AS :: Volume #119

#11857: The Djinn escapes

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Chapter 11860 Djinn escapes 第11860章巨灵逃 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Two people fists collide in together, without death in imagination, and has 13 stand there one moved, was the body of Djinn is raised to fly on the contrary. 两人拳头碰撞在一起的时候,没有想象中的死亡,而且十三站在那里一动没动,反倒是巨灵的身体被掀飞了出去。 bo! 啵! The strong impulse periphery all will destroy completely. 强大的冲击力将周围的一切全部毁灭。 What?” On the face of spirit of immortal monster is completely inconceivable. “什么?”仙妖之灵的脸上尽是不可思议。 Just he also thinks that 13 and hundred Sichuan died, unexpectedly that but she sees now was 13 strikes to fly the Djinn. 刚刚他还以为十三和百川死定了,可现在她看到的居然是十三将巨灵击飞。 How possibly?” The Djinn is also inconceivable of face. “怎么可能?”巨灵也是一脸的不可思议。 His unexpectedly is struck to fly by the person who does not arrive at spirit, what matter is this? 居然被一个连灵都不到的人击飞,这算是什么事? Definitely is unable to imagine. 完全无法想象啊。 On your such fellow, with saying killed Xia Tian? If you meet Xia Tian, even root hair of Xia Tian cannot bump into!!!” 41 faces the color of disdaining. “就你这样的家伙,也配说杀夏天?你如果遇到夏天的话,连夏天的一根毛都碰不到!!!”十三一脸的不屑之色。 He somewhat looks down upon front Djinn now obviously. 他现在显然是有些看不起面前的巨灵的。 Looks at the vision of this taunt. 看着这种嘲讽的目光。 The Djinn felt that own self-respect received the serious injury, he has not thought, oneself unexpectedly was looked down upon by a human. 巨灵感觉自己的自尊心受到了严重的伤害,他没想到,自己居然被一个人类看不起了。 Person who does not arrive at spirit. 还是一个连灵都不到的人。 I must kill you!!” Around the body of Djinn starts to present the gale, these gale are sharper than any dagger, the surrounding rock in that moment of touching, was crushed to vanish directly. “我要杀了你!!”巨灵的身体周围开始出现强风,这些强风比任何的匕首都要锋利,周围的山石在触碰的那一刻,直接被粉碎消失。 Now he really loses one's temper. 现在他是真的动怒了。 Now he must destroy front human. 现在他必须毁灭面前的人类。 Let front these fellows know own fierce. 让面前的这几个家伙知道自己的厉害。 Incompetent craziness howls!!” 13 bodies move, universe machine armor started to wrap his whole body. “无能的狂啸罢了!!”十三的身体一动,宇宙机甲开始包裹了他的全身。 In this moment. 在这一刻。 He mobilized the complete strength of universe machine armor. 他发动了宇宙机甲的全部力量。 This the spirit of immortal monster also stares at this time, he had heard from the inheritance memory existence that has universe machine armor, but that is the legend, although three island ten states have the high-tech development, but is unable to study universe machine armor. “这”仙妖之灵此时也是一愣,他从传承记忆里面听说过有宇宙机甲的存在,不过那都是传说,三岛十州虽然也有高科技发展的,但根本就无法研究出宇宙机甲吧。 Especially the set of universe machine armor in ten three embodiment of Buddha. 特别是十三身上的这套宇宙机甲。 Looks is very formidable that. 一看就是非常强悍的那种。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Two people attacks collided again in one, this time and was just exactly the same. 两人的攻击再次碰撞在了一起,这次和刚刚一模一样。 The body of Djinn another was struck to fly. 巨灵的身体又一次的被击飞。 The surroundings were also destroyed by the strong impulse. 周围也被强大的冲击力打碎。 The however 13 this times have not been staying same place, but rushes directly, although he does not have the Xia Tian skill and power of observation, but formidable of universe machine armor has, so long as he unceasing launching attacks were OK. 不过十三这次没有在原地停留,而是直接冲了上去,虽然他没有夏天的本事和观察力,但宇宙机甲的强悍度还是有的,他只要不断的发动攻击就可以了。 ! ! 噗!噗! Just fought. 刚刚交手。 Djinn on comprehensive rout, just he wild, now miserable. 巨灵就全面溃败,刚刚他有多猖狂,现在就有多惨。 13 do not give the opportunity that he responded. 十三根本就不给他反应的机会。 Coming up is the attack that the crazy bang explodes randomly. 上去就是狂轰乱炸的攻击。 The body smashing of time and time again Djinn. 将巨灵的身体一次又一次的粉碎。 Is impossible, is absolutely impossible, an ordinary human, how possibly beats me, what only if on you puts on is Advanced universe machine armor, but three island ten states do not have Advanced universe machine armor to be right!!” The Djinn seems to have looked to be clearer, but he is unable to imagine. “不可能,绝对不可能,一个普通的人类,怎么可能击败我,除非你身上穿的是高级宇宙机甲,可三岛十州根本就不存在高级宇宙机甲才对!!”巨灵似乎已经看明白一些了,可他还是无法想象。 Because this matter in his cognition. 因为这种事情在他的认知里。 Should not appear in the divine land. 就不应该出现在神州。 Bang! 轰! 13 have not given the time that he rubbish, killed again, moreover this time striking power was more terrifying than before, every fought with the fists, body crushing that the Djinn will meet again. 十三可没有给他废话的时间,再次杀了上去,而且这次的攻击力比之前更加恐怖,每一拳打出,都会将巨灵重聚的身体击碎。 Do not kill me?” 13 held the collar of Djinn: This skill may insufficient Ah!!!” “你不是要杀我吗?”十三抓住了巨灵的衣领:“这点本事可不够啊!!!” bo! 啵! The body of Djinn flashes, evaded 13 chain blows fast, arrived at the sides of hundred Sichuan: Since could not kill you, I first killed your friend!!” 巨灵的身体一闪,快速的躲过了十三的连击,来到了百川的身边:“既然杀不了你,那我就先杀你的朋友!!” He must kill hundred Sichuan. 他要杀了百川。 Let 13 regrets provoke him. 让十三后悔招惹他。 Although he now the strength of temporary change of station is not very strong, but in his opinion, oneself attack has been able to extinguish like this kills a spirit following person. 虽然他现在临时调动的力量并不是很强,但在他看来,自己这样的攻击已经可以灭杀一个灵以下的人了。 dāng! 噹! At this moment. 就在这时。 Hundred Sichuan swords puncture, collided with the attack of opposite party in one. 百川一剑刺出,与对方的攻击碰撞在了一起。 Although is hundred Sichuan is struck to fly finally, but he has not received anything to injure obviously. 虽然最后是百川被击飞,但显然他并没有受到什么伤害。 Meanwhile. 同时。 13 had killed again, strikes down the body of Djinn directly ruthlessly: Depends on your such fellow, with boasted before me? Such despicable matter, our average person cannot do even.” 十三已经再次杀了过来,直接将巨灵的身体狠狠击倒:“就凭你这样的家伙,也配在我面前吹牛?这么卑鄙的事情,就算是我们这里普通人也做不出来。” Too disgraced. 太丢人了。 Solemn spirit. 堂堂一个灵。 Selects can be victorious only others, unexpectedly did matter that sneak attacks the friends. 单挑打不过人家,居然搞起了偷袭人家朋友的事情。 If this matter passes on, that Djinn may really not use in three island ten states mixes. 这种事情如果传出去的话,那巨灵可就真的不用在三岛十州混了。 The winners become kings while the losers become bandits, this is the timeless principle, so long as I am stand final that I am a winner, who will care about the process how?” The Djinn is also finding the excuse to oneself. “成王败寇,这是亘古不变的法则,只要我是站到最后的那一个,那我就是赢家,谁会在乎过程如何?”巨灵也是在给自己找理由。 He believes that so long as can get rid of these people finally, that no one knows that he has made anything. 他认为,只要自己最后可以干掉这些人,那就没有人知道他做过什么。 The winners become kings while the losers become bandits in your mouth by no strength to hit back that I do hit?” 41 faces the color of despising. “你口中的成王败寇就是被我打的毫无还手之力吗?”十三一脸的鄙夷之色。 He really despising to achieve the limit. 他是真的将鄙视做到了极限。 Although he could not find the node of strength of opposite party spirit, is unable to strike to kill the opposite party, the strength that but he can actually the opposite party routs, even spirits, the strength by thorough routing, is still needed to escape the restoration. 虽然他找不到对方灵之力的节点,无法将对方击杀,但他却可以将对方的力量击溃,就算是灵,力量被彻底的击溃,也是需要逃跑恢复的。 He must hit the painful opposite party. 他要打痛对方。 After letting the opposite party, saw him to around walking. 让对方以后见了他都要绕着走。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The Djinn opened several fight patterns continuously, the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served skill also by the incisiveness that he shows, may still unable to block 13 offensive, he also started with the forms of combat of socializing, before he still used this disgraced forms of combat in the spirit of ridicule immortal monster, but he himself also fights now like this. 巨灵连续开了几次战斗模式,风树的本事也被他展现的淋漓尽致,可依然挡不住十三的攻势,他也开始用周旋的战斗方式了,之前他还在嘲笑仙妖之灵采用这种丢人的战斗方式,可现在他自己也这样战斗了。 Mainly is. 主要是。 Even if he fights with the circuitous way, still on the speed of basic universe machine armor, must be hit. 他就算是用迂回的方式战斗,也根本上宇宙机甲的速度,还是要被打。 Solemn spirit, unexpectedly hit fleeing like a scared rat. 堂堂一个灵,居然被人打的抱头鼠窜。 Distressed. 狼狈至极。 Hundred Sichuan, video recording stone record clear?” 13 asked. “百川,录像石录制的清晰吗?”十三问道。 Naturally was clear, a wee bit details right!!!” Hundred Sichuan said. “当然清晰了,一丁点的细节都没错过!!!”百川说道。 „Do you want to do?” The Djinn has not thought, some unexpectedly also people use the video recording stone record fight, this matter his first bumping into. “你们要干什么?”巨灵没想到,居然还有人使用录像石录制战斗,这种事情他还是第一次碰到。 Usually has not met. 平时从来都没有遇到过。 Because is his strength is usually stronger, others do not dare to record, recorded uselessly. 因为平时都是他的实力更强,别人根本就不敢录制,录制了也没用。 But just fought to be recorded, once passed on to trouble. 可刚刚的战斗被录制下来,一旦传出去就麻烦了。 If you are later honest, I ensure this video recording stone cannot pass on, but if later you dare to have a joke backfire, I ensure the people in entire three island ten states will see this video recording stone inside content, I believe, everyone definitely made into to the spirit is interested like this.” The skill that 13 act perversely is the Xia Tian study. “如果你以后老老实实的,我保证这个录像石不会传出去,但如果以后你敢自讨没趣,我保证整个三岛十州的人都会看到这个录像石里面的内容,我相信,大家肯定都对灵被打成这样感兴趣。”十三耍无赖的本事都是和夏天学的。 You dare!!” Djinn angry looks at 13. “你敢!!”巨灵愤怒的看着十三。 What do I have not to dare?” 13 said, also attacks again, does not have a temperament that the Djinn hits. “我有什么不敢的?”十三说完之后也是再次出击,将巨灵打的一点脾气都没有。 ! 唰! Djinn fast retreat, shouts later loudly: You are waiting to me, today's matter does not calculate.” 巨灵快速后退,随后大声喊道:“你们给我等着,今天的事情不算完。” Said, starts to escape directly. 说完之后直接开始逃跑。 After he escaped, the mood just started is also the incomparable depression, but was quick he to discover an advantageous treasure trove . Moreover the inside also wild beasts, were very rare seven colors sables, when he must make a move, the sound that drank greatly appeared: Stop, dares to go bad my matter, I extinguished you!!” 在他逃了之后,心情刚开始也是无比的郁闷,可很快他就发现了一个得天独厚的宝地,而且里面还有一头荒兽,是非常罕见的七色貂,就在他要出手的时候,一道大喝的声音出现:“住手,敢坏我的事,我灭了你!!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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