AS :: Volume #124

#12316: Universe battleship

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Cut to kill the third spirit di time in Xia Tian. 夏天斩杀了第三个灵旳时候。 They converged finally in one. 他们终于汇合在了一起。 When the emperor bone inventory population discovered was short of three people, is quickly shouts: Everyone was careful, Xia Tian has to cut to kill the spirit ability, at any time, do not relax vigilantly, spunks up to me, mutually by tight!!!” 当帝骨清点人数发现少了三个人的时候,也是急忙喊道:“大家小心,夏天有斩杀灵的能力,任何时候,都不要放松警惕,都给我打起精神来,互相靠紧!!!” Emperor bone, you, although converged, but our so many people launch the powerful attack together the words, share that you only then come under attack!!” The Xia Tian reminder said. “帝骨,你们虽然汇合了,但我们这么多人一起发动强力攻击的话,你们就只有挨打的份!!”夏天提醒道。 He also understands. 他也明白。 In this case. 这种情况下。 Oneself have almost not possibly sneak attacked successfully. 自己几乎是没有可能偷袭成功的。 They now not only vigilance enhancement. 他们现在不但警惕性增强了。 Moreover the mutual defense, Xia Tian just passed, will be discovered by the opposite party, he has no opportunity. 而且互相防守,夏天刚过去,就会被对方发现,那他就没有任何机会。 You can try, the attack that so many spirits erupt here together what is, when the time comes everyone is involved in the space and time turbulent flow together, has your so many people buried along with the dead, it is fortunate that I unconsciously!!!” The emperor bone lets the goal that everyone gathers is this, he did not fear that the opposite party personnel many attack method bomb forcefully. “你可以试一试,这么多灵在这里一起爆发出来的攻击是什么样的,到时候大家一起卷入到时空乱流里面去,有你们这么多人陪葬,我不觉得亏!!!”帝骨让大家集合的目的就是这个,他不怕对方用人多的攻击方式来强行轰炸。 Because , the space will certainly crash in that case. 因为那样的话,空间是一定会崩塌的。 Before although the present divine land has compared was reliable were too many. 虽然现在的神州已经比之前牢固的太多了。 May unable to undergo so many spirit attack explosives. 可也经受不住这么多灵的攻击同时碰撞啊。 The space will definitely crush in the flash, moreover is the big smashing. 空间肯定会在一瞬间粉碎,而且是大粉碎。 When the time comes although spirit was impossible dead directly, but equally incomparable danger. 到时候虽然灵不可能直接死亡,但一样无比危险。 But the person who puts on universe machine armor, can have more opportunities on the contrary. 而穿着宇宙机甲的人,反倒是能有更多的机会。 Although we cannot start destroy the attack one after another, but we can actually attack your main bodies, you gather here, is in itself a living target!!!” The long life response said. “虽然我们不能发动轮番毁灭攻击,但我们却可以攻击你们的本体,你们聚集在这里,本身就是活靶子!!!”长生灵回应道。 Right. 没错。 They can attack the opposite party, makes into the assimilation these people the attitude. 他们可以一直攻击对方,将这些人打成同化的态度。 Although they can insist long time, can delay the time, but their strengths will have one day of consumption light sooner or later. 虽然他们可以坚持很长时间,可以拖延时间,但他们的力量早晚有消耗光的一天。 Xia Tian has the population advantage, they can rest one after another. 夏天这边是占人数优势的,他们可以轮番休息。 Snort! 哼! Had the skill you to use to be OK.” The emperor bone naturally can think of this point. “有本事你们用出来就可以了。”帝骨自然是可以想到这一点的。 But he as if not extremely in flustered. 但他仿佛并没有太过于慌张。 Situation some are not right!!!” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle, he said to everyone in a low voice. “情况有些不对!!!”夏天眉头一皱,他低声对大家说道。 At this time. 这种时候。 He also hopes that everyone can discuss the countermeasure together. 他也希望大家都能在一起商议一下对策。 The fight of this scale, it can be said that appeared in three island ten states for the first time, is the unprecedented fight, they do not have this experience, even never have such thoughts before. 这种规模的战斗,可以说是在三岛十州第一次出现了,算是空前的战斗,他们也都没有这种经验,甚至以前连想都不敢想。 Because does not have the experience. 正因为没有经验。 Therefore they must discuss mutually. 所以他们才要互相商议。 In this case, can only first consume them, projects on the assimilation them unceasingly, then in one step, looked at one step, moreover attacked time, we must have the order, try not to have too many strengths to shell in together, otherwise, really will be very big space tearing!!!” The long life said. “这种情况下,只能先消耗他们,将他们不断打到同化,然后在走一步,看一步了,而且攻击的时候,我们还都要有顺序,尽量不要有太多的力量轰击在一起,不然的话,是真的会将空间撕裂很大的!!!”长生灵说道。 If we attack the condition of assimilation the opposite party simultaneously, you can sneak attack?” The hole asked unreliably spirit. valley Kuan “如果我们将对方同时攻击成同化的状态,你是不是就可以偷袭了?”洞玄灵问道。谷寛 Yes, but is almost impossible, they to my opportunity, your attacks will not be different, their defensive powers are also different, moreover they have universe machine armor and various types of weapons, when this is not possible to calculate them to be able the same time to assimilate.” Xia Tian shakes the head, in that case, he can seize the opportunity, instantaneous sneak attack. “是,但几乎不可能,他们是不会给我这种机会的,你们的攻击不同,他们的防御力也不同,而且他们还有宇宙机甲和各种武器在,这是根本就不可能计算出来什么时候他们能同一时间同化的。”夏天摇了摇头,在那种情况下,他是可以抓住机会,瞬间偷袭。 The probability that but that opportunity presents and lottery ticket is similar. 但那种机会出现的几率和中彩票差不多。 First attacks!!!” The long life starts to arrange, here person, three people of one group, one after another attack. “先攻击!!!”长生灵开始安排,这里的人,三人一组,轮番攻击。 Senior, what good way do you have?” Xia Tian understands, immortal Black Tortoise is inherits, therefore he has certainly all kinds of experiences, such magnificent scene, is the three island ten state's first appearances, but absolutely was not the ancient times paradise's first emergence. 前辈,您有什么好办法吗?”夏天明白,仙玄武是传承的,所以他一定有各种各样的经验,这样的大场面,是三岛十州第一次出现,但绝对不是远古仙界第一次出现。 Actually is not specially difficult, so long as you had my strength to be OK!!” The immortal Black Tortoise response said. “其实也不是特别难,只要你有我的实力就可以了!!”仙玄武回应道。 é! 额! A heavy line of Xia Tian face: This was excessive Ah!!!” 夏天一脸的黑线:“这就过份了啊!!!” How now the issue is not you beats them, but is I suspected that they must run!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “现在问题不是你怎么击败他们,而是我怀疑他们要跑!!!”仙玄武说道。 Can run?” Xia Tian stares. “要跑?”夏天一愣。 They clearly know that gathers can only be consumed, words that gets down, so long as the time is enough, that by the life of seal, they were also gathered, may to use the universe battleship very much escapes!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “他们明知道聚集在一起只能被消耗,这么下去的话,只要时间足够,那就是被封印的命,那他们还聚集在一起,很有可能就是为了使用宇宙战舰逃跑!!!”仙玄武说道。 Universe battleship?” Xia Tian at present one bright. “宇宙战舰?”夏天眼前一亮。 Right, is the high-grade universe battleship, this is the thing that most advanced technical civilization only can present, is very strong, moreover can shuttle back and forth in the universe, if makes them successfully run into the universe, they can use the universe battleship to escape, return to their seal four state, once they escape, you want to kill these spirits again, be more difficult than ten times the present, hundred times, thousand times!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “对,是高等级的宇宙战舰,这是最先进的科技文明才会出现的东西,是很强的,而且可以在宇宙之中穿梭,如果让他们成功逃入到宇宙的话,那他们就可以使用宇宙战舰逃跑,回到他们的封闭四州,而一旦他们逃回去,你再想杀这些灵,就要比现在困难十倍,百倍,千倍了!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Everyone paid attention, they want to escape, his body, may have the universe battleship very much!!!” Xia Tian quickly shouts. “所有人注意了,他们是想逃,他的身上,很有可能有宇宙战舰!!!”夏天急忙喊道。 Universe battleship? 宇宙战舰? Here many does not know that is anything. 这里很多人不知道是什么。 But Yan Di actually knows spirit: Possibly, even their science and technology is how advanced, how also possibly to have that advanced thing, this should exceed our civilized thing Ah!!” 但炎帝灵却知道:“怎么可能,就算是他们科技先进,又怎么可能有那么先进的东西,这应该是已经超越了我们这个文明的东西啊!!” What is that?” Some people asked. “那到底是什么?”有人问道。 Can the free shuttle universe battleship, even in the space and time turbulent flow wait/etc danger of the places, can shuttle back and forth at will, not only the speed is fast, but also the position is accurate, the attack and defense are incomparable formidable!!!” Before Yan Di spirit, has read an ancient book of record universe battleship. “就是可以自由穿梭宇宙的战舰,甚至在时空乱流等等危险的地方,也可以随意穿梭,不但速度快,而且位置准确,攻击和防御都是无比强悍的!!!”炎帝灵以前也看过一篇记载宇宙战舰的典籍。 Initially saw that ancient book time. 当初看到那个典籍的时候。 He has regarded the universe battleship is his ultimate dream. 他就已经将宇宙战舰当成是他的终极梦想了。 . 没想到。 Currently enemy there unexpectedly has. 现在敌人那里居然就有。 Hateful, how do you know?” The emperor bone hears the Xia Tian words, the complexion is somewhat ugly. “可恶,你怎么知道的?”帝骨听到夏天的话,脸色有些难看。 This is his card in a hand. 这就是他的底牌。 Universe battleship. 宇宙战舰。 Also is he is thinking thing that must be used to escape. 也是他想着要用来逃命的东西。 So long as gives him the opportunity, breaks to the space and time turbulent flow, they can successfully escape. 只要给他机会,冲入到时空乱流里面去,那他们就可以成功的逃命了。 It seems like I guessed that right, part of patching spaces, do not destroy the space to them the opportunity!!!” Xia Tian shouts. “看来我猜测没错,一部分修补空间,不要给他们破坏空间的机会!!!”夏天喊道。 The people do not dare to be careless. 众人也不敢马虎。 They also understand, if this time cut to kill opposite party so many Expert, they to sealing up the combats of four states almost succeeded, but if made these people escape, after that to sealing up the fights of four states, wanted difficult many times, even is one fight that did not have the result. 他们也明白,这次如果斩杀了对方这么多的高手,那他们对封闭四州的作战几乎就是成功了,但如果让这些人逃掉的话,那以后对封闭四州的战斗,就要困难很多倍,甚至将会是一场没有结局的战斗。 You think, like this you can prevent me?” The right hand of emperor bone flings, a huge number universe battleship appears, the universe fights the captain several tens of thousands of zhang (3.33 m), the wide about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), 5000 ten feets in height, is seemingly powerful: Although to/clashes to have some damages forcefully, but does not have other means now.” “你以为,这样你就能阻止我了吗?”帝骨的右手一甩,一个巨大号的宇宙战舰出现,宇宙战舰长数万丈,宽近万丈,高5000丈,看上去威风凛凛:“虽然强行冲出去会有一些损伤,但现在也没有别的办法了。” 7017 k 7017k
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