AS :: Volume #124

#12303: Wins the trust

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Immortal Black Tortoise to Xia Tian hopefully. 仙玄武可是对夏天充满期待的。 Xia Tian rubbish, starts the fast search, sealing up four states, although is big, but wants to inquire that some situations are not the difficult matters. 夏天也没有废话,开始快速的搜寻,封闭四州虽然大,但想要打听一些情况并不是什么难事。 Front has the situation!!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “前面有情况!!!”红凤提醒道。 Xia Tian also flew directly. 夏天也是直接飞了过去。 When he flies, saw 300 immortal monsters and immortal beasts gather. 当他飞过去的时候,看到了三百多头仙妖和仙兽聚集在一起。 Enemy raids, the enemy raids!!!” “敌袭,敌袭!!!” Sees Xia Tian to appear, these immortal monsters and immortal beasts killed instantaneously to Xia Tian. 看到夏天出现,那些仙妖和仙兽瞬间杀向了夏天 Their movements are decisive. 他们的动作非常果断。 Obviously this matter is not first occurrence, moreover their vigilance is high. 显然这种事情不是第一次发生,而且他们警觉性非常高。 Do not hit, I do not seal up the people in four states, I am the divine land person, comes to here is to resist to seal up the people in four states!!” Xia Tian quickly shouts. “别打了,我不是封闭四州的人,我是神州人,来这里是为了对抗封闭四州的人!!”夏天急忙喊道。 But here immortal beast and immortal beast do not respond him. 可这里的仙兽和仙兽根本就不搭理他。 So long as they see human. 他们只要是看到人类。 The first idea is to cut to kill. 第一个想法就是斩杀。 Will not go to manage others to say anything.. 根本就不会去管别人说什么。。 They will not believe the Xia Tian words. 他们也不会去相信夏天的话。 It seems like, can only first hit!!!” Xia Tian can look. “看来,只能先打了!!!”夏天看得出来。 These immortal monsters and immortal beasts are thinking person who must revolt against, they are Xia Tian must look, said their battle efficiencies actually not strongly, but was they hid here so many years, definitely knew many secrets. 这些仙妖和仙兽都是想着要反抗的人,他们正是夏天要找的,倒不是说他们的战斗力有多强,而是他们在这里隐藏了这么多年,肯定知道不少的秘密。 These secrets can become the boost of Xia Tian. 这些秘密都能成为夏天的助力。 Can make Xia Tian little walk the shortcut. 可以让夏天少走捷径。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! Xia Tian acts fast, these immortal monsters and immortal beasts, although the strength is good, but in his front, insufficiently looked, his relaxed can strike down them, strikes down after them . 夏天快速出手,这些仙妖和仙兽虽然实力不错,但在他的面前,还是不够看的,他轻轻松松的就可以将他们击倒,将他们击倒之后。 Xia Tian throws in them middle trapped/sleepy. 夏天将他们扔到中间的困阵之中。 Afterward continues to act. 随后继续出手。 More than 300 immortal monsters and immortal beasts, less than two minutes were handled by them completely. 三百多个仙妖和仙兽,不到两分钟就被他们全部搞定了。 Human, had the skill you to kill us, our anything will not say!!!” These immortal monsters and immortal beasts to the present also think that Xia Tian wants to interrogate them. “人类,有本事你就杀了我们,我们什么都不会说!!!”那些仙妖和仙兽到现在还认为夏天是想要对他们进行审讯。 You misunderstood, I come from the divine land, the present is to cope with here to seal up human and insect clans of four states.” Xia Tian helpless saying. “你们误会了,我是从神州过来的,现在是想要对付这里封闭四州的人类和虫族。”夏天无奈的说道。 Do not want to deceive us, you thought that this ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself we believe?” These immortal beasts and immortal beasts do not believe Xia Tian. “别想骗我们了,你觉得这种苦肉计我们会相信吗?”那些仙兽和仙兽根本就不相信夏天 é! 额! Xia Tian stares: How this explained that probably is not really good to explain, but you can make me make anything to prove itself!!!” 夏天一愣:“这个怎么解释呢,好像真不好解释,不过你们可以让我做点什么来证明自己!!!” Good, has the skill you to ruin the miracle city, the brothers rescues inside!!” An immortal beast shouts. “好啊,有本事你就将奇迹城毁掉,将里面我们的兄弟救出来!!”一头仙兽喊道。 Good!!!” The right hand of Xia Tian flings. “好!!!”夏天的右手一甩。 Sleepy untied. 困阵被解开。 Afterward he shouts: Told me the position of miracle city!!!” 随后他喊道:“告诉我奇迹城的位置!!!” In the front, non-stop flew for a half hour to arrive!!” “就在前方,一直飞半个小时就到了!!” Good!!” Xia Tian rubbish, turn around walks. “好!!”夏天没有废话,转身就走。 Walks!!” Is the immortal monster of head shouts. “走!!”为首的一头仙妖喊道。 „Doesn't eldest child, we wait for him to come back?” “老大,我们不等他回来吗?” „, He obviously is the person who the opposite party sends, can we also accompany him to act in a play?” Is that immortal monster of head scolds. “等个屁,他明显就是对方派来的人,我们难道还能陪他演戏吗?”为首的那头仙妖呵斥道。 ! 哦! He, if really destroyed the miracle city?” “那他如果真的毁了奇迹城呢?” „Do you feel the possibility? Even if he is really that person who he said that depends on him, can destroy the miracle city? But there hundred star revering guard, about 100,000 well-equipped soldiers!!!” Is that immortal monster of head does not believe this matter. “你觉得可能吗?就算他真的是他说的那种人,就凭他一个人,就能毁了奇迹城?那里可是有百星尊者镇守的,还有近十万装备精良的战士!!!”为首的那头仙妖可不相信这种事情。 „!!” They start to get ready to leave. “哦!!”他们开始准备离开。 But has not waited for them to walk far, they heard the giant explosive sound. 可还没等他们走出去多远,他们就听到了巨大的爆炸声。 Eldest child, he will not really attack the miracle city!!” “老大,他不会真的去攻击奇迹城了吧!!” é! 额! These immortal monsters and immortal beasts looked together to the direction of miracle city, at this time there sky changed the color. 那些仙妖和仙兽一起看向了奇迹城的方向,此时那里的天空都变了颜色。 He really attacked the miracle city Ah!!!” The leading immortal monster goes to the forward flight. “他真的去攻打奇迹城了啊!!!”带头的仙妖向前飞去。 Really. 果然。 When they fly, saw that side the front miracle city pitiful condition, the entire miracle city was defeated directly. 在他们飞过去的时候,看到了前面奇迹城那边的惨状,整个奇迹城被人正面击破。 Expert of these human do not have the resistance, had been extinguished kills. 那些人类的高手连反抗都没有,就已经被灭杀了。 What person, dares to act unruly in my domain unexpectedly!!!” Hundred star revering flew from inside, his body presented universe machine armor. “什么人,竟然敢在我的地盘撒野!!!”一名百星尊者从里面飞了出来,他的身上出现了宇宙机甲。 ! 噗! His sound just fell. 他的声音刚刚落下。 The head had flown, his universe machine armor seems to have no use to be the same. 头颅就已经飞了出去,他身上的宇宙机甲仿佛没有任何用处一般。 After he was cut to kill. 在他被斩杀之后。 Xia Tian starts to strike to kill front person completely. 夏天开始将面前的人全部击杀。 So long as is the resistance, his does not remain, later his fast search detained immortal beast and immortal monster: Comes out, some people make me save you!!!” 只要是反抗的,他一个不留,随后他快速搜索到了被关押的仙兽和仙妖:“都出来吧,有人让我来救你们!!!” „Does your human, why need to save us?” “你一个人类,为什么要救我们?” I am not here human, I am human of divine land, comes to here, is to tidy up them!!” Xia Tian said. “我不是这里的人类,我是神州的人类,来这里,就是要收拾他们!!”夏天说道。 Real?” “真的吗?” You can not believe that but first escapes!!!” Xia Tian has not responded, but stands by transmission directly. “你们可以不信,但还是先逃吧!!!”夏天没有回应,而是直接站在传送阵旁边。 In a while. 没过多久。 A transmission that side starts some people to transmit. 传送阵那边开始有人传送过来。 The person who these transmit has not responded, was extinguished by Xia Tian kills. 这些传送出来的人还没有反应过来,就被夏天一个一个灭杀。 This. 就这样。 Xia Tian transmission here. 夏天堵在传送阵这里。 Inside coming out person was extinguished by him directly kills. 里面出来人被他直接灭杀。 This. 这一幕。 These just rescued looks the immortal monster and immortal beast that dumbfounded. 把那些刚刚救出来的仙妖和仙兽都看傻眼了。 When they have seen such violent person, is really sees one to kill one. 他们什么时候见过这么暴力的人,真的是见一个杀一个啊。 A wee bit response opportunities do not give the opposite party. 一丁点的反应机会都不给对方啊。 Sir, was similar, walks!!” An immortal beast reminder said. “大人,差不多了,走吧!!”一头仙兽提醒道。 Un! 恩! Walks!!” Xia Tian flew directly. “走吧!!”夏天直接飞了出去。 After this war, they have not doubted the Xia Tian identity again. 经过这一战,他们再也没有怀疑夏天身份的了。 Quick. 很快。 They converged with outside that 300 people. 他们就和外面那三百人汇合了。 „Have you been waiting for me?” Xia Tian is very affected. “你们一直在等我吗?”夏天还很感动。 é! 额! However the opposite is that immortal monster of head stares, they were just planned to escape, now by a Xia Tian such saying, he on the contrary was somewhat embarrassed: Has not consulted the Sir your name.” 不过对面为首的那头仙妖一愣,他们刚刚是打算逃跑的,现在被夏天这么一说,他反倒是有些不好意思了:“还没请教大人您的名字。” I called Xia Tian, from the divine land, now outside already and seals up four states to declare war, I infiltrated, wanted to do the destruction from the interior, I heard that here immortal beast and immortal monster was very miserable, therefore I am thinking had a look to unite you, revolted against here person and insect clan together!!!” Xia Tian said. “我叫夏天,来自神州,现在外面已经和封闭四州宣战,我渗透进来,就是想要从内部搞破坏,我听说这里的仙兽和仙妖都很惨,所以我想着看看能不能联合你们,一起反抗这里的人和虫族!!!”夏天说道。 Sir, our such immortal beast and does the immortal monster, how revolt?” They are also very helpless. “大人,我们就这么点仙兽和仙妖,怎么反抗啊?”他们也是非常无奈。 I do not need you to help me fight, so long as you gave me the information to be good, I want to know where the powerful immortal monster and immortal beast were closed, the core position of insect clan where, the core position of human where, they where made energy Crystal Stone wait/etc, a more important place was better, so long as told my these places, I can destroy them from the interior, cut to kill their senior generals!!” The Xia Tian reminder said. “我不需要你们帮助我战斗,你们只要给我情报就好了,我想知道强大的仙妖和仙兽被关在什么地方,虫族的核心位置在哪里,人类的核心位置在哪里,他们在哪里制造能量晶石等等,越重要的地方越好,只要告诉了我这些地方,我就可以从内部对他们进行破坏,斩杀他们的大将!!”夏天提醒道。 Sir, are you so fierce?” They obviously are some doubts. “大人,您这么厉害吗?”他们显然是有些疑惑。 I too big skill does not have, killing a spirit is also not the issue!!!” The corners of the mouth of Xia Tian rise slightly. “我太大的本事没有,杀个灵还不是什么问题!!!”夏天的嘴角微微上扬。
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