AS :: Volume #124

#12306: Successfully rescues

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Eight guards, put on S level universe machine armor completely, S level universe cannon two, to our two, S level universe repeating rifle 12, is blocking all blind spot, the death ray and shackles leaves here that flash triggering in us, can the smashing that is sure to!!!” The spirit of reminder immortal beast said. “八个守卫,全部穿着s级宇宙机甲,s级宇宙大炮两门,正对着我们两个,s级宇宙连环枪十二门,封锁所有死角,死亡光线和牢笼都是在我们离开这里的那一瞬间触发的,可以将一切切的粉碎!!!”仙兽之灵提醒道。 I understood!!!” Xia Tian understands probably was what situation. “我明白了!!!”夏天大概明白是什么情况了。 Afterward his hand places the body of spirit of immortal beast: Do not revolt!!!” 随后他的手放在仙兽之灵的身上:“别反抗!!!” Good!!” Although the spirit of immortal beast did not determine that Xia Tian is what goal, but by his present condition, again badly where can go bad to goes. “好!!”仙兽之灵虽然不确定夏天到底是什么目的,但以他现在的状态,再坏又能坏到哪里去。 Might as well wrestles. 还不如搏一搏。 bo! 啵! The ray flashes, the spirit of immortal beast vanished in same place, Xia Tian also vanished in same place, there only left behind a grain of dust, but the dust was too tiny, no one noticed. 光芒一闪,仙兽之灵消失在了原地,夏天也消失在了原地,那里只留下了一粒灰尘,不过灰尘太渺小,根本就没有人注意到。 What?” In that moment that the spirit of immortal beast vanishes. “什么?”在仙兽之灵消失的那一刻。 The guards are startled. 现场的守卫都是一惊。 Two hammers are also the spirit collapse, later quickly shouts: Immediately closes all channels!!” 二锤也是精神一崩,随后急忙喊道:“马上关闭所有通道!!” Although he not yes what's the matter.. 虽然他不明白是怎么回事。。 But he believes, the person has not certainly escaped. 但他认为,人一定还没逃掉。 ! 噗! At this time the death rays and shackles triggering layer by layer, may attack completely above the air. 此时死亡光线和牢笼一层一层的触发,可全部攻击在空气之上。 Sir, here anything does not have!!!” Guarding is also the earliest possible time investigates. “大人,这里什么都没有!!!”守卫也是第一时间探查。 Hateful, what's the matter.” Two hammer brow wrinkles, he thought of anything later suddenly: Immediately watches that immortal monster, gives me all muzzles strongly there...” “可恶,到底是怎么回事。”二锤眉头一皱,随后他突然想到了什么:“马上看住那头仙妖,将所有的炮口都给我集中在那里...” His words just said. 他的话刚刚说完。 That immortal monster also vanished. 那头仙妖也消失了。 Hateful, is what situation!!!” Two hammers just felt that the situation is not right. “可恶,到底是什么情况!!!”二锤刚刚就感觉情况不对。 Now saw the immortal monster also vanishes, he feeling is not right. 现在看到仙妖也消失的时候,他就更加的感觉不对了。 Sir, what to do?” That several guards have not seen such scene obviously. “大人,怎么办?”那几个守卫显然也没见过这样的场面。 They first inquired. 他们第一时间询问。 One crowd of waste, but also asked anything to ask, gave me to rumble, except for position that I was, here all crushed to me, even if extinguished them directly kills, I cannot make them leave the Seven stars tower absolutely!!!” Two hammers scolded. “一群废物,还问什么问,给我轰,除了我所在的位置,这里的一切都给我粉碎,哪怕是将他们两个直接灭杀,我也绝对不能让他们两个离开七星塔!!!”二锤呵斥道。 Yes!!” “是!!” That several guards also opened all technology products, launches the crazy attack. 那几个守卫也是开启了所有的科技产品,进行疯狂的攻击。 Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! All kinds of attacks, the smashing that explodes here, is experiencing the great destruction everywhere. 各种各样的攻击,将这里炸的粉碎,到处都在经历大破坏。 Two hammers stand there, a few words had not said. 二锤则是站在那里,一句话没说。 This silently looks. 就这样默默的看着。 Finally. 最后。 The top layer of entire Seven stars tower, like this by thorough destroying, except for the position that two hammers and that several guards are, had changed into the flying ash: Hateful, why will have such situation.” 整个七星塔的顶层,就这样被彻底的摧毁,除了二锤和那几个守卫所在的位置,都已经化为了飞灰:“可恶,为什么会出现这样的情况。” Sir, now what to do!!” “大人,现在怎么办!!” What to do, what to do, you know what to do asked me, I raised you to be useful!!” Two hammers cursed angrily one. “怎么办,怎么办,你们就知道问我怎么办,我养你们有什么用!!”二锤怒骂一声。 That several guard anything words do not dare to say. 那几个守卫什么话都不敢说。 One crowd of waste!!!” Two hammers said, turn around leaves. “一群废物!!!”二锤说完之后转身离开。 He has not noticed, a grain of dust just happen to fell gently on his body. 他并没有注意到,一粒灰尘刚刚正好飘落在他的身上。 In two hammer shortly. 在二锤走出去没多久。 Xia Tian appeared, Xia Tian rubbish, pierced the bodies of two hammers instantaneously, extinguishes it kills, and received to know in the sea his Divine Soul, he has not written off Divine Soul of opposite party directly. 夏天出现了,夏天也没废话,瞬间洞穿了二锤的身体,将其灭杀,并且将他的神魂收入到了识海之中,他并没有直接抹杀对方的神魂 He felt. 他感觉。 The status and position of this two hammer are not simple, definitely knows many secrets. 这个二锤的身份和地位都不简单,肯定知道不少秘密。 He planned that understands more secrets from the body of this two hammer. 他就是打算从这个二锤的身上了解到更多的秘密。 Detonation!!” Xia Tian also wants to escape while the present directly. valley Hong “引爆吧!!”夏天也是想要趁着现在直接逃掉。谷鸿 Rumble! 轰隆隆! These attacks of Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) beforehand arrangement, had been detonated at this time completely, these detonated attack accelerated here confusion in this moment. 红凤之前布置的那些攻击,此时已经完全被引爆,这些被引爆的攻击在这一刻加速了这里的混乱。 Xia Tian is seizes the chance to start to clash. 夏天则是趁机开始强冲。 Although does not have the strength of divine land elf. 虽然没有神州精灵的力量。 But he wants to be stronger to is very simple. 但他想要强冲出去还是非常简单的。 These guards can block him on no one. 那些守卫就没有任何一个人可以拦住他。 Livelihood star! 日月星! He also started the all kinds of abilities directly. 他也是直接发动了自己各种各样的能力。 The day cold sword first appears. 天寒剑第一时间出现。 A large area of destruction appears. 大面积的毁灭出现。 Comes, he cannot the dissolute attack, because here has several spirits, once were discovered by the opposite party, oneself will want to save others is possibly prevented, but want to escape now. 进来的时候,他不能放肆的攻击,因为这里有好几个灵,一旦被对方发现,自己想要救人就可能会被阻止,可现在自己想要逃跑的话。 Can hit here one unexpectedly. 就可以打这里一个出其不意。 Time that waits for these spirits to respond. 等那些灵反应过来的时候。 Oneself have walked. 自己已经走了。 Your this destructive power, may the terrifying be more than spirit!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “你这破坏力,比灵可恐怖多了!!!”仙玄武感慨道。 If selects only, they come out any spirit, I have the confidence to extinguish it kill, the population of but opposite party are too many, will trouble many. 如果是单挑的话,他们出来任何一个灵,我都有信心将其灭杀,但对方的人数太多的话,就会麻烦很多了。 Here, no one can block me!!!” The Xia Tian culmination cold sword conducts the words that sweeps away. “在这里,没有人能拦得住我!!!”夏天手中天寒剑进行横扫的话。 Among swords. 一剑之间。 Quells all. 荡平一切。 He also gave the immortal beast and spirit of immortal monster specially shared the angle of view. 他还特意给仙兽和仙妖之灵共享了视角。 This. 就这样。 He directly flushed. 他直接冲了出去。 When, who him saw the person who caused trouble finally is, was one crowd of immortal monsters and immortal beasts. 在冲出去的时候,他终于看到闹事的人是谁了,是一群仙妖和仙兽。 Xia Tian rubbish, seen knocks down directly. 夏天也没废话,看到的就直接打晕。 Then receives to all things, he may not have the time to go to and these immortal monsters and immortal beasts explains anything. 然后收入到森罗万象,他可没时间去和这些仙妖和仙兽解释什么。 If not save them now. 如果现在不救他们的话。 Immediately inside spirit must come out, when the time comes they must die without doubt. 马上里面的灵就要出来了,到时候他们必死无疑。 Many thanks Sir!!!” The spirit of grateful saying spirit and immortal monster immortal beast. “多谢大人!!!”仙兽之灵和仙妖之灵感激的说道。 „It is not good!!” Xia Tian induced the spirit aura. “不行了!!”夏天感应到了灵的气息。 Also starts to leave instantaneously. 也是瞬间开始离开。 This. 就这样。 His unceasing long-range raid, found the safe position finally, converges with the Bucks'king. 他不断的奔袭,最后找到了安全的位置,和鹿王汇合。 See two Sirs!!!” “参见两位大人!!!” When Xia Tian emits the spirit of spirit and the immortal monster immortal beast, the Bucks'king they are also quickly bow. 夏天放出仙兽之灵和仙妖之灵的时候,鹿王他们也是急忙鞠躬。 Does not need to salute!!” Two people slight nod. “不用行礼!!”两人微微点头。 Sir, too thank you, you gave us an immortal beast clan and an immortal monster clan hope!!!” Bucks'king knees down. “大人,真的太谢谢您了,您给了我们仙兽一族和仙妖一族希望!!!”鹿王单膝跪地 Xia Tian helps up him: Does not need is so polite with me, I have said that I save you, is needs you to give me the information, needs you to help me disintegrate to seal up four states from the interior together, I to destroy completely here make a move!!!” 夏天将他扶起:“不用跟我这么客气,我说过,我救你们,是需要你们给我情报,需要你们帮我一起从内部瓦解封闭四州,我是为了灭掉这里才出手的!!!” That wanted many thanks the Sir you, your appearance, seemed the lights in night, took to us to hope!!!” Bucks'king respectful saying. “那就更要多谢大人您了,您的出现,就仿佛是黑夜之中的灯火,带给了我们希望!!!”鹿王恭敬的说道。 Xia Tian rubbish with him. 夏天没有和他废话。 But looked to the Bucks'king: Here situation I did not have the time and you said that looked how you did, my time was limited, I must go to other places.” 而是看向了鹿王:“这边的情况我没时间和你们说了,就看你们自己怎么做了,我的时间有限,我还要去其他的地方。” Sir, other spirits seal up respectively in other three states, in the Seven stars tower, this Seven stars tower, looks like immortal palace same existence, is they are used to imprison our places, this is our faith tokens, you bring our faith token in the past, they believe you without hesitation, believes that this can definitely help you, as for insect clan, they now respectively branch in four states, but the ethnic group of most major part, in the central locations of four states, there has the insect palace, is the core region of insect clan.” “大人,其他的灵分别封闭在其他三州,都是在七星塔内,这种七星塔,就像是仙宫一样的存在,也是他们用来囚禁我们的地方,这是我们的信物,您带着我们的信物过去,他们会毫不犹豫的相信您,相信这肯定能够帮助您,至于虫族,他们现在分别分部在四州之内,但最大部分的族群,是在四州的中心位置,那里有虫宫,是虫族的核心地带。” 7017 k 7017k
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