Chapter 11867'ssixthsecond
第11867章第六层第二段„Feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served!!!” The hottreestares: „How did yourprotectorturn intoonenot to arrive at the spiritsmall girl?”
“风树!!!”火树一愣:“你的守护者怎么变成了一个不到灵的小丫头?”„Does not have the means that myprotectorbynamedXia Tiankilled, heard that yourprotectorwas also killedbyhim!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedresponsesaid.
The hottreeis uncomfortable: „Mynewprotectoris not bad!!”
火树非常不爽:“我的新守护者也不差!!”Hethinks that feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedthis is tauntinghim.
他认为风树这是在嘲讽他。„Iam well-meant, thistimecomesto wantwith the matter that youchattedandhandle!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedalsounderstand,thistimedoes not come and firesets upto quarrel, butisdiscusses the cooperation.
所以。Hedoes not needto goto quarrelanythingwith the opposite party.
他也不需要去和对方吵什么。„Has somethingto cooperate?” The hottreeasked.
“有什么可合作的?”火树问道。„Don't youwantto revenge?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedasked.
“难道你不想报仇吗?”风树问道。„Howto revenge, youfelt,wecanbe the Xia Tianopponents?” The hottreeasked.
“怎么报仇,你觉得,我们会是夏天的对手吗?”火树问道。„Ihave investigated, he is so strong , because hecanuse the divine landelf the strength, is the protector of divine landelf, hein the divine landweabsolutelypossiblyis nothisopponent, but ifwethink the meansto draw out the divine landhim, when the time comeshe can also beyouropponent? The spiritto the spiritfollowingperson, I do not thinkwill lose!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
“我已经探查过了,他之所以这么强,都是因为他可以使用神州精灵的力量,也就是神州精灵的守护者,那他在神州我们就绝对不可能是他的对手,但如果我们想办法将他引出神州呢,到时候他还会是你的对手吗?灵对灵以下的人,我怎么也不认为会输!!!”风树说道。„Sincethis, whyyoudon't do?” The hottreeasked.
“既然这样,你为什么不去做?”火树问道。„Shehas not arrived atspiritRealm, withoutability that 100%mustkill, the Xia Tianescapemethodismany, once a failure, thatwantedto killhim for the second time is the not possiblematter.” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedanswered.
嗯!Hottreeslight nod: „Truth that a little said that but should youhearthatnews?”
火树微微点头:“说的有点道理,不过你应该听说那个消息了吧?”„Samsara?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedasked.
“轮回吗?”风树问道。„Right, the first-gradesamsaratree in legendhad found the protector, moreoverit is saidthispersonindivine land!!!” The hottreeanswered.
其实。This is also hearrives at the truegoal of divine landby the beforehandprotector.
这也是他让自己之前的守护者来到神州的真正目的。„Ialsoheard, can actually probablyhowfindthatperson?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedhave also heardthisnewsobviously.
不过。Healsoworriesvery much.
他也很犯愁。Thisnewsheheard, but how can hefind the opposite party?
这个消息他是听说了,可他要怎么找到对方呢?„Might as wellcooperate, so long aswecanfindthatperson, thatcanfind the news of samsaratree, so long aswewhile the samsaratreestrengthweakesttime, thatcanabsorb the strength of samsaratree, when the time comesyouandmymostlittlegrowthistwogrades of trees, will haveto become an opportunity of grade of tree!!!” The hottreestartsto fantasizeowngloriousfuture.
To promoteonegrade, is almost effortfor a lifetimeis unable to achieve.
But once theyabsorbed the strength of samsaratree.
可一旦他们吸收了轮回树的力量。That is completely different.
那就完全不一样了。„Suits me!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
“正合我意!!”风树说道。„Good, wefirstkillXia Tianto offer a sacrifice to the flag, killedhim, waspaves the wayforourcooperation!!!” The hottreenods.
“好,那我们就先杀夏天祭旗吧,杀了他,也算是为我们的合作铺路了!!!”火树点了点头。Hecontrols the divine land'sfirstpersonnow.
以后做起任何事情来也更加的方便。„Ni Huang, youthought how cando?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedasked.
“霓凰,你觉得要怎么做?”风树问道。„Xia Tianmostcaresishisthesebrothers, so long ascaughthisbrothers, thengiveshim a news, drew out the divine landto be OKhimstep by step.”Ni Huanganswered.
嗯!„Hottree, yourprotectoris not the divine land'sfirstperson, moreoverheard that is Xia Tianrelateswell, happen tocandeceiveXia Tianto go outwithhimright!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
“火树,你的守护者不是神州第一人嘛,而且听说是和夏天关系不错吧,正好可以用他来骗夏天出去对吧!!”风树说道。„ThisNo problem, butyou must when the time comes, manypersonally, manysafeguards!!!” The hottreesaid.
“这个没问题,不过到时候你们也要在,多个人,多个保障!!!”火树说道。„No, when the time comessolelyis notwe, Iwill also look for a helpertoyouagain!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
哦?„Yourold companion?” The hottreeasked.
“你的老伙计?”火树问道。„Right, hornbeamwithmyrelationscontinuouslygood, Imakehiscominghelp/gangbe pressed with overworkindividual, is notwhatdifficult matter.” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
“没错,铁树跟我的关系可是一直不错的,我让他过来帮忙杀个人,不算什么难事。”风树说道。„Imustremindyourone, ourcooperationareamongus the matter, yourrelationsareamong you matter.” The hottreedoes not hopetheircooperationmake the hornbeamjoinagain.
“我要提醒你一句,我们的合作是我们之间的事情,你们的关系是你们之间的事情。”火树可不希望他们的合作再让铁树加入进来。Otherwise, the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedtheyaretwopeople.
不然的话,风树他们就是两个人。Oneselfwere a person.
自己是一个人了。Laterpresents any peculiar circumstancewordsby some chance, oneself were really not goodto control.
以后万一出现什么特殊情况的话,自己就真的不好控制了。„Thatisnatural!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servednod.
“那是自然!!”风树点了点头。WhentheyplanXia Tian.
在他们算计夏天的时候。Xia Tian has also broken throughincultivation.夏天也是一直在修炼突破。Hehas the choice.
他已经有了选择。Thatis the rejectionnow the strongestmortal body.
那就是舍弃现在最强的肉身。Remoulds the mortal body.
重塑肉身。„Do not waste!!”Red Phoenix (Hong Feng)decomposedWang Dan the mortal body of Xia Tianrejection.
“不要浪费!!”红凤将夏天舍弃的肉身分解成了界王丹。Obtained20paradiseWang Danand an emperorWang Dandirectly.
这个数字可是非常恐怖的。HoweverthisemperorWang Dandid not have the meansto preservetemporarily, was inhaledXia TiandirectlyinWang Jue, helpingXia Tiancontinueto sprintthatbarrier.
不过这个帝界王丹暂时还没有办法保存,都是被直接吸入夏天的界王决之中,帮助夏天继续冲刺那道壁垒的。„Now the Wang Jue'sbarrierstrengthis completely enough, Ihandletogether!!”Xia Tianmust first impactWang Jue'sbarrier, thenusethisstrengthto remould the mortal body.
“现在界王决的壁垒力量已经完全足够了,那我就一起来搞定吧!!”夏天要先冲击界王决的壁垒,然后利用这股力量来重塑肉身。InWang Juedantian.
The strengthjust likeHongpillarto be the same, broke through the barrier above Xia TianWang Jue.
力量犹如洪柱一般,冲破了夏天界王决之上的壁垒。Wang Juebroke throughagain.
界王决再一次突破了。Howeverthistimeisbreaks throughupwardly.
这次突破。Makehimfeel that the strength of ownwithin the bodyis more vigorous.
The entire variableis bigger.
整体变量更大。Moreoverstrengthandfirst of secondstoragesomewhatdifferent, second seems to be purer than first.
This strengthandimmortalstrength are different.
这种力量和仙之力不同。Alsounlike the strength of spirit.
也与灵之力不同。But can actually transferanyattack.
但却可以调动任何的攻击。„Thenremoulds the mortal body!!” The Xia Tianpresentbodyhad been decomposedthoroughly.
随后。InWang Juepresented a silk thread.
The silk threadtwines, formed an outline of Xia Tianbody.
The body of Xia Tianstartsbythesefine lacewindings.夏天的身体开始被这些细线缠绕。
The silk threadtwines, forms the flesh, the cell.
丝线缠绕起来,形成血肉,细胞。Finallyincluding the Xia Tianskeleton, forms.
最后包括夏天的骨骼,也都是这么形成的。Myriadsilk threadsgathertogether.
The body of Xia Tianremouldscompletes.夏天的身体重塑完成。Hiseyesalsochanged.
就连他的双眼也发生了变化。Beforehedisappeared a eye, his fathergave back tohiseyes, thismadehimseem liketwoeyesis the differentcolors.
可现在。Hiseyerestored the normalappearance.
The godeyes and deva-eyefused together, formed the iceblueeye.
神眼和天眼融为一体,形成了冰蓝色的眼睛。Not onlyretainedflickered the body( invinciblethreeseconds, speedincreased100%.)
不但保留了瞬身(无敌三秒,速度增加百分之百。)Limitless, the daypower, all things and godeyesretainedcertainly.
无极,天权,森罗万象和绝神眼都保留了下来。Butcertainlylaunch of godeyesbecamedifferent.
只不过绝神眼的发动变得不一样了。Now not only can strip the principle of opposite partywithin the body, but can also swallow the strength in opposite partydantianforcefully.
The simplepointis: Looks atyouroneeyes, yourstrengthvanished into thin air.
啵!Subpoenaedrune/symboldroptogetherin the hand of Xia Tian: „Had an accident!!!”
( This chapterends)
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