AS :: Volume #124

#12310: Trap

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Also was one of the pair seal deaths!!” Xia Tian responded. “也就是封闭死亡之一对吧!!”夏天反应过来了。 He just killed a seal dead a while ago, here meets one, this can guess, actually the opposite party is what di strength. 他前段时间才刚刚杀了一个封闭死亡,在这里又遇到一个,这就可以猜测到,对方究竟是什么样旳实力。 With has a look!!” Xia Tian comes out from side fast, the disguise became an appearance of human, later followed in behind. “跟上去看看!!”夏天从旁边快速出来,乔装成了一个人类的模样,随后跟在了后面。 Here insect clan definitely cannot think of a human. 这里的虫族肯定想不到会多出一个人类。 So long as they see the emperor bone, will not inspect emperor bone person. 他们只要看到帝骨,就不会去检查帝骨身边的人了。 But the emperor bone has the concern, has been walking forward, will not notice itself to be many behind a person. 而帝骨有心事,一直在向前走,也不会注意到自己身后不知不觉间多了一个人。 This. 就这样。 They walked fast. 他们快速的走了过去。 Xia Tian followed their these people to walk on this. 夏天就这样一路跟着他们这几个人走了进去。 Central tower. 中心塔。 Although here is the name is a tower, but seems like, looking like a giant fortress is ordinary, fortress above has many holes, this each hole can launch that destructive attack, the attack that the casual hole sends, can extinguish revering directly kills. 这里虽然是称呼为塔,但看上去,就像是一个巨大堡垒一般,堡垒上面有很多孔洞,这每一个孔洞都能发动那种毁灭性的攻击,随便一个孔洞发出来的攻击,都可以将一个尊者直接灭杀。 This is the might of insect clan center tower. 这就是虫族中心塔的威力。 Moreover some above also many giant muzzles, these muzzles seem like scary. 而且上面还有很多巨大的炮口,这些炮口看上去更加的吓人。 Hurriedly what matter has?” The insect mother who wears the gray gown walked from inside, this gray gown seems like not simple, builds with the special material quality . Moreover the above black crystals, as if are special energy Crystal Stone are common. “急匆匆的过来有什么事?”一名身穿灰色袍子的虫母从里面走了出来,这个灰色的袍子看上去可不简单,是用特殊的材质打造而成,而且上面有一个黑色的晶体,就仿佛是一种特殊的能量晶石一般。 health/guard orchid died!!” “卫兰死了!!” What?” That insect mother quickly beckons with the hand: Came to say!!” “什么?”那名虫母急忙摆手:“进来说!!” The emperor bone only walked. 帝骨就这样走了进去。 flatter day Luo, you should know, four seem like by our four king to come controls, everyone, health/guard orchid dies now suddenly, his lost likely!!!” Death that the emperor bone does not love dearly health/guard orchid. “阿天罗,你应该知道,四象是由我们四王来掌控的,每个人一份,现在卫兰突然死了,他的那一象就丢了!!!”帝骨并不是心疼卫兰的死。 He said health/guard orchid dies, seems scolding the health/guard orchid idiot to be the same. 他说卫兰死的时候,更仿佛是在骂卫兰蠢货一般。 What he cares is health/guard Landiu that shape. 他在乎的是卫兰丢的那一象。 Hears his words. 听到他的话。 Xia Tian is also quickly asks: „Do four that Dureau, he said what seem like?” 夏天也是急忙问道:“阿迪罗,他说的四象是什么?” Four likely eight bears with the thing that by sealing up four king Hechong clan eight emperors is run together, it is said that has the huge significance, concrete is what I am not clear, but is important!!” Although Dureau is also a cephalont mother, but he had not contacted that level in the past the ability. “四象八熊是用由封闭四王和虫族八帝一起掌管的东西,据说是有巨大的意义,具体是什么我并不清楚,但非常重要!!”阿迪罗虽然也是一头虫母,但他当年并没有接触到那个层次的能力。 Un! 嗯! It seems like, e later must inspect the spoils of war well!!” Xia Tian understood, such precious thing, protects orchid Kending to carry along, after oneself cut kills the opposite party, opposite party thing takes away. “看来,莪以后要好好的检查一下战利品了!!”夏天明白了,这么贵重的东西,卫兰肯定是随身携带的,自己斩杀对方之后,就将对方身上的东西都收走了。 In this case. 在这种情况下。 He lets Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) fast search, which goods above strength having a look at to be special, takes only. 他只是让红凤快速的搜查一下,看看哪件物品上面的力量特殊,就单拿出来。 Found, is this thing, is very small, the palm of the hand is big!!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) first that so-called looked like to look. “找到了,就是这东西,很小,才巴掌大!!”红凤第一时间将那个所谓的一象找了出来。 „It seems like no special place!!” Xia Tian does not know temporarily this thing is useful. “看上去没什么特殊的地方!!”夏天暂时不知道这东西有什么用。 First put in all things to be good. 还是先放到森罗万象之中好了。 How does he die?” flatter day Luo asked. “他怎么死的?”阿天罗问道。 I have inquired, they are when goes to the divine land, there has mystical powers to besiege dead, the one who mainly acts is a person named Xia Tian.” The emperor bone said. “我打听过了,他们是在去神州的时候,被那里的所有灵围攻而死,主要出手的是一个叫做夏天的人。”帝骨说道。 Xia Tian, didn't this almost kill Dureau's that human?” flatter day Luo has heard this name obviously. 夏天,这不是差点杀了阿迪罗的那个人类吗?”阿天罗显然是听说过这个名字。 „Do you know him?” The emperor bone stares. “你认识他?”帝骨一愣。 Knows, in the past we wanted from the divine land boundary invasion divine land, then seized divine land opportunity, entered other states, Dureau volunteered, on the past, but he was actually defeated, at that time destroyed is the fellow who that he planned did not arrive at spirit, is called Xia Tian, but behind he had an accident, left, I also heard, he looked for Xia Tian to revenge, finally almost by Xia Tian killing!!!” flatter day Luo answered. “知道,当年我们想要从神州边界入侵神州,然后抓住神州这个机会,进入其他州,阿迪罗自告奋勇,就过去了,不过他却失败了,当时破坏他计划的就是一个连灵都不到的家伙,叫做夏天,不过后面他出事了,就离开了,我也是听说,他去找夏天报仇,结果差点被夏天给杀了!!!”阿天罗解释道。 We also collected recently about his news, he spirits, but is actually the protector of divine land elf, in divine land, his battle efficiency incomparable terrifying, what is main, his unexpectedly can find the spirit node accurately.” The emperor bone answered. “我们也是最近才搜集了一些关于他的消息,他这个人连灵都不到,但却是神州精灵的守护者,在神州,他的战斗力无比恐怖,最主要的是,他居然可以准确的找到灵身上的节点。”帝骨解释道。 Such opponent somewhat troubled, if he has the divine land elf protection, we want to kill him is also difficult, he cannot be victorious can escape, we cannot the full divine land pursue.” flatter day Luo is also the brow tight wrinkle. “这样的对手就有些麻烦了,他如果有神州精灵守护的话,那我们想杀他也困难的,他打不过是可以逃掉的,我们总不能满神州去追吧。”阿天罗也是眉头紧皱。 We inquired, he is loyal very much, therefore we start from his these brothers, this coming, is wish makes you send several cephalont mothers to go with us together, this can provide against contingencies, wants the lethality to be fullest!!!” The emperor bone reminder said. “我们打听了,他这个人很讲义气,所以我们准备从他的那些兄弟们身上入手,这次过来,是想要让你们派几头虫母跟我们一起去的,这样才能以防万一,要杀伤力最足的!!!”帝骨提醒道。 Un! 嗯! flatter day Luo slight nod: Also good, my subordinate has ten cephalont mothers, now five are handling very important matter, let another five with your person in the past!!” 阿天罗微微点头:“也好,我麾下有十头虫母,现在有五个正在做很重要的事情,就让另外五个和你的人过去吧!!” Me also planned that five, let the ossiculum, should not have what issue.” The emperor bone said. “我这边也打算出五个,让小骨去,应该不会有什么问题。”帝骨说道。 Recently outside and sealed up four states to declare war, your pressure big Ah!!!” flatter day Luo said. “最近外面和封闭四州宣战,你们的压力不小啊!!!”阿天罗说道。 It doesn't matter, by our science and technology and machine armor, blocks them to have no issue temporarily, temporarily everyone tries harder, so long as resurrected Sir Azure Dragon, the share that several other states finally were enslaved by us, Sir Azure Dragon strikes can rout their confidence thoroughly!!” Saying of emperor bone incomparable anticipation. “无所谓,以我们的科技和机甲,暂时挡住他们还是没什么问题的,暂时大家加把劲,只要复活了青龙大人,那其他几州最后只有被我们奴役的份,青龙大人一击就可以将他们的信心彻底击溃!!”帝骨无比期待的说道。 Xia Tian of distant place silently is listening to all these. 远处的夏天默默的听着这一切。 He understood finally. 他终于明白了。 unexpectedly that these people must resurrect is also of immortal Azure Dragon four Great Sage beasts!! 这些人要复活的居然也是四大圣兽之一的仙青龙!! Was interesting!!” On the face of Xia Tian showed the smile. “有意思了!!”夏天的脸上露出了笑容。 „, That fellow unexpectedly was also killed, who does that get rid of his can be?” Immortal Black Tortoise also filled curiously. “没想到,那个家伙居然也被干掉了,那干掉他的会是谁呢?”仙玄武也充满了好奇。 This we soon can know, but I must first return to a divine land, since these people planned that acts to my brothers, that was doomed their result, I will contact with everyone, ahead of time a prepare trap they jump, five that this time comes spirit and five cephalont mothers, do not want to live departure!!” Xia Tian has taken seriously the information very much. “这个我们用不了多久就可以知道了,不过我要先回一趟神州了,这些人既然打算对我的兄弟们出手,那就注定了他们的结果,我会联系大家,提前布置好一个陷阱等他们来跳,这次来的五个灵和五头虫母,一个都别想活着离开!!”夏天一直很重视情报。 Why this is he is always also thinking after thorough enemy, inquires news. 这也是他为什么总想着深入敌后,去打听消息。 If this time does not have this information, his brothers might have the move very much. 如果这次没有这个情报的话,那他的兄弟们很有可能会有中招的。 Ten powerful spirits. 十个强大的灵。 Does not crack a joke. 可不是开玩笑的。 But he is ready ahead of time the words, that was equal to that is making enemy bring death, this time gets rid of these ten spirits, not only can the battle efficiency of weak place, but can also plunder their spoils of war, but can also strengthen the belief of alliance. 但他提前做好准备的话,那就等于是在让敌人自己送死,这次干掉这十个灵,不但可以虚弱地方的战斗力,还能搜刮他们的战利品,还能增加联盟的信心。 After returning to the divine land . 回到神州之后。 Xia Tian first informed the long life. 夏天第一时间通知了长生灵。 When hearing the Xia Tian words. 在听到夏天的话时。 The long life was more excited, he has more than 20 spirits to come personally together, moreover is in the alliance strongest a number of spirits, 13 and hundred Sichuan and the others also all came. 长生灵就更加的兴奋了,他亲自带着二十多个灵一起过来的,而且都是联盟里面最强的一批灵,十三和百川等人也全都过来了。 The corrupt wolf and nightmare have not come, their two as if had a more important matter to do. 贪狼和梦魇并没有过来,他们两个似乎有更重要的事情要去做了。
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