AS :: Volume #119

#11865: Choice

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Chapter 11868 chooses 第11868章选择 He just broke through. 他刚刚突破。 Received the news of sky, the sky said, his brothers hundred Sichuan suffered the retaliation of hot tree, was seized, he is pursuing now, but the opposite party strength did not seem weak, the method of escaping was also very strong, he has not caught up. 就接到了昊天的消息,昊天说,他的兄弟百川遭受到了火树的报复,被抓走了,他现在正在追击,不过对方实力似乎不弱,逃跑的手段也很强,他还没有追上。 Sky is a spirit, words that even he cannot catch up with, strength perhaps not simple Ah! of opposite party!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “昊天是一个灵,连他都追不上的话,对方的实力恐怕不简单啊!!!”红凤提醒道。 Has the possibility very much is also a spirit.” The strength of Xia Tian to sky has certain understanding. “很有可能也是一个灵啊。”夏天对昊天的实力还是有一定了解的。 The sky is depends on an immortal principle to become the spirit, he in 1 compared with the normal cultivation to become spirit person difference points. 昊天是靠着仙道法则成为灵的,他本身就要比正常修炼成灵的人差上一点。 He cannot catch up is also normal. 他追不上也是正常的。 Or makes 13 go, you just broke through, the body is also not very stable.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) was worried that the Xia Tian present body has not adapted, fight time has what mistake by some chance, that is really easy to have an accident. “要不让十三去吧,你刚刚突破,身体还不是很稳定。”红凤担心夏天现在的身体还不适应,战斗的时候万一出现什么差错,那就真的容易出事。 After all the opponent is the spirit. 毕竟对手是灵。 Rather than ordinary opponent. 而不是普通的对手。 13 present has universe machine armor. 十三现在有宇宙机甲。 His battle efficiency is temporarily invincible existence. 他的战斗力已经是暂时无敌的存在了。 In addition this time 13 should also receive the news. 再加上这次十三应该也接到消息了。 Let 13 go is best. 让十三去是最好的。 Ok, I go to one, 13 can definitely beat the opposite party, but the opposite party grasped hundred Sichuan, words that if hundred Sichuan has an accident, I can also preserve his life at least.” What Xia Tian is worried, the opposite party will act out of desperation, killed hundred Sichuan. “算了,我还是去一趟吧,十三肯定是能够击败对方的,但对方抓了百川,万一百川出事的话,我最起码还能保住他一命。”夏天担心的是,对方会狗急跳墙,杀了百川。 That troubled. 那就麻烦了。 Un! 嗯! Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) also understands that what person Xia Tian is, therefore he also reminded. 红凤也明白夏天是什么样的人,所以他也只是提醒一下而已。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian sets out. 夏天起身。 Boy, your breakthrough, the body and Wang Jue dantian changes was different, before present body not, body that decomposes!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “小子,你这次突破,身体和界王决丹田都变的不一样了,现在的身体并没有之前分解的身体强!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Xia Tian also discovered. 夏天也发现了。 Oneself this time depend on the body that Wang Jue remoulds, does not seem to imagine. 自己这次靠着界王决重塑的身体,似乎并没有想象中的强。 With words that the beforehand body compares, missed much. 和之前的身体比起来的话,还是差了不少啊。 „, Did I really lose?” The Xia Tian corners of the mouth raise slightly. “难道说,我真的赌输了吗?”夏天嘴角微微一扬。 Even lost. 就算是赌输了。 He does not care. 他也不在乎。 He is an adult, each adult needs to pay the corresponding price for the decision that oneself make, the consequence needs to undertake. 他已经是一个成年人了,每一个成年人都需要为自己做出的决定而付出相应的代价,后果是需要自己去承担的。 Therefore he also nothing more to be said. 所以他也没什么好说的。 Moreover he did not feel oneself lost, although present body not beforehand, but his present body also has the present body also to have own advantage. 而且他并不觉得自己输了,虽然现在的身体没有以前的强,可他现在的身体也有现在的身体也有自己的优势。 Which characteristics has specifically, must be able to discover during the fight. 具体有哪些特点,还是要在战斗之中才能发现。 This. 就这样。 Xia Tian according to the direction of sky, starts to pursue. 夏天根据昊天的指引,开始追击。 This. 就这样。 Pursue several times, Xia Tian thought that was not quite right: Sky is what situation, why felt has kept is moving . Moreover the speed and frequency of moving are different!!!” 几次追击下来,夏天觉得不太对了:“昊天是什么情况,为什么感觉一直不停的在移动,而且移动的速度和频率都不一样!!!” Can have the issue?” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) somewhat worried. “会不会有问题?”红凤有些担忧。 This speed is not the correct pursuit frequency, perhaps really has the issue.” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “这个速度并不是正确的追击频率,恐怕真的有问题。”夏天眉头一皱。 He does not think that the sky can harm him. 他并不认为昊天会害他。 He helps Xia Tian be many, even sky spirit is he gives . Moreover the sky also knows his fierce and his manner. 他帮过夏天很多,甚至连昊天这个灵都是他给的,而且昊天也知道他的厉害和他的为人。 Why can have such situation? 可为什么会出现这样的情况呢? Or first waits for 13, he has universe machine armor, even if has what accident/surprise, he is still one takes care.” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “要不先等十三吧,他有宇宙机甲,就算是出现什么意外,他也算是一个照应。”红凤提醒道。 Useless, the opposite party uses the movement and shift of this frequency, I truly can follow, but 13 words, are unable to follow, even if catches up with us, the speed are least still wants on the slow several double-hour, it seems like that the opposite party calculates time Ah!!!” Xia Tian had guessed correctly probably was what situation. “没用的,对方使用这种频率的移动和转移,我确实是可以跟上,但十三的话,无法跟上,就算是追上我们这边,速度最少也要慢上几个时辰,看来对方是算好了时间啊!!!”夏天大概已经猜到是什么情况了。 Before he thought had the issue. 之前他只是觉得有问题。 But now he has almost been certain. 但现在他差不多已经可以肯定了。 Certainly has the issue. 一定是有问题。 As for concrete is what issue, he could not have said temporarily. 至于具体是什么问题,他暂时还说不上来。 Only can little looked. 只能一点点的看了。 „Couldn't we have gone?” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) asked. “那我们还去不去?”红凤问道。 Naturally must go, hundred Sichuan in their hands, I do not go am not possible, I have the divine land elf, even if the opposite party wants to plan me, is not that easy matter!!!” Xia Tian is a very cautious person. “当然要去了,百川在他们手里,我不去是不可能的,我有神州精灵在,就算是对方想要算计我,也不是那么容易的事情!!!”夏天可是一个非常谨慎的人。 If trades to do is others. 如果换做是别人的话。 Has the strength of divine land elf, definitely does not pay attention to anybody. 有神州精灵的力量在,肯定是不将任何人放在眼里。 Does not pay attention to anything. 不将任何事情放在眼里。 Good, I will pay attention to all as far as possible!!!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “好吧,那我尽量会注意一切!!!”红凤说道。 Careful No problem, but does not use that anxiously, this boy is not planned dead easily, do not forget, on him also has to the emperor!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “小心没问题,但不用那么紧张,这小子可不是那么容易被人算计死的,你们别忘了,他身上还有冲帝呢!!”仙玄武提醒道。 I do not like handing over in others hand my life, although the small insect is the insect emperor, but he is not my subordinate, does not listen to my order, he was happy time makes a move to rescue my No problem, he not happy time, looked that I die am also very normal!!!” Xia Tian never goes to extravagant demands anything. “我不喜欢把自己的命交到别人手中,虽然小虫子是虫帝,但他并不是我的手下,也不听我的命令,他高兴的时候出手救我没问题,他不高兴的时候,看我死也很正常!!!”夏天从不去奢求什么。 Therefore he will not have what disappointment. 所以他也不会有什么失望。 He has thought. 他一直认为。 The small insect helps him is the friendship, does not help is the duty. 小虫子帮他是情份,不帮是本份。 Therefore. 所以。 He likes the destiny control in oneself hand. 他还是喜欢将命运掌控在自己的手中。 Pursuit! 追击! Xia Tian continues the downward pursuit. 夏天继续向下追击。 Until after 1 st . 直到一日后。 He stopped, because his front is one transmission, coming out that can look, this is one big transmission, but the sky gives his direction finally is here, in other words, he must enter this big transmission. 他才停了下来,因为他的面前是一座传送阵,可以看的出来,这是一座大的传送阵,但昊天最后给他的指引就是这里,也就是说,他必须进入这个大传送阵。 This was turned into open intrigue Ah! from the plot!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) says with emotion. “这是从阴谋变成了阳谋啊!!”红凤感慨道。 Right. 没错。 The opposite party this clarified was telling Xia Tian: Front is a trap. 对方这摆明了就是在告诉夏天:前面就是陷阱。 But you must go. 但你还必须进去。 Moreover you have not chosen, did not have the time to look for the helper, went late, we killed hundred Sichuan. 而且你没有选择,也没有时间去找帮手了,去晚了,我们杀了百川。 This big transmission definitely transmits outside the place to divine land, it seems like they are know that you are the protector of divine land elf, will therefore cope with you with this means that they believe that so long as you left the divine land, killing you were easy as pie!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “这个大传送阵肯定是传送到神州以外的地方的,看来他们是知道你是神州精灵的守护者,所以才会用这种办法对付你,他们认为,只要你离开了神州,杀你就易如反掌了!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 These I can understand, but I am not clear, why the sky will handle this matter!!” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “这些我都能理解,可我不明白的是,昊天为什么会做这种事情!!”夏天眉头一皱。 He trusts Xia Tian. 他还是非常信任夏天的。 „Everyone had own heart demon, the sky worked as the so many years divine land's first people, now your gives free residence a he spirit position, in his heart the having a mind demon is not strange!!!” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “每个人都有属于自己的心魔,昊天当了这么多年的神州第一人,现在你施舍给他一个灵的位置,他的心中有心魔也不奇怪!!!”仙玄武说道。 But I am not thinks, I have not thought wants gives free residence his anything.” Xia Tian said. “可我并不是这么想的啊,我从没想过要施舍给他什么。”夏天说道。 How you want to be your matter, how he wants to be his matter . Moreover the hot tree is so astute, if he wants to plan you, certainly must first plan the sky, in addition you killed a feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served protector, these people join up to cope with you is not strange.” Immortal Black Tortoise said. “你怎么想是你的事情,他怎么想是他的事情,而且火树那么精明,他如果想要算计你,肯定是要先算计昊天的,再加上你又杀了一个风树的守护者,这些人联合起来对付你也不奇怪。”仙玄武说道。 In other words, after I pass, must face is not a spirit!!” Xia Tian said. “也就是说,我过去之后,要面对的可不是一个灵!!”夏天说道。 Right, you passed, if can use the divine land elf the strength, you will certainly not lose, but once leaves the divine land, you can transfer the divine land elf the strength less than 1/10, even less than 1%, then on the danger, you same must make to choose now, goes not to go!!!” “对,你过去了,如果可以使用神州精灵的力量,那你一定不会输,可一旦离开神州,你能够调动神州精灵的力量会不到十分之一,甚至不到百分之一,那就危险了,现在你一样是要做出选择了,去还是不去!!!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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