AS :: Volume #124

#12313: Dug good pit

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Emperor bone angry shouting. 帝骨愤怒的喊道。 Your younger brother died, that is your issue.” flatter day Luo was scolded by the emperor bone, is very uncomfortable di. “你弟弟死了,那是你的问题。”阿天罗被帝骨这么呵斥,也是非常不爽旳。 He is not the subordinate of emperor bone. 他可不是帝骨的手下。 My issue? My younger brother passed on a message rune/symbol to tell me, they were planned, the opposite party was the prepare encirclement ring they jumped ahead of time, in other words, our news disclosed that me, is will not disclose the news absolutely, you told me, the news is who disclosed?” The emperor bone looks angrily at flatter day Luo. “我的问题?我弟弟的传讯符告诉我,他们是被算计的,对方是提前布置好的包围圈在等他们跳进去,也就是说,我们的消息走漏了,我这边,是绝对不会走漏消息,那你告诉我,消息是谁走漏的?”帝骨怒视阿天罗。 He seems waiting for the flatter day Luo's reply to be common. 他仿佛是在等待阿天罗的回答一般。 If flatter day Luo Xianzaigan said that is he discloses. 如果阿天罗现在敢说是他走漏的。 The emperor bone is can definitely make a move instantaneously, begins to flatter day Luo directly. 那帝骨是肯定会瞬间出手,直接对阿天罗动手的。 „Is your meaning I discloses? I also died five subordinates, can I harm my person?” flatter day Luo has not thought that emperor bone unexpectedly will say such words. “你的意思是我走漏的?我也死了五个手下,我能去害自己的人?”阿天罗没想到帝骨居然会说出这样的话。 They seal up cooperation between human and insect clans of four states are very close. 他们封闭四州的人类和虫族之间的合作可是非常密切的。 . 彼此之间。 Will not always present any suspicion. 从来都不会出现任何的猜忌。 Because they have common goal, is resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon, so long as they can resurrecting immortal Azure Dragon, that immortal Azure Dragon be able to help them rob the god position, helping them walk high is farther. 因为他们有一个共同的目标,就是复活仙青龙,只要他们能够复活仙青龙,那仙青龙就可以帮助他们去抢夺神位,帮助他们走的更高更远。 But now. 可现在。 Reactivates from immortal Azure Dragon is getting more and more near, emperor bone unexpectedly started to suspect him. 距离仙青龙复活越来越近,帝骨居然开始猜忌他了。 This is not the good sign. 这可不是什么好兆头。 Who knows that your is ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself, in any case your insect mother so many, dying several are not anything!!!” The emperor bone response said. “谁知道你这是不是苦肉计,反正你们的虫母那么多,死几个也不算什么!!!”帝骨回应道。 „Do you want to fight?” flatter day Luo even temperament again how good, cannot support the emperor bone to provoke him. “你想打架是吗?”阿天罗就算是脾气再怎么好,也架不住帝骨这么挑衅他啊。 Especially said that his subordinate dies several is not anything. 特别是说他的手下死几个不算什么。 That is the insect mother. 那可是虫母啊。 Each insect mother trains. 每一个虫母培养起来。 Must spend the innumerable resources, is their insect clan maximum wealth. 都是要花费无数的资源的,都是她们虫族最大的财富。 Hits hits, I also feared you are inadequate?” The emperor bone just died the younger brother, a lot of anger do not have the situation that the place scatters. “打就打,我还怕了你不成?”帝骨刚刚死了弟弟,正是一肚子火气没有地方撒的情况。 Bang! 轰! Two people rubbish, acts, after they make oneself attack . 两人也没有废话,同时出手,他们将自己的攻击打出去之后。 Collision ruthlessly in one. 狠狠的碰撞在了一起。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Sky tearing. 天空撕裂。 Powerful flow divergence. 强大的气流扩散开来。 However the surroundings powerful insect clan was also the earliest possible time blocked the shock-wave strength. 不过周围强大的虫族也是第一时间挡住了冲击波的力量。 Two people only fought one time, has not continued to attack. 两人只交手了一次,并没有继续攻击。 What to do did you say?” The emperor bone scolded. “你说怎么办?”帝骨呵斥道。 I will transfer the insect female soldier, gives you again five people, this time is led by you personally, I believe, they just won, definitely is the most lax time, now attacks them, certainly can hit their one to be caught off guard.” flatter day Luo said. “我会去调动虫母战士,再次给你五个人,这次由你亲自带队,我相信,他们刚刚获胜,肯定是最松懈的时候,现在去攻击他们,一定能够打他们一个措手不及。”阿天罗说道。 If this time disclosed the news again?” The emperor bone asked. “如果这次再走漏消息呢?”帝骨问道。 Cannot absolutely!!” flatter day Luo scolded. “绝对不会!!”阿天罗呵斥道。 Good, this time I will lead personally, I must revenge for my younger brother!!!” The emperor bone got hold of own fist. “好,这次我会亲自带队,我一定要替我弟弟报仇!!!”帝骨握紧了自己的拳头。 After the emperor bone leaves . 帝骨离开之后。 flatter day Luo also quickly arranges the manpower. 阿天罗也是急忙去安排人手。 He altogether only has ten cephalont mothers, now dies five heads, remaining five are still handling other things, he wants to assemble five cephalont mothers again, needs to mobilize the combat troops, even if he, wants to transfer that group of soldiers, is still very troublesome, flatter day Luo brow tight wrinkle: Really is troubles Ah! 他手下一共只有十头虫母,现在死了五头,剩下五头还在做其他的事情,他想要再次调集五头虫母,就需要去调动战斗部队了,但就算是他,想要调动那群战士,也是非常麻烦的,阿天罗眉头紧皱:“真是麻烦啊! However he does not find out what mistake now. 不过他现在也不想出什么差错。 Immortal Azure Dragon must resurrect immediately. 青龙马上就要复活了。 Them also soon searches Dureau's position, so long as brings back the godship, collects four elephants again, that immortal Azure Dragon almost can resurrect directly. 他们这边也快要搜索到阿迪罗的位置,只要拿回神格,再将四象凑齐,那仙青龙就差不多可以直接复活了。 Now two sides cannot have the mistake. 现在两边都不能出现差错。 The emperor bone acts personally, can definitely be the magnificent scene, he did not worry that the emperor bone can have an accident, moreover this time he believes that no matter before the divine land, why will guard, this time, the divine land is impossible to respond. 帝骨亲自出手,肯定会是大场面,他也不担心帝骨会出事,而且这次他认为,不管神州之前为什么会有所防备,这一次,神州都不可能反应过来的。 Another side. 另外一边。 They have searched Dureau recently to present the news near insect palace. 他们已经搜索到阿迪罗最近出现在虫宫附近的消息了。 This news. 这个消息一出。 Makes them understand why could not find Dureau continuously. 就让他们明白为什么一直找不到阿迪罗了。 Originally Dureau has hidden under their eyes hide, plays under the lamp with them black. 原来阿迪罗一直藏在他们眼皮子底下,跟他们玩灯下黑。 However now Dureau does not have the opportunity. 不过现在阿迪罗已经没有机会了。 Since had confirmed Dureau here, they want to look for Dureau, was the two days matter. 既然已经确认了阿迪罗就在这里,那他们想要把阿迪罗找出来,也就是这两天的事情了。 That side Xia Tian. 夏天那边。 When hears the opposite party to have the big movement. 在听到对方有大动作的时候。 He does not dare to be careless. 他也不敢马虎。 First informed the long life, he thinks long life and the others will also follow anxiously, but he has not thought, long life after hearing his news, first unexpectedly some are excited. 第一时间通知了长生灵,原本他以为长生灵等人也会跟着紧张,但他没想到,长生灵在听到他的消息后,第一时间居然有的是兴奋。 As if the opposite party delivers the feeling of treasure. 仿佛是对方又来送宝物的感觉。 You could rest assured that this time I adjust, our these spirits, come to enter the war together and ensure does not give the opposite party any opportunity of escaping!!” The long life was also the direct belt/bring person caught up. “你放心,这次我把人都调过来,我们这些灵,一起过来参战,保证不给对方任何逃跑的机会!!”长生灵也是直接带人赶了过来。 Xia Tian also called the person of Taihao and god machine. 夏天则是把太昊和神机的人也叫来了。 So long as can call, said. 只要是能叫来的,都叫来了。 Because he felt. 因为他感觉。 The attack of this emperor bone is not perhaps simple. 这次帝骨的进攻恐怕不简单。 Yang they also caught up, although they have not been able to restore to the strongest condition, but present they, was the strength is extraordinary. 就连央他们也都赶过来了,虽然他们还不能恢复到最强状态,但现在的他们,也都是实力非凡啊。 And. 而且。 even/including Xingchen also with joined in the fun . 连星辰也跟过来凑热闹了,要知道。 Before Xia Tian related his time, he is not willing to participate in anything. 之前夏天联系他的时候,他可是不愿意参与到任何的事情之中啊。 But this time. 可这次。 His unexpectedly came on own initiative. 居然主动过来了。 This adds from all sides. 这前前后后加起来。 Spirit quantity before them alliance time are more , the people see each other time, is the incomparable shock. 灵的数量比他们之前联盟的时候更多,众人看到彼此的时候,也是无比震惊。 Our three island ten states, unexpectedly so many spirits!!!” The long life does not know how at this time should describe own feelings. “我们三岛十州,居然有这么多的灵!!!”长生灵此时也不知道该怎么去形容自己的心情了。 If not Xia Tian. 如果不是夏天的话。 He could not see so many spirit accumulation scenes here. 他是看不到这么多灵聚集在这里的场面了。 So many people, how many results does he come is not same?” Yan Di spirit exciting saying. “这么多的人,他来多少结果不都是一样吗?”炎帝灵兴奋的说道。 What our previous times killing are of blood brothers four kings, he now is angry, moreover they come to have win mission, now they had recognized that we will definitely not think of them to be able the second attack, therefore they will choose attacked e at this time again, we are to dig good pit here ahead of time, waits for them to jump, if this time they really sent large quantities of Expert, that we on can seize the chance to counter-attack.” Xia Tian believes that if this time can get rid of the main force of opposite party. “我们上次杀的是四王之一的亲弟弟,他现在非常愤怒,而且他们过来是有志在必得的任务的,现在他们已经认定我们肯定不会想到他们会第二次袭击,所以他们才会选择这个时候再次来攻击莪们,我们就是要在这里提前挖好坑,等着他们来跳,如果这次他们真的派来了大批高手的话,那我们就可以趁机反击了。”夏天认为,如果这次能够干掉对方的主力的话。 That following fight was simple. 那接下来的战斗就简单了啊。 That must have a look, what big ritual they this time sent to us!!” Long life king also very excited. “那就要看看,他们这次给我们送来什么样的大礼了!!”长生灵王也是非常的激动。 Xia Tian also wants to know. 夏天也很想知道。 The anger of this emperor bone big, what pleasant surprise he can bring to himself. 这个帝骨的怒火到底有多大,他又能给自己带来什么样的惊喜。 This war, he prepared to be close to 60 spirits defending here. 这一战,他可是准备了接近六十个灵在这里守着啊。 Your boy, really abnormal, perhaps this time, sealed up four states to have a dream will not think!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你小子,是真的变态啊,这一次,恐怕封闭四州做梦也不会想到了!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Xia Tian really the person is concerted, so long as he raises the arm wields, everyone earliest possible time without hesitation will catch up, this gave their enough setup times. 夏天这边是真的人心齐啊,他只要振臂一挥,所有人都会毫不犹豫的第一时间赶过来,这就给了他们充足的准备时间。
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