AS :: Volume #124

#12309: Dureau

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It seems like, my also really di must go to rush to!!!” “看来,我还真旳要进去闯一闯了!!!” Arrives here observation later discovery after Xia Tian, although he also brought the alliance to cut to kill sealed up four state several spirits, but as if this on sealing up four state overall the battle efficiency influences was not specially big. 经过夏天来到这边的观察之后发现,虽然他也带着联盟斩杀了封闭四州几个灵,但似乎这对封闭四州整体的战斗力影响并不是特别的大。 Especially here key forces. 特别是这边的核心力量。 Insect palace. 都在虫宫这边。 Understood from him the situation , the alliance does not have the ability to overcome this insect palace. 从他了解到的情况来看,联盟是没有能力打下这个虫宫的。 In this, but dangerous spot Ah!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “这里面可是龙潭虎穴啊!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 My Xia Tian is to rush to this dangerous spot!!!” Xia Tian is not that person who encounters the difficulty on flinching. “我夏天就是要去闯一闯这龙潭虎穴!!!”夏天可不是那种遇到困难就退缩的人。 Although said, has him, the alliance will hit. 虽然说,有没有他,联盟都会一路打过来。 Here even if he does are more, the alliance does not know, will not have is grateful he, but he works, only sought the conscience, arrived here that moment, he has set firm resolve. 而且就算是他在这里做的更多,联盟也不会知道,不会有多么感激他,但他做事,只求本心,来到这里的那一刻,他就早已经下定了决心。 Must get rid of here thoroughly. 一定要彻底干掉这里。 No matter here insect clan and human to resurrect anyone, all that they make, some went too far. 不管这里的虫族和人类是为了复活谁,他们所做的一切,都有些太过份了。 It seems like, this time ancient times paradise returned, will be inevitably blustery, established exists with the New Student strength will also conduct the big infusion of new blood finally!!” Immortal Black Tortoise somewhat is also excited. “看来,这次的远古仙界回归,势必会风起云涌了,老牌存在和新生力量最后也会进行大换血!!”仙玄武也有些激动。 He in the past living time. 他当年活着的时候。 In the travelling universe, anything could not raise his interest everywhere. 就是在到处游历宇宙,什么事情都提不起他的兴趣来。 Even can say. 甚至可以说。 He radically on does not have any natural enemy. 他根本就没有任何天敌。 So long as others are not run up to front of him who that type does not enlarge ones vision, he will not respond anyone. 只要别人不是那种不开眼的跑到他面前来的话,那他也不会去搭理谁。 Naturally. 当然了。 Arrived existence of his rank, others did not match to make him look straight at either to look, either can Insta-kill his existence, look like the insect emperor. 到了他这个级别的存在,别人要么是不配让他正眼去看,要么就是能够秒杀他的存在,就像是虫帝。 The past insect emperor was directly his Insta-kill. 当年的虫帝就是直接将他秒杀的。 However all these present was also Karma. 不过这一切现在也算是一种因果了。 Because he and once extinguished kills his insect emperor, unexpectedly and Xia Tian has the complicated relations. 因为他和曾经灭杀他的虫帝,居然都和夏天有着千丝万缕的关系。 Paradise, should have the appearance of paradise, lets opportunity that the person tracks down unceasingly, if established Expert, that paradise did not have the meaning, one generation of rookies changed the early man, this was the timeless truth, sooner or later, e this group of people, will be replaced by New Student generation of institutes, this was a samsara!!!” Quick that Xia Tian looks. “仙界,就该有仙界的样子,让人不断去追寻的机会,如果一直都是老牌高手的话,那仙界就没有意思了,一代新人换旧人,这是亘古不变的真理,早晚有一天,莪们这一批人,也会被新生代所替换掉,这才是轮回!!!”夏天看的很快。 He never thinks that this world has any true invincible person. 他从不认为这个世界存在什么真正的无敌的人。 No matter you are strong, in the future will appear you are stronger. 不管你多强,将来都会出现比你更强的。 Realm that you can cultivation arrive , will also certainly have others to pass different method cultivation. 你能修炼到的境界,也一定会有其他人可以通过不同的方法修炼到的。 Can long-time not fade truly, should believe. 真正可以长久不衰的,应该就是信仰了。 Your mentality, but also is and normal person is really different, I am existences that has many generation of inheritance, but during my inheritance, person who sees, with summarizing in human character, does not have you is so open-minded!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise from most starts to know Xia Tian time, he felt that Xia Tian is not an average person. “你的心态,还真的是和正常人不一样啊,我是一个拥有很多代传承的存在,而在我的传承之中,所见到的人,和总结出来的人类性格里面,就没有你这么豁达的!!!”仙玄武从最开始认识夏天的时候,他就感觉到夏天不是普通人。 No matter in what situation. 不管在什么样的情况下。 No matter when others questioned Xia Tian, he absolutely believes Xia Tian. 不管在别人多么质疑夏天的时候,他都是绝对相信夏天 Xia Tian is one can any not be possible to become possible existence. 夏天是一个可以将任何不可能变为可能的存在。 ! 唰! Xia Tian had flown, but this time he camouflages, after all here is the insect palace, he cannot casual slaughtering, otherwise, definitely attract the insect mother. 夏天已经飞了进去,不过这次他还是伪装的,毕竟这里是虫宫,他也不能随随便便的大开杀戒,不然的话,肯定会引来虫母。 Selects him not to fear only. 单挑他是不怕。 But here is the supreme headquarters of opposite party. 可这里是对方的大本营。 Once makes war. 一旦开战。 The trouble will be innumerable. 麻烦就会数不胜数。 Needs me to prepare ahead of time?” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “需要我提前准备吗?”红凤提醒道。 Ahead of time prepares, many directions, in the event of any situation, first make all parties blossom, so long as the confusion appears, I leave No problem!!!” Although Xia Tian the present is almost impossible to use the divine land elf the strength. “提前准备吧,多个方向,一旦发生任何情况,第一时间让各方开花,只要混乱出现,那我离开还是没问题的!!!”夏天虽然现在几乎无法使用神州精灵的力量。 But his battle efficiency is also very terrifying. 但他自身的战斗力也是非常恐怖的。 Does not arrive at the spirit person, can cut to kill a Rank 5 following spirit with ease. 一个不到灵的人,可以轻松斩杀一个五级以下的灵。 This is present Xia Tian. 这就是如今的夏天 But Rank 5 above spirit. 五级以上的灵。 Xia Tian can also fight, even same has the opportunity to cut to kill the opposite party. 夏天也是可以一战,甚至一样是有机会斩杀对方的。 Actually I anticipated, if your boy becomes the spirit, what can be!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “其实我更期待,你小子如果成为了灵,会是什么样!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Was quick, my present range breaks through spirit, only misses a top fight, can make me break through the self- fight during the fight, Wang Jue is this, wants to depend on the absorption strength, depends on self- cultivation, that wants to break through is difficult such as to ascend to heaven simply, but if is completely different in the fight.” Xia Tian also felt oneself Wang Jue's change. “快了,我现在距离突破到灵,只差一场顶级战斗,一场可以让我在战斗之中突破自我的战斗,界王决就是这样,想要靠着吸收力量,靠着自我修炼,那想要突破简直就是难如登天,可如果是在战斗的时候就完全不一样了。”夏天也感觉到自己界王决的变化了。 Perhaps. 也许。 After this breakthrough . 这次突破之后。 Was his Wang Jue's final key point. 就是他界王决最后的重点了。 Also is the end point of his life. 也是他人生的终点。 You were really away from your dream to be getting more and more near!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你真的距离你的梦想越来越近了!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Six months, ancient times the paradise should return, one year, is I return to Earth the time!!” In the Xia Tian vision filled with the anticipation. “半年时间内,远古仙界应该就会回归了,一年的时间,就是我回到地球的时候了!!”夏天的目光之中充满了期待。 Right, has sneak attacked your person before “对了,之前一直偷袭你的那个人” Very long had not appeared, I suspected, is very likely when waits for me injured, will sneak attack me again, after all I have the divine land elf protection in the divine land, the probability that he can go well is almost zero!!” Xia Tian remembered that to sneak attack own person. “已经很久没出现了,我怀疑,很有可能是在等待我受伤的时候,才会再次偷袭我吧,毕竟我在神州有神州精灵守护,他能得手的几率几乎是零!!”夏天想起了那个偷袭自己的人。 At that time gave his feeling is. 当时给他的感觉就是。 Very familiar. 很熟悉。 But specifically how familiar. 但具体怎么熟悉。 He could not have said. 他还说不上来。 Did not need to think, when you become the spirit thoroughly, perhaps you can see the different world, when the time comes the opposite party came, was impossible to walk falls!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise is very clear Xia Tian skill. “不用去想了,等你彻底成为了灵,也许你就能看到不一样的世界了,到时候对方来了,也就不可能走得掉了!!!”仙玄武可是很清楚夏天的本事的。 He too understood Xia Tian. 他太了解夏天了。 Once Xia Tian breaks through. 一旦夏天突破。 Strength promotion of that Xia Tian absolutely is not the 1-Stars least bit. 夏天的实力提升的绝对不是一星半点。 That had a look this time to have the opportunity!!!” Xia Tian starts to fly to inside. “那就看看这次有没有机会了!!!”夏天开始向里面飞去。 Inside that cephalont mother also starts to give Xia Tian to explain here terrain and situation. 里面的那头虫母也开始给夏天讲解这里的地形和情况。 His name is Dureau. 他的名字叫做阿迪罗。 Once in this batch of insect clan inside position was also very high, now but mixes was very distressed, because his beforehand status was uncommon, therefore he knew about here. 曾经在这批虫族里面的地位也是很高的,只不过现在混的很狼狈罢了,但正是因为他之前的身份不凡,所以他对这里还是非常了解的。 Had his guide. 有了他这个向导在。 Xia Tian wanted to mix is also not the difficult matter. 夏天想要混进去也就不是什么难事了。 „Does here have the human communication?” Xia Tian sees, human of several splendid attires at this time here flight. “这里还有人类来往吗?”夏天看到,几个盛装的人类此时正在这边飞行。 Seals up four states to have a royal family, is they seals up in four states most powerful one group of people, they have the insect palace all positions of qualifications free discrepancy outside except central tower!!!” Dureau answered. “封闭四州是有一个王族的,是他们封闭四州里面最位高权重的一群人,他们是有资格自由出入除去中心塔之外的虫宫所有位置的!!!”阿迪罗解释道。 ! 哦! Xia Tian thought. 夏天想起来了。 Own before cut that person who killed, should also be one of the so-called royal families. 自己之前斩杀的那个人,应该也就是所谓的王族之一。 „It is not right, Xia Tian, these people are not the ordinary royal families, middle that person I knew, is a spirit, moreover is a highest level Wangling, he called the emperor the bone, was extremely strong, can make him run personally one, perhaps had very important matter!!!” “不对,夏天,这几个人不是普通的王族,中间那个人我认识,是一个灵,而且还是一个最顶级的王灵,他叫帝骨,实力很强,能够让他亲自跑一趟这边,恐怕是有非常重要的事情!!!”
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