AS :: Volume #119

#11863: Choice

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Chapter 11866 chooses 第11866章抉择 Now the attack and defense of his mortal body be more powerful than the spirit. 现在他肉身的攻击和防御是要比灵更加强大的。 If discards such mortal body, mortal body that use Wang Jue catalyzes, the mortal body that once Wang Jue catalyzes is very weak, he may really be the gain does not equal the loss. 如果舍弃这样的肉身,使用界王决催化出来的肉身,那一旦界王决催化出来的肉身很弱,他可就真的是得不偿失了。 But now. 可现在。 The strength has arrived here. 力量已经到这里了。 If not make this choice, later road also unknown. 如果不做这个选择的话,以后的路也就更加的未知了。 Immortal Black Tortoise sealed up Yang their these spirit voices, does not make their sounds disturb Xia Tian. 仙玄武封闭了央他们这些灵的声音,不让他们的声音打扰到夏天 Now. 现在。 Is Xia Tian own selecting time. 夏天自己的选择时间。 Is the rejection, is reserved? 是舍弃,还是保留? The place of immortal monster. 仙妖之地。 I understood, the plan that you said is good, but you should also hear, once ancient times the paradise returned, our immortal monster clan definitely is that type by the race that the immortal beast and human stare at!!!” The spirit of immortal monster and 13 discussed has several days. “我明白了,你们所说的计划不错,不过你也应该听说了,一旦远古仙界回归,我们仙妖一族肯定是那种被仙兽和人类盯上的种族!!!”仙妖之灵和十三谈了已经有好几天了。 The goal that this time 13 come is to let the Xia Family army and an immortal monster clan cooperation. 这次十三过来的目的是为了让夏家军和仙妖一族合作的。 He said all advantages. 他将所有的利弊都说了一遍。 Moreover discussed about the detail that later cooperates. 而且还谈了很多关于以后合作的细节。 I know, but I can guarantee, the people of my Xia Family army will not injure to you and your clansman absolutely!!!” 13 guarantees said. “我知道,但我可以保证,我夏家军的人绝对不会伤害到你和你的族人!!!”十三保证道。 He can discuss these. 他能来谈这些。 Is and people of other Xia Family army has discussed. 就已经是和其他夏家军的人谈过了。 Has summer character, I truly am nothing means rejection, the later accident were too many!!!” Spirit of helpless saying immortal monster. “有夏字在,我确实是没有什么办法拒绝啊,不过以后的变故太多了!!!”仙妖之灵无奈的说道。 You first considered, I look for the spirit of immortal beast to chat, if came to an arrangement, we can form a giant alliance, even if like this ancient times paradise returned, we tried hard together, the opportunity were still more!!!” 13 arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest. “你先考虑考虑,我去找仙兽之灵谈谈,如果谈妥了,那我们就可以形成一个巨大的联盟,这样就算是远古仙界回归,我们共同努力,机会也更多!!!”十三拱了拱手。 In a plain. 一处平原之中。 How possibly, why like this, he obviously is a spirit, moreover there is a feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served support, why is still not the Xia Tian opponent!!!” Ni Huang frantic roaring. “怎么可能,为什么会这样,他明明是一个灵,而且还有风树支持,为什么依然不是夏天的对手!!!”霓凰疯狂的咆哮道。 When she knows this result. 当她知道这个结果的时候。 She is unable to believe. 她根本就无法相信。 But the fact puts at present, before the Djinn leaves, she wanted the life jade symbol of opposite party. 可事实摆在眼前,在巨灵离开之前,她要了对方的生命玉符。 Now life jade rune/symbol to break. 现在生命玉符碎了。 This proved the result. 这就证明了结果。 Xia Tian does not have universe machine armor Ah! obviously! 夏天明明已经没有了宇宙机甲啊! Very unwilling right?” The sound suddenly appears together. “很不甘心对吗?”一道声音突然出现。 Afterward the light breeze passed over gently and swiftly from the Ni Huang side. 随后轻风从霓凰的身边掠过。 Feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served!!” Ni Huang stares. “风树!!”霓凰一愣。 Right, is I, I need the new protector, you interested?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served asked. “没错,就是我,我需要新的守护者,你有没有兴趣?”风树问道。 But I have not arrived at spirit Realm Ah!!!” Ni Huang naturally understands, wants to become these trees the protector, uses the strengths of these trees, that at least if also spirit Realm. “可我还没到灵的境界啊!!!”霓凰自然明白,想要成为这些树的守护者,使用这些树的力量,那最起码也要是灵的境界啊。 I know that you are not an average person, becoming spirit will also be only sooner or later matter, I am willing to regard you am the investment, ahead of time will lend your strength, helping you become the spirit, although you will not be spirit, will borrow my strength to be few, but enough you have used temporarily!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served answered. “我知道你不是一个普通人,成为灵也只是早晚的事情,我更愿意将你当成是投资,提前借给你力量,帮助你成为灵,虽然你不是灵,借用我的力量会很少,但已经足够你暂时使用了!!!”风树解释道。 This Ni Huang is a very cautious person. “这”霓凰是一个非常谨慎的人。 Especially after her Elder Brother dies, she no longer believes anybody. 特别是她哥哥死之后,她不再相信任何人。 Including feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served. 包括风树。 She worried that is her secret to be won by the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served. 她担心属于她的秘密被风树夺走。 „Don't you want to revenge?” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served asked. “难道你不想报仇了吗?”风树问道。 Even if I obtained your strength unable to revenge, even the Djinn lost, did I go is also useful?” Shaking the head that Ni Huang non-stop. “就算是我获得了您的力量也无法报仇啊,连巨灵都输了,我去了又有什么用?”霓凰不停的摇头。 She does not believe oneself have that skill. 她根本就不相信自己有那个本事。 The great strength of Xia Tian has exceeded her imagination. 夏天的强大已经超出了她的想象。 „I see why he won, that is because he obtained the strength of divine land elf, under in addition of this strength holds, in the divine land, he is almost invincible existence, but once leaves the divine land, use that his divine land elf strength also has no, so long as you drew out the divine land to be OK him!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served reminder said. “我已经明白他为什么赢了,那是因为他获得了神州精灵的力量,在这种力量的加持之下,在神州,他几乎是无敌的存在,可一旦离开神州的话,他的神州精灵力量也就没有任何的用处了,所以只要你将他引出神州就可以了!!!”风树提醒道。 The Djinn was cut to kill by Xia Tian, he does not have achieved nothing. 巨灵被夏天斩杀,他也不是一无所获的。 He has discovered. 他已经发现了。 The strength of Xia Tian use should be the strength of divine land elf. 夏天使用的力量应该就是神州精灵的力量。 No wonder he is so strong, I also really think that is he himself is very fierce, originally he also just borrowed others' strength Ah!!” Ni Huang is suddenly enlighted. “难怪他那么强,我还真的以为是他自己很厉害呢,原来他也只不过是借用了别人的力量啊!!”霓凰恍然大悟。 Xia Tian is just the person who does not arrive at spirit. 夏天只不过是一个连灵都不到的人。 Possibly how to kill her elder brother and Djinn. 怎么可能杀得了她哥和巨灵呢。 Now she understands finally. 现在她终于明白了。 Xia Tian is just a being opportunistic person. 夏天只不过是一个投机取巧的人罢了。 Oneself also had to strike to kill the opportunity of opposite party. 那自己也就有击杀对方的机会了。 I believe, by your intelligence, can definitely think the means draw out the divine land him, but he really has many skills, even if must begin, does not want to begin as far as possible personally, but tries to find some solutions!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served said. “我相信,以你的聪明,肯定能够想到办法将他引出神州,不过他这个人确实是有不少的本事,所以就算是要动手,尽量也不要自己亲自动手,而是想一些办法!!!”风树说道。 But I did not recognize the recognition Expert Ah!!!” Ni Huang said. “可我不认识别的高手啊!!!”霓凰说道。 I can introduce some to you actually, but how to make them make a move to when the time comes look at your, by your beauty and charm, going double to rest with them is good!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served said. “我倒是可以给你介绍一些,不过到时候怎么让他们出手就要看你的了,以你的姿色和魅力,去和他们双休就好了!!”风树说道。 A Ni Huang brow wrinkle. 霓凰眉头一皱。 She understood. 她明白了。 The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served are make her betray own body. 风树是让她出卖自己的身体。 Let her entice these people. 让她去勾引那些人。 She is not clear, from starts, oneself unexpectedly must depend on this way to work. 她不明白,从什么时候开始,自己居然要靠着这种方式来做事了。 Did not need to think, since you can double rest with the Djinn, you naturally can also double rest with others, worked as the whore, do not install again purely!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served speech is impolite. “不用想了,既然你能和巨灵双休,那你自然也可以和其他的人双休,当了婊子,就不要再装纯了!!”风树说话非常不客气。 Deep stabbing pain heart of Ni Huang. 深深的刺痛着霓凰的心。 But Ni Huang is actually not able to refute. 霓凰却无法反驳。 Listens to the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served Sir!!!” Ni Huang respectful saying. “都听风树大人的!!!”霓凰恭敬的说道。 Walks, first has a look at your so-called divine land's first person, the sky!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served said. “走吧,先去看看你们所谓的神州第一人,昊天吧!!!”风树说道。 Sky? He stands in Xia Tian that side person!!!” Ni Huang naturally understands how the sky becomes the spirit. “昊天?他可是站在夏天那边的人!!!”霓凰自然明白昊天是如何成为灵的。 Before was, now not!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served show a faint smile. “以前是,现在不是了!”风树微微一笑。 Although Ni Huang does not understand that the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served are what meaning, but deferred to the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served to say did. 霓凰虽然不明白风树是什么意思,但还是按照风树所说的去做了。 In sky palace. 昊天的宫殿之中。 Recently his personality big change, started becomes murders decisively, what just homicide was not the person of Xia Family army, moreover began to be decisive, therefore has not caused anything to fluctuate. 最近他的性情大变,开始变得杀伐果断,只不过他杀的并不是夏家军的人,而且动手非常果断,所以并没有引起什么波动。 Mister, how you recently, the following person said, you had extinguished more than ten ethnic groups!!!” A follower of sky is puzzled. “先生,您最近怎么了,下面的人说,您已经灭了十几个族群了!!!”一名昊天的追随者非常不解。 This is not he knew matter that sky can handle. 这并不是他所认识那个昊天能做出来的事情。 You have the opinion to the matter that I do handle?” The eyes of sky turned into the fiery-red. “你对我做的事情有意见?”昊天的双眼变成了火红色。 Right, the brothers follow you , because your actions make the brothers be convinced, if you were also controlled by the desire of right, I and brothers did not have the means to follow again you!!” That man said that must go out to lead own brothers to leave. “没错,兄弟们跟着您,是因为您的所作所为让兄弟们服气,如果您也被权利的欲望所控制,那我和兄弟们没办法再跟着您了!!”那名男子说完就要出去带着自己的兄弟离开。 ! 噗! At this moment. 就在这时。 One group of flame package on the body of that man. 一团火焰包裹在那名男子的身上。 Swallows his entire body: No one can prevent my road, no one is good!!!” 将他整个身体吞噬:“谁也不能阻止我的路,谁也不行!!!” Hahahaha, the hot tree, it seems like you looked for good protector Ah!!!” “哈哈哈哈,火树,看来你是找了一个不错的守护者啊!!!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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