The emperorbonehas a dreamhas not thought.
帝骨做梦也没想到。Histhoroughdiinsteadkills the planto be investigatedwiththiswaybyXia Tian.
他周密旳反杀计划是被夏天用这种方式探查到的。Hehas not thought.
他怎么也没想到。Xia Tian is hemixes.夏天是和他混进去的。Thereinsectclansawishuman that the emperorbonetakes to bring , will also not investigate the statusabsolutely.
那里的虫族一看到是帝骨带进来的人类,也绝对不会去核查身份。Alsobecause ofthis.
也正是因为这样。ThereforeXia Tiancanobtain the informationinthisfunnyway.
The emperorbonehas a dreamcannot think that owncombatwill be exposed.
The emperorbonealsoreallymade the sufficientpreparation, hecontacted withothertwokings, said the gravity of matter , the combat planwill analyzewiththem, finallyaltogetherassembled15spiritstohim, in additionthat sideflatterdayLuo, enough20spirits, moreoverheleadspersonally.
帝骨还真的是做了充足的准备,他联系了其他二王,将事情的严重性说了一下,又将作战计划跟他们两个进行分析,最后一共给他调集了十五个灵,加上阿天罗那边的,就足足有二十个灵,而且还是他亲自带队。Andthistimehealsopreparedsufficientmachinearmorandvarioustypes of high-techweapons.
并且这次他还准备了充足的机甲和各种高科技武器。„Xia Tian, Imustmakeyoupay the price!!!” The emperorbonegot hold ofownfist.
“夏天,我要让你付出代价!!!”帝骨握紧了自己的拳头。„Sir, how do wehitwhen the time comes?”Thesepeople that hebringsare relaxed.
“大人,我们到时候怎么打?”他带来的这些人一个个非常轻松。In their opinion.
在他们看来。So manyspirits, have the flavor that alwaysfights a decisive battle.
这么多的灵,已经是有总决战的味道了。After all.
毕竟。Seals up the spirits of fourstatesto add, only then about 30, their timeset outso manydirectly, thisslaughters the lineup.
封闭四州的灵加起来,也就只有三十个左右,他们这次直接出动了这么多,这已经是屠杀阵容了。„So long asIshoutedmake war, yousaw that anythingdestroyedanythingtome, Idid not wantto seeagainanyliving the person, after waitingto handleXia Tianthem, destroyedtome the divine land!!!” The emperorboneisto make the entiredivine landcometo be buried along with the deadtohisyounger brother.
“只要我喊开战,你们见到什么就给我毁灭什么,我不希望再看到任何活着的人,等搞定了夏天他们之后,就把神州给我毁了!!!”帝骨就是要让整个神州来给他弟弟陪葬。„Relax the Sir, thismatterto us, was too simple!!”
“放心吧大人,这种事情对于我们来说,太简单了!!”Whatthesespiritanddoes not care about the followingfight to turn into.
这些灵并不在意接下来的战斗会变成什么样。In their opinion.
在他们看来。Thisisonewill only win, definitelywill not haveanyunexpectedfight, regardingdestructiondivine land, this point, althoughis impossibleto achievedirectly, what we definitely know is that theyhave the ability of slaughterwantonly.
随便一个攻击。Candestroy a ethnic group.
就可以毁灭一个族群。Thisis the most terrifyingplace.
这才是最恐怖的地方。„Good, makestheirso-calledalliancehave a look, actually the anger of myemperorboneiswhat.” The emperorboneis to retaliatenow.
这次说是为了那一象而来。Butin the final analysis.
可说到底。Hetotake revengeto come.
他更是为了复仇而来。He and younger brotheris bound by a common destinysince childhood, inthislongcultivation, hisyounger brotherhas not abandonedhim, innumerablebetweenhislife and death, front hisyounger brotherwill rushdiesforhim.
他和弟弟从小相依为命,在这漫长的修炼之中,他的弟弟从来都没有抛弃过他,无数次在他生与死之间,他的弟弟都会冲到前面替他去死。Thistimehethinksisverysimplemission, but can also obtain a bigmerit.
原本这次他认为是一个非常简单的任务,还能得到不小的功劳。Thereforewill makehisyounger brothergo.
所以才会让他弟弟去。Butunexpectedlyturned intothisfinally.
可最后居然变成了这样。Juststepped into the divine landtime, the emperorbonedeeplyinspires: „Thisis the divine land, the airisverygood, buthereaircanbring the blood threadsimmediately!!”
刚刚踏入神州的时候,帝骨深吸了一口气:“这就是神州,空气还是很好的,不过马上这里的空气都会带着血丝!!”Hehas started the matter that imaginesfollowingcanhave.
他已经开始想象接下来所会发生的事情了。„Wewill make the sky of divine landturn into the blood-color!!!”Otherspirits are also the non-commonconfidence.
“我们会让神州的天空都变成血色!!!”其他的灵也是非常有信心。„Walks!!!” The domain of earth deitiesemperorbonetimemustgo.
“走!!!”帝骨这次要去的还是地灵的地盘。Whathechooses, wheretumbles, wheremustcrawl, hisyounger brotherdies there, hemustkill offXia Tianallfamily members and friends there.
他选择的是,在哪里跌倒,就要在哪里爬起来,他弟弟是在那里死的,他就要在那里杀光夏天所有的亲人和朋友。HemustmakeXia Tianalsofeelto losefamily member'spain.
The enormous and powerful21people, killedlike thisto the spiritcity.
浩浩荡荡二十一人,就这样杀向了灵城。Butoutsidespiritcity, nobody left. valleyXue
The people in entirespiritcityhad been settledelsewhereby the earth deitiestemporarily, the followingfightisveryterrifying, so manyspirits, have been ableto crushanyspace, since war of thisrank, the divine landhas it can be said that existed, the most terrifyingwar.
The place when the time comeswas affectedisverybroad.
The strength of proliferationcanstriketo killordinaryExpert.
扩散的力量就可以将普通高手击杀了。Xia Tian, has not made the spiritfollowingpersonenter the war.夏天这边,也没有让灵以下的人过来参战。Because the followingfight is really can be said as the incomparableterrifying and bad risk.
嗯?„Are youXia Tian?” The emperorbonejustinvestigated, the surroundingsdo not haveothersprobably, only then a person, butatthis kind of time, only hadwords of person, thatshouldbeXia Tian.
“你就是夏天?”帝骨刚刚探查了一下,周围好像没有别人,只有一个人,而在这种时候,只有一个人的话,那就应该是夏天了。„KnowsisI, has not run, were you planspiritsamedietoformerthatwhatbone?”Saying of Xia Tianprovocation.
“知道是我,还不跑,难道你是打算向之前那个什么骨灵一样死吗?”夏天挑衅的说道。Hesaid the emperorboneyounger brother'sdeathintentionally.
就是为了激怒帝骨。„Yourcourting death!!!” The emperorbonehears the Xia Tianwords, killeddirectly.
跑。Xia Tianhas not accepted a challenge, butwasturn aroundrunsto the spiritcity, the presentspiritcity, was an empty city, but the matter that hethenmusthandledirectedin the enemy the spiritcity, theymustgive the opposite partyto comeoneto make dumplingsin the spiritcity.夏天并没有应战,而是转身跑向了灵城,现在的灵城,算是一座空城了,而他接下来要做的事情就是将敌人引到灵城内,他们要在灵城内给对方来一个包饺子。„Sir, cheatscarefully!!!”
“大人,小心有诈!!!”„Howhasto cheat, will ourso manypeoplealso fear?” The emperorbonehas not goneto pay attention, butis the fastpursuit.
Others also can only followto pursue.
其他的人也只能跟着追击了。Looked like the emperorboneto say.
就像是帝骨所说的。Theirso manyspirits, will also fearXia Tian?
随后就这样。Fired into the spiritcitytogether.
啵!Intheycrash since that moment of spiritcity.
The headpresented a giantcover, coversthemdirectlyis one of them.
头上出现了一个巨大的罩子,直接将他们笼罩在其中。„It is not good, thisis the immortalpalace, he is to detonate the immortalpalace, explodesintousto the space and timeturbulent flowin!!!” A cephalontmotherreminded.
哼!„Carves the insectsmalltechnique!!”Emperorbonelightsnort/hum, lateris directas well asbreaksheadcover, laterfirstrushing, hisspeedis fast, in an instanthad flushed the range of spiritcity.
The spiritcityexplodesundertheirbodies.
果然。Insidespacewas exploded a crack.
里面的空间被炸出了一条裂缝。„Does thisalsowantto planus?”Saying that the emperorbonedisdains.
“就这也想算计我们?”帝骨非常不屑的说道。Buthas not waited forhiswords saying that Xia Tianhas appearedin the place of thatcrack, hisright handgrasps, graspedfrominside an immortalpalacedirectly, at this timethisimmortalpalacebyspace and timeturbulent flowbombardmentbadly-damaged, butExpert that hiddenininside, a matterdoes not have.
可还没等他的话说完,夏天就已经出现在那个裂缝之处,他的右手一抓,直接将一座仙宫从里面抓了出来,此时这座仙宫被时空乱流轰击的已经残破不堪了,但在里面隐藏的高手们,却一点事也没有。Thisis the plan of Xia Tian.
这就是夏天的计划。HidesallExpertin the space and timecrack.
将所有高手隐藏在时空裂缝之中。Howlike thisno matter the opposite partyinvestigates, will not discoverexistences of theseExpert.
当然了。Hidesthesepeopleinall things is also the same, butXia Tiandoes not wantcasuallyonexposedownall things, thereforeheandthesepeoplediscussedthis means that iftradedto doisothers, everyonewasdefinitelydoes not trust, theywill be worried aboutby the pit, ifreallycalled to the space and timeturbulent flowintroubled, but ifwereXia Tian, theytrusted.
将这些人藏在森罗万象里面也是一样的,但夏天可不想随随便便就暴露自己的森罗万象,所以他和这些人商议这个办法,如果换做是别人,大家是肯定不信任的,他们担心会被坑,万一真的调入到时空乱流里面就麻烦了,但如果是夏天的话,他们还是非常信任的。Xia Tiancounter-balances the injury in space and timeturbulent flowwith the immortalpalaceintentionallyforcefully.夏天故意用仙宫来强行抵消时空乱流之中的伤害。With a topimmortalpalace.
用一个顶级仙宫。Receives in exchange, theysecurityinspace and timeturbulent flow.
来换取,他们在时空乱流之中的安全。„What?” The emperorboneseestodozensforms, hewas completely ignorant, becauseheinduced the strength of spiritfrom the bodies of thesepeople.
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