„Thirdtime, frombattleto the present, thiswasheuses the thirdfightpattern, an ordinaryspirit, canusethreetimes to fourfightpatterns, was slightly special and fiercepointspirit, canusefivetimes, can healsouseseveraltimes?”Xia Tianpuzzledasking.
“第三次了,从开战到现在,这是他使用第三次的战斗模式了,一个普通的灵,也就可以使用三次到四次战斗模式,稍微特殊和厉害一点的灵,可以使用五次,那他还能使用几次?”夏天不解的问道。„Fightpatternis the fightpattern, ninelevelsspirit are also fivetimes, reason thatcalls it the fightpattern, isto transferin the body the strength of having mystical powersto fightinstantaneously, butdoes thateach time, the consumption is also verybig, somepeopleneedto needto fall1/4strengths, but some people skillsare powerful, onlyneedsto consume1/5, butcannotbe lessabsolutely, because oflesswords, was not the fightpattern!!” The immortalBlack Tortoiseremindersaid.
“战斗模式就是战斗模式,九级灵也是五次,之所以称之为战斗模式,就是要瞬间调动身体内的所有灵之力进行战斗,而每次这么做,消耗也是非常大的,有的人需要需要掉四分之一的力量,而有的人本事强大,只需要消耗五分之一,但绝对不能更少了,因为更少的话,就不是战斗模式了!!”仙玄武提醒道。„Fivetimes, in other words, he can also usetwicefightpatterns, thenheis unable to enter the fightpatternin a short timeagain!!”Xia Tianas ifsaw the hopeis ordinary.
“五次,也就是说,他还能使用两次战斗模式,然后他短时间内就再也无法进入战斗模式了!!”夏天仿佛是看到了希望一般。„Do not cheer too soon, whatyoumustfaceisninelevels of spirit, anyninelevels of spirit, will not have unearned reputation!!”Taihaoremindersaid.
“别高兴的太早,你要面对的是一个九级灵,任何一个九级灵,都不会是浪得虚名!!”太昊提醒道。Althoughin the pasthewas onlysixlevels of spirit, sevenlevels of spirit.
虽然当年他只是六级灵,七级灵。Butdoes not representhimnot to becomeninelevels of spiritpotentials.
但并不代表他没有成为九级灵的潜质。Ifhetonot track downthattreasure storehouse, hecanbecomeninelevelsabsolutelyspirit..
如果他不是为了追寻那个宝藏的话,那他是绝对可以成为九级灵的。。„Ninelevelsspiritand below ninelevelsspirits, the disparitysimplywastoobigAh!!”Xia Tiansays with emotion.
他和面前的魂灵战斗。Alsoisfelt that the pressureis very big.
If not his particularity of presentbody, thatfearedhimto defeatthoroughly.
消失!Spiritthis timebodyalsoinunceasingflashing before.
魂灵此时的身体也是在不断的闪现。Attacks the body of Xia Tian.
攻击夏天的身体。PresentXia Tianhas temporarily given upcounter-attacking.
现在的夏天已经暂时放弃反击。Butinunceasingdodging, heis the person who enjoys the combat process, infight, othersisveryflustered, is thinkinghowto escape, butheis different, heis saving the experience, are not manywith the opportunity that thisrankExpertfights, everyfightsonetime, canbecomehisvaluablewealth.
而是在不断的闪躲,他是一个非常享受战斗过程的人,在战斗的时候,别人的都是非常慌张,想着怎么逃跑,可他不一样,他在积攒经验,与这种级别高手交手的机会可不多,每一次交手,都能成为他宝贵的财富。Hewill growduring the fight.
他会在战斗之中成长自我。Thengraduallybreaks through itself, looks for the opportunityduring the fight.
然后渐渐的去突破自己,在战斗之中寻找机会。Finds the wayto beat the opposite party.
当然了。Beforebattle, he to be clear aboutownallmerits and shortcomings, ifalsowantsto understand the merit and shortcoming of opposite party.
从开战之前,他就要想清楚自己的所有优点和缺点,也要想明白对方的优点和缺点。Only thenin this case.
当然了。In order toavoid the opposite partydiscovered that the situationtodoes not escape, hemustshow weakness, looks for the opportunity that strikes to kill, moreoverwantsunceasinglyprovokes the opposite party, hopesto the opposite party,making the opposite partyfeel, so long ashe himselftries hardagain, canwin.
这些。Isheonthesefemale studentswithEarthlearns.
都是他和地球上的那些女生学到的。Male student who thesepursue the girl , like the presentspirit.
那些追女孩子的男生,都是和现在的魂灵一样。Effort that oneselfhave kept.
自己一直不停的努力。But the female studentas ifgave the female studenteach time the opportunity, making the male studentcontinueto try hard, feltuntil the male studentseemsneverto have the result the time, female studentpretending of againis to the male student the opportunity, so long as the male studenttried hardto be ableagainin the same place.
而女生则是仿佛每次都给了女生机会,让男生继续努力,直到男生感觉到好像自己永远也不会有结果的时候,女生再一次的装作是要给男生机会,只要男生再努努力就可以在一起了。Finallyeven ifwerethismale studentcut and bruised, hewill also continue.
最后哪怕是这个男生遍体鳞伤了,他也会继续。„Yourboy, isreallybadAh!!”Taihaosays with emotion.
“你小子,是真坏啊!!”太昊感慨道。„The situation of everyone is different, whatsomepeoplelikeseeingis the result, whatsomepeople like the process, so long as had funis good!!” The Xia Tianresponsesaid.
噗!Body of Xia Tiananotherprojected on the assimilation.夏天的身体又一次的被打到了同化。Actuallyprojected on the assimilationeach timeis an opportunity, so long as the spiritcanseizethisopportunity, unceasingroutingXia Tian, not only can make the consumption of Xia Tian bigger and bigger, oncecreates the truechain blows, thatwill speed up the failure of Xia Tianfinally, hedoes not needothersto help, oneselfcansealXia Tian.
只可惜。Xia Tian was really terrifying.夏天实在是太恐怖了。Hiseyes, have seen throughall, althoughhewill also project on the assimilationoccasionally.
他的双眼,早就看穿一切了,虽然他偶尔也会被打到同化。Butheeach timeisverygoodcontroloneselfposition.
但他每次都是很好的控制自己的位置。Does not give the spiritchain blowshisopportunity.
The assimilationhas turned intohisoneto dodge the method, rather than forcedto assimilate.
同化已经变成他的一种闪躲手段,而不是被迫同化。In addition the Red Phoenix (Hong Feng)feathereverywhereis, above is completely the brand mark of divine landelf, thereforehecanrelaxedtransmits.
再加上红凤的羽毛到处都是,上面全部是神州精灵的烙印,所以他可以轻松的进行传送。„Almost, almost!!” The spiritfeelswas a pity,justheonlyalmost, cancreate the chain blowstoXia Tian.
“差一点,就差一点!!”魂灵感觉非常可惜,刚刚他只差一点点,就可以对夏天造成连击。So long ascreated the chain blows, thatXia Tian can definitely in his hands the severe wound.
就这样。Heattackstime and time again.
The feelingwas each time badlittle, but the distancewas getting more and more near, fromjuststartingonemeter, has missedto the presentis less than about fivecentimeters.
每次感觉都是差了一点点,但距离越来越近了,从刚开始的一米,已经差到现在不到五厘米左右了。So long asheagaindiligentlylittle.
只要他再努力一点点。CandefeatXia Tian.
啵!Purpleauraagaineruptsfromhiswithin the body.
紫色气息再一次的从他体内爆发出来。„The fourthfightpattern!!”Xia Tiansees the appearance of spirit, understands that ownplansuccess, thisspirit, justfinished the thirdfightpattern, openedimpatiently the fourthtime.
显然。Hethinks that oneselfonly has almost thatto be able the Xia Tianthoroughopportunity.
他认为自己只差一点带那就可以将夏天彻底的机会。Thereforehewantsto strike while the iron is hotnow.
所以他现在想要趁热打铁。Does not give the opportunity of Xia Tianrest.
The fightpatterncannotopenfast, like thistohis ownbodyconsumptionandbacklash will be very big.
The normal peopleopen the fightpattern the middle, mustrestperiod of time.
嗯!„TrulywasaboveAh!!” The Xia Tianslight nod, hemostlikesalsothis point.
“确实是上头了啊!!”夏天微微点头,他最喜欢的也正是这一点。So long ason the opposite party, thatrepresentedhisopportunityto come.
只要对方上头了,那就代表他的机会来了。„Can Xia Tianlose?”Thesepeople of godmachinealsoveryanxious, theyare also fearingnow, althoughtheychoseXia Tian, butafter all the strength of spiritis, ifXia Tianreallylostfinally, they must followto meet with a disaster.
“夏天要输了吗?”神机的那些人也是非常的紧张,他们现在也在怕,虽然他们选择了夏天,但毕竟魂灵的实力是更强一些的,如果夏天最后真的输了,那他们也要跟着遭殃。Nowtheyalsosee the spiritdistancevictory seemed to be getting more and more near.
Between -meal snackcorner/hornraisesslightly, on the face is completely the self-satisfiedlook, obviouslyhemustseescene that oneselfwantto see.
零嘴角微微一扬,脸上尽是得意的神色,显然他已经要看到自己想要看到的场面了。Xia Tianmustlose.夏天就要输了。Thatfollowing.
那接下来。Washistime, the person who althoughhereandhedid againstwere many, so long asXia Tianlost the combat capability, that others insufficientlylooked, the spiritcaneasilybeatthemwhen the time comes, theywill definitely run awayseparatedly, oneselfcancatchone by onethemwith the spirit, when the time comesthought the meansto controlthemforcefully, ownplandid not have the failure.
就是他的时刻了,虽然这里和他对着干的人很多,但只要夏天丧失战斗能力,那其他的人就不够看的了,到时候魂灵可以轻易的击败他们,他们肯定会分开逃,自己就可以和魂灵挨个将他们抓回来,到时候想办法将他们强行控制,那自己的计划也就没有失败。„Xia Tian, was yourtime of death!!” The spiritwantsto killtoXia Tian, hisheadactuallycannot help butrocked.
The normal peoplewill not discover.
正常人根本就不会发现。Howeverthisdetailwas actually caughtbyXia Tian: „Justwas the Divine Soulultraloadsituation!!”
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