Chapter 11865delivers
第11865章送上门来Fallsalong with the Xia Tiansound, hisbodyhas just liked the ghosts and demonsto be common, killed the front of Djinn.
The Djinnwhole bodytrembles, his timeheada littleshort-circuits.
Will the normalperson, howsee somebody offthatpowerfuluniversemachinearmorcasually?
正常一个人,怎么会将那么强大的宇宙机甲随便送人呢?Only ifwerehehasbetterweaponry, had a strongerability.
除非是他已经有了更好的武器装备,有了更强的能力。Is stronger than thatpowerfuluniversemachinearmor?
那是什么力量。Inthis moment.
在这一刻。Hehas instigated.
他就已经怂了。„Youleaked off the flaw!!” A Xia Tianfistpoundeddirectlyabove the head of Djinn, hisbodypoundingruthlesslyintounderground.
The surroundinggroundresponded,withsmashing.
The secondwhereaboutstime, along with the limitgravity, making the body of Djinnsuffer the secondstrongimpulse.
The Djinnwantsto revolt.
巨灵想要反抗。【The daypower, repels!】
【天权,击退!】Twoattacks of Xia Tianmake . Moreover the point that hegraspsis perfect.夏天的二次攻击打出,而且他抓住的点非常完美。Is the Djinnthattime that wantsto revolt againstselects.
就是巨灵想要反抗的那个时间点。Thismade the body of Djinnsuffer the opposition force of day of powerdirectly.
这就让巨灵的身体直接遭受到了天权的反抗力量。Achieved the chain blows.
砰!Xia Tianthentramples.夏天接着一脚踹出。
The perfectchain blowsdoes not give a Djinnfaint trace the reaction time.
天珠!Afterwardhemet an attack.
随后他又接了一次攻击。Thenextinguishes the godto refer tomaking.
就这样。Xia Tianmadechain blowsmore than tentimes.夏天打出了十几次的连击。Thischain blows and ordinarychain blowsis usually different, is the perfectchain blows, evenspirits, cannot keep up withthisreaction speedcompletely.
这种连击和平时普通的连击不同,是完美连击,就算是灵,也完全跟不上这种反应速度。This timeDjinn.
身体已经被打的稀巴烂了。From top to bottom, has no one place.
浑身上下,已经没有任何一处好地方了。Attack of Xia Tian.夏天的攻击。Onalldefenseshimhas defeatedcompletely.
早就将他身上所有的防御全部击破了。„Youare so weak, howto killme?”Xia Tiangrabs the neck of Djinn, simultaneouslyfound the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedandDjinnjunction, pulling apartforcefully: „Feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served, rememberedmyname, IcalledXia Tian, ifwantedto retaliate, looking formewas good, ifyouhadothercrookedthoughts, Iguaranteed, no matteryouhidin the ends of the earth, Iwill clutchyou, eradicatedyou!!”
His inthreatfeelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served.
The homicide the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedprotector, the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be serveddefinitelyareveryuncomfortable, buthealsoshowedoneselfstrength and bottom line.
他杀了风树的守护者,风树肯定是非常不爽的,但他也展现了自己的实力和底线。In this case.
The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served must weigh the advantages and disadvantages.
风树也要权衡利弊。Does not dareeasilyactstohim.
不敢轻易的对他这边出手。„No, Ido not want dead!!” The Djinnhas felt the death, hehas a dreamhas not thought,oneselfone daywill encountersuchsituation.
“不,我不想死!!”巨灵已经感受到了死亡,他做梦也没想到,自己有一天会遇到这样的情况。Steps intothat moment of divine landinhim.
在他踏入神州的那一刻。Heis smug.
他是踌躇满志的。Heiswantsfirstto control the divine land, thencontrolsotherplaces.
他要死在这里。„Lets offme, so long asyoulet offme, makingmehandle anything to be good!!!”Begging for mercy that the Djinnnon-stop.
“放过我,只要你放过我,让我做什么事情都行!!!”巨灵不停的求饶。Xia Tianhas not kept the hand.夏天没有留手。Suchspirit.
这样的灵。MoreoverandNi Huanghas the relations, howpossiblyto obeyhimsincerely, ifwerehewantsto mixin the ancient timesparadise, hetrulycanleave behind the opposite party, buthe may leavemomentarily . Moreover the road that hemusttakemightdieanytime.
一旦他死了。Hisfetterto the Djinndoes not exist.
那他对巨灵的束缚也就不存在了。When the time comesif the Djinnattackshisbrothers, thatwas miserable.
到时候巨灵如果袭击他的兄弟们的话,那就惨了。„Youbiggestmistake, should notprovokeme!!!”Xia Tianheldon the Djinn the node of strength of spirit.
The body of Djinnstartsto crush, the spiritstrength in within the bodywas absorbedbyWang Jue.
巨灵的身体开始粉碎,体内的灵之力被界王决吸收。HisDivine Soulhas not waited for the resistance, had been receivedto knowin the seabyXia Tian.
他的神魂还没等反抗,就已经被夏天收入到了识海之中。Hisstorage equipmentwas receivedinall things.
他的储物装备被收入到了森罗万象之中。„Iunderstandnowfinally the destiny of yourboywasanything.”ImmortalBlack Tortoisesays with emotion.
“我现在终于明白你小子的气运是什么了。”仙玄武感慨道。„What?”Xia Tianpuzzledasking.
“什么?”夏天不解的问道。„The people of otherbigdestinyaregoto seek foroneselfdestiny, butyourdestinyisdelivers, youlackanything, somepeoplewill bring anything to deliver!!!”ImmortalBlack Tortoisealsodiscoveredthismatterrecently.
听到他的话。Xia Tianalsostares.夏天也是一愣。As if is really this.
似乎真的是这样的。Steps the road of cultivationto startfromhim.
从他踏上修炼之路开始。No matterheneedsanything, somepeoplewill carrysuchthingto deliver.
不管他需要什么,都会有人携带这样东西送上门。Most obviousis the corruptwolf.
The corruptwolfwas calledto deliver the valuableprincekinbyhimat that time , because after heobtained the treasure, will run up to front ofXia Tianto deliver the treasure.
贪狼当时之所以被他称之为送宝小王子,就是因为他得到了宝物之后就会跑到夏天面前来送宝。„Probably is really suchAh!!!”Xia Tiannods.
“好像真的是这样啊!!!”夏天点了点头。„Let alonethese, firstdigestedthesestrengths, after absorbingthesestrengths, yourWang Juecanbreak through the firstbarrier!!”ImmortalBlack Tortoisemosthas also paid attention toXia TianWang Juedantian.
“别说那些了,先消化这些力量吧,吸收了这些力量之后,你的界王决就可以冲破第一道壁垒了!!”仙玄武也是一直最关注夏天的界王决丹田。Xia Tianalsodiscovered.夏天也发现了。
After the beforehandWang Juedantianbreaks througheach time, will change the Freshmancircle.
The presentWang Juedantianis more likepyramidto be the same.
现在的界王决丹田更像是金字塔一般。Breaks throughupwardly.
After thistimekilled the Djinn .
The strengthshouldenoughbreak through the firstbarrier.
这次的突破。Will helphisWang Jueobtain the newbreakthrough.
将会让他的界王决获得新的突破。Moreover before is , differentbreakthroughs.
不断变大。Whatbreakthroughis the strength.
而向上冲击壁垒呢?Healsoanticipatedvery much.
他自己也很期待。„Thatmakes our crowd of Old Fellowgrow in experience!!”Yangsays with emotion.
“那就让我们这群老家伙一个个多长长见识吧!!”央感慨道。„Youshouldexpect, because ofaccording tomyguess, after thisboy, becomesmaster who creates the myriad things!!!”ImmortalBlack Tortoisesaid.
“你们应该期待一下了,因为根据我的猜测,这个小子以后将会成为创造万物的主人!!!”仙玄武说道。„What do you mean?”Yang'spuzzledasking.
“什么意思?”央不解的问道。„Lateryouwill understand.”ImmortalBlack Tortoisea lotdo not have the meansinterpretationto be clear.
“以后你们就会明白了。”仙玄武很多事情也没办法解释清楚。Xia Tiancompletelyimmersesincultivationat this time.夏天此时则是完全沉浸在修炼之中。Fromhumanwhatsteps intocultivationline of experiencesis: Innatestrength, dantian, immortalstandard, the strength of principle, the strength of immortal, the strength of spirit.
从人类踏入修炼者行经历的是:先天之力,丹田,仙格,法则之力,仙之力,灵之力。Althougheach many names.
每一步虽然有很多叫法。Butthisismain linecultivation.
但这是主线修炼。ButhisWang Jueis different.
可他的界王决不同。HisWang Jueexpandsunceasingly.
他的界王决是不断的扩大。Eachexpansion, canmakeentireWang Juechange.
每一次扩大,都可以让整个界王决发生变化。Consecutive six times ofexpansion.
连续六次的扩大。LethisWang Juepackagehisentiredantianpositioncompletely.
让他的界王决已经完全包裹住了他整个丹田的位置。Andmakeshisallinternal organsvanishcompletely.
并且让他的所有内脏全部消失。within the bodyis cleaner than thesespirits.
体内比那些灵都干净。As if deputing the body of hiswhole personto be the same.
就仿佛是在提纯他整个人的身体一般。„Wang Jue'smeaningisthere is no construction without destruction, only thendiscardsallexternalgreat powers, canobtainowngreat power!!!”Xia Tianis suddenly enlighted: „So manyyears, Iamnoticed that anythingcanpromote itself, usesonownbodycompletely, althoughthis can also enhanceowncomplete force, butkeepsWang Juefromremouldingmymortal body, in other words, Iabandononeselfpresentthispowerfulmortal body, Icanobtain the mortal body that helpsmeremouldbyWang Jue, the mortal body that ifWang Jueremouldsisveryweak, Iwas equal todiscardingmy ownso manyyearsefforts, this was really unrestrained gamblingAh!!!”
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