Chapter 11862kneels downtome
第11862章给我跪下„Whatperson, daresto killmysubordinate!!” The sound that drinksgreatlydrops from the clouds.
The formfellon the front of Djinntogether.
一道身影落在了巨灵的面前。„Spirit, the spirit of anotherhuman!!!” The Djinncanfeel the spiritaurafrom the body of opposite party.
The information that beforeheinvestigatedwas: The divine land the spirit, obtains the person of immortalsovereignliststrengthnow, thispersonwas the oncedivine land'sfirstperson of sky.
之前他调查到的情报是:神州现在有一个灵,是获得了仙道皇榜力量的人,这个人就是曾经的神州第一人昊天。Moreoverhehas also seen the image of sky.
可现在。unexpectedlypresented the spirits of so manyhuman.居然出现了这么多人类的灵。Snort!
哼!„Althoughyouarespirit, butyoukillmypersonwith no reason at all, this is not quite perhaps good!!” The starsdiscovered the opposite partyis the spirittime, guessed correctly the opposite party came from othermainland, thereforehedoes not wantrashlywith the opposite partyto be an enemy, but the opposite partykilledhisso manyloyalsubordinates, henaturally is also veryuncomfortable.
“虽然你是灵,但你无缘无故杀我的人,这恐怕不太好吧!!”星辰发现对方是灵的时候,就猜到了对方是从其他大陆过来的,所以他也不想贸然与对方为敌,可对方杀了他这么多忠心的手下,他自然也是非常不爽的。„Killedkilled, havinganythingwas good!!”AlthoughDjinn the status of surprisedopposite party.
“杀了就是杀了,有什么好不好的!!”巨灵虽然惊讶对方的身份。Buthealsosawin the tone that the opposite partyspokesomewhatinstigated.
这就证明。Althoughthisperson is also spirit, butshouldbethattypedoes not have the backer, is quite timid.
这个人虽然也是灵,但应该是那种没有靠山,又比较胆小的。Hewill not naturally missthisacting coolopportunity.
那他自然是不会错过这种装逼的机会了。Healsowantsto seizethisopportunity, air ventwell.
他也想要抓住这个机会,好好的出口气。„Are youwhatintent?” The starstrulydo not wantto stir up trouble, because the Xia Tianmattermadehimunderstandbefore,evenspirits, is impossiblereallynot dead, hiscultivationtotoday, does not thinkwith great difficulty, because the temporaryair/Qiharmed itself.
“你这是何意?”星辰确实是不想惹事,因为之前夏天的事情让他明白,就算是灵,也不可能真的不死,他好不容易修炼到今天的,不想因为一时之气就害了自己。„Isaid,killedoneflock of dogs, don't even go there, your masterwantsforowndogover, mustlook do oneselfhavethatskill, withoutthatskillalsothinks that strongover, whatcarefullyinjuredisyourself.” The Djinnopened the mouthto threatendirectly.
“我说,杀了一群狗而已,没什么好说的,你这个主人想要替自己的狗出头,也要看自己有没有那个本事,如果没有那个本事还想强硬出头的话,小心受伤的是你自己。”巨灵直接开口威胁了。He is to act bashful the opposite party.
The starssomewhatcould not find out the mindat this time.
星辰此时也有些摸不清楚头脑了。Evenspirit, should notsooverbearing.
就算是灵,也不应该如此的霸道吧。Was the opposite partykilledownpersonobviously, nowmakesprobablymade a mistake was the same.
明明是对方杀了自己的人,现在弄的好像自己错了一样。„Did your rathera littlego too far?” The starstrulydo not wantto stir up trouble, butdoes not representhimto be bulliedcasually.
“你这未免有点欺人太甚了吧?”星辰确实是不想惹事,但也不代表他可以随便被人欺负啊。Now the opposite partyhas bulliedto visit, moreoverthisattitude, ifhislittleexpressionif no, his spiritreallywhiteDang.
现在对方已经欺负上门了,而且还是这种态度,如果他一点点的表示都没有的话,那他这个灵就真的白当了。„How did Ibullyyouto be able? Is the spirit of yousmalldivine land, whatthingbeforeme? Iam the protector of tree, the itselfgradebe higher than a gradeyou!!!” The Djinnwantsto put outprotector of nametreeto suppress the stars.
“我就欺负了你又能如何?你一个小小的神州之灵,在我面前算什么东西?我可是树之守护者,本身段位就要比你高一档!!!”巨灵想要拿出树之守护者这个名字来镇压星辰。Butby chance.
可碰巧。Healsoexposedoneselfcard in a hand.
The starsdo not dareto be angryandbeginrashly, was worried that the opposite partyandXia Tianhave the relations, becausehereallycannot stir upsummerHeavens!.
星辰之所以不敢贸然生气和动手,就是担心对方和夏天有关系,因为他是真的惹不起夏天啊。Now the backer but who hears the opposite partyis a treetime, hedid not care.
可现在一听到对方的靠山就是一个树的时候,他也就不在意了。Becausehisbackeris one of the 36parts of great bear.
The rankmaybe higher than the tree, only if the tree of opposite partyisabove the third gear.
等级可要比树高很多,除非对方的树是三档以上。But will the third gearabovetreechoose the protectorcasually?
An emperor, twogods, fourSaints, sevenmilitary, 13, 36parts of great bear, 72evil spirits!!!
一帝,二神,四圣,七武,十三道,三十六天罡,七十二地煞!!!Amongthis, sixgrades of treescanignore, the fifth geartreeisstrengths under 72evil spirits, fourgrades of treescancorrespond72evil spirits; The third geartreecan the opposite party36parts of great bear;Whattwogrades of treescorrespondis13andsevenmilitary, as soon astreecorrespondenceisfourSaintaboveranks.
他的靠山。Butcompared with the backer of opposite partyonhighseveralranks.
可要比对方的靠山高上了几个级别。„Ialsothinkisanythingat the worst!!” The starscorners of the mouthraise.
“我还以为是什么大不了的呢!!”星辰嘴角一扬。„Ilook at these people in yourdivine land, reallylivedenough, beforewas the person who twodid not arrive atspiritprovokesme, was a spiritprovokesme, nowdaresto provokemeyou!!!”Around the body of Djinnerupted the intensehurricane, when the hurricaneappeared, the surroundingallwere crushed.
“我看你们神州的这些人,一个个是真的活够了啊,之前是两个连灵都不到的人挑衅我,然后是一个灵来挑衅我,现在连你都敢来挑衅我!!!”巨灵的身体周围爆发出了强烈的飓风,当飓风出现的时候,周围的一切都被粉碎。„Feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served, fifth geartree!!”Starsdoes not care.
The body of Djinnhas the wound, words that the recombinationjust the Djinnspoke, obviously the first time is the Djinn the person who ran into the Xia Familyarmy, met the corruptwolf for the second time.
巨灵的身上是有伤的,再结合刚刚巨灵所说的话,显然是巨灵第一次遇到了夏家军的人,第二次遇到了贪狼。After the attacks of thesetwogroups of people.
经过这两帮人的攻击之后。NowfrontDjinnaffirmationis the injuredcondition.
轰!When the attack of starshits, the Djinnwas shakendirectlydraws back: „It seems likemysuspicionright, hasfeelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedin additionto hold, yourunexpectedly can also easilybe repelledbyme, in other words, youwoundshouldbeveryseriousnow, sincethis, Ieasilywill not naturally let offyou!!”
接下来。Was the show of stars.
The Djinnoriginallyon the severely woundedbody, by the flaws that the starshit, finallyevenalmostDjinnkilling.
巨灵原本就重伤的身体,被星辰打的千疮百孔,最后甚至差点将巨灵给打死过去。Ifwere not the starskeeps the hand, althoughthatDjinncould not die, but must delaminate the skinabsolutely!!
如果不是星辰留手了,那巨灵虽然死不了,但也绝对要脱层皮了!!„Ido not killyou, butyourememberedtome, laterdo not makemeseeyouagain, otherwiseIwill certainly revengeformy brothers!!!” The starssaid an aggressive statement, laterputs the opposite partyto leave.
It is not hereallywantsto let off the opposite party, butishehas not killed the goodway of opposite party.
不是他真的想要放过对方,而是他没有杀死对方的好办法。Therefore can only acceptsilently.
所以只能默默的接受了。Looksform that the starsgo far away.
The Djinnwas almost irritated.
His whole lifebythisvexation, presenthe, has not beenhalfdyingperson, ifhedoes not work, does not have long knownmanytimes.
他这辈子就没受过这种窝囊气啊,现在的他,已经是半个垂死之人了,如果他不是灵的话,早就不知道死了多少次了。„Youare waitingtome, Ido not feel better, anyone of youdo not wantto feel better, whenIrestored, Icanwalk, Iwill makeyoupay the price!!” The Djinnsaid, flies awaydirectly, hewantsto find a safeplaceto rest.
呼!„Heregood, isplace that suitsrestores!!!” The Djinnlookedin the surroundings, hereenvironment is really advantageous, inthisplacerestoration, be less than onquickonetimeoutside.
“这里不错,是一个适合恢复的地方!!!”巨灵在周围看了一圈,这里的环境还真的是得天独厚啊,在这种地方恢复,要比外面最少快上一倍。„Mister, hereis the place of mycultivation.” The soundconveysfrominsidetogether.
“先生,这里是我的修炼之地。”一道声音从里面传来。„Whichscallion are you?” The Djinnhearsalsosomepeopleto speak, heis the air/Qidoes not hitone.
“你又是哪根葱?”巨灵听到又有人说话,他也是气不打一处来。„OutsideIshouldarrangeFormation, rushesrashly, shouldbevery not polite!!” The no wordwalkedfrominside.
“外面我应该已经布置阵法了,贸然闯进来,应该是很不礼貌的吧!!”无音从里面走了出来。„Ioccupied, fellow who howyoucan, not arrive atspirit, unexpectedlyalsodares is so wildwithme!!!”AlthoughDjinnbeforehandseveraltimeshitis very miserable, buthe believes that so long as use the spiritpressureslightly, canmake the opposite partynot gasp for breath.
“我就占了,你又能如何,一个连灵都不到的家伙,居然还敢跟我这么猖狂!!!”巨灵虽然之前几次被打的很惨,但他认为,只要自己稍微动用一下灵的威压,就可以让对方喘不过气来了。When the time comes, the opposite partywill definitely kneelon the groundbegs for mercy.
随后。Hereleasedoneselfpressuredirectly: „Kneels downtome!!!”
( This chapterends)
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