AS :: Volume #124

#12312: Insta-kill time

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Happen to must look for you, since you here, that also omitted us to look for your di to be troublesome!!!” Before the ossiculum comes out, has issued the written pledge to fulfill a military order with own Elder Brother, he said that oneself will certainly solve this matter perfectly. “正好要去找你,既然你在这里,那也省去我们找你旳麻烦了!!!”小骨出来之前可是跟自己的哥哥立下过军令状的,他说自己一定会完美解决这件事情的。 Since bumped into Xia Tian. 既然碰到了夏天 He must take Xia Tian with oneself skill directly. 那他就要用自己的本事来直接拿下夏天 Omitted our many trouble Ah!!” The Xia Tian opinion cuts. “是省去了我们不少的麻烦啊!!”夏天意见斩出。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Runs out of more than 20 ray of light glow in all directions. 四面八方冲出二十多道光芒。 What?” The ossiculum induced spirit existence instantaneously. “什么?”小骨瞬间感应到了灵的存在。 Together, two, three wait/etc. 一道,两道,三道等等。 Enough 20 spirit aura appear, this sudden situation, is he is unexpected. 足足二十多道灵的气息出现,这突然出现的情况,是他始料未及的。 Kills!!” “杀!!” The spirit that these kill suddenly rubbish, killed directly to them, the movement that these people was also very quick, the attack can hit very terrifying lethality each time. 这些突然杀出来的灵也不废话,直接杀向了他们,这些人的动作也是非常快的,每次攻击都能打出来非常恐怖的杀伤力。 How like this, to retreat!!” The ossiculum thinks clearly, why here will not present so many spirits. “怎么会这样,撤退!!”小骨怎么也想不明白,为什么这里会出现这么多的灵。 Why the opposite party will arrange such encirclement ring ahead of time here in he. 为什么对方会提前在这里布置了这样的包围圈在等他。 ? 难道说? The opposite party have long known that they can come? 对方早就知道他们要来了? But this radically is the not possible matter, his elder brother to is very clear, this time matter that he said was they just decided that moreover the person who knew was very few. 可这根本就是不可能的事情啊,他哥已经跟他说的很清楚了,这次的事情是他们刚刚决定的,而且知道的人少之又少。 bo! 啵! He emitted a pass on message symbol. 他放出了一道传讯符。 This is the special pass on message symbol. 这是特殊的传讯符。 It is not able to be intercepted. 无法被拦截。 He is to tell oneself Elder Brother, oneself were planned. 他就是想要告诉自己的哥哥,自己被算计了。 Now wants to escape, already without enough time.” The long life was also takes the lead in blocking their road. “现在才想逃,已经来不及了。”长生灵也是带头拦住了他们的路。 Xia Tian that side movement is quicker. 夏天那边动作更快。 Recently he knew the sea the growth is also quicker and quicker, because he swallowed many spirit Divine Soul, these spirit Divine Soul, were the best nourishment, although cannot help know the sea to continue to increase, but can actually increase him to knowing the sea the control. 最近他识海的成长速度也是越来越快,因为他吞噬了很多灵的神魂,这些灵的神魂,都是最好的养料,虽然不能帮助识海继续变大,但却可以增加他对识海的控制。 „To leave behind us, may not have so to be easy the ossiculum words not to say. “想要留下我们,可没那么容易”小骨的话还没说完。 The attack of Xia Tian from has penetrated his body behind. 夏天的攻击就已经从身后穿透他的身体了。 He has not thought. 他怎么也没想到。 What the Xia Tian unexpectedly first sneak attack is he, in his opinion, in situation of normal combat, even if Xia Tian has to cut to kill the spirit ability, still definitely first is from weakest starting, how possibly first to act to him, but he was just also pulling rank, but also without use universe machine armor, this gave Xia Tian to sneak attack his most good opportunity. 夏天居然第一个偷袭的是他,在他看来,正常作战的情况下,就算是夏天有斩杀灵的能力,也肯定是先从最弱的下手,怎么可能先对他出手呢,而他刚刚也是在托大,还没有使用宇宙机甲,这就给了夏天偷袭他的最好机会。 If he just put on universe machine armor. 如果他刚刚是穿着宇宙机甲的。 That Xia Tian wants first to strike to kill him, is some difficulties. 夏天想要第一时间击杀他,还是有些困难的。 But now. 但现在。 This was the small incomparable matter. 这就是轻松无比的事情了。 However. 不过。 Fights with Xia Tian, if first does not take the strongest skill, the opportunity that perhaps takes finally will not have. 夏天交手,如果不第一时间把自己最强的本事拿出来,那恐怕最后连拿出来的机会都不会有了。 The ossiculum dies. 小骨一死。 Here other spirit morale do not have, is thinking how to escape. 这里其他的灵士气全无,都在想着怎么逃跑。 But now in the population, is 3 : 1, the spirit of alliance does not need to fight with all might with them, a person struck, delays them to be OK. 可现在人数上,已经是三比一了,联盟的灵根本就不需要和他们去拼杀,一人一击,拖延住他们就可以了。 Then. 接下来。 Must watch the performance of Xia Tian. 就要看夏天的表演了。 Your boy also really counter Heavens!, is completely Insta-kill, I also think, only then existences of our rank, can have the opportunity of Insta-kill enemy, but your strength, works as the annual variation with me were too many, you depend is completely the time, is I have not heard to the time control degree!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你小子还真逆天啊,完全就是秒杀,我还以为,只有我们这个级别的存在,才能有秒杀敌人的机会,但你的实力,和我当年差的太多了,你靠的完全就是时机,对时机的掌控程度是我从来都没有听说过的!!”仙玄武感慨道。 He is existence of inheritance. valley Chong 他可是一个传承的存在。谷隀 But even during his inheritance, he has not seen such existence. 但就算是在他的传承之中,他也从来都没有看到过这样的存在。 Xia Tian attack each time is unexpectedly. 夏天每次的攻击都是出其不意的。 Also in opposite party most lax that moment, every so often, only has 0.01 seconds. 也都是在对方最松懈的那一刻,很多时候,只有零点零一秒。 But is in such time. 可就是这样的时间内。 Xia Tian can still seize this attack opportunity. 夏天依然可以抓住这个攻击机会。 This. 就这样。 Arrives at the ten spirits of divine land, even the Xia Tian these brothers' fur/superficial knowledge have not traced, was cut to kill by Xia Tian one after another. 来到神州的十个灵,连夏天那些兄弟的皮毛都没有摸到,就被夏天一个接着一个斩杀了。 In Xia Tian their battlefield cleanup, divides the spoils of war the time. 夏天他们打扫战场,分战利品的时候。 Seals up in four states. 封闭四州内。 The complexion of emperor bone is pale, looks the life jade sign that front breaks to pieces one after another, he has known what happened. 帝骨的脸色铁青,看着面前一个接着一个碎掉的生命玉牌,他已经知道发生什么事情了。 Died. 死了。 His younger brother died. 他的弟弟死了。 Ten spirits that he sends also all died. 他派出去的十个灵也全都死了。 When he receives oneself younger brother's pass on message symbol, he anger: Is impossible, they are impossible to have the protection ahead of time, only if disclosed the news, may know the news only then I with flatter day Luo and the others, not possible to be disclosed absolutely.” 在他接到自己弟弟的传讯符时,他就更加的愤怒了:“不可能的,他们不可能提前就有防备的,除非是走漏了消息,可知道消息的就只有我和阿天罗等人,绝对不可能被走漏的。” Sir, can be that side the insect clan disclosed the news, or do they do that intentionally?” “大人,会不会是虫族那边走漏了消息,或者他们故意这么做?” Is impossible, our cooperation will not present the gap.” The emperor bone thinks own younger brother's tragic death, in his heart on incomparable hatred. “不可能,我们的合作是不会出现间隙的。”帝骨一想到自己弟弟的惨死,他心中就无比的痛恨。 Now. 现在。 He really wishes one could to kill the divine land to go to revenge to oneself younger brother directly. 他是真的恨不得直接杀到神州去给自己的弟弟报仇。 Who can not have the selfishness, if the insect clan to draw support from this opportunity does weaken our strengths? After all they are impossible really to hope that saw we are getting more and more powerful!!!” “谁又能没私心呢,万一虫族是为了借助这个机会来削弱我们的实力呢?毕竟他们也不可能真的希望看到我们越来越强大!!!” But they also died five insect mothers!!!” The emperor bone said. “可他们也死了五个虫母!!!”帝骨说道。 This was the places of their intelligence, their insect female quantities may be more than our spirit quantities, perhaps they did that was the most intelligent place, because of this, we suspected their reasons not possibly, but sometimes, the enemy often was the person who we most believed!!!” Under the master analyzes to say. “这就是他们的聪明之处了,他们的虫母数量可比我们的灵数量多,也许他们这么做,就是最聪明的地方,因为这样,我们连怀疑他们的理由都没可能了,可有些时候,敌人往往是我们最相信的人!!!”那名手下分析道。 Emperor bone looking pensive. 帝骨若有所思。 „It is not good, I must go to a central tower!!” The emperor bone wants to ascertain. “不行,我必须去一趟中心塔!!”帝骨想要问清楚。 This time matter what's the matter, if were flatter day Luo Pian he, he will come up this matter report, making Sir Azure Dragon come to take responsibility for him. 这次的事情到底是怎么回事,如果是阿天罗骗了他,那他就会将这件事情禀报上去,让青龙大人来替他做主。 After Xia Tian that side battle ended . 夏天那边战斗结束之后。 Not slight stay, but was the earliest possible time returns to seal up four states, he understands, now he is running against the time. 并没有丝毫的停留,而是第一时间回到了封闭四州,他明白,现在他是在和时间赛跑。 The blood younger brother of emperor bone died. 帝骨的亲弟弟死了。 That will definitely go to the insect clan , to continue to discuss that this matter, he is to use the similar means that with, then has a look also to inquire what news again. 那就肯定会去虫族,继续商量这件事情,他就是想要利用同样的办法,再次跟上去,然后看看还能不能打探到什么消息。 Whom your boy really did not have, this means you also thought!!” Immortal Black Tortoise believes, normal person after obtaining like this great victory, certainly must first celebrate, enjoys the joy of winning. “你小子也真是没谁了啊,这种办法你也想的到!!”仙玄武认为,正常人在获得了这样的巨大胜利之后,肯定是要先庆祝,享受获胜的喜悦。 But Xia Tian actually chose continued to rush about. 夏天却选择了继续奔波。 Really. 果然。 Also really makes him wait till the emperor bone again. 还真的让他再次等到帝骨。 Follows again quietly. 再一次悄悄跟上。 The emperor bone now obviously is the appearance of threatening. 帝骨现在显然是气势汹汹的样子。 Has not gone to manage own attendant, how he is wanting to go with the flatter day Luo negotiations with all one's heart. 根本就没去管自己的跟班,他一门心思都在想怎么去和阿天罗谈判。 When flatter day Luo sees the emperor bone, is puzzled asking: Exactly what happened, why my five subordinates all dies?” 在阿天罗看到帝骨的时候,也是不解的问道:“到底发生了什么事,为什么我的五个手下全都死了?” You also feel all right to ask me!!!” The emperor bone is in the fit of temper. “你还好意思问我!!!”帝骨正在气头上。 Hears the flatter day Luo's words, erupted instantaneously. 听到阿天罗的话,也是瞬间爆发了。 Has what relations with me, the plan is you leaves, what leading is your younger brother!!” A flatter day Luo brow wrinkle. “跟我有什么关系,计划是你出的,带队的是你弟弟!!”阿天罗眉头一皱。 You also know the one who leads is e younger brother? My younger brother died!!!” “你还知道带队的是莪弟弟?我弟弟死了!!!”
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