AS :: Volume #124

#12307: Opens kills

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Insect palace!!” Xia Tian suddenly started to be interested to this insect palace. “虫宫!!”夏天突然对这个虫宫开始感兴趣了。 You know the goal that the insect clan is sealing up four states what is?” Xia Tian also came the interest... “你知道虫族在封闭四州的目的是什么吗?”夏天也来了兴趣。。。 . 要知道。 No matter where, the relations between insect clan and human, are worst that. 不管是在哪里,虫族和人类之间的关系,都是最差的那种。 But now. 可现在。 Seals up four state unexpectedly to be able with here human coexistence, he does not believe absolutely is only solely for some simple benefit. 封闭四州居然能够和这里的人类共存,他绝对不相信只是单单为了某种简单的利益。 This I know are not many, but according to our past understanding investigation discovery, insect palace there had a huge secret, probably related to the ancient times paradise, even the huge secret of antique paradise, they as if to complete something, real sense on cooperation, because of that matter, therefore they will never worry that the opposite party betrayed himself!!!” The spirit of that immortal beast answered. “这个我知道的不多,但根据我们当年的了解调查发现,虫宫那里有一个巨大的秘密,好像是关系到远古仙界,甚至太古仙界的巨大秘密,他们仿佛是为了完成某种事情,才真正意义的上的合作,也正是因为那件事情,所以他们永远不会担心对方背叛自己!!!”那头仙兽之灵解释道。 Although he does not know that is anything, but he believes that absolutely is very important matter. 他虽然不知道那是什么事情,但他相信,那绝对是非常重要的事情。 Otherwise. 不然的话。 How human is possible and insect clan trusts each other, even if they cooperate again how good. 人类怎么可能和虫族互相信任呢,就算是他们合作的再怎么好。 Also will certainly have the gap. 也一定会有间隙的。 Un! 恩! You said right, it seems like, my next goal was to go to the insect palace!!!” Xia Tian also felt, as if that side the insect palace was the biggest problem is. “你说的没错,看来,我下一个目标就是要去虫宫了!!!”夏天也感觉到了,似乎虫宫那边才是最大的问题所在。 Now seals up the immortal beast and immortal of monster four states is very small and weak, even if oneself help them revolt, ability that perhaps they have not revolted against. 现在封闭四州的仙兽和仙妖真的很弱小,就算是自己帮助他们反抗,恐怕他们也没有反抗的能力了。 With its this. 与其这样。 Might as well disintegrates the insect clan from the interior and seals up human of four states. 还不如从内部瓦解虫族和封闭四州的人类。 In this case. 这样的话。 That can win by default. 那就可以不战而胜了。 Sir, that side is very dangerous, the insect palace is the supreme headquarters of insect clan, various that side insect sovereigns, the insect reveres, the insect queen and insect mother are innumerable, even in four states still only then peak figure can approach that side!!!” The spirit of immortal beast said. “大人,那边很危险的,虫宫就是虫族的大本营,那边各种虫皇,虫尊,母虫和虫母数不胜数,就算是四州之中也只有最顶尖的人物才能靠近那边!!!”仙兽之灵说道。 Relax, my matter I can handle!!!” Xia Tian said. “放心吧,我的事情我自己能搞定!!!”夏天说道。 Needs us to help?” The spirit of immortal beast asked. “需要我们帮什么忙吗?”仙兽之灵问道。 Matter of your race decided, I will not demand your anything.” Xia Tian does not think, because he saved the opposite party, makes the opposite party go, for he goes all out. “你们自己种族的事情自己决定,我不会强求你们什么。”夏天可不想因为他救了对方,就让对方去为了他拼命。 The spirit of immortal beast has not said anything again. 仙兽之灵没有再说什么。 But is bowing to Xia Tian. 而是对着夏天鞠了一躬。 He is a spirit. 他是一个灵。 Bows, first indicated his attitude. 对人鞠躬,首先就表明了他的态度。 This is the respect of the heart. 这是发自内心的尊重。 Xia Tian has not said anything, but leaves directly. 夏天没有说什么,而是直接离开。 What to do plans , to continue to save others, goes to the insect palace directly!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise asked. “打算怎么办,继续去救人,还是直接去虫宫!!!”仙玄武问道。 Is behind, rescued is more difficult.” Xia Tian also understands, continues to save others, the opposite party will definitely guard, words that oneself save others directly, at certain meeting move. “越是后面,救的越困难。”夏天也明白,继续救人,对方肯定会有所防备,自己直接这么去救人的话,就一定会中招。 That first goes to the insect palace!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “那就先去虫宫!!!”仙玄武说道。 First goes to that side inquiry news, has a look at the opportunity, it is estimated that does not have the opportunity, but knows oneself and other side is most important, that side the alliance will certainly begin, the time that waits for that side to hit thoroughly recently, my opportunity came!!” Xia Tian is a person who is good at taking the opportunity. “先去那边打探消息,看看有没有机会,估计是没有机会的,但知己知彼才是最重要的,联盟那边最近一定会动手,等那边彻底打起来的时候,我的机会就来了!!”夏天是一个善于利用机会的人。 Without opportunity. 如果没有机会。 His oneself create the opportunity. 他就自己制造机会。 This. 就这样。 Xia Tian seeks the quickest transfer method. 夏天一路寻找最快的传送方式。 When he arrives at the central area, Xia Tian as far as eyes can reach, the innumerable insect clans blot out the sky. 当他来到中心区域的时候,夏天一眼望去,无数的虫族铺天盖地。 Various immortal beast and immortal monster was regarded food by them. 各种仙兽和仙妖被它们当成食物。 Eats. 进行分食。 Here simply is living hell Ah!!!” Xia Tian was shocked by front scene simply . Moreover the surrounding has many human, these human eat these immortal beast in the help and immortal monster flesh. “这里简直就是人间地狱啊!!!”夏天简直就是被面前的场景震惊了,而且外围是有很多人类的,这些人类就是在帮忙分食这些仙兽和仙妖的血肉。 Here also has various high-tech products. 这里还有各种高科技产品。 Various transportation facilities appear. 各种运输设施出现。 They truly damn, the normal life and death I do not care, even extinguishes kills 1 million, ten million/countless, I do not matter, but this way, is really courting death, if I am also living, I will certainly destroy completely them thoroughly.” Immortal Black Tortoise at this time is also very indignant. “他们确实是该死啊,正常生死我不在乎,甚至灭杀百万,千万,我都无所谓,但这种方式,真的是找死,如果我还活着,我一定会彻底灭掉他们。”仙玄武此时也是非常气愤。 He really wishes one could himself also to live. 他是真恨不得自己还能活着。 Relax, I help you!!” Idea of Xia Tian clear(ly) not white immortal Black Tortoise. “放心吧,我来帮你!!”夏天明不白仙玄武的想法。 Afterward he has not continued to hide. 随后他也没有继续隐藏。 But put out the day cold sword. 而是拿出了天寒剑。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), opens kills!!!” Xia Tian shouts. 红凤,开杀!!!”夏天喊道。 Good, this large area of killing, I am an expert.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) launched the attack of black thunder instantaneously. “好,这种大面积的杀伤,我在行。”红凤瞬间发动了黑雷的攻击。 The innumerable wings disperse. 无数的羽翼飞散出来。 Scattered everywhere is. 散落的到处都是。 On the wing starts to present the black thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning interwines. 羽翼上面开始出现黑色的雷电,雷电交织在一起。 Formed a thunder and lightning region. 形成了一片雷电区域。 Entire region. 整个区域。 Was extinguished instantaneously kills. 瞬间被灭杀。 bo! 啵! The right hand of Xia Tian holds up high. 夏天的右手高高举起。 The day cold sword in hand changes into ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow, casual sweeps away, extinguishes front insect clan directly thoroughly kills, later captures again. 手中的天寒剑化为万丈剑芒,随便一个横扫,直接将面前的虫族彻底灭杀,随后再次攻下。 His unceasing to forward flight. 他不断的向前飞。 The day cold sword in hand also place visited all extinguishes completely kills. 手中的天寒剑也是将所过之处的一切全部灭杀。 The insect clan of this rank. 这种等级的虫族。 In front of Xia Tian. 夏天面前。 Is cuts the melon to cut the vegetable/dish simply. 简直就是砍瓜切菜。 bo! 啵! Frozen! 冰封! Endless frozen covered periphery several million li (0.5 km) directly. 无尽的冰封直接覆盖了周围数百万里。 star! 星! 5-Stars departs, starts to revolve above the sky, forms a giant transmission gate, inside departs the innumerable meteors, these meteors pound down from, frozen all destructions. 五星飞出,开始在天空之上旋转,形成一个巨大的传送门,里面飞出无数的流星,这些流星从上砸下,将冰封的一切毁灭。 This is present Xia Tian. 这就是现在的夏天 Acts. 一出手。 Hundreds of thousands, over a million, more than ten million insect clans will unravel. 数十万,上百万,上千万的虫族都会灰飞烟灭。 In a flash. 弹指间。 Has to destroy day of strength that extinguishes the place. 就拥有毁天灭地的实力。 You attack, did not fear that brings in Expert?” Immortal Black Tortoise asked. “你这么攻击,不怕引来高手吗?”仙玄武问道。 I am to make their interior chaotic, outside is also chaotic, making them not have the means centralized spirit to resist outside allied armies!!!” Xia Tian comes to here, does the matter, he can do the matter in the different places. “我就是要让他们内部乱,外面也乱,让他们没办法集中精神对抗外面的联军!!!”夏天来这里,就是过来搞事的,他可以在不同的地方搞事情。 Does to run. 搞完就跑。 This is his combat method. 这就是他的作战方法。 Bang! 轰! The Xia Tian vision looked to oneself a giant camp, there had certainly a powerful insect clan, but, certainly was not the insect female rank. 夏天的目光看向了自己面前的一个巨大营地,那里一定有一头强大的虫族,不过,也一定不是虫母级别的。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Various insect kings, the insect reveres, the insect sovereign flew from inside. 各种虫王,虫尊,虫皇从里面飞了出来。 They kill directly to Xia Tian. 他们是直接杀向夏天的。 It seems like, is insect queen Ah!!” Xia Tian sees is the insect queen time, came the interest, killed directly, in the past when ancient times battlefield, he to cut to kill a insect queen, it can be said that used energy very big strength. “看来,是一头母虫啊!!”夏天看到是母虫的时候,也来了兴致,直接杀了过去,当年在远古战场的时候,他为了斩杀一头母虫,可以说是费劲了很大的力气。 But now. 可现在。 Homicide past time. 他杀过去的时候。 Is the upfront charge. 就是正面冲锋。 No insect clan can block him. 没有任何虫族可以挡住他。 When homicide to that insect queen in front, he also comes up directly a sword, divides into two body of insect queen directly. 当他杀到那头母虫面前的时候,他也是直接上去一剑,直接将母虫的身体一分为二。 So simple. 就是如此的简单。 Insta-kill insect queen. 秒杀母虫。 This is present Xia Tian. 这就是如今的夏天 Your growth also really terrifying Ah!!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你的成长还真恐怖啊!!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Contrast. 没有对比。 Does not know that own growth has many. 就不会知道自己的成长有多少。 When Xia Tian kills happiest, he saw a familiar form suddenly. 就在夏天杀的最开心的时候,他突然看到了一个熟悉的身影。 He also quickly prepared fight, the person who because came, before by that cephalont mother who he beat, that was snatched the insect mother of universe machine armor by him. 他也是急忙做好了战斗的准备,因为来的人,正是之前被他击败的那头虫母,那个被他抢了宇宙机甲的虫母。 „Does Xia Tian, find a place to chat?” 夏天,找个地方聊聊?” PS: Recently in travelling on official business, owed several, on the evening of 4 th was proficient, rests, about 5 th 6 th started to make up, will not be few, will be only many. PS:最近在出差,欠了几个,四号晚上到家,休息一下,五号六号左右开始补,不会少,只会多。
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