Chapter 11866chooses
第11866章抉择Now the attack and defense of hismortal bodybe more powerful than the spirit.
现在他肉身的攻击和防御是要比灵更加强大的。Ifdiscardssuchmortal body, mortal body that useWang Juecatalyzes, the mortal body that onceWang Juecatalyzesis very weak, hemayreallybe the gain does not equal the loss.
The strengthhas arrived here.
If not makethischoice, laterroadalsounknown.
如果不做这个选择的话,以后的路也就更加的未知了。ImmortalBlack Tortoisesealed upYangtheirthesespiritvoices, does not maketheirsoundsdisturbXia Tian.
现在。IsXia Tianownselecting time.
是夏天自己的选择时间。Is the rejection, isreserved?
The place of immortalmonster.
仙妖之地。„Iunderstood, the plan that yousaidis good, butyou should also hear, onceancient times the paradisereturned, our immortalmonsterclandefinitelyisthattypeby the race that the immortalbeastandhumanstare at!!!” The spirit of immortalmonsterand13discussedhasseveraldays.
The goal that thistime13comeis to let the Xia Familyarmyand an immortalmonsterclancooperation.
他将所有的利弊都说了一遍。Moreoverdiscussedabout the detail that latercooperates.
而且还谈了很多关于以后合作的细节。„Iknow, butIcanguarantee, the people of myXia Familyarmywill not injuretoyouandyourclansmanabsolutely!!!”13guaranteessaid.
他能来谈这些。Is and people of otherXia Familyarmyhas discussed.
就已经是和其他夏家军的人谈过了。„Hassummercharacter, Itrulyamnothingmeansrejection, the lateraccidentwere too many!!!”Spirit of helplesssayingimmortalmonster.
“有夏字在,我确实是没有什么办法拒绝啊,不过以后的变故太多了!!!”仙妖之灵无奈的说道。„Youfirstconsidered,Ilook for the spirit of immortalbeastto chat, ifcame to an arrangement, wecanform a giantalliance, even iflike this ancient timesparadisereturned, wetried hardtogether, the opportunitywere still more!!!”13archedcupping one hand in the other across the chest.
“你先考虑考虑,我去找仙兽之灵谈谈,如果谈妥了,那我们就可以形成一个巨大的联盟,这样就算是远古仙界回归,我们共同努力,机会也更多!!!”十三拱了拱手。In a plain.
一处平原之中。„Howpossibly, whylike this, heobviouslyis a spirit, moreoverthere is a feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsupport, why is still not the Xia Tianopponent!!!”Ni Huangfranticroaring.
当她知道这个结果的时候。Sheis unable to believe.
她根本就无法相信。But the factputs at present, before the Djinnleaves, shewanted the lifejadesymbol of opposite party.
可事实摆在眼前,在巨灵离开之前,她要了对方的生命玉符。Nowlifejaderune/symbolto break.
现在生命玉符碎了。Thisproved the result.
这就证明了结果。Xia Tiandoes not haveuniversemachinearmorAh!obviously!夏天明明已经没有了宇宙机甲啊!!„Veryunwillingright?” The soundsuddenlyappearstogether.
“很不甘心对吗?”一道声音突然出现。Afterward the light breezepassed over gently and swiftlyfrom the Ni Huangside.
随后轻风从霓凰的身边掠过。„Feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served!!”Ni Huangstares.
“风树!!”霓凰一愣。„Right, isI, Ineed the newprotector, youinterested?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedasked.
“没错,就是我,我需要新的守护者,你有没有兴趣?”风树问道。„ButIhave not arrived atspiritRealmAh!!!”Ni Huangnaturallyunderstands,wantsto becomethesetrees the protector, uses the strengths of thesetrees, thatat leastifalsospiritRealm.
“可我还没到灵的境界啊!!!”霓凰自然明白,想要成为这些树的守护者,使用这些树的力量,那最起码也要是灵的境界啊。„Iknow that youare not an average person, becomingspirit will also be onlysooner or latermatter, Iam willingto regardyouam the investment, ahead of timewill lendyourstrength, helpingyoubecome the spirit, althoughyouwill not bespirit, will borrowmystrengthto be few, butenoughyouhave usedtemporarily!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedanswered.
“我知道你不是一个普通人,成为灵也只是早晚的事情,我更愿意将你当成是投资,提前借给你力量,帮助你成为灵,虽然你不是灵,借用我的力量会很少,但已经足够你暂时使用了!!!”风树解释道。„This”Ni Huangis a verycautiousperson.
“这”霓凰是一个非常谨慎的人。Especially after herElder Brotherdies, sheno longerbelievesanybody.
特别是她哥哥死之后,她不再相信任何人。Includingfeelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served.
包括风树。Sheworried that ishersecretto be wonby the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served.
她担心属于她的秘密被风树夺走。„Don't youwantto revenge?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedasked.
“难道你不想报仇了吗?”风树问道。„Even ifIobtainedyourstrength unable to revenge, even the Djinnlost, did Igo is also useful?”Shaking the head that Ni Huangnon-stop.
“就算是我获得了您的力量也无法报仇啊,连巨灵都输了,我去了又有什么用?”霓凰不停的摇头。Shedoes not believeoneselfhavethatskill.
The great strength of Xia Tianhas exceededherimagination.夏天的强大已经超出了她的想象。„I see why hewon, thatisbecauseheobtained the strength of divine landelf, underin addition of thisstrengthholds, in the divine land, he is almost invincibleexistence, but once leaves the divine land, use that hisdivine landelfstrengthalsohas no, so long asyoudrew out the divine landto be OKhim!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedremindersaid.
The Djinnwas cutto killbyXia Tian, hedoes not have achieved nothing.
巨灵被夏天斩杀,他也不是一无所获的。Hehas discovered.
The strength of Xia Tianuseshouldbe the strength of divine landelf.夏天使用的力量应该就是神州精灵的力量。„No wonderheis so strong, Ialsoreallythink that ishe himselfis very fierce, originallyhealsojustborrowedothers'strengthAh!!”Ni Huangis suddenly enlighted.
“难怪他那么强,我还真的以为是他自己很厉害呢,原来他也只不过是借用了别人的力量啊!!”霓凰恍然大悟。Xia Tian is just the person who does not arrive atspirit.夏天只不过是一个连灵都不到的人。Possiblyhowto killherelder brother and Djinn.
现在她终于明白了。Xia Tian is just a being opportunisticperson.夏天只不过是一个投机取巧的人罢了。Oneselfalsohadto striketo kill the opportunity of opposite party.
那自己也就有击杀对方的机会了。„Ibelieve,byyourintelligence, can definitely think the meansdraw out the divine landhim, buthereallyhasmanyskills, even ifmustbegin, does not wantto beginas far as possiblepersonally, buttries to findsomesolutions!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
“我相信,以你的聪明,肯定能够想到办法将他引出神州,不过他这个人确实是有不少的本事,所以就算是要动手,尽量也不要自己亲自动手,而是想一些办法!!!”风树说道。„ButIdid not recognize the recognitionExpertAh!!!”Ni Huangsaid.
“可我不认识别的高手了啊!!!”霓凰说道。„Icanintroducesometoyouactually, but how to makethemmake a move to when the time comeslook atyour, byyourbeauty and charm, goingdoubleto restwiththemis good!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
A Ni Huangbrowwrinkle.霓凰眉头一皱。Sheunderstood.
The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedaremakeherbetrayownbody.
让她去勾引那些人。Sheis not clear, from starts, oneselfunexpectedlymustdepend onthiswayto work.
她不明白,从什么时候开始,自己居然要靠着这种方式来做事了。„Did not needto think, sinceyoucandoublerestwith the Djinn, younaturally can also doublerestwith others, worked as the whore, do not installagainpurely!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedspeechis impolite.
“不用想了,既然你能和巨灵双休,那你自然也可以和其他的人双休,当了婊子,就不要再装纯了!!”风树说话非常不客气。Deepstabbing painheart of Ni Huang.
深深的刺痛着霓凰的心。ButNi Huang is actually not ableto refute.
可霓凰却无法反驳。„Listens to the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedSir!!!”Ni Huangrespectfulsaying.
“都听风树大人的!!!”霓凰恭敬的说道。„Walks, firsthas a look at your so-calleddivine land'sfirstperson, the sky!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsaid.
“走吧,先去看看你们所谓的神州第一人,昊天吧!!!”风树说道。„Sky? HestandsinXia Tianthat sideperson!!!”Ni Huangnaturallyunderstands how the skybecomes the spirit.
“昊天?他可是站在夏天那边的人!!!”霓凰自然明白昊天是如何成为灵的。„Beforewas, nownot!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedshow a faint smile.
“以前是,现在不是了!”风树微微一笑。AlthoughNi Huangdoes not understand that the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedarewhatmeaning, butdeferred to the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedto saydid.霓凰虽然不明白风树是什么意思,但还是按照风树所说的去做了。Inskypalace.
昊天的宫殿之中。Recentlyhispersonalitybig change, startedbecomesmurdersdecisively, whatjusthomicidewas not the person of Xia Familyarmy, moreoverbeganto be decisive, thereforehas not causedanythingto fluctuate.
最近他的性情大变,开始变得杀伐果断,只不过他杀的并不是夏家军的人,而且动手非常果断,所以并没有引起什么波动。„Mister, howyourecently, the followingpersonsaid,youhad extinguishedmore than tenethnic groups!!!” A follower of skyis puzzled.
“先生,您最近怎么了,下面的人说,您已经灭了十几个族群了!!!”一名昊天的追随者非常不解。Thisis notheknewmatter that skycanhandle.
这并不是他所认识那个昊天能做出来的事情。„Youhave the opinionto the matter that Ido handle?” The eyes of skyturned into the fiery-red.
“你对我做的事情有意见?”昊天的双眼变成了火红色。„Right, the brothersfollowyou , because youractionsmake the brothersbe convinced, ifyouwere also controlledby the desire of right, I and brothersdid not have the meansto followagainyou!!”Thatmansaid that mustgo outto leadownbrothersto leave.
噗!At this moment.
就在这时。Onegroup of flamepackageon the body of thatman.
一团火焰包裹在那名男子的身上。Swallowshisentirebody: „No onecanpreventmyroad, no oneis good!!!”
将他整个身体吞噬:“谁也不能阻止我的路,谁也不行!!!”„Hahahaha, the hottree, it seems likeyoulooked forgoodprotectorAh!!!”
( This chapterends)
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