AS :: Volume #124

#12311: Who is the ants

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„, Your unexpectedly can also get so far as such information!!!” The long life comes time is di is also happy, such information to them, simply was too important, now has not made war, if they can cut the spirit that killed some opposite party, really can make their later battle efficiencies stronger. “没想到,你居然还能弄到这样的情报!!!”长生灵过来的时候也是非常旳开心,这样的情报对于他们来说,简直就是太重要了,现在还没开战,如果他们就可以多斩杀一些对方的灵,是真的可以让他们以后的战斗力变得更强的。 After these spirits, in the battlefield, can be most terrifying existence. 这些灵以后在战场上,都会是最恐怖的存在。 Prepares, finally spoils of war 55!!” Xia Tian said. “准备一下吧,最后战利品五五分!!”夏天说道。 Good!!” The long life will not naturally say anything. “好!!”长生灵自然也不会多说什么。 This type of matter Xia Tian little spoils of war do not divide him even, he will not say anything, after all this has the matter of great benefit to the alliance. 这种事情就算是夏天一点点的战利品都不分他,他也不会说什么,毕竟这是对联盟有巨大好处的事情。 But Xia Tian works. 夏天做事。 Always makes people unable to have any nitpicking place perfectly. 总是完美的让人无法有任何挑剔的地方。 I was the bait right!!” The earth deities asked. “我就是诱饵了对吧!!”地灵问道。 Right!!” Xia Tian nods, later his vision looked to the people: Everyone remembered, our then you do not need to go to massacre anyone to me, so long as helps me control them, not to the opportunity that they escape on the line!!” “对!!”夏天点了点头,随后他的目光看向了众人:“大家记住了,我们接下来你们并不需要去给我杀掉谁,只要帮我控制住他们,不给他们逃跑的机会就行!!” Un! 嗯! The people have also seen the person of Xia Tian skill, therefore Xia Tian opens the mouth, they naturally cannot say anything. 众人也都是见过夏天本事的人,所以夏天开口的时候,他们自然不会说什么。 The right hand of Xia Tian flings, on oneself Wang Dan, big Wang Dan, paradise Wang Dan, emperor Wang Dan will take, he apportioned other spirits 1/5 of these compounded drugs, remaining gave own brothers: I can help your not be many, I hope, after the ancient times paradise returned, you can have own world.” 夏天的右手一甩,将自己身上的界王丹,大界王丹,仙界王丹,帝界王丹都拿了出来,他将这些丹药的五分之一分给了其他的灵,剩下的则是交给了自己的兄弟们:“我能帮你们的不多,我希望,在远古仙界回归之后,你们都能有属于自己的天地。” Your this saying said that you to us, are better than to the biological son the biological father!!” white dragon wang is cracking a joke to say. “你这话说的,你对我们,比亲爹对亲儿子还好!!”白龙王开着玩笑说道。 Hahahaha! 哈哈哈哈! The people smiled. 众人笑了出来。 Everyone is very clear, Xia Tian has many to their attendances. 大家都很清楚,夏天对他们的照顾是有多少。 This time even Xia Xiaotian and came daily. 这次连夏小天和天天都来了。 Daily looked at Xia Tian: You are also living Ah!!!” 天天看了一眼夏天:“你还活着啊!!!” I want dead not that easy Ah!!” The Xia Tian response said. “我想死也没那么容易啊!!”夏天回应道。 He also understands. 他也明白。 Daily to his hostility because of Zeng Ruo. 天天对他的敌意就是因为曾柔 Snort! 哼! Sooner or later, you will die, he will certainly achieve!!!” Daily snort/hum. “早晚,你都会死,他一定会做到的!!!”天天哼了一声。 He? Who is he in your mouth?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “他?你口中的他是谁?”夏天眉头一皱。 „Haven't you seen?” Daily obviously does not want to respond Xia Tian. “你不是已经见过了吗?”天天显然是不想搭理夏天 Xia Tian responded, daily that he in mouth, sneak attacked his person frequently: You know him, who is he? Why makes me so familiar?” 夏天反应过来了,天天口中的那个他,就是经常偷袭他的那个人:“你认识他,他是谁?为什么让我那么熟悉?” You do not match to know!!” Daily no longer looks at Xia Tian. “你不配知道!!”天天不再去看夏天 Before Xia Tian, suspected, is very likely the person on Earth, otherwise oneself are impossible to have this familiar feeling, but on Earth his friend and enemy, he should clearly be very right. 夏天之前就怀疑,很有可能是地球上的人,不然自己不可能有这种熟悉的感觉,可地球上他的朋友和敌人,他都应该很清楚才对。 He does not know that has such existence. 他并不知道有这样的存在。 But now continues to ask daily, daily will not say. 但现在继续问天天,天天也不会说。 Master, daily she...” 师傅,天天她...” You are together on the line well, right, your recent condition how?” Xia Tian asked. “你们好好相处就行,对了,你最近的状态怎么样?”夏天问道。 I am de-archiving ancient times the strength of god clan, believes, before the ancient times paradise returned, I can unseal a large quantities of news!!” The Xia Xiaotian response said. “我正在解封远古神族的力量,相信,在远古仙界回归之前,我就能解封一大批的消息!!”夏小天回应道。 Un! 嗯! Takes care on the line, ancient times the paradise was big, so long as we do not struggle, does not snatch, protects itself to have no issue!!” Xia Tian said. “照顾好自己就行,远古仙界非常大,只要我们不去争,不去抢,保护自己还是没什么问题的!!”夏天说道。 Yes, Master!!” Xia Xiaotian deep bowing. “是,师傅!!”夏小天深深的鞠了一躬。 Everyone prepares!!” Xia Tian waves. “大家准备吧!!”夏天一挥手。 Everyone all hidden, they sealed up oneself all aura and Divine Soul, in this case, some people cannot investigate them absolutely. 所有人全部隐藏起来,他们封闭了自己的所有气息和神魂,在这种情况下,就绝对不会有人能侦查到他们。 But Xia Tian can actually through knowing the sea comes to communicate with them. 夏天却可以通过识海来与他们沟通。 So long as Xia Tian orders. 只要夏天一声令下。 They first will fly. 他们就会第一时间飞出来。 But Xia Tian does not need to hide. 夏天并不需要隐藏。 Because he is not spirit, therefore opposite party even detection time, should still neglect him directly, these people are very proud, they will only regard the opponent spirit, every spirit following person, in their eyes is the ants. 因为他不是灵,所以对方就算是侦查的时候,也会直接忽略他,这些人都是非常自傲的,他们只会将灵当成对手,凡是灵以下的人,在他们的眼中皆是蝼蚁。 !!! 唰!唰!唰! Ten forms fell outside the city. 十道身影落在了城外。 The earth deities were the earliest possible time belt/bring person flew from inside: Fellow Sirs, what matter coming here to have?” 地灵则是第一时间带人从里面飞了出来:“各位大人,来我这里有什么事?” „Do you know us?” Is the ossiculum of head stares. “你知道我们?”为首的小骨一愣。 Here has the special installment, the every strength of spirit appears, can the earliest possible time induce, everyone is so powerful, the strength of spirit was too luxuriant, I am impossible unable to detect!!” The earth deities answered. “我这里有特殊的装置,凡是灵之力出现,都能第一时间感应到,各位如此强大,灵之力太茂盛了,我不可能察觉不到!!”地灵解释道。 Xia Tian at this time in his side. 夏天此时就在他的旁边。 He is also confident. 他也是信心十足。 Snort! 哼! Since knows us to come, that does not need rubbish, you cut off your four limbs directly, ties up oneself, was OK.” Although the ossiculum does not understand that this is anything installs, but he does not want is too many. “既然知道我们过来,那就不需要废话了,你直接斩断自己的四肢,把自己绑起来,就可以了。”小骨虽然不明白这是什么装置,但他也没有想太多。 Just he has investigated. 刚刚他已经侦查过了。 Here absolutely does not have the spirit. 这里根本就没有灵。 Without zero. 只要没有零。 He can relaxed completion mission, and Xia Tian all concerned people grasps completely here, forcing Xia Tian to obey, finally cuts to kill Xia Tian, their mission completed even. 那他就可以轻松的完成任务,将这里和夏天所有有关的人全部抓起来,逼迫夏天就范,最后将夏天斩杀,那他们的任务就算是完成了。 You said may really dexterous Ah!!!” The earth deities show a faint smile. “你们说的可真轻巧啊!!!”地灵微微一笑。 Ants, but also is thinking resistance vault of heaven, you know what you face is what colossus?” Saying that the ossiculum disdains. “一只蝼蚁,还想着反抗苍穹,你知道你面对的是什么样的庞然大物吗?”小骨非常不屑的说道。 Afterward. 随后。 The form runs out from him together. 一道身影从他旁边冲出。 Killed directly to the earth deities. 直接杀向了地灵。 They are person aggressive statement many existences, since earth deities not agrees begin, they began personally. 他们都是人狠话不多的存在,既然地灵不肯自己动手,那他们就亲自动手好了。 In their opinion. 在他们看来。 Oneself only need to strike. 自己只需要一击。 Can handle the earth deities with ease. 就可以轻松的搞定地灵了。 Bang! 轰! When his attack must hit the earth deities immediately. 就在他的攻击马上要击中地灵的时候。 Together form fast emergence in that spirit front, that spirit, although saw, protection that but he still has no, because here spirits continually does not have, no one can have any injury to them, when the attack of opposite party hits that moment of his body, he regretted. 一道身影快速的出现在那个灵的面前,那个灵虽然看到了,但他依然没有任何的防备,因为这里连灵都没有,根本就没有人能对他们产生任何的伤害,可是当对方的攻击击中他身体的那一刻,他后悔了。 Without any protection. 在没有任何防备的情况下。 He thinks that the own worst result assimilates. 他认为自己最坏的结果就是同化。 But he induces clearly. 可他清楚的感应到。 The node on own body was hit. 自己身体上的节点被击中了。 No.” That spirit crazy shouting. “不。”那个灵疯狂的喊道。 He felt the death. 他感受到了死亡。 The node was crushed, then on the representative, he did not have the opportunity of assimilation, did not have the assimilation, he will also die. 节点被击碎,那就代表,他连同化的机会都没有了,没有了同化,他也会死亡。 ! 噗! Instantaneous Insta-kill. 瞬间秒杀 No the spirit of protection, looks like in Xia Tian, is a living target, this is also he hidden here the reason of sneak attack. 没有任何防备的灵,在夏天看来,就是一个活靶子,这也是他隐藏在这里偷袭的原因。 What?” “什么?” Sees this time, the people were scared, the ossiculum is also incomparably surprised looks at front Xia Tian: „Who are you?” 看到这一幕的时候,众人都傻眼了,小骨也是无比惊讶的看着面前的夏天:“你是什么人?” I called Xia Tian!!!” “我叫夏天!!!” Xia Tian, you are Xia Tian!!!” The ossiculum understands why finally own person will die. 夏天,你就是夏天!!!”小骨终于明白自己的人为什么会死了。 Before he comes. 在他来之前。 His elder brother has reminded his Xia Tian skill. 他哥是提醒过他夏天的本事的。 Now I want to know, who is the ants!!!” The right hand of Xia Tian flings, the day cold sword presents in his hand. “现在我很想知道,到底谁才是蝼蚁!!!”夏天的右手一甩,天寒剑出现在的他手中。 7017 k 7017k
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