AS :: Volume #124

#12304: Day book city

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Hearing time that can extinguish kills spirit. 听到可以灭杀灵的时候。 These immortal beast and immortal of monster scene bows: Sir, can you help our immortal monster and immortal beast get out of here misery?” 现场的这些仙兽和仙妖纷纷躬身:“大人,您能够帮助我们仙妖和仙兽摆脱这里的苦难吗?” I did not guarantee that helps you get out of the misery, but I will certainly destroy completely here human and insect clan, as for your later destinies, must look at you!!!” Xia Tian is not the sage, is impossible to help them think all roads. “我不保证帮你们摆脱苦难,但我一定会灭掉这里的人类和虫族,至于你们以后的命运,就要看你们自己了!!!”夏天不是什么圣人,不可能帮他们想好所有的路。 This is enough!!!” Was the immortal beast of head forwards one step, later knees down: Sir, I called the Bucks'king, was here immortal beast and immortal monster manager, we originally altogether 100,000, because exposed the whereabouts, therefore was cut to kill by Expert of nearby several cities, seized, is only left over these people now.” “这已经足够了!!!”为首的仙兽向前走了一步,随后单膝跪地:“大人,我叫鹿王,是这里仙兽和仙妖的管理者,我们原本一共有十万,但因为暴露了行踪,所以被附近几个城的高手斩杀了一些,抓走了一些,现在只剩下了这些人。” Told you other person closed/pass places!!!” Xia Tian wants first rescues here immortal monster and immortal beast, then makes them help itself inquire the news separatedly. “告诉你们其他人被关的地方!!!”夏天想要先将这里的仙妖和仙兽救出来,然后让他们分开帮自己打探消息。 Afterward the Bucks'king told Xia Tian other positions. 随后鹿王将其他的位置告诉夏天 Xia Tian has not disappointed them, quick rescued all immortal monsters and immortal beasts. 夏天也没让他们失望,很快就将所有的仙妖和仙兽都救出来了。 Although I save you, but also exposed, your quantities are somewhat big, if gathers, was found by the opposite party very much easily, when the time comes the opposite party will definitely send out large quantities of Expert to encircle kills . Moreover the opposite party will definitely be ruthless next time, rather than solely detains you!!” The Xia Tian reminder said. “虽然我将你们救出来,但也暴露了,你们的数量有些庞大,如果聚集在一起的话,很容易被对方找到,到时候对方肯定会派出大批的高手来围杀,而且对方下一次肯定会赶尽杀绝,而不是单单将你们关押而已!!”夏天提醒道。 Sir felt relieved, I have arranged them to disperse, we will take hundred people as the unit, all spreads, playing most major function as far as possible!!!” The Bucks'kings answered.. “大人放心,我已经安排他们分散下去了,我们会以百人为单位,全部扩散下去,尽可能的起到最大的作用!!!”鹿王解释道。。 Un! 恩! Xia Tian nods: That following, can you help the place that I discover me to want?” 夏天点了点头:“那接下来,你们能帮我找出我想要的地方了吗?” Sir felt relieved, although us some information are not many temporarily, but several, for example detain our immortal beast clan and immortal monster clan several big Expert places, for they display in a big way our immortal beast and an function of immortal monster clan Expert, does not kill intentionally, then its seal, feeds the insect clan with their flesh!!!” The Bucks'kings think here is root that hates straight itchy. “大人放心,我们这边虽然暂时有的信息不多,但还是有几个的,比如关押我们仙兽一族和仙妖一族几大高手的地方,他们为了将我们仙兽和仙妖一族高手的作用发挥到最大,故意不杀,然后将其封印,用他们的血肉来喂养虫族!!!”鹿王一想到这里就是恨的牙根子直痒痒。 „Very strong?” Xia Tian asked. “很强?”夏天问道。 Is spirit!!!” The Bucks'kings said. “是灵!!!”鹿王说道。 Several?” Xia Tian asked again. “几个?”夏天再次问道。 Eight, inherits the spirit, but should be the dying conditions now!!!” Bucks'king helpless saying. “八个,都是传承灵,不过现在应该都是垂死的状态!!!”鹿王无奈的说道。 They, so long as is living, symbolizes the rank figure, must therefore rescue!!” Xia Tian also understands, such spirit, does not have the combat capability. “他们只要活着,就是象征级别的人物,所以一定要救!!”夏天也明白,这样的灵,早就没有了战斗能力。 Saved them. 救了他们。 Also to not fight. 也不是为了战斗。 But to let them becomes the belief of immortal monster and immortal beast. 而是为了让他们成为仙妖和仙兽的信仰。 Like this behind him rescued the immortal beast and immortal monster large unit, can depend on them to counter-attack. 这样他后面救了仙兽和仙妖的大部队,就可以靠着他们来反攻。 We only know two spirit positions temporarily!!!” The Bucks'kings said. “我们暂时只知道两个灵的位置!!!”鹿王说道。 Good, told me these two spirit positions to be OK!!!” Xia Tian rubbish, since has known. “好,告诉我这两个灵的位置就可以了!!!”夏天也没有废话,既然已经知道了。 That started to take action. 那就开始行动了。 Sir, many thanks you!!” The Bucks'kings bow again. “大人,多谢您!!”鹿王再次鞠了一躬。 Xia Tian beckons with the hand: I am not great, I want you to help, making me to me rout here insect clan and here human!!!” 夏天摆了摆手:“我没那么伟大,我只是想要你们给我帮助,让我击溃这里的虫族和这里的人类!!!” Two points. 两个点。 Gathers very near. 相聚很近。 Is this state. 就是这个州。 Is called the place of Seven stars tower. 叫做七星塔的地方。 But this Seven stars tower, is here Expert most places. 而这个七星塔,则是在这里高手最多的地方。 Is called a day of book city!! 叫做天书城!! Here is the technical state. 这里是科技国度。 The so-called day book city, seems a book is the same, but in the day book city, is various most advanced science and technology, strongest Expert. 所谓的天书城,就仿佛是一本书一样,但天书城内,都是各种最先进的科技,最强的高手 It is said five spirits guard year to year there. 据说是有五个灵常年看守在那里。 Various insect clan Expert. 还有各种虫族高手 Your present condition, may not can be victorious five spirits, moreover so many high tech, insect clan.” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “你现在的状态,可打不过五个灵,而且还有那么多的高科技,还有虫族。”仙玄武提醒道。 That does not hit, my mission is the life-saving, rather than kills off them, so long as I receive them to all things, then escaped is OK!!!” Xia Tian has thought the combat plan. “那就不打,我的任务是救人,而不是去杀光他们,只要我将他们收入到森罗万象,然后逃掉就可以了!!!”夏天已经想好了作战计划。 That sneaks the combat. valley Xu 那就是潜入作战。谷偦 Now, although will have some dangers, but under his eyes, definitely is not the issue. 现在里面虽然会有一些危险,但在他的双眼之下,肯定都不是什么问题。 How as to sneak. 至于怎么潜入进去。 This also simple, gets rid of the guard directly, then his disguise becomes the appearance of opposite party to go. 这个也简单,直接干掉守卫,然后他乔装成对方的样子进去。 After inside . 到了里面之后。 He can find the way to rescue inside two spirits. 他就可以想办法救出里面的两个灵了。 Among this, but there are many issues, if changes into is others, I think that the success ratio is zero, but changes into is you, the success ratio should have over 30%, but that inside technology product are definitely many, so long as you begin, is discovered immediately, you from beginning to save others to the time of running away, not many, but must be careful inside technical defense!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “这中间,可是有很多的问题的,如果换成是别人,我认为成功率是零,但换成是你的话,成功率应该有三成以上,不过那里面的科技产品肯定很多,只要你一动手,就会被立刻发现,你从动手救人到逃走的时间,并没有多少,还要小心里面的科技防御!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 I, although cannot use too many divine land elves the strength, but my after all summer Heavens!!!!” Xia Tian shows a faint smile. “我虽然不能动用太多神州精灵的力量,但我毕竟还是夏天啊!!!”夏天微微一笑。 Afterward vanished in same place. 随后消失在了原地。 In day book city. 天书城内。 At this time a liveliness. 此时一片繁华。 All kinds of transactions have. 各种各样的交易都有。 Even sells the immortal beast and immortal monster, moreover is the attractive females, is used to urge. 甚至还有售卖仙兽和仙妖的,而且都是漂亮的女性,用来供人驱使。 After Xia Tian comes , was also first saw the position of Seven stars tower. 夏天进来之后,也是第一眼就看到了七星塔的位置。 This Seven stars tower is the symbol, the defense strives to excel!!” Xia Tian looked at one, the surrounding of Seven stars tower, has more than several hundred checkpoints. “这个七星塔是象征啊,防御好强!!”夏天看了一眼,七星塔的外围,足足有数百多关卡。 Wants going in layer by layer. 想要一层一层的进去。 Also is really difficult. 还真是困难啊。 However since Xia Tian came, he will certainly try to find the solution. 不过夏天既然来了,那他就一定会想办法。 In city is really lively, moreover here has started the conscription, it seems like they were want the frontages and other states battle!!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) analysis said. “城内真热闹啊,而且这里已经开始征兵了,看来他们是想要正面和其他州交战了!!!”红凤分析道。 Combat is the affirmation, here person is very probably excited, as if anticipated that on the day is very long.” Xia Tian also observed here person. “作战是肯定的,不过这里的人好像都很兴奋,似乎期待这一天已经很久了。”夏天也观察了现场这里的人。 These people. 这些人。 When hears to make war. 在听到要开战的时候。 Desperate runs forward. 拼命的向前跑。 Ok, no matter they, first rescue that two spirits!!!” Xia Tian said. “算了,不管他们,先去救那两个灵!!!”夏天说道。 Escaped route I to look for seven, first stepped on a point!! Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. 逃跑路线我已经找了七条,先去踩个点吧!!红凤说道。 You elect, did not need to step on selected, now here protection is not strong, if continued to delay, here Realm will be perhaps stronger, might as well had not responded while the opposite party the time, acted a bit faster!!!” Xia Tian likes the lightning war. “你选出来的,就不用踩点了,现在这里的防备还没有太强,如果继续拖延下去,这里的境界恐怕会更强,还不如趁着对方没有反应过来的时候,快点出手!!!”夏天就是喜欢闪电战。 Had not responded while the opposite party the time of acts. 趁着对方没有反应过来的时候出手。 In this case. 这样的话。 Can defeat the enemy by a surprise attack. 就能出奇制胜。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian arrives at first pass/test here, how observes here person to go, later tries to find the solution quietly with the past. 夏天来到第一关这里,观察这里的人是怎么进去的,随后想办法悄悄的跟了过去。 Afterward. 随后。 One after another catches up to inside. 一关一关的向里面赶。 All the way. 一路上。 And no one discovers the clue. 并没有任何人发现端倪。 Here monitors and body recognition everywhere, we acted to want quickly, record that these people that because came in if did not have, they will also investigate!!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “这里到处都是监控和身体识别,我们动作要快了,因为进来的那些人如果没有出去的记录,他们也会调查的!!!”红凤提醒道。 Un! 恩! My time are most is less than half double-hour!!” “我的时间最多不到半个时辰!!” 7017 k 7017k
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