Chapter 11863firstkillsXia Tian
If the pressure of hisheyday, thatnaturallyisverystrong, butnowhe is almost the severely woundedcondition, no matterfromimposing manner, becamefrom the pressuredelicate.
When let alonehisfrontpersonno word.
The entiredivine land, the spiritfollowingperson, besidesXia Tian, washemostknowsabout the spirit.
整个神州,灵以下的人,除了夏天以外,就是他对灵最了解了。„GoodfiercepressureAh!!” The no wordshakes the head, on the face is completely the color of taunt.
“好厉害的威压啊!!”无音摇了摇头,脸上尽是嘲讽之色。Hehas looked.
他已经看出来了。Frontspirit, is a severely woundedspirit, facingsuchspirit, hewill not fear.
面前的灵,就是一个重伤的灵,面对这样的灵,他可不会怕。„Yourcourting death!!” The Djinnmade an ownattacklater, wishmade the opposite partyfeelspiritfierce.
The mightis truly good.
威力确实不错。However the accurate aimwas worse.
不过准头差了很多。Especiallycoped withno wordtypeto have the preparedperson.
The no wordeasilyevaded the attack of opposite party, laterhithismethodon the body of Djinn.
无音轻易的躲过了对方的攻击,随后将他的手段打在了巨灵的身上。Thisattack, usually the Djinncandodging and defenseeasily, the ability that but the presentDjinn, reallydodgescontinuallydid not havemanymuch, thereforehealsohitunusualwas miserable.
The bloodflieshorizontally.
The strength of spiritflutters abouteverywhere.
灵之力四处纷飞。„Hateful, yourunexpectedlycanfind the node of strength of myspirit!!” The Djinnnowwas the thoroughfear.
啵!Hisbodyby the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedstrengthpackage, was changed into a flowing lightlater, vanished in same place.
他的身上被风树的力量包裹,随后化为了一道流光,消失在了原地。„unexpectedlytook the strongestescapeskill!!” The no wordsaw that the opposite partyhas escaped , can only helplessescaping, thisis the spiritescapemethod, hedefinitelycannot catch up.
“居然把最强的逃命本事都拿出来了!!”无音看到对方已经逃掉,也只能无奈的逃到,这是灵的逃命手段,他肯定是追不上的。Howeverhas driven away the opposite party.
不过已经赶走了对方。Hedid not care.
他也就不在意了。Herestrengthhewill absorbquicklylight/only, thenleaveshere.
这里的力量他会很快吸收光,然后就离开这里。When the opposite partycomes backagain.
等对方再回来的时候。Could not findhim.
The Djinnlay downon a lawn, heyouhad confirmed that nearbythisno one, justescape, had used uphisfinalstrengthabsolutely, presenthe, was really delicate: „Yourthisgroup of fellows, Irememberedyou, Iwill certainly makeyoufeelanythingto be called the spiritanger.”
巨灵躺在了一处草地上,他已经你确认了,这附近绝对没有人了,刚刚的逃命,已经将他最后的力量用光了,现在的他,真的是弱不禁风了:“你们这群家伙,我记住你们了,我一定会让你们感受到什么叫做灵的怒火。”Henow the onlyideais: A bit fasterrestoration.
After restoring, tidies upthesepeople.
特别是最后一个人。SpiritRealm, but alsodoes not haveuniversemachinearmortype of going against heaven's willthing, finally can also injurehim.
“灵?”Suddenly the soundappearsnear the ear of Djinntogether, hearsthissoundtime, the Djinnentirescalpis tingling with numbness, the backeverywhereis the cold sweat.
The presentisheweakesttime.
现在是他最虚弱的时候了。Presents any troublesomewordsagain, the consequence was really dreadful.
再出现什么麻烦的话,后果就真的不堪设想了。„Senior, youwere injured, mysomecured the medicine, shouldto some the spiritalsouses!!” A femalewalkedfromside, the Djinnhad not discovered where shefromwalks.
“前辈,您受伤了吗,我这里有一些疗伤药,应该对灵也有一些用处!!”一名女子从旁边走了出来,就连巨灵都没发现她是从什么地方走出来的。However the Djinnlooks at the opposite partyvigilantly: „Who youare, whywill havethistype of curingmedicine?”
他现在可是非常虚弱的。Was worried that the femalewill acttohimsuddenly.
担心女子会突然对他出手。„Thesearemy brother, opportunity that butmy brotherhas not actually usedagain.”Femalelow-spiritedsaying.
“这些原本是我哥的,可我哥却再也没有使用的机会了。”女子黯然的说道。„Yourelder brother?” The Djinnwas more puzzled.
“你哥?”巨灵更加的不解了。„My brotheris the winner of divine land'sfirstimmortalsovereignlist, becauseoffended the so-calledXia Familyarmy, finallywas used the fight in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent outto besiegebythem, theyalsousedoneset of specialequipmentto striketo killmy brother!!” The femalesare notothers, thatbeen missingNi Huang.
她逃掉了。ButZhen Huangactuallydied.
可真皇却死了。Was sayingwas sayingflowed off the tears.
说着说着就流下了泪水。„WhatyousaidiswhatXia Tianthat? The equipment that yousaidifIhave not guessed that wrongshouldbeuniversemachinearmor, isthisappearance?” The Djinntransformed the image, 13put onuniversemachine A appearance.
“你说的是那个什么夏天吧?还有你说的装备如果我没猜错的话应该是宇宙机甲吧,是不是这个样子?”巨灵幻化出了影像,正是十三穿着宇宙机甲的样子。„Right, isthey, thispersoncalled13, hewas the Xia Tiangoodbrothers!!!”Ni Huangquicklysaid.
“对,就是他们,这个人叫十三,他是夏天的好兄弟!!!”霓凰急忙说道。„Isthisgroup of hatefulfellows, youcould rest assured that Ido not take something for freeyourcompounded drug, Iwill certainly helpyourevenge!!” The Djinnalsostartedto show tender affection, hefeltveryspecialaurafrom the body of Ni Huang, thismadehimhave the doublerestingidea.
“又是这群可恶的家伙,你放心,我不白要你的丹药,我一定会帮你报仇!!”巨灵也开始怜香惜玉了,他从霓凰的身上感受到了一股非常特殊的气息,这就让他产生了双休的想法。In additionNi HuangisspiritLittle Sister.
再加上霓凰是灵的妹妹。Alsocan be joined tohimin the status.
在身份上也配得上他。Perhaps, Ni Huangherealsohasotherwhattreasures.
说不定,霓凰这里还有什么其他的宝物。„Does not use the mister, theywere too strong, moreoverlarge number, ifImakeyouhelpmetake revenge, perhapsthatwill harmyou!!”Ni Huangshakes the head.
“不用了先生,他们太强了,而且人数众多,如果我让您去帮我复仇,那说不定会害了您!!”霓凰摇了摇头。Looks at the Ni Huangappearance.
The Djinn was also heart pain: „Youcould rest assured that theywereto depend onuniversemachinearmorbeforesneak attackedme, after Irestored, Iwill defeatone by one, makingthempay the price, when the time comestheiruniversemachinearmor can also bemy!!!”
巨灵也是更加的心痛了:“你放心,他们之前是靠着宇宙机甲偷袭了我,等我恢复之后,我会逐个击破,让他们付出代价,到时候他们的宇宙机甲也会是我的!!!”„Mistergreat kindness, the girlnotthinks the report, next lifewill treat as the cowto behorse comesto repay the mistersurely!!”Ni Huangkneelson the groundsaid.
“先生大恩大德,小女子无以为报,来世定当做牛做马来报答先生!!”霓凰跪在地上说道。„Does not use the world, this lifewas OK, ifyouare willingdoubleto restwithme, onspeedat leastquickonetime that Irestore, I can also revengeforyourElder Brotherearlier, moreoverlateryou outside said that ismywoman, canwalk sidewaysinthreeislandtenstates!!” The hand of Djinnreached the body of Ni Huang.
“不用来世,今生就可以了,如果你肯跟我双休,那我恢复的速度至少会快上一倍,我也能早点为你哥哥报仇,而且以后你在外面说是我的女人,也可以在三岛十州横着走了!!”巨灵的手伸向了霓凰的身体。Ni Huanghas not revolted.霓凰没有反抗了。Sheclosedoneselfeyes.
她闭上了自己的双眼。Drop of tearsfallfromhercorner of the eye.
她要报仇。Depends onownskillnot to have the meansto revenge.
靠着自己的本事是没办法报仇的。Thereforeshe can only depend onfrontOld Fellow.
所以她只能靠面前的这个老家伙。SeesNi Huangto cry, the Djinnwas more excited.
The divine landreturned to normalsome time.
神州平复了一段时间。Butalsohastranquility before a storm gather.
可却又有一种暴风雨来临前的宁静。„Mister, do youallrestorenow?”Asking that Ni Huangcares about.
“先生,您现在全都恢复了吗?”霓凰关心的问道。„Alsoaskedmy husbandto do, callsmyhusband!!” The Djinnpattedon the body of Ni Huang.
“还叫我先生干嘛,叫我夫君!!”巨灵在霓凰的身上拍了一下。„Husband.”Ni Huangdoes intentionallycharmingsaying.
嗯!„Husbandthisgoesto revengeforyou!!” The Djinn the strengthrestoresnow, it can be said thatconfidently.
“夫君这就去替你报仇!!”巨灵现在实力恢复,可以说是信心十足啊。„Husband, thatXia Tiansincenowdoes not haveuniversemachinearmor, heis the person who does not arrive atspirit, younowsincehestart!!”Ni Huangwantedto hear the Xia Tiandeathearlier the news.
“夫君,那个夏天现在既然已经没有宇宙机甲了,那他就是一个连灵都不到的人,你现在从他下手吧!!”霓凰想要早点听到夏天死亡的消息。„Good, Ifirstkillhim, but how can Ifindhim?” The Djinnasked.
“好,那我就先杀他,不过我要怎么找到他呢?”巨灵问道。„Herehas a tracingstone, ismy brotherremainswith the life, following the tracingstone, canfindXia Tian!!”Ni Huangwill trace the stone, took.
“我这里有一个追踪石,是我哥哥用命留下来的,顺着追踪石,就可以找到夏天了!!”霓凰将追踪石,拿了出来。„Youwait formehere, do not wander about aimlessly, after IkilledXia Tian, takeshisheadto come backto giveyou!!”Djinnveryself-confidentsaying.
“你就在这里等我吧,不要乱走,等我杀了夏天之后,提着他的脑袋回来给你!!”巨灵非常自信的说道。Hemustkill the person who spiritRealmdoes not arrive.
他要杀一个连灵境界都不到的人。Thatiseasy as pie.
The Djinngraspedownfist: „Yourthesefellows, Ihave said that Iwill not let offabsolutelyyour.”
( This chapterends)
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