AS :: Volume #119

#11858: Stray cur

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Chapter 11861 stray cur 第11861章丧家之犬 Un? 嗯? A Djinn brow wrinkle. 巨灵眉头一皱。 Was bamboo fence Pingyang bullied by the dog? 虎落平阳被犬欺吗? But oneself Djinn, although oneself present is injured, moreover consumes very big condition, but is not who said that kills itself to kill? 自己可是巨灵啊,虽然自己现在是受伤,而且消耗非常大的状况,但也不是谁说杀自己就可以杀的吧? Suddenly. 一时间。 The anger of Djinn also erupted thoroughly. 巨灵的怒火也是彻底的爆发了。 Dissolute, my solemn spirit, can you insult can it be that?” Djinn angry shouting. “放肆,我堂堂一个灵,岂是你们可以侮辱的?”巨灵愤怒的喊道。 Afterward he strokes directly. 随后他直接一击打出。 The front seven color sables will run away in fear intentionally. 故意将前面的七彩貂吓跑。 He naturally understands. 他自然明白。 The person who just spoke definitely waited to be very long here, seven color sables were astute, even if the spirit wanted to hold is still very difficult, sometimes wanted to hold seven color sables, needs to squat for over a hundred years. 刚刚说话的人肯定是在这里等了很久了,七彩貂精明无比,就算是灵想要抓住也很困难,有时候想要抓住七彩貂,需要蹲守上百年。 However. 不过。 This is not others provokes his reason. 这也不是别人挑衅他的理由。 Your courting death!!!” The person's shadow killed from behind together. “你找死!!!”一道人影从后面杀了上来。 At the beginning. 刚开始的时候。 The Djinn has not cared, because in his opinion, what strength here human can have, is one crowd of mob, although he just lost to a human, but that is because the opposite party has universe machine armor, other human absolutely do not have. 巨灵并没有在意,因为在他看来,这里的人类能有什么样的实力,都是一群乌合之众而已,虽然他刚刚败给了一个人类,但那是因为对方有宇宙机甲,其他的人类绝对没有吧。 But when the enemy kills. 可就在敌人杀过来的时候。 He suddenly discovered. 他突然发现。 unexpectedly of opposite party also has the aura of human. 对方的身上居然也有人类的气息。 What?” The Djinn first mobilizes own strength. “什么?”巨灵第一时间调动自己的力量。 Bang! 轰! Two people attacks hit in the same place, evenly matched, but he had the wound, these is to also let him injures on adds the wound. 两人的攻击打在一起,势均力敌,不过他原本身上就有伤,这一下也是让他伤上加伤啊。 What's the matter, the divine land is not the spirit of human was just selected by the immortal sovereign list? I have looked at the image of that person, absolutely possibly is not front this person!!!” The Djinn now is a little ignorant. “怎么回事,神州不是只有一个刚刚被仙道皇榜选中的人类之灵吗?我看过那个人的影像,绝对不可能是面前这个人!!!”巨灵现在有点懵。 In the person eyes of three island ten states. 在三岛十州的人眼中。 The divine land is a seal backward mainland. 神州就是一个封闭落后的大陆。 Here person should be very weak, is good to bully is right. 这里的人应该都是非常弱,非常好欺负的才对。 But this coming, he not only bumped into human that has universe machine armor, bumps into spirit of the human now. 可这次过来,他不但碰到了拥有宇宙机甲的人类,现在还碰到了一个人类之灵。 This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事? When did the divine land become goes against heaven's will? 神州什么时候变得这么逆天了? Your this spirit, not much Ah!!!” Saying that the corrupt wolf disdains. “你这个灵,也不怎么样啊!!!”贪狼非常不屑的说道。 bo! 啵! Meanwhile. 与此同时。 His presented two ray of light glow. 他脚下出现了两道光芒。 Ancient times Formation. 正是远古阵法 One is to attack the addition. 一个是攻击加成。 One is to defend the addition. 一个是防御加成。 What? Ancient times Formation?” Djinn thorough ignorant compelled, met ancient times Formation, in the entire three island ten states, should also only then such 1-2 talents were right, moreover was called Master same existence, but now looked down upon divine land unexpectedly also had to meet ancient times Formation Formation Master, this made his thorough was scared. “什么?远古阵法?”巨灵彻底的懵逼了,会远古阵法的,在整个三岛十州,应该也就只有那么1-2人才对,而且都是被称之为大师一样的存在,可现在最被人看不起的神州居然也有会远古阵法阵法师,这就让他彻底的傻眼了。 However has not waited for him to have many ponders. 不过还没等他有过多的思考。 The corrupt wolf has killed. 贪狼就已经杀了上来。 Attacks swiftly and violently incomparable. 攻击迅猛无比。 ! 噗! His body was ripped open the huge opening directly: Fights with me, but also dares to be distracted, is really courting death!!” 他的身体直接被撕开了巨大的口子:“跟我交手,还敢走神,真是找死!!” At this moment. 这一刻。 The Djinn suddenly had a dangerous feeling. 巨灵突然有了一种危险的感觉。 Although before the person battle efficiency of that wear universe machine armor, but that person cannot utilize universe machine armor probably perfectly, the understanding and sensibility to the spirit is not many, therefore attacks his time is also very blind, will give his a lot of opportunity. 虽然之前那个穿着宇宙机甲的人战斗力更强一些,但那个人好像并不能完美的运用宇宙机甲,对灵的了解和感悟也不是很多,所以攻击他的时候也是非常盲目,会给他很多的机会。 But now front this person. 可现在面前这个人。 Suddenly gave him a feeling of death. 突然给了他一种死亡的感觉。 As if the opposite party can cut to kill momentarily to be the same him. 就仿佛对方随时可以将他斩杀一样。 ! 噗! The blood spouts from his mouth: What, can you find on me the node of strength of spirit?” 鲜血从他的口中喷出:“什么,你能找到我身上灵之力的节点?” Thinks of here. 一想到这里。 The Djinn quickly mobilized the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served strength, packages own whole body. 巨灵急忙发动了风树的力量,将自己的全身包裹起来。 No wonder you dare is so wild, originally is the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served protector, normal, you were also top Expert, what pitifully was, your time bumped into me!!!” The corrupt wolf absolutely does not have the slight politeness, killed instantaneously, attacks swiftly and violently incomparable. “难怪你敢这么猖狂,原来是风树的守护者啊,正常来说,你也算是顶尖高手了,不过可惜的是,你这次碰到了我!!!”贪狼根本就没有丝毫的客气,瞬间杀了上去,攻击迅猛无比。 Each attack makes, as if must tear into shreds thoroughly general the body of opposite party. 每一次的攻击打出,都仿佛是要将对方的身体彻底撕碎一般。 Had ancient times the Formation in addition to hold, his present complete force is also incomparable going against heaven's will. 有远古阵法的加持,他现在的整体战斗力也是无比的逆天。 Hateful, if were not before has a person to put on universe machine armor to injure me, depended on you, possibly was not my opponent.” The Djinn is now unwilling. “可恶,如果不是之前有个人穿着宇宙机甲打伤了我的话,就凭你,不可能是我的对手。”巨灵现在也是非常不甘心。 He thinks. 他认为。 If oneself are under the most flourishing condition, absolutely not possible by retreating in defeat again and again that the opposite party hits. 自己如果是全盛的状态下,绝对不可能被对方打的节节败退。 Then, I cannot let off you, do not think that has the tree to support, I took you not to have the means.” The corrupt wolf is not the ordinary spirit, his method, his experience, that is stronger than anybody, although he cannot achieve Xia Tian that type to cut to kill the spirit, but he copes with some the spirit methods. “这么说来,那我就更不能放过你了,别以为有树撑腰,我就拿你没办法了。”贪狼可不是普通的灵,他的手段,他的见识,那都是比任何人都强的,他虽然做不到夏天那种斩杀灵,但他对付灵还是有一些手段的。 Moreover he acts now also not had scruples. 而且他现在出手也更加的毫无顾忌了。 Because this Djinn also said. 因为刚刚这个巨灵自己也说了。 The person who he was put on universe machine armor injures. 他是被穿着宇宙机甲的人打伤的。 Present divine land. 现在的神州。 Only has universe machine armor, is in ten three embodiments of Buddha. 只有一件宇宙机甲,就是十三身上的。 So long as front spirit does not have the friendship with Xia Tian, he does not need to be polite. 只要面前的灵和夏天没交情,那他就不需要客气了。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Djinn hit being a mass of cuts and bruises. 巨灵被打的体无完肤。 A powerful incomparable spirit, unexpectedly made into this appearance, how he can not be angry. 一个强大无比的灵,居然被人打成这个样子,他如何能够不生气。 But the following situation is, he more revolts, hit is also more miserable. 可接下来的情况就是,他越反抗,被打的也就越惨。 You are waiting to me, I will not let off absolutely your!!!” Djinn angry shouting. “你们给我等着,我绝对不会放过你们的!!!”巨灵愤怒的喊道。 ! 切! I also think that fiercely, this ran Ah!!” Saying that a corrupt wolf face despises. “我还以为多厉害呢,这就跑了啊!!”贪狼一脸鄙夷的说道。 After escaping that the Djinn is scarred, the nightmare is also reminds: Now is really the wind and cloud look changes, the divine land as if presented many external Expert.” 在巨灵伤痕累累的逃掉之后,梦魇也是提醒道:“现在真的是风云色变啊,神州似乎出现了很多外来的高手。” Yes, the present divine land, is more and more is not really simple, it seems like we must step out, god machine that side movement is also getting more and more obvious, that left our time is also less.” The corrupt wolf nods. “是啊,现在的神州,真的是越来越不简单,看来我们要加快脚步,神机那边的动作也越来越明显,那留给我们的时间也更少了。”贪狼点了点头。 These spirits, but also really difficult to deal with, if we had Xia Tian that skill to be good, can kill him directly, so as to avoid he later restored to come back to look for trouble again!!!” After nightmare that spirit that was worried about just to escape will come back. “这些灵,还真的难对付啊,如果我们有夏天那个本事就好了,可以直接杀了他,免得他以后恢复好了再回来找麻烦!!!”梦魇担心刚刚逃掉的那个灵以后会回来。 We are not Xia Tian, without so many fetters, he asks us to trouble, next time perhaps we are stronger, he who when the time comes hits is more miserable!!” The corrupt wolf thinks that he is he has no soft rib compared with the Xia Tian best place. “我们又不是夏天,没有那么多羁绊,他来找我们麻烦,下一次说不定我们已经更强了,到时候打的他更惨!!”贪狼认为他比夏天最牛的地方就是他没有任何软肋。 The Xia Tian brothers were too many. 夏天的兄弟们太多了。 Therefore he to others make a move, either knits the clothing/taking, either kills. 所以他对别人出手的时候,要么就是打服,要么就是打死。 Said also right, we also do not have the soft rib!!!” The nightmare smiles. “说的也对,我们又没有软肋!!!”梦魇一笑。 Them is very happy. 他们这边很开心。 The Djinn of escaping may be depressed. 逃跑的巨灵可就郁闷了。 Before he arrives at the divine land, is smug, but now, he actually makes into this appearance, is scarred from top to bottom, hit runs everywhere. 他来到神州之前,一直是踌躇满志,可现在,他却被人打成了这个样子,浑身上下伤痕累累,被打的到处跑。 Just liking stray cur is ordinary. 犹如丧家之犬一般。 Happen, here some human, that takes them to vent anger!!!” The Djinn sees a person of team, killed instantaneously. “正好,这里有些人类,那就拿他们出气吧!!!”巨灵看到一个队伍的人,也是瞬间杀了上去。 The person response of that team is also quick, first set up formation. 那个队伍的人反应也很快,第一时间布阵。 May still insufficiently look in the spirit front. 可在灵的面前依然不够看。 The quick 72 people were cut to kill by the Djinn. 很快七十二个人就被巨灵斩杀。 Finally was happy a point!!” Djinn satisfied nod. “心情终于好一点了!!”巨灵满意的点了点头。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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