AS :: Volume #124

#12305: Seven stars tower

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Half double-hour!!! 半个时辰!!! Although the time is very short, but is up. 虽然时间很短,但已经差不多了。 However to avoid having what mistake, Xia Tian left behind some special marks outside, can guarantee, when the opposite party detected has the intruder, can the earliest possible time disrupt the current political situation. 不过为了避免出现什么差错,夏天还是在外面留下了一些特殊的印记,可以保证,当对方察觉有入侵者的时候,可以第一时间扰乱时局。 Relax, I had found their most monitoring positions, if the time has the mistake, these monitoring will crush instantaneously, the surroundings will also start the large explosion, this can delay some time to us.” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “放心吧,我已经找到他们大部分的监控位置,如果时间出现差错,这些监控会瞬间粉碎,周围也会开始大爆炸,这样可以给我们拖延一些时间。”红凤提醒道。 Un! 恩! Other gives you, I first find the way to submerge quietly, since here has five spirits, I cannot meet the tough head-on with toughness absolutely!!!” Xia Tian also understands. “其他的交给你,我先想办法悄悄潜入进去,既然这里有五个灵,那我就绝对不能去硬碰硬了!!!”夏天也明白。 Present he, although does not fear the spirit, but here technology product was really many. 现在的他,虽然也不怕灵,但这里的科技产品实在是太多了。 Once were besieged, the consequence is dreadful. 一旦被围攻的话,后果不堪设想。 This. 就这样。 Entries layer by layer. 一层一层的进入。 „In more arrives is more stern, the status that the request enters is also higher, the place of high tech also is really troublesome..” Xia Tian also felt here here sneaking difficulty. “越到里面越森严,要求进入的身份也就越高,高科技的地方还真是麻烦啊。。”夏天也感觉到了这里这里的潜入难度。 Because here, even if he can camouflage the status of opposite party. 因为这里就算是他可以伪装成对方的身份。 The opposite party also want all kinds of checking. 对方也要各种各样的核实。 Also must stipulate the position that you go , the time of going, in what position, the request is very strict. 还要规定你进去的位置,进去的时间,在什么位置,要求都是非常严格。 Words that gets down, you will certainly expose.” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “这么下去的话,你是一定会暴露的。”仙玄武提醒道。 Xia Tian wants going in layer by layer. 夏天想要一层一层的进去。 But now. 可现在。 Arrived inside, was hard to start. 到了里面,举步维艰。 According to the words of this speed, half double-hour was the affirmation was insufficient, and has not waited for me to go, these people that I got rid of although were made the false by me, but will be discovered sooner or later!!!” Xia Tian is also a brow wrinkle, if in divine land. “按照这个速度的话,半个时辰是肯定不够了,而且还没等我进去,我干掉的那些人虽然都被我制造出了假的,但早晚会被发现!!!”夏天也是眉头一皱,如果是在神州的话。 He can clash directly. 他可以正面冲进来。 But was here different. 可在这里就不一样了。 Here. 在这里。 Without strength in addition of divine land elf holds, he absolutely would have no possibly to clash. 没有神州精灵的力量加持,他根本就没有可能冲进去。 „Outside otherwise, detonates ahead of time, this can attract their attention, when the time comes you can charge from the upfront, the opportunity is bigger!!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “要不然,提前引爆外面吧,这样可以将他们的注意力吸引过去,到时候你就可以从正面冲锋,机会更大!!!”红凤提醒道。 Inside guard is stronger, once I from break through directly directly, in they first will definitely support, same cannot kill!!!” Xia Tian shakes the head. “里面的守卫更强,一旦我从正面直接突破的话,那他们肯定会先支援里面,一样杀不进去!!!”夏天摇了摇头。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At this moment. 就在这时。 The fierce explosive sound appeared. 剧烈的爆炸声出现了。 Un? 恩? What situation, did you detonate ahead of time?” Xia Tian stares. “什么情况,你提前引爆了?”夏天一愣。 „It is not I!!!” Before Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) has not detonated itself, position that arranges. “不是我!!!”红凤并没有引爆自己之前布置的位置。 „Others?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle, now outside dozen. “还有其他人?”夏天眉头一皱,现在外面打起来了。 That inside guard perhaps becomes stern. 那里面的守卫恐怕会变得森严起来。 See Sir!!!” “参见大人!!!” At this moment, a man walked from side. 就在这时,一名男子从旁边走了过来。 Xia Tian also quickly studies side the appearance of person to bow together. 夏天也急忙学着旁边之人的样子一起鞠躬。 You two, follow me!!!” That man referred to Xia Tian and nearby person who wear machine armor. “你们两个,跟我走!!!”那名男子指了指夏天和旁边一个身穿机甲的人。 Xia Tian also can only follow. 夏天也只能跟着进去。 Good opportunity, his unexpectedly to go to inside, moreover his position is very high, this comes, unexpectedly no one wants any hand sign with him!!!” Xia Tian understood, this sudden half spirit. “好机会啊,他居然是要去里面,而且他的地位很高,这一路来,居然没有人跟他要任何的手牌!!!”夏天明白了,这个突然出现的半灵。 The position certainly is very high. 地位一定是非常高的。 However here should have other methods of examination, otherwise others disguise becomes his appearance, can casual go. 不过这里应该也有其他检验的方法,不然别人易容成他的样子,岂不是也可以随随便便就进去了。 This. 就这样。 Worrying Xia Tian, found the opportunity directly. 正在犯愁的夏天,也是直接找到了机会。 Luck also really good Ah!!” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “运气还真好啊!!”仙玄武感慨道。 Every so often, the luck is part of strength, the opportunity is leaves person who is prepared, if not I by chance here, he will not call me to pass by chance, but inside should have other guards, why does he want to call us two to go in?” Xia Tian is also starts to ponder fast. “很多时候,运气就是实力的一部分,机会是留给有准备的人的,如果不是我碰巧在这里的话,他也不会碰巧叫我过去,不过里面应该有其他的守卫在,他为什么要叫我们两个进去呢?”夏天也是开始快速思考。 Normal. 正常来说。 If he needs attendant to go, in, he such high position, inside these guards will also certainly listen his. 他如果需要跟班进去的话,那里面就有,他这么高的地位,里面的那些守卫也一定会听他的。 Your meaning is...” “你的意思是...” I suspected, definitely is not the good deed!!!” Xia Tian felt, the opposite party asked him to go, should have any special mission. “我怀疑,肯定不是好事!!!”夏天感觉,对方叫他进去,应该是有什么特殊的使命。 And. 而且。 He can induce. 他能够感应到。 Side that person also somewhat is obviously tense. 旁边那个人显然也有些紧张。 Sir!!!” “大人!!!” Guards all the way are respectful. 一路上的守卫都是毕恭毕敬的。 This. 就这样。 They arrived at Seven stars tower there. 他们一路走到了七星塔那里。 Two hammer the Sir, your is wants...” “二锤大人,您这是要...” Rubbish, opens the door!!!” That male impatient saying. “别废话,开门!!!”那名男子不耐烦的说道。 Guarded does not dare to say anything. 守卫不敢多说什么。 The men led them to walk. 男子带着他们两个走了进去。 In the Seven stars tower, everywhere is the Advanced immortal beast and immortal monster. 七星塔内,到处都是高级仙兽和仙妖。 The however two hammers have not stayed on first, but went to the Seven stars tower directly most top level, when he comes up, can clear sees two by the locked immortal monster and immortal beast. 不过二锤并没有停留在第一层,而是直接去了七星塔的最顶层,当他上来的时候,可以清晰的看到两头被锁着的仙妖和仙兽。 Is the spirit ranks. 都是灵级别的。 That two immortal beasts are weak, but is looking angrily at two hammers. 那两头仙兽非常虚弱,但还是在怒视二锤。 Looks at anything to look, the significance that you have just must turn into food!!!” Saying that two hammers disdain. “看什么看,你们存在的意义只不过是要变成食物罢了!!!”二锤非常不屑的说道。 Meanwhile. 同时。 He held the body of Xia Tian and another guard, threw respectively to the immortal spirit of monster and immortal beast. 他抓住了夏天和另外一名守卫的身体,分别扔向了仙妖和仙兽之灵。 ! 嗷! The spirit of immortal monster and immortal beast rubbish, opens own big mouth instantaneously, directly swallows Xia Tian and that guard. 仙妖和仙兽之灵也没废话,瞬间张开自己的血盆大口,直接将夏天和那个守卫吞噬。 Xia Tian does not dare to revolt, because revolted at this time, must expose. 夏天没敢反抗,因为这个时候反抗,就要暴露了。 He is also swallowed by that immortal beast directly. 他也是直接被那头仙兽吞噬。 However. 不过。 That immortal beast again how powerful, has not digested the Xia Tian ability. 那头仙兽再怎么强大,也没有消化夏天的能力。 Do not revolt, I am rescue your!!” The Xia Tian use knows the sea the strength and that immortal beast communication. “不要反抗,我是来救你的!!”夏天使用识海的力量与那头仙兽沟通。 „Who are you?” The spirit of that immortal beast also stares. “你是什么人?”那头仙兽之灵也是一愣。 I am the divine land person, now outside already and sealed up four states to make war, I submerged, was first to save you, then disintegrated to seal up the strengths of four states from the interior!!!” Xia Tian does not want to speak too many idle talk. “我是神州人,现在外面已经和封闭四州开战了,我潜入进来,就是要先救你们,然后从内部瓦解封闭四州的力量!!!”夏天不想说太多的废话。 At this time. 这种时候。 Must fight a battle to force a quick decision. 一定要速战速决。 Talks clearly the matter with the shortest time. 用最短的时间将事情说清楚。 How possibly!!” That immortal beast does not think obviously Xia Tian has that skill. “怎么可能!!”那头仙兽显然是不认为夏天有那个本事。 Was needless saying that too many idle talk, a while coordinated me to be good!!” Xia Tian said. “不用说太多废话,一会儿配合我就行了!!”夏天说道。 I do not have the means to coordinate you now, my is very weak, is unable to fight, moreover he gives us two feeding, to let our bodies enters the condition temporarily, then uses our flesh to go to shortly the battle efficiencies of promotion their soldier, in other words, I must be let blood immediately dig the meat, when the time comes, I will enter the deep sleep!!!” Although that immortal beast does not know that who Xia Tian is. “我现在没办法配合你了,我的身体无比虚弱,根本就无法战斗,而且他给我们两个喂食,就是为了让我们的身体暂时进入状态,然后利用我们的血肉去短暂的提升他们战士的战斗力,也就是说,马上我就要被放血挖肉了,到时候,我会进入沉睡!!!”那头仙兽虽然不知道夏天是谁。 But he also as if grabbed the straw to grasp to be common. 但他也仿佛是抓住了救命稻草一般。 When does he begin?” Xia Tian asked. “他什么时候动手?”夏天问道。 Five minutes!!!” “五分钟!!!” Some here altogether many guards, many technological strengths, the detailed information will tell me, said a bit faster!!!” Xia Tian wants first to know that here situation, then prepares to begin. “这里一共有多少守卫,多少科技力量,将详细的信息告诉我,说快点!!!”夏天想要第一时间知道这里的情况,然后准备动手。 Knows oneself and other side, can quick solution here fight. 知己知彼,才能快速解决这里的战斗。
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