AS :: Volume #124

#12308: Resurrecting Saint beast

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Good!!” “好!!” Although Xia Tian before the opposite party has the contradiction, but among them di contradictory also solution was similar. 夏天虽然和对方之前有矛盾,但他们两个之间旳矛盾也解决的差不多了。 Now met. 现在遇到了。 Also is the fate, he wants to listen to look. 也算是缘分,他想要听听看。 The opposite party want to do. 对方想要干什么。 Un!!! 恩!!! Their two disappeared in like this same place, presented again time, their two had arrived at a moist cavern. 他们两个就这样消失在了原地,再次出现的时候,他们两个已经来到了一个潮湿的洞穴。 How to choose such a broken place?” Xia Tian a little shuts out looked at around one. “怎么选了一个这么破的地方?”夏天有点嫌弃的看了一眼周围。 Moist, can the detection ability of pattern insect clan, I, if stops over outside is too long, will be is found by them.” That cephalont mother says with emotion. “潮湿,可以格局虫族的侦查能力,我如果在外面逗留太久的话,是会被它们找到的。”那头虫母感慨道。 ? 哦? Among you are the contradiction very deep?” Before Xia Tian, had the guess. “你们之间的矛盾很深吗?”夏天之前也算是有了一些猜测。 But the special details do not know. 但具体情况并不知道。 „It is not very deep, I pursued object, but I was very uncomfortable in the past, therefore I after being pursued, seized the chance to take away some of their things, but this also made me invite trouble!!!” The insect mother said. “不是很深,我是被驱逐的对象,但当年我很不爽,所以我在被驱逐之后,趁机拿走了一些他们的东西,不过这也让我惹祸上身!!!”虫母说道。 ? 哦? Is my set of universe machine armor?” Xia Tian takes away, but 5s level universe machine armor. “是我的那套宇宙机甲吗?”夏天拿走的可是5s级宇宙机甲。 It is said is sealing up four states. 据说在封闭四州。 Also only has two sets merely. 也仅仅只有两套。 Finally was taken away one by the insect mother. 结果就被虫母拿走了一件。 The value of this thing is very high. 这东西的价值可是非常高的。 No, although that set of universe machine armor is precious, but being insufficient makes me turn into the chased down condition, lets my chased down reason truly is this thing!!!” That cephalont mother put out the square crystal. “不,那套宇宙机甲虽然珍贵,但不至于让我变成被追杀的状态,真正让我被追杀的原因是这个东西!!!”那头虫母拿出了正方形的晶体。 The crystal was sealed in transparent square crystal. 晶体是被密封在一个透明的正方形水晶里面的。 Is the godship, Xia Tian, this is a godship!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise quickly reminded. “是神格,夏天,这是神格!!!”仙玄武急忙提醒道。 What is this?” Although Xia Tian had found, but he wants to inquire front insect mother. “这是什么?”夏天虽然已经找到了,但他还是想要询问一下面前的虫母。 He wants to have a look at the insect mother's response. 他想看看虫母的反应。 I do not know am anything, initially saw this thing in very important position, but I opened the center of treasure house by chance, therefore took away directly, just started them not to know that but a while ago after was defeated by you, I am thinking first escapes to seek asylum , was looked at that time by here other insect clan Expert, was almost killed!!!” That cephalont mother answered. “我不知道是什么,当初看到这东西在非常重要的位置,而我碰巧就打开了宝库的中心,所以就直接拿走了,刚开始他们也不知道的,可前段时间在被你击败之后,我想着先逃回来避难,没想到,当时被这里其他的虫族高手找上,差点就被干掉了!!!”那头虫母解释道。 You hand over this thing, they will not feel embarrassed you!!!” Xia Tian exploratory asking. “那你将这个东西交出去,他们就不会为难你了吧!!!”夏天试探性的问道。 No, I too understood them, they solely were not want to rob the thing, but wanted to write off me, any knows that existence of this thing wrote off completely.” That cephalont mother time at this point is also unceasing shaking the head: My race because also this matter exterminated the clan, including all my family member descendants!” “不,我太了解他们了,他们可不单单是想要抢走东西,而是想要将我抹杀,将任何知道这东西的存在全部抹杀。”那头虫母说到这里的时候也是不断的摇头:“我的种族也因为这件事情被灭族了,包括我所有的家人后代!” Is so serious!!!” Xia Tian said. “这么严重!!!”夏天说道。 I just started not to think that so will be serious, therefore I can only east hide xz here, waited for the ancient times paradise to seize the chance to return, otherwise, I escaped to other states am also useless, they can definitely find e!!!” That cephalont mother also really fears now. “我刚开始也没想到会这么严重,所以我只能在这里东躲xz,等着远古仙界趁机回归,不然的话,我逃到其他州也没用,他们肯定还是能找到莪!!!”那头虫母现在也是真的怕了。 Because he is the insect clan. Valley belt 正因为他是虫族。谷帶 Therefore he was clear compared with anybody, the working styles of other insect clans. 所以他本身就比任何人都清楚,其他虫族的做事风格。 What matter do you ask me to have?” Xia Tian has ravelled probably is what situation, although he in the godship to insect female hand is curious, but he does not worry to ask about the matter of godship now. “那你找我有什么事?”夏天大概已经弄明白是什么情况了,虽然他对虫母手中的神格非常好奇,但现在他也不着急询问神格的事情。 Must have a look at the specific situation. 要看看具体的情况。 I know person who you are one have the skill, I am wanted to live on dishonorably, living for a day is one day, but sees you, I as if saw the hope, I want to make a transaction with you!!!” An insect mother face anticipates looked to Xia Tian. “我知道你是一个有本事的人,原本我是想要苟且偷生,活一天算一天的,但看到你,我仿佛看到了希望,我想和你做个交易!!!”虫母一脸期待的看向了夏天 Xia Tian also looked to the insect mother: Said that looks!!” 夏天也是看向了虫母:“说说看!!” I use this thing, trades you to protect me to be complete, making me live the day that the ancient times paradise returned to!!!” The insect mother said. “我用这个东西,来换你护我周全,让我活到远古仙界回归的日子!!!”虫母说道。 You thought that I do have that skill?” Xia Tian asked. “你觉得我有那个本事吗?”夏天问道。 I was not first day know you, did you have that skill I are very clear!!!” The insect mother is thinking highly of Xia Tian actually not, but was he as Xia Tian once opponent, very clear Xia Tian skill terrifying. “我不是第一天认识你了,你有没有那个本事我是很清楚的!!!”虫母倒不是在恭维夏天,而是他身为夏天曾经的对手,非常清楚夏天的本事到底有多恐怖。 I do not know that I do have that skill, moreover my coming, is did the destruction, wants to disintegrate the insect clan from the interior and seals up relations between four states, catches the opportunity to outside alliance!!!” The Xia Tian reminder said. “我自己都不知道我有没有那个本事,而且我这次过来,原本就是来搞破坏的,想要从内部瓦解虫族和封闭四州之间的关系,给外面的联盟争取机会!!!”夏天提醒道。 His wish makes insect female decide. 他想要让虫母自己决定。 He may not have the time to protect this insect mother specially. 他可没有时间去专门保护这个虫母。 However the godship in insect female hand is he wants. 不过虫母手中的神格可是他想要的。 The insect mother gave Xia Tian the godship: I, since can bump into you here, I believe that this is the destiny, is my chance, so long as I seize this opportunity, I can live, otherwise, I cannot believe that which day I can also insist, although I hide temporarily under their eyes hide, can deceive some time, but will not be long this time.” 虫母将神格递给了夏天:“我既然能够在这里的碰到你,我相信这就是属于命运,属于我的机缘,只要我抓住这个机会,那我就能活下来,不然的话,我不敢相信我还能坚持到哪天,虽然暂时我藏在他们的眼皮子底下,可以糊弄一段时间,但这个时间不会太长。” Un! 恩! Good, since you believe me, you let loose the body and mind, I deliver to an absolute safety you place, but a little, if I died, you will also die!!!” Xia Tian wants to receive the insect mother to all things. “好,既然你相信我,那你就放开身心,我把你送到一个绝对安全的地方,但是有一点,如果我死了,你也会死!!!”夏天想要将虫母收入到森罗万象里面去。 In that is the absolute safety, what detection method no matter the opposite party has, is impossible to investigate all things inside insect mother. 那里面是绝对安全的,不管对方有什么样的侦查手段,都不可能探查到森罗万象里面的虫母。 The insect mother also let loose oneself all alerts directly! 虫母也是直接放开了自己所有的的戒备! Afterward. 随后。 Xia Tian received him. 夏天将他收了进去。 Right, my also matter must remind you, here is the insect palace, although is only a surrounding, but will often have the existence emergence of insect female rank, moreover is the core, the quantity of high-grade insect clan are also more, moreover you want to disintegrate the insect clan and seal up relations between four state human are almost not possible!!” The insect mother reminded. “对了,我还有一件事情要提醒你,这里是虫宫,虽然只是外围,但还是经常会有虫母级别的存在出现的,而且越是核心,高等级虫族的数量也就越多,而且你想要瓦解虫族和封闭四州人类之间的关系几乎是不可能的!!”虫母提醒道。 Why?” Xia Tian also came the interest. “为什么?”夏天也来了兴致。 Because here all insect clans and human are to have the same mission, that is resurrects some powerful existence, is very powerful existence!!!” The insect mother answered. “因为这里的所有虫族和人类都是有着同一个使命,那就是复活某一个强大的存在,是一个非常强大的存在!!!”虫母解释道。 Resurrecting?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “复活?”夏天眉头一皱。 Right, resurrects, concrete is resurrects what I not to know, because my rank is insufficient, in other words, here all insect clans and human, are the subordinate of that person, so long as that existed had not died thoroughly, between human and insect clans will not have any contradiction!!!” The insect mother answered again. “对,就是复活,具体是复活什么我也不知道,因为我的级别并不够,换句话来说,这里的所有虫族和人类,都是那个人的手下,只要那个存在没有彻底死亡,人类和虫族之间就不会有任何的矛盾!!!”虫母再次解释道。 Xia Tian looked at godship in the hand. 夏天看了一眼自己手中的神格。 Immortal Hyunmoo Senior, can this godship, be resurrects that to have the most important thing?” Xia Tian asked. “仙前辈,这个神格,会不会就是复活那个存在最重要的东西?”夏天问道。 Yes . Moreover the strength of this godship, should with me be the same rank, in other words, they must resurrect is one of the four Saint beasts, but, but also needs many other conditions and things!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise answered. “是,而且这个神格的力量,应该和我是同一个级别的,也就是说,他们要复活的就是四圣兽之一,不过,还需要其他很多条件和东西!!!”仙玄武解释道。 Right, their present progress how?” Xia Tian asked. “对了,他们现在进度如何?”夏天问道。 They are the plan before the ancient times paradise returned, completes this resurrecting ceremony!!!” The insect mother reminded. “他们是打算在远古仙界回归之前,完成这个复活仪式!!!”虫母提醒道。
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