AS :: Volume #119

#11861: Also misses a spirit

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Chapter 11864 also misses a spirit 第11864章还差一个灵 Xia Tian recently every day the strength of research field Wang Jue and knowledge sea. 夏天最近每天都在研究界王决和识海的力量。 Although he can transfer the divine land elf now the strength, but that is not his strength after all, he now mysterious strength, although are many, but in the final analysis, Wang Jue and knowledge sea are he strongest methods. 虽然他现在可以调动神州精灵的力量,但那毕竟不是属于他的力量,他现在身上的神秘力量虽然多,可说到底,界王决和识海才是他最强的手段。 And. 而且。 After he cut to kill two spirits one after another. 在他接连斩杀了两位灵之后。 These two spirit strengths and Divine Soul seemed to be also absorbed by his Wang Jue. 这两位灵的力量和神魂似乎也被他的界王决吸收了。 This made him open the new world. 这就让他打开了新世界。 Originally this is the means of Wang Jue and knowledge sea true improvement, knows the sea to need to absorb the strength of huge Divine Soul to promote, more powerful Divine Soul, more many of improvement, what wanted is the nature, is not the quantity ; Wang Jue dantian is also same, needs to absorb the powerful Realm strength to promote.” Xia Tian after these days digestion. “原来这才是界王决和识海真正提升的办法啊,识海是需要吸收庞大的神魂之力才能提升,越强大的神魂,提升的越多,要的是质,不是量;界王决丹田也是一样,是需要吸收强大的境界的力量才能提升。”夏天经过这段时间的消化。 He can feel clearly. 他能够清楚的感觉到。 Own strength promoted a scale. 自己的实力又提升了一个档次。 Although without breaking through that say/way so-called spirit barrier, but Realm in unceasing promotion. 虽然没有突破那道所谓灵的屏障,但境界就是在不断的提升。 If really promotes like this, that troubled, this is needs to make me swallow many spirit to be able knowing the strength of sea stimulates thoroughly, Wang Jue will break through self- Ah!!” Xia Tian feels the barrier in body. “如果真的是这样提升的话,那就麻烦了,这是需要让我吞噬多少灵才能将识海的力量彻底激发,将界王决突破自我啊!!”夏天感受到身体之中的壁垒。 Barriers layer by layer. 一层又一层的壁垒。 Now wants the breakthrough next barrier also to need to swallow a spirit. 现在想要突破下一层壁垒就是还需要吞噬一个灵。 Even but if he swallowed a spirit, still broke through a barrier, behind has many barriers, he himself does not know. 可就算是他吞噬了一个灵,也只是突破了一层壁垒而已,后面有多少壁垒,连他自己都不知道。 Ok, no matter first these, I will not go to kill the spirit in any case casually, if possible, swallows one, no opportunity did not go to think!!” Xia Tian extended one to stretch. “算了,先不管那些了,反正我也不会去随便杀灵,如果有机会的话,就吞噬一个,没机会就不去想了!!”夏天伸了一个懒腰。 Un? 嗯? At this moment. 就在这时。 His suddenly one type traced feeling: What situation, does my body have the traced trace?” 他突然有一种被人追踪的感觉:“什么情况,我身上有被追踪的痕迹吗?” No, what we definitely know is that was certainly locked!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “没有,但可以肯定的是,一定被人锁定了!!”红凤提醒道。 Interesting, since is tracing, that represents certainly on me to have the mark, but on me does not have the mark, that surpassed me to inspect on behalf of the mark method of opposite party normally, Red Phoenix (Hong Feng), you scanned my body, in the inclusion!!” The Xia Tian reminder said. “有意思,既然是追踪,那就一定代表我身上有印记,可我身上却没有印记,那就代表对方的印记手段是超出了我正常的检查,红凤,你扫描一下我的身体,包裹体内!!”夏天提醒道。 Un! 嗯! Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) is also the earliest possible time scans. 红凤也是第一时间扫描。 Found, in within the body, on the strength of together moving fast, is tiny, is almost big with the cell, normal will be neglected!!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) has locked the mark: Needs to take?” “找到了,在体内,是一道飘忽的力量上面,非常渺小,和细胞差不多大,正常是会被忽略掉!!”红凤已经锁定了印记:“需要拿出来吗?” No, since some people pursued, that made me have a look at the opposite party to do!!” Although Xia Tian does not know that who this does, but can quiet in person who his within the body leaves behind the mark, definitely is not simple . Moreover the opposite party also has certainly what goal. “不,既然有人追过来了,那就让我看看对方想要干什么吧!!”夏天虽然不知道这是谁做的,但能够悄无声息的在他体内留下印记的人,肯定是不简单的,而且对方也一定是有什么目的。 Now. 现在。 He only needed to wait for gains without pains is OK. 他只需要守株待兔就可以了。 This. 就这样。 His patient waited for several days. 他耐心的等了几天。 Last spirit arrived at his front. 最后一位灵来到了他的面前。 Spirit? The spirit of monster clan!!” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “灵?还是妖族之灵!!”夏天眉头一皱。 He did not know front person, actually that this person is, understood at a glance that is not the divine land, how he leaves behind the brand mark in oneself within the body. 他可不认识面前的人啊,那这个人究竟是谁,一看就知道不是神州的,那他又是如何在自己体内留下烙印的呢。 „Are you that Xia Tian?” The vision of Djinn took a fast look around on the body of Xia Tian. “你就是那个夏天?”巨灵的目光在夏天的身上扫视了一圈。 On the face is completely the color of despising. 脸上尽是鄙夷之色。 He has looked at Xia Tian, the body and no special place, should be an average person, Realm have not arrived at the spirit, reason that he before was so famous, should depend was universe machine armor, although now does not know why he handed over universe machine armor, what we definitely know is that present he, is a disabled person. 他已经看过夏天了,身上并没有什么特殊的地方,应该就是一个普通人,境界并没有到灵,他之前之所以那么出名,应该靠的就是宇宙机甲,现在虽然不知道他为什么将宇宙机甲交出去了,但可以肯定的是,现在的他,已经是个废人了。 Right, what matter looks for my?” Xia Tian asked. “没错,找我什么事?”夏天问道。 Did not have universe machine armor, did you speak are so unyielding?” The Djinn disdains looks at Xia Tian. “没有宇宙机甲了,你说话还这么硬气?”巨灵非常不屑的看着夏天 Even universe machine armor knows, it seems like you bumped into 13 pairs!!” Xia Tian understands probably front this spirit was what situation. “连宇宙机甲都知道,看来你是碰到了十三对吧!!”夏天大概明白面前这个灵是什么情况了。 I not just bumped into him, I also bumped into two people, a spirit, a meeting ancient times Formation, then bumped into a spirit, finally also bumped into one to find my body node half spirit, but they were beaten by me, was you!!!” The Djinn will not acknowledge oneself are defeated, he also boasted directly oneself won these people. “我不单单碰到了他,我还碰到了两个人,其中一个灵,一个会远古阵法,然后又碰到了一个灵,最后还碰到了一个可以找到我身体节点的半灵,不过他们都被我击败了,接下来就是你了!!!”巨灵可不会承认自己失败,他也是直接吹嘘自己赢了那些人。 Some people will not stand to testify now in any case. 反正现在也不会有人站出来作证。 How he wants saying that was OK. 他想怎么说都可以了。 I such static looks at your acting cool!!” Xia Tian hears these people who the Djinn said that he guessed correctly that probably was what situation. “我就这样静静的看着你装逼!!”夏天一听到巨灵说的这些人,他就猜到大概是什么情况了。 Moreover the detail will definitely not make the too big mistake. 而且细节绝对不会有太大的差错。 Is this Djinn is definitely defeated continuously. 肯定是这个巨灵被连续击败。 Without you of universe machine armor, did not have the tiger of tooth, in my eyes is just the ants, I must first kill you today, then blows away that several fellows, previous time was escaped by them, this time will not make them escape absolutely again!!!” The Djinn thinks that several people, is the unusual vitality/angry. “没有了宇宙机甲的你,就是没了牙齿的老虎,在我眼中只不过是蝼蚁罢了,我今天就要先杀了你,然后再去干掉那几个家伙,上次被他们逃掉了,这次绝对不会再让他们逃掉了!!!”巨灵一想到那几个人,就是非常的生气。 That several people may be the people who he most hates. 那几个人可都是他最恨的人啊。 You injure well is very quick!!” Xia Tian spoke thoughtlessly to say. “你伤好的挺快的!!”夏天随口说道。 That is because of my skill, moreover double rests, restoring to be so quick, otherwise the Djinn words told only half that responded, the opposite party this was wrapping his words. “那是因为我的本事强,而且双休,恢复才能这么快,不然的话”巨灵的话说到一半才反应过来,对方这是在套他的话啊。 His unexpectedly also complied. 居然还答应了。 This was he himself confesses without being pressed obviously. 这显然是他自己不打自招了啊。 ! 哦! Xia Tian exhibited a being suddenly enlighted appearance. 夏天摆出了一副恍然大悟的样子。 Sees the Xia Tian appearance, he felt that oneself was played jokes upon, beforehand that several people, but bullied him in the strength, but at this time front this fellow, obviously is ants, unexpectedly also dares to insult him in the spoken language: It seems like, you really do not know how the dead characters write Ah!!” 看到夏天的样子,他感觉自己被戏耍了,之前的那几个人,只是在实力上欺负了他,可此时面前这个家伙,明明就是一个蝼蚁,居然还敢在言语上侮辱他:“看来,你是真的不知道死字怎么写啊!!” The complexion of Djinn thorough cold. 巨灵的面色彻底的冷了下来。 Afterward he also in fermentation tremendous strength. 随后他也在酝酿巨大的力量。 Waits for!!” Xia Tian quickly lifts the hand. “等一下!!”夏天急忙抬手。 What's wrong, wants to kneel to beg for mercy?” Despising of Djinn face: „, I had complied with Ni Huang late, certainly will give her to work as the gift your head.” “怎么,想要跪下来求饶吗?”巨灵一脸的鄙夷:“已经晚了,我答应过霓凰,一定会将你的脑袋送给她当礼物的。” ! 哦! Was all right!!” Xia Tian was just wanted to ask, oneself and opposite party did not have the enmity without the injustice, why must look for itself. “没事了!!”夏天刚刚就是想要问,自己和对方无冤无仇,为什么要来找上自己。 However now he understands. 不过现在他明白了。 Because of Ni Huang. 是因为霓凰 Oneself tracing, before should also be Zhen Huang them, stays behind. 那自己身上的追踪,应该也就是真皇他们之前留下的。 Words that thinks, passing that all said. 这么想的话,一切就全都说的通了。 You prepare dead!!” The wind blade in Djinn hand pounded instantaneously to Xia Tian. “那你就准备好去死吧!!”巨灵手中的风刃瞬间砸向了夏天 Is the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served protector, no wonder is so wild, but you are not curious, why will I see somebody off the universe machine armor that powerful equipment?” Xia Tian stretched out two fingers, crushes front wind blade directly. “还是个风树的守护者,难怪这么猖狂,可你就不好奇,为什么我会将宇宙机甲那么强大的装备送人吗?”夏天伸出了两根手指,直接将面前的风刃击碎。 Un? 嗯? The Djinn stares. 巨灵一愣。 Oneself just attacked to be able to strike to kill the opposite party was right: What situation?” 自己刚刚的攻击应该可以将对方击杀了才对:“什么情况?” Xia Tian has not responded him, saying that but thought aloud: Because I had obtained a more powerful strength, universe machine armor to me, is the weak.” 夏天并没有搭理他,而是自言自语的说道:“因为我已经获得了更加强大的力量,宇宙机甲对于我来说,已经是鸡肋了。” () ()
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