AS :: Volume #119

#11862: Delivers

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Chapter 11865 delivers 第11865章送上门来 Falls along with the Xia Tian sound, his body has just liked the ghosts and demons to be common, killed the front of Djinn. 伴随着夏天的声音落下,他的身体已经犹如鬼魅一般,杀到了巨灵的面前。 The Djinn whole body trembles, his time head a little short-circuits. 巨灵浑身一颤,他此时脑袋有点短路。 Right. 没错啊。 Will the normal person, how see somebody off that powerful universe machine armor casually? 正常一个人,怎么会将那么强大的宇宙机甲随便送人呢? Only if were he has better weaponry, had a stronger ability. 除非是他已经有了更好的武器装备,有了更强的能力。 Is stronger than that powerful universe machine armor? 比那么强大的宇宙机甲更强? That is what strength. 那是什么力量。 In this moment. 在这一刻。 He has instigated. 他就已经怂了。 You leaked off the flaw!!” A Xia Tian fist pounded directly above the head of Djinn, his body pounding ruthlessly into under ground. “你漏出破绽了!!”夏天一拳直接砸在了巨灵的头颅之上,将他的身体狠狠的砸入了地面之下。 When his body shoots. 当他的身体弹起的时候。 Bang! 轰! The surrounding ground responded, with smashing. 周围的地面才反应过来,跟着粉碎。 All destroys. 所有的一切都是毁灭。 Limit gravity. 极限重力。 The second whereabouts time, along with the limit gravity, making the body of Djinn suffer the second strong impulse. 第二次下落的时候,伴随着极限重力,让巨灵的身体遭受到了第二次强大的冲击力。 The Djinn wants to revolt. 巨灵想要反抗。 【The day power, repels!】 【天权,击退!】 Two attacks of Xia Tian make . Moreover the point that he grasps is perfect. 夏天的二次攻击打出,而且他抓住的点非常完美。 Is the Djinn that time that wants to revolt against selects. 就是巨灵想要反抗的那个时间点。 This made the body of Djinn suffer the opposition force of day of power directly. 这就让巨灵的身体直接遭受到了天权的反抗力量。 Achieved the chain blows. 达到了连击。 Bang! 砰! Xia Tian then tramples. 夏天接着一脚踹出。 The perfect chain blows does not give a Djinn faint trace the reaction time. 完美的连击不给巨灵一丝丝的反应时间。 Day bead! 天珠! Afterward he met an attack. 随后他又接了一次攻击。 Then extinguishes the god to refer to making. 然后灭神指打出。 This. 就这样。 Xia Tian made chain blows more than ten times. 夏天打出了十几次的连击。 This chain blows and ordinary chain blows is usually different, is the perfect chain blows, even spirits, cannot keep up with this reaction speed completely. 这种连击和平时普通的连击不同,是完美连击,就算是灵,也完全跟不上这种反应速度。 This time Djinn. 此时的巨灵。 Body hit pulp. 身体已经被打的稀巴烂了。 From top to bottom, has no one place. 浑身上下,已经没有任何一处好地方了。 Attack of Xia Tian. 夏天的攻击。 On all defenses him has defeated completely. 早就将他身上所有的防御全部击破了。 You are so weak, how to kill me?” Xia Tian grabs the neck of Djinn, simultaneously found the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served and Djinn junction, pulling apart forcefully: Feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served, remembered my name, I called Xia Tian, if wanted to retaliate, looking for me was good, if you had other crooked thoughts, I guaranteed, no matter you hid in the ends of the earth, I will clutch you, eradicated you!!” “你这么弱,怎么杀我啊?”夏天抓着巨灵的脖子,同时找到了风树和巨灵身上的连接点,硬生生的扯断:“风树,记住了我的名字,我叫夏天,如果想要报复,找我就好了,如果你有其他歪心思,我保证,不管你藏在天涯海角,我都会将你揪出来,将你连根拔起!!” Threat. 威胁。 His in threat feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served. 他这就是在威胁风树。 The homicide the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served protector, the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served definitely are very uncomfortable, but he also showed oneself strength and bottom line. 他杀了风树的守护者,风树肯定是非常不爽的,但他也展现了自己的实力和底线。 In this case. 这样的话。 The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served must weigh the advantages and disadvantages. 风树也要权衡利弊。 Does not dare easily acts to him. 不敢轻易的对他这边出手。 No, I do not want dead!!” The Djinn has felt the death, he has a dream has not thought, oneself one day will encounter such situation. “不,我不想死!!”巨灵已经感受到了死亡,他做梦也没想到,自己有一天会遇到这样的情况。 Steps into that moment of divine land in him. 在他踏入神州的那一刻。 He is smug. 他是踌躇满志的。 He is wants first to control the divine land, then controls other places. 他是想要先控制神州,然后再去控制其他的地方。 May finally be. 可结果是。 He must die here. 他要死在这里。 Lets off me, so long as you let off me, making me handle anything to be good!!!” Begging for mercy that the Djinn non-stop. “放过我,只要你放过我,让我做什么事情都行!!!”巨灵不停的求饶。 Xia Tian has not kept the hand. 夏天没有留手。 Such spirit. 这样的灵。 Moreover and Ni Huang has the relations, how possibly to obey him sincerely, if were he wants to mix in the ancient times paradise, he truly can leave behind the opposite party, but he may leave momentarily . Moreover the road that he must take might die anytime. 而且还是和霓凰有关系的,怎么可能真心服从他,如果是他想要一直在远古仙界混下去的话,他确实是可以留下对方,可他随时都可能会离开,而且他要走的路随时都有可能死亡。 Once he died. 一旦他死了。 His fetter to the Djinn does not exist. 那他对巨灵的束缚也就不存在了。 When the time comes if the Djinn attacks his brothers, that was miserable. 到时候巨灵如果袭击他的兄弟们的话,那就惨了。 You biggest mistake, should not provoke me!!!” Xia Tian held on the Djinn the node of strength of spirit. “你最大的错误,就是不该来招惹我!!!”夏天抓住了巨灵身上灵之力的节点。 ! 噗! Smashing. 粉碎。 The body of Djinn starts to crush, the spirit strength in within the body was absorbed by Wang Jue. 巨灵的身体开始粉碎,体内的灵之力被界王决吸收。 His Divine Soul has not waited for the resistance, had been received to know in the sea by Xia Tian. 他的神魂还没等反抗,就已经被夏天收入到了识海之中。 His storage equipment was received in all things. 他的储物装备被收入到了森罗万象之中。 I understand now finally the destiny of your boy was anything.” Immortal Black Tortoise says with emotion. “我现在终于明白你小子的气运是什么了。”仙玄武感慨道。 What?” Xia Tian puzzled asking. “什么?”夏天不解的问道。 „The people of other big destiny are go to seek for oneself destiny, but your destiny is delivers, you lack anything, some people will bring anything to deliver!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise also discovered this matter recently. “其他的大气运之人都是出去寻找自己的气运,而你的气运是送上门的,你缺什么,就会有人带着什么东西送上门!!!”仙玄武也是最近才发现这件事情的。 Hears his words. 听到他的话。 Xia Tian also stares. 夏天也是一愣。 As if is really this. 似乎真的是这样的。 Steps the road of cultivation to start from him. 从他踏上修炼之路开始。 No matter he needs anything, some people will carry such thing to deliver. 不管他需要什么,都会有人携带这样东西送上门。 Most obvious is the corrupt wolf. 最明显的就是贪狼。 The corrupt wolf was called to deliver the valuable princekin by him at that time , because after he obtained the treasure, will run up to front of Xia Tian to deliver the treasure. 贪狼当时之所以被他称之为送宝小王子,就是因为他得到了宝物之后就会跑到夏天面前来送宝。 Probably is really such Ah!!!” Xia Tian nods. “好像真的是这样啊!!!”夏天点了点头。 Let alone these, first digested these strengths, after absorbing these strengths, your Wang Jue can break through the first barrier!!” Immortal Black Tortoise most has also paid attention to Xia Tian Wang Jue dantian. “别说那些了,先消化这些力量吧,吸收了这些力量之后,你的界王决就可以冲破第一道壁垒了!!”仙玄武也是一直最关注夏天的界王决丹田。 Xia Tian also discovered. 夏天也发现了。 After the beforehand Wang Jue dantian breaks through each time, will change the Freshman circle. 以前的界王决丹田是每次突破之后,就会变大一圈。 The present Wang Jue dantian is more like pyramid to be the same. 现在的界王决丹田更像是金字塔一般。 Breaks through upwardly. 向上突破。 After this time killed the Djinn . 这次杀死了巨灵之后。 The strength should enough break through the first barrier. 力量应该是足够突破第一层壁垒的。 This breakthrough. 这次的突破。 Will help his Wang Jue obtain the new breakthrough. 将会让他的界王决获得新的突破。 Moreover before is , different breakthroughs. 而且是和之前不一样的突破。 Increases unceasingly. 不断变大。 What breakthrough is the strength. 突破的是力量。 But upward impact barrier? 而向上冲击壁垒呢? He also anticipated very much. 他自己也很期待。 That makes our crowd of Old Fellow grow in experience!!” Yang says with emotion. “那就让我们这群老家伙一个个多长长见识吧!!”央感慨道。 You should expect, because of according to my guess, after this boy, becomes master who creates the myriad things!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “你们应该期待一下了,因为根据我的猜测,这个小子以后将会成为创造万物的主人!!!”仙玄武说道。 What do you mean?” Yang's puzzled asking. “什么意思?”央不解的问道。 Later you will understand.” Immortal Black Tortoise a lot do not have the means interpretation to be clear. “以后你们就会明白了。”仙玄武很多事情也没办法解释清楚。 Xia Tian completely immerses in cultivation at this time. 夏天此时则是完全沉浸在修炼之中。 From human what steps into cultivation line of experiences is: Innate strength, dantian, immortal standard, the strength of principle, the strength of immortal, the strength of spirit. 从人类踏入修炼者行经历的是:先天之力,丹田,仙格,法则之力,仙之力,灵之力。 Although each many names. 每一步虽然有很多叫法。 But this is main line cultivation. 但这是主线修炼 But his Wang Jue is different. 可他的界王决不同。 His Wang Jue expands unceasingly. 他的界王决是不断的扩大。 Each expansion, can make entire Wang Jue change. 每一次扩大,都可以让整个界王决发生变化。 Consecutive six times of expansion. 连续六次的扩大。 Let his Wang Jue package his entire dantian position completely. 让他的界王决已经完全包裹住了他整个丹田的位置。 And makes his all internal organs vanish completely. 并且让他的所有内脏全部消失。 within the body is cleaner than these spirits. 体内比那些灵都干净。 As if deputing the body of his whole person to be the same. 就仿佛是在提纯他整个人的身体一般。 Wang Jue's meaning is there is no construction without destruction, only then discards all external great powers, can obtain own great power!!!” Xia Tian is suddenly enlighted: So many years, I am noticed that anything can promote itself, uses on own body completely, although this can also enhance own complete force, but keeps Wang Jue from remoulding my mortal body, in other words, I abandon oneself present this powerful mortal body, I can obtain the mortal body that helps me remould by Wang Jue, the mortal body that if Wang Jue remoulds is very weak, I was equal to discarding my own so many years efforts, this was really unrestrained gambling Ah!!!” “界王决的含义就是不破不立,只有舍弃一切外在的强大力量,才能获得自身的强大力量!!!”夏天恍然大悟:“这么多年,我是看到什么可以提升自己,就全部用在自己的身上,虽然这样也能提升自己的整体战斗力,但却让界王决无法重塑我的肉身,也就是说,我抛弃自己现在这种强大的肉身,那我就可以获得由界王决帮我重塑的肉身了,如果界王决重塑的肉身是很弱的,那我就等于是舍弃了我自己这么多年的努力,这真是一场豪赌啊!!!” () ()
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