AS :: Volume #124

#12315: Card in a hand

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These clash the di person is not chaotic, they chose oneself opponent respectively, because in population dominant, they are three people besiege one. 这些冲出来旳人一点也不乱,他们分别挑选了自己的对手,而且因为人数上占优势,他们都是三个人围攻一个。 That several powerful, is looking for the powerful enemy. 那几个实力强大的,也都是在寻找强大的敌人。 „It is not good, our fell into a trap, escaped separatedly!!!” The emperor bone got down in his life the most wrong decision. “不好,我们中计了,分开逃!!!”帝骨下了他人生之中最错误的一个决定。 This is also Xia Tian wish lets under him the order. 这也是夏天想要让他下的命令。 Because these people, once escaped separatedly, them can three besiege one, the protracted time, waits for own arrival, in divine land place, oneself can move the past instantaneously. 因为这些人一旦分开逃了,那他们这边就可以三个围攻一个,拖延时间,等待自己的到来,在神州这种地方,自己可以瞬间移动过去。 Looks for the opportunity to defeat them one by one. 寻找机会将他们逐个击破。 But if their these 21 spirits gather. 可如果他们这二十一个灵聚集在一起的话。 The attack that they launch is also the incomparable terrifying, will possibly present the unpredictable matter, but oneself want to strike to kill the opposite party in that situation , is almost not possible, even if oneself succeeded occasionally one time, then wants to succeed again is still incomparably difficult. 那他们发动的攻击也是无比恐怖的,甚至可能会出现很多不可预料的事情,而自己想要在那种情况下去击杀对方,也几乎是不可能的,就算是自己偶尔成功了一次,接下来想要再次成功也是无比困难的。 Because they will definitely discover the way and method of Xia Tian sneak attack. 因为他们肯定会发现夏天偷袭的方式和手段。 The person but who escapes separatedly was different, they are want to live, therefore they are definitely escaping unceasingly, without heart of resistance, moreover does not think that Xia Tian suddenly presents the sneak attack. 可分开逃的人就不一样了,他们都是想要生的,所以他们肯定是在不断逃命,没有反抗的心,而且不会想到夏天突然出现偷袭。 This is the Xia Tian opportunity. 这就是夏天的机会。 Bang! 轰! The emperor bone was also the earliest possible time put on 4S universe machine armor, killed the four directions greatly. 帝骨也是第一时间穿上了4S宇宙机甲,大杀四方。 His strength formidable, puts on the 4S rank very much now universe machine armor. 他自身的实力就很强悍,现在穿上4S级别的宇宙机甲。 The might is more powerful. 威力更加强大。 I look at anyone of you to dare with a e war.” “我看你们谁敢与莪一战。” Has universe machine armor in the body, he is also fearless. 有宇宙机甲在身,他也是天不怕,地不怕。 Taihao was one flushed: I come!!!” 太昊则是一个冲了上来:“我来!!!” Bang!! 轰!! The attacks of two people to the same place, the emperor bone are also very surprised: Nine levels of spirit, how possibly?” 两个人的攻击对在一起的时候,帝骨也是非常惊讶:“九级灵,怎么可能?” You feel not possible also many!!!” 13 also killed from side. “你觉得不可能的还很多!!!”十三也从旁边杀了过来。 Bang! 砰! Strikes to meet the tough head-on with toughness. 一击硬碰硬。 The emperor bone not only has not asked for cheaply, instead was repelled, this let his incomparable shock: Rank 5 universe machine armor, this is our things!!!” 帝骨不但没有讨到便宜,反而是被击退,这就让他无比的震惊了:“五级宇宙机甲,这是我们的东西!!!” „The present is my!!!” 13 responses said. “现在是我的!!!”十三回应道。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Under two people converging attack, the emperor bone did not have just rampant arrogance, instead in unceasing retreat, he now is also more and more heart startled, he has a dream has not thought, Xia Tian unexpectedly can convene so many spirits, moreover these spirit strengths are one by one strong, currently these spirit unexpectedly have so many pressure bottom skills. 两人夹击之下,帝骨也没有了刚刚的嚣张气焰,反而是在不断的后退,他现在也是越来越心惊,他做梦也没想到,夏天居然可以召集这么多的灵,而且这些灵的实力一个比一个强,现在这些灵居然还有这么多压箱底的本事。 This made him more and more frightened. 这就让他越来越恐惧了。 Death? 死亡? At this moment. 这一刻。 He felt suddenly, oneself as if could die momentarily, although he is not willing to acknowledge, but this matter is really the matter that possibly can have momentarily. 他突然感觉,自己仿佛随时都可能会死亡,虽然他不愿意承认,但这种事情真的是随时都可能会发生的事情。 No, I cannot die, I must walk is higher, I must obtain the strength of god position, I must vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered ancient times the paradise.” The vision of emperor bone is also searching in the surroundings, he in the road of choice escaping. “不,我不能死,我还要走的更高,我还要获得神位的力量,我还要纵横远古仙界。”帝骨的目光也是在周围搜索着,他在选择逃生之路。 However is quick he to discover. 不过很快他就发现。 Oneself just truly made a wrong decision. 自己刚刚确实是做了一个错误的决定。 Oneself let separate , if the same population, or in many situations, own person can definitely escape, but now the population disparity is too big, the opposite party defeats own person completely one by one: Comes back, set!!” 自己让手下分开,如果是相同人数,或者自己人数多的情况下,自己的人肯定能够逃掉,可现在人数差距太大了,对方完全就是将自己的人逐个击破:“回来,集合!!” He is not an idiot. 他不是一个蠢货。 clear(ly) knows that own order made a mistake, but also wanted one wrong that. 明知道自己的命令错了,还要一错到底的那种。 And. 而且。 He has also thought other escaping plans, although he does not want to expose prematurely, but now this absolutely was the best escaping way. 他也已经想了一个其他的逃跑计划,虽然他并不想过早的暴露,但现在这绝对是最好的逃跑方式了。 Is separating to escape these people who sees the aggregate signal the time, starts to returning flies. 正在分开逃跑的那些人看到集合信号的时候,一个个都开始向回飞。 „It is not good, they must go back to gather, block them!!!” These Expert of alliance also blocked their way, does not make them converge. “不好,他们要回去集合,拦住他们!!!”联盟的这些高手也是纷纷挡住了他们的去路,不让他们去汇合。 Naturally. 当然了。 They also understand. 他们也明白。 On the one hand must prevent the opposite party to escape, on the one hand must prevent the opposite party to converge. 一方面要防止对方逃跑,一方面还要防止对方汇合。 This truly is very difficult. 这个确实是非常困难的。 They delay some time as far as possible, wins enough sneak attack time to Xia Tian. 他们尽可能的拖延一些时间,给夏天争取到足够的偷袭时间。 ! 噗! Xia Tian seized an insect mother lax opportunity, starts to sneak attack directly, these people who this time come are very intelligent, first puts on universe machine armor, on these insect mothers put on universe machine armor, this makes the Xia Tian sneak attack not possible earliest possible time effective, but now his attack is very considerable, as soon as he strikes to go well. 夏天抓住了一个虫母松懈的机会,直接开始偷袭,这次来的这些人都很聪明,第一时间穿上宇宙机甲,就连这些虫母身上都穿上了宇宙机甲,这就让夏天的偷袭不可能第一时间奏效,不过现在他的攻击还是非常可观的,他一击得手。 Several other people are to also seize the opportunity, starts to attack opposite party universe machine armor crazily. 其他几人也是抓住机会,开始疯狂攻击对方身上的宇宙机甲。 This. 这样。 They can defeat opposite party universe machine armor. 他们就可以击破对方身上的宇宙机甲。 So long as defeats opposite party universe machine armor thoroughly, the matter that they then must handle was simpler, four people hit one, Xia Tian can certainly seek for the opposite party node. 只要将对方身上的宇宙机甲彻底击破,那他们接下来要做的事情就简单多了,四个人打一个,夏天是一定可以寻找到对方身上的节点的。 Hateful, has the skill you and I selects only!!!” That cephalont mother angry shouting. “可恶,有本事你们和我单挑!!!”那头虫母愤怒的喊道。 If you have the consciousness of only selecting, your so many people will not rush to my divine land to come!!” Xia Tian most looks down upon is people like them, just started to think obviously the person bullies the person to be few, now the person on one's own side was short, was shouting selects only. “如果你们有单挑的觉悟,那你们就不会这么多人跑到我神州来了!!”夏天最看不起的就是他们这种人,刚开始明明就是想着人多欺负人少的,现在自己人少了,又喊着单挑。 If they really want to select only. 如果他们真的想单挑的话。 So long as their person arrives at the divine land to look for Xia Tian. 那只要他们自己一个人来到神州找夏天 Xia Tian is will not recognize absolutely instigates. 夏天是绝对不会认怂的。 No matter who came. 不管是谁来了。 He dares to fight. 他都敢一战。 „An insect, the idle talk are really many!!!” The Yan Di spirit rubbish, the powerful attack makes instantaneously. “一头虫子而已,废话真多!!!”炎帝灵没有废话,强大的攻击瞬间打出。 ! 噗! Xia Tian was also seizes the opportunity, the hand culmination cold sword defeats that cephalont mother node of instantaneously, Karma Fire on day cold sword swallowed the body of that cephalont mother. 夏天也是抓住机会,手中天寒剑瞬间击破那头虫母身上的节点,天寒剑上的业火吞噬了那头虫母的身体。 His Divine Soul was received to know in the sea directly, his spoils of war were also received in all things by Xia Tian. 他的神魂直接被收入到了识海之中,他身上的战利品也被夏天收入到了森罗万象里面。 Next! 下一个! Xia Tian has not stayed, but is seeks for next goal, here three spirits are to also separate the action. 夏天没有停留,而是去寻找下一个目标,这边的三个灵也是分开行动。 This fight is favorable for them, so long as they handled an enemy, can several people support others, that other person of that side pressures are smaller, the pressure of enemy is bigger. 这种战斗是对他们有利的,他们只要搞定了一个敌人,就可以多出几个人来支援其他人,那其他人那边的压力更小,敌人的压力更大。 Words that continues to get down. 继续这么下去的话。 They won are the things of being settled. 他们获胜已经是板上钉钉的事情了。 However they do not dare to be negligent. 不过他们也不敢大意。 After all the opposite party is also the spirit. 毕竟对方也都是灵。 Fight between this spirits. 这种灵之间的战斗。 Make the entire divine land gloomy. 让整个神州变得天昏地暗。 The livelihood does not have up. 日月无光。 Various mountains avalanches. 各处山川崩塌。 Ordinary cultivation in divine land, did not even have the ability of reassignment strength at this time, even if they fight again, still can only fight hand-to-hand, various strengths already disorder to a very terrifying situation. 神州的普通修炼者,此时甚至连调动力量的能力都没有了,他们就算是再打架的,也只能肉搏,各种力量已经紊乱到一个非常恐怖的地步了。 Must make the best use of the time, they must converge, once converges to have the accident!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “要抓紧时间,他们要汇合了,一旦汇合就会有变故!!”仙玄武提醒道。 That can kill several, first kills several!!” Xia Tian also vanished in again same place. “那就能杀几个,先杀几个!!”夏天也是再次消失在了原地。 He is running against the time. 他是在和时间赛跑。 This type of wealthy weaponry, he rarely will usually meet, will not naturally miss, must seize this opportunity, many cutting kill the opposite party. 这种富裕仗,他平时可是很少会遇到,自然是不会错过,一定要抓住这个机会,更多的斩杀对方。
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