时间。 But the universe battleship of emperor bone has overrun. 而帝骨的宇宙战舰已经冲过去了。 Xia Tian kept off in front of universe battleship directly: I here, you do not want to clash.” 夏天直接挡在了宇宙战舰的前面:“我在这里,你就别想冲出去。” Snort! 哼! Really is courting death, I hit in you universe!!!” Emperor bone numerous snort/hum, he thinks that Xia Tian this is bringing about own destruction, even if he is the protector of divine land elf, can use the divine land elf the strength, he cannot block universe battleship hit absolutely. “真是找死,那我就将你撞到宇宙之中去!!!”帝骨重重的哼了一声,他认为夏天这是在自寻死路,哪怕他是神州精灵的守护者,能够使用神州精灵的力量,他也绝对挡不住宇宙战舰这一次的撞击。 Then the universe battleship can certainly fly the Xia Tian direct top. 接下来宇宙战舰一定可以将夏天直接顶飞出去。 Such fearful impulse. 这么可怕的冲击力。 It is not the spirit can block. 已经不是灵可以挡住的。 Makes way quickly, will die!!!” The long life quickly shouts. “快让开,会死的!!!”长生灵急忙喊道。 The surrounding these spirits are to also want the help, but they are repairing the space. 周围的那些灵也是想要上去帮忙,可他们正在修复空间。 No one can pass , to continue to restore, he is helping us win the time!!!” 13 are the Xia Tian brothers, he is clear about the Xia Tian skill compared with anybody. “谁也不能过去,继续修复,他在帮我们争取时间!!!”十三是夏天的兄弟,他比任何人都清楚夏天的本事。 Although Xia Tian usually works to like showing off ability, but he will not make that type to surpass matter beyond the ability absolutely. 虽然夏天平时做事喜欢逞能,但他绝对不会去做那种超出自己能力之外的事情。 Now seems like the bad risk, but he chooses to believe Xia Tian. 现在看上去是很凶险,但他还是选择相信夏天 You are the lunatics!!!” The long life has not said anything. “你们都是疯子!!!”长生灵也没有说什么。 Saw. 眼看着。 Xia Tian must be hit in the space and time turbulent flow. 夏天就要被撞到时空乱流里面去了。 Limitless, defends!!】 【无极,防御!!】 Xia Tian blocked the impulse of opposite party forcefully. 夏天硬生生的挡住了对方的这一次冲击力。 The universe battleship stopped like this there. 宇宙战舰就这样停在了那里。 Hateful!!!” The emperor bone looked ignorant: What's all this about.” “可恶!!!”帝骨看懵了:“这是怎么回事。” This has surpassed his cognition, does not know completely what happened, why the impulse of universe battleship is blocked, why Xia Tian can block the charge of universe battleship. 这已经超出了他的认知了,完全不知道发生了什么事情,为什么宇宙战舰的冲击力会被挡住,为什么夏天可以挡住宇宙战舰的冲锋。 However. 不过。 Now does not say these times. 现在不是说这些的时候。 Now what he must do hits the space crack again, then. 他现在要做的是再次撞开空间裂缝,然后冲出去。 Although universe battleship formidable, but this cover cannot shoulder several, the words that hits again, the cover will be broken, once the cover were broken, that so many spirit attacks, but went against heaven's will. 虽然宇宙战舰强悍,但这个罩子也扛不住几下的,再这么撞下去的话,罩子会被破掉的,一旦罩子被破掉了,那这么多灵的攻击,可就逆天了啊。 Bang! 轰! Xia Tian has not prevented him to hit the space. 夏天没有阻止他去撞击空间。 Because this can consume the defense of universe battleship. 因为这样可以多消耗一下宇宙战舰的防御。 If stops including the first hit, the Xia Tian method is definitely not enough to shoulder several. 如果连第一次撞击都去阻拦的话,夏天的手段肯定是不足以扛住几下的。 Therefore. 所以。 He gives the opposite party to hope intentionally, then makes the opposite party charge again. 他故意给对方希望,然后让对方再次冲锋。 I, although does not know what method that you just used, but do not want to block me again!!!” The emperor bone shouts loudly. “我虽然不知道你刚刚用的什么手段,但你别想再挡住我了!!!”帝骨大声喊道。 Simultaneously controls the universe battleship to charge again. 同时控制宇宙战舰再次冲锋。 Just long life and the others were also very veiled Quan, they looked that does not understand what happened, then why fearful battle efficiency by Xia Tian so relaxed kept off, but sees that now the opposite party flushed again, moreover Xia Tian has not wanted the meaning of retreat, their hearts also hung again. 刚刚长生灵等人也都是非常蒙圈,他们看不明白发生了什么事情,为什么那么可怕的战斗力会被夏天如此轻松的挡下来,但现在看到对方再次冲上来,而且夏天没有丝毫要后退的意思,他们的心也是再次悬了起来。 Even if Xia Tian has succeeded time one. 哪怕夏天已经成功一次了。 They cannot think the second time. 他们也不敢去想第二次。 In the universe battleship must hit immediately again on Xia Tian. 就在宇宙战舰马上要再次撞击在夏天身上的时候。 Day power, rebound!!!】 【天权,反弹!!!】 Xia Tian another striking to fly the universe battleship. 夏天又一次的将宇宙战舰给击飞了出去。 This time. 这一次。 Both these people do not know how should describe own feelings. 双方这些人都不知道该怎么去形容自己的心情了。 One time is the luck is good. 一次是运气好。 A little small method. 有点小手段。 That second time. 那第二次。 The third time? 第三次呢? No, is impossible!!!” Shaking the head that the emperor bone non-stop. “不,不可能的!!!”帝骨不停的摇头。 Afterward. 随后。 He launched the third attack, before twice, the people same are hanging a heart, they are afraid the scene that presents them not to dare to see. 他发动了第三次的攻击,和前两次一样,众人一样是悬着一颗心,他们都害怕出现他们不敢看到的场面。 But Xia Tian this use is. 夏天这次使用的是。 【The day power, repels!!】 【天权,击退!!】 The universe battleship kept off once again. 宇宙战舰又一次被挡下来。 I do not believe that I do not believe that this is real!!!” Emperor bone another start hit. “我不信,我不相信这是真的!!!”帝骨又一次的开始撞击。 Sir, the energy cover could not have shouldered anything, came several words, the energy cover to break again!!!” “大人,能量罩已经扛不住什么了,再来几次的话,能量罩就要破碎了!!!” I must kill him!!!” The emperor bone started the eighth hit. “我一定要撞死他!!!”帝骨发动了第八次的撞击。 Xia Tian does not stop the space crack each time, stopping them to clash. 夏天每次都是不阻拦空间裂缝,阻拦他们冲出去。 However. 不过。 This time. 这一次。 In he must hit on Xia Tian, Xia Tian has not kept off there, but vanished. 在他要撞击在夏天身上的时候,夏天没有挡在那里,而是消失了。 It seems like, his method has used up, we can go home!!!” Emperor bone exciting shouting. “看来,他的手段已经用光,那我们可以回家了!!!”帝骨兴奋的喊道。
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