AS :: Volume #123

#12283: Selects only

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The Xia Tian words as if are judging of god of death are the same. 夏天的话就仿佛是死神的宣判一样。 Let him be afraid: Spirit, protects me!!!” 让他不寒而栗:“魂灵,保护我!!!” Relax, has me, no one injures you!!!” Spirit very confident saying. “放心吧,有我在,没人伤的了你!!!”魂灵非常有信心的说道。 But when his sound just fell, the attack of Xia Tian has hit on the body of zero. 可在他的声音刚刚落下的时候,夏天的攻击就已经打在了零的身上。 Before. 之前。 The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) brand mark, the Xia Tian casual use, has not been wish makes everyone neglect existence of mark everywhere, but position that zero was just above the edge of mark. 红凤的烙印可是到处都是的,夏天并没有随便使用,就是想要让大家忽略印记的存在,而刚刚零所在的位置就是在印记的边缘之上。 But in situation of sneak attack. 而在偷袭的情况下。 Although Xia Tian not possible fast to strike to kill zero, but can actually certainly wound zero.. 夏天虽然不可能快速将零击杀,但却一定可以将零击伤。。 He wounds has two goals spirit: First, making god machine that several people follow definite him ; Second, he must hit the face of spirit. 他击伤灵有两个目的:第一,让神机那几个人更加确定跟着他这边;第二,他要打魂灵的脸。 Only by doing so. 只有这样。 The spirit will lose the reason because of angry. 魂灵才会因为愤怒而失去理智。 Exposes his weakness. 暴露出他的弱点。 Your courting death!!” Spirit really move. “你找死!!”魂灵果然中招。 Xia Tian this is hitting his face simply. 夏天这简直就是在打他的脸。 Bang! 轰! His attack hits Xia Tian again. 他的攻击再次击中夏天 But the body of Xia Tian is also another assimilation. 夏天的身体也是又一次的同化。 Assimilates this ability really very easy-to-use Ah!!” Xia Tian says with emotion. “同化这个能力真的很好用啊!!”夏天感慨道。 Do not be self-satisfied, although the assimilation is easy-to-use, but also has the upper limit, how do not forget me dead!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “你可别得意,同化虽然好用,但也是有上限的,别忘了我是怎么死的!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Right. 没错。 Although the attack of opposite party what damage, no matter causes to oneself, oneself can restore the original design with the assimilation. 虽然对方的攻击不管给自己造成什么样的伤害,自己都可以用同化来恢复原样。 But the body has the limit. 可身体是有极限的。 Initially the small insect struck killed immortal Black Tortoise the time, annihilated to kill immortal Black Tortoise, even other immortal Black Tortoise maintaining life abilities did not have the opportunity to use, then small insect, attack time what the node of immortal Black Tortoise has not gone to manage where, was his attack, surpassed the limit defense of immortal Black Tortoise directly, for example, a body defensive power of person was 100 points, that 1000 point attack its will rout, he was can assimilate, may, if were 100 million? 当初小虫子击杀仙玄武的时候,就是一击灭杀了仙玄武,甚至连仙玄武其他的保命能力都没有机会使用,当时的小虫子,攻击的时候可没有去管什么仙玄武的节点在哪里,就是他的一次攻击,直接超出了仙玄武的极限防御,比如说,一个人的身体防御力是一百点,那一千点的攻击将其击溃,他是可以同化的,可如果是一亿点呢? Such strength disparity. 这样的力量差距。 Will make the opportunity that you assimilate not have. 会让你连同化的机会都没有。 Relax, he may not have that ability not to have the opportunity that I strike to kill even to assimilate.” Xia Tian to oneself this ability confident. “放心吧,他可没有那个能力将我击杀到连同化的机会都没有的。”夏天对自己这点能力还是有信心的。 Now what he thinks is. 他现在想的是。 As far as possible protracted time. 尽量拖延时间。 Their all abilities have almost used, so long as delays day, that next day, oneself were also many several cards in a hand, these cards in a hand, are the opportunities that he overturns. 自己的所有能力几乎都用过了,只要拖延一天的时间,那第二天,自己就又多了几次底牌,这几次底牌,就是他翻盘的机会。 I thought that you can also assimilate many times!!!” But no matter spirit now own consumption. “我看你还能同化多少次!!!”魂灵现在可是不管自己的消耗。 Continuously keeping attack Xia Tian. 一直在不停的攻击夏天 Although, is Xia Tian is everyone has seen that routed now unceasingly, but on -the-spot person actually thinks that probably Xia Tian must win was the same. 虽然现在大家都看得到,是夏天在不断被击溃,可现场的人却好像都认为夏天是要赢了一样。 This is the strangest place. 这才是最怪异的地方。 Zero that side present is also panting. 零那边现在也是在气喘吁吁。 He just really felt the death. 他刚刚是真的感受到了死亡。 If not the particularity of his body node. 如果不是他身体节点的特殊性。 Perhaps just Xia Tian also really can strike to kill him. 恐怕刚刚夏天还真的可以击杀他。 This made him hit the spirit. 这就让他重新打起了精神。 Just he truly was the general idea/careless, moreover he has not thought that when the spirit said that words, Xia Tian unexpectedly will act directly. 刚刚他确实是大意了,而且他没想到,在魂灵说出那种话的时候,夏天居然会直接出手。 Therefore at meeting move. 所以才会中招。 That side spirit. 魂灵那边。 After attacking several rounds crazily, he also felt Xia Tian is provoking him intentionally: Good, Xia Tian, you do not care about the life and death of others very much, I do not believe that they can also like you, the assimilation!!!” 疯狂攻击了几个回合之后,他也感觉到是夏天故意在挑衅他了:“好,夏天,你不是很在乎其他人的生死嘛,我就不信了,他们也能像你一样,不停的同化!!!” He has wanted to understand. 他已经想明白了。 Attacks the Xia Tian words. 这么攻击夏天的话。 Really is not means. 真的不是一个办法。 That acted from the Xia Tian brothers. 那就从夏天的兄弟们出手好了。 That looked everywhere, is my brother predeceases, zero predeceases, you want to gain more advantage from the body of zero, you definitely do not hate him dead!!” Xia Tian took the lead to see the wishful thinking of spirit. “那就比比看,是我的兄弟先死,还是零先死,你是想要从零的身上获得更多的好处吧,那你肯定舍不得他死!!”夏天率先看出了魂灵的小心思。 Therefore he also held the soft rib of opposite party. 所以他也抓住了对方的软肋。 Xia Tian!!” Spirit fiercely looks at Xia Tian. 夏天!!”魂灵恶狠狠的看着夏天 If you really have the skill, that selects with me here only, periphery does not close anybody's matter, you cannot sneak attack anyone, I do not sneak attack zero, if you won, which you kill as you like, if I won, you and zero must die!!!” Saying of Xia Tian sound ice cold. “如果你真有本事,那就和我在这里单挑,不关周围任何人的事情,你不许偷袭任何一个人,我也不偷袭零,如果你赢了,那你杀哪一个都随你,如果我赢了,你和零都要死!!!”夏天声音冰冷的说道。 Spirit stubbornly is staring at front Xia Tian: Good, I first kill you!!” 魂灵死死的盯着面前的夏天:“好,那我就先杀你!!” Nightmare, from now on, you cannot give me any auxiliary addition!!” Xia Tian is also a very fair person. “梦魇,从现在开始,你不许给我任何的辅助加成!!”夏天也是一个非常公道的人。 Since said that selects only. 既然说是单挑。 He naturally cannot take this advantage. 那他自然不能占这个便宜。 The addition of nightmare is very high. 梦魇的加成可是非常高的。 You also really make me hold in high esteem Ah! to you!” The spirit said. “你还真是让我对你刮目相看啊!!”魂灵称赞道。 Bullshit was needless saying that my time was to meet your so-called three island ten state's first Expert!!!” The right hand of Xia Tian flings, the day cold sword appears in his hands. “屁话就不用多说了,我这次就是要会一会你这个所谓的三岛十州第一高手!!!”夏天的右手一甩,天寒剑出现在他的手中。 Karma Fire direct winding above day cold sword. 业火直接缠绕在天寒剑之上。 The spirit emitted the forgetting sad bell. 魂灵则是放出了忘忧钟。 You will pay the price for your arrogance!!” In the look of spirit is completely murderous aura. “你会为你的自大而付出代价!!”魂灵的眼神之中尽是杀气 If with the mouth fight, you have won!!” The Xia Tian response said. “如果用嘴战斗的话,你已经赢了!!”夏天回应道。 Snort! 哼! Spirit time has not spoken, but numerous snort/hum, killed later directly to Xia Tian. 魂灵这次没有说话,而是重重的哼了一声,随后直接杀向了夏天 Limit gravity! 极限重力! Xia Tian first used the strength of divine land elf. 夏天第一时间使用了神州精灵的力量。 Under limit gravity. 极限重力之下。 The speed of spirit was also disturbed, but the strength of spirit can counter-balance part of external forces, therefore his speed is still quick. 魂灵的速度也被干扰了,不过灵之力本身就是可以抵消一部分外力,所以他的速度依然很快。 But three day beads will not be disturbed by the strength of spirit. 但三颗天珠可不会被灵之力所干扰。 Suction, attraction, magnetic force. 吸力,引力,磁力。 Three strength functions around the body of spirit, as if must tear into shreds directly general the body of spirit. 三种力量作用在魂灵的身体周围,仿佛是要将魂灵的身体直接撕碎一般。 Goes away to me!!” The forgetting sad bell might in spirit hand is big. “给我滚开!!”魂灵手中的忘忧钟威力非常大。 forcefully strikes to fly three day beads. 硬生生的将三颗天珠击飞。 „It is not good, I cannot completely grasp the strength of day of bead, the ability that otherwise three day beads put together, can definitely crush him directly!!” After Xia Tian since obtained the strength of third day bead, he saw the day of bead true might. “还是不行啊,我不能完全掌握天珠的力量,不然三颗天珠加在一起的能力,肯定可以将他直接击碎!!”夏天自从获得了第三枚天珠的力量之后,他就看到了天珠的真正威力。 However. 不过。 Now he unseals the day of bead little strength. 现在他只是解封了天珠内部的一点点力量而已。 bo! 啵! The attack of forgetting sad bell has projected on the Xia Tian front. 忘忧钟的攻击已经打到了夏天的面前。 Strikes to go well. 一击得手。 As if must tear into shreds directly general the body of Xia Tian. 仿佛是要将夏天的身体直接撕碎一般。 Elf assimilation!” “精灵同化!” Xia Tian is also the earliest possible time uses the assimilation. 夏天也是第一时间使用同化。 He had known the ability of opposite party probably, therefore meets the tough head-on with toughness with the attack of opposite party is useless, might as well honest was assimilated. 他大概已经知道了对方的能力,所以和对方的攻击硬碰硬是没用的,还不如老老实实的被同化。 Waste!!!” The spirit as if is also wants to use method of goading somebody into action to be the same. “废物!!!”魂灵仿佛也是想要使用激将法一般。 Truly is the waste, nine levels of spirit, my -and-a-half spirit cannot even kill, this is not the waste, what can also be?” Xia Tian in language, but will not lose to the spirit. “确实是废物啊,一个九级灵,连我一个半灵都杀不死,这不是废物,还能是什么?”夏天在语言上,可是不会输给魂灵的。 In his opinion. 在他看来。 The spirit now is trash same existence. 魂灵现在就是一个垃圾一样的存在。 By a words stimulation of Xia Tian. 夏天的话一刺激。 The spirit opened the fight pattern again. 魂灵再次开启了战斗模式。 I make you know my fierce!!” The body of spirit braves the purple aura. “那我就让你知道知道我的厉害吧!!”魂灵的身上冒着紫色的气息。
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