AS :: Volume #124

#12341: Xia Tian VS tyrant

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„Wasn't tyrant, you hit enough?” The divine land elf scolded. “暴君,你是被打没够吗?”神州精灵呵斥道。 The condition that he has almost fully regained now, he himself has also been able to fight. 他现在几乎已经是完全恢复的状态了,他自己也已经可以一战了。 Therefore he does not care about the present tyrant very much. 所以他并不是很在意现在的暴君。 Snort! 哼! Do not think I do not know what you play is what method, didn't he use oneself special method to fool me?” Saying that the tyrants disdain. “别以为我不知道你们耍的是什么手段,他就不是利用自己的特殊手段唬住了我吗?”暴君非常不屑的说道。 Yeah! 哎! The divine land elf sighs: You also really have the talent, since came, that hits one!!!” 神州精灵叹了一口气:“你还真是有才啊,不过既然来了,那就打一场吧!!!” bo! 啵! The strength erupts together from his within the body. 一道力量从他的体内爆发出来。 Your complete body? How possibly?” The tyrants see the divine land elf are the complete bodies time, on his face also is completely the inconceivable facial expression. “你完全体了?怎么可能?”暴君看到神州精灵已经是完全体的时候,他的脸上也完全是不可思议的神情。 By his computation, the divine land elf thoroughly restores should also to have a distance is right. 根据他的计算,神州精灵彻底恢复应该还有一段距离才对的。 But now. 可现在。 Divine land elf unexpectedly has restored...... 神州精灵居然已经恢复了…… This made him extremely shock. 这就让他非常的震惊了。 In I meet since Xia Tian that moment, I have been doomed become different.” The divine land elf says with emotion. “在我遇到夏天的那一刻起,我就已经注定变得不一样了。”神州精灵感慨道。 Xia Tian!!” The tyrant is very repugnant this name. 夏天!!”暴君可是很讨厌这个名字的。 Thinks me?” Xia Tian appears in the front of tyrant. “这么想我吗?”夏天出现在暴君的面前。 „The previous time is you!!” Tyrant fiercely looks at Xia Tian. “上次就是你!!”暴君恶狠狠的看着夏天 Still remembers that the previous time matter, I also think you do not remember, therefore you dare to come me.” Xia Tian has the interest looks at front tyrant. “还记得上次的事情啊,我还以为你已经不记得了,所以你才敢来我这边。”夏天非常有兴致的看着面前的暴君。 Previous time. 上次。 The tyrants escape is very distressed. 暴君逃跑的时候可是很狼狈的。 Do not think that you used the small method to deceive me, I really feared you, this time I will not be swindled absolutely!!!” The tyrants also believe to the present, Xia Tian deceived him with the method. “你别以为你用了一点小手段骗了我,我就真的怕了你,这次我绝对不会上当了!!!”暴君到现在还认为,夏天是用手段欺骗了他。 And. 而且。 His time also and previous time was completely different. 他这次也和上次完全不一样了。 His time also had the special method to come. 他这次也是带了特殊手段过来的。 „, In other words, can this time you give me to select pleasantly surprised?” Summer heavenly time used the strength of immortal Black Tortoise. “哦,也就是说,这次你能给我点惊喜了是吗?”夏天上次是动用了仙玄武的力量。 But this difference. 但这次不同。 This time he planned that resists the tyrant with own strength. 这次他打算用自己的力量来对抗暴君。 He wants to have a look. 他想要看看。 Own this breakthrough brought the big strength to oneself. 自己这次突破到底给自己带来了多大的力量。 Good, I first get rid of you, then tidies up the divine land elf!!!” Tyrant slight nod, later vision stubbornly is staring at front Xia Tian. “好,那我就先干掉你,然后再收拾神州精灵!!!”暴君微微点头,随后目光死死的盯着面前的夏天 Moved. 动了。 His body in that moment, the attack pounded together instantaneously to Xia Tian. 他的身体在动了的那一刻,一道攻击瞬间砸向了夏天 bo! 啵! At this moment. 就在这时。 A feather flew. 一根羽毛飞了出去。 Bang! 轰! The attack of feather and tyrant touches the same place time, blocked the attack of tyrant directly. 羽毛和暴君的攻击触碰到一起的时候,直接挡住了暴君的攻击。 Un? 嗯? What situation.” Is stopping in the tyrant of rapid traverse, he thinks that yes what's the matter, why a feather did not block his attack, although this attack is not anything, but his attacks together, even the general spirit does not resist easily. “什么情况。”正在快速移动的暴君停了下来,他想不明白是怎么回事,为什么一根羽毛就挡住了他的攻击,虽然这道攻击并不算什么,但他这一道攻击,就算是一般的灵也不容易抵挡啊。 bo! 啵! This time, the tyrant starts to condense the attack, this time attack might compared with before ten times. 这一次,暴君开始重新凝聚攻击,这一次的攻击威力比之前强了十倍。 Xia Tian same is superficial. 夏天这边一样是轻描淡写。 Launched the attack casually. 随随便便发动了攻击。 Ten feathers flew. 十根羽毛飞了出去。 Ten feathers converge in together, compared with beforehand big ten times. 十根羽毛汇合在一起,比之前大了十倍。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Two attacks collide in together, counter-balances again mutually. 两道攻击碰撞在一起的时候,再次互相抵消。 What?” The tyrants see this time is also very surprised, just started him also to think that Xia Tian will use the divine land elf the strength. “什么?”暴君看到这一幕的时候也是非常惊讶,刚开始他还以为夏天会用神州精灵的力量。 But now this obviously is not the strength of divine land elf. 可现在这显然并不是神州精灵的力量啊。 bo! 啵! Afterward. 随后。 Attack together appears then together, crazy pounding to Xia Tian, but Xia Tian, is the feather unceasing appearance, blocked these attacks. 一道接着一道的攻击出现,疯狂的砸向了夏天,而夏天这边,则是羽毛不断的出现,挡住了那些攻击。 Hateful, I must have a look but actually, some of your actually how many feathers?” The tyrants this time also fermented oneself powerful offensive. “可恶,我倒要看看,你究竟有多少羽毛?”暴君这次也是将自己的强大攻击酝酿了出来。 This time. 这一次。 He fermented the incomparably huge attack. 他酝酿了无比庞大的攻击。 In the attack was full of all kinds of strengths. 攻击里面充满了各种各样的力量。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) appears in Xia Tian behind: You have a look, I also want many feathers!!!” 红凤则是出现在夏天的身后:“那你看看,我还要多少羽毛!!!” „When this tyrant sees Xia Tian behind Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), looked completely dumbfounded. “这”暴君看到夏天身后的红凤时,也是完全看傻眼了。 The quantity of this feather, cannot check. 这羽毛的数量,根本就查不过来啊。 The quantity simply was too many. 数量简直就是太多了。 Just started him also to think consumed Xia Tian, but this consumed radically not only. 刚开始他还想着消耗一下夏天,可这根本就消耗不光了。 ! 唰! The body of tyrant flashes, arrived at the Xia Tian side directly, later he makes oneself attack. 暴君的身体一闪,直接来到了夏天的身边,随后他将自己的攻击打出。 dāng! 噹! The right hand of Xia Tian flings. 夏天的右手一甩。 The day cold sword appears in his hands. 天寒剑出现在他的手中。 At the same time. 同一时间。 The body of tyrant instantaneously frozen. 暴君的身体瞬间被冰封。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The tyrants broke open frozen, but he not only had not felt that any coldness, instead is felt that own body was lit was the same, is very hot. 暴君破开了冰封,可他不但没有感觉到任何的寒冷,反而是感觉到自己的身体被点燃了一样,很热。 „To contend with me, do you also match?” The tyrants asked. “想要和我抗衡,你也配吗?”暴君问道。 At this time he also put out skill that presses the bottom. 此时他也是拿出了压箱底的本事。 Giant ghost surface appears in the Xia Tian front. 一个巨大的鬼面出现在夏天的面前。 bo! 啵! The attack of Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) pounded. 红凤的攻击砸了过去。 However cannot cause any damage to the ghost surface. 不过并没能给鬼面造成任何的伤害。 Xia Tian hit with the attack of day cold sword, the result is the same, the attack of day cold sword cannot defeat front ghost surface. 夏天又用天寒剑的攻击打了过去,结果还是一样的,天寒剑的攻击也没能将面前的鬼面击破。 This ghost surface. 这个鬼面。 Incomparably firm, is competitive. 无比坚固,又韧性十足。 It is not the normal attack can break open. 根本就不是正常攻击可以破开的。 Useless, your attacks, before normal person, although is good, but in my front, is not anything.” Saying that the tyrants disdain. “没用的,你这些攻击,在正常人面前虽然还算不错,但在我的面前,根本就不算什么。”暴君非常不屑的说道。 The Xia Tian left hand wields. 夏天左手一挥。 Golden Blade appears in his hands. 金刀出现在他的手中。 Buzz! 嗡! Golden Blade abolishes instantaneously, penetrated front ghost surface directly. 金刀瞬间废除,直接穿透了面前的鬼面。 What? Seven military, gold/metal Zhandao!!!” Tyrants thorough was scared. “什么?七武,金占刀!!!”暴君彻底的傻眼了。 He has not thought. 他没想到。 Xia Tian unexpectedly also has seven military. 夏天居然还有七武。 Moreover is gold/metal Zhandao. 而且是金占刀。 Is known as the sharpest weapon. 号称最锋利的武器。 What isn't my attack is not?” Xia Tian asked. “我的攻击不是不算什么嘛?”夏天问道。 This time tyrant. 此时的暴君。 Felt oneself were provoked by front Xia Tian completely. 感觉自己完全被面前的夏天挑衅了。 He is also the incomparable anger. 他也是无比的愤怒。 Now. 现在。 He could not control oneself mood again: You will pay the price for your behavior.” 他再也控制不住自己的情绪了:“你会为你的行为付出代价。” Then, did you have the card in a hand? That makes me have a look, your card in a hand is anything!!!” Xia Tian looks at the tyrant like this, today he is to use the tyrant, experiments own all skills. “这么说来,你还有底牌了?那就让我看看,你的底牌是什么吧!!!”夏天就这样看着暴君,今天他是想要利用暴君,来试验自己的所有本事。 Bang! 轰! A giant mask pounded suddenly to Xia Tian. 一个巨大的面具突然砸向了夏天 Golden Blade in Xia Tian hand also departs again. 夏天手中的金刀也是再次飞出。 However. 不过。 This Golden Blade defeated the mask, cannot block the attack of mask. 这一次金刀只是击破了面具,并没能挡住面具的攻击。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Under the space in this strikes crushes directly. 空间在这一击之下直接粉碎。 Xia Tian was also attacked by the powerful strength, pounded in the endless space and time turbulent flow directly. 夏天也被强大的力量冲击了出去,直接砸到了无尽的时空乱流之中。 Originally, this is your card in a hand Ah!!” Xia Tian discovered that own body by unceasing retreat that this strength hits, in this case, where he will be infiltrated does not know. “原来,这就是你的底牌啊!!”夏天发现自己的身体被这种力量打的不断后退,这样的话,他就会被打入不知道什么地方。 Has me, relax!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “有我在,放心!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Immortal Black Tortoise can roam through existence of universe freely. 仙玄武可是能够自由遨游宇宙的存在。 However Xia Tian had not actually agreed: „Haven't you discovered?” 不过夏天却并没有同意:“您难道没发现吗?” What discovers?” The words of immortal Black Tortoise just asked, he stared in a big way the eye: „” “发现什么?”仙玄武的话刚问出来,他就瞪大了眼睛:“难道说”
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