AS :: Volume #106

#10507: Day frost palace main eruption

Useless! 没用! The attack that the people hit is also counter-balanced by the day frost palace main world strength directly. 众人打过来的攻击也是直接被天霜殿主的世界力量所抵消。 Cannot bring any harm to the day frost palace lord!! 没能给天霜殿主带来任何的伤害!! Draws back!” Xia Tian shouts loudly. “退!”夏天大声喊道。 Afterward. 随后。 Everyone starts crazy retreat. 所有人开始疯狂的后退 Useless, my world can move, even if you moved my world, I can still again the evolution world, no matter how you moved, will fall to my world.” The day frost palace main shouts loudly. “没用的,我的世界是可以移动的,就算是你们移动出了我的世界,我也可以再次将世界的位置变换,不管你们怎么动,都会落到我的世界之中。”天霜殿主大声喊道。 Here. 在这里。 He is invincible existence. 他就是无敌的存在。 Not the opponent of revering rank. 没有尊者级别的对手。 His world strength can crush all. 他的世界力量就是可以粉碎一切。 No matter the attacks of surroundings these people are how formidable, is useless. 不管周围这些人的攻击是多么强悍的,都没用。 Although Xia Tian beforehand performance unusual formidable, not as he expected, but he believes, Xia Tian definitely used some method, he also knows that Xia Tian this person background is big, the status is mystical. 虽然夏天之前的表现非常的强悍,出乎他的意料,但他认为,夏天肯定是使用了某种手段,他也知道夏天这个人来头不小,身份神秘。 Therefore. 所以。 He must get rid of Xia Tian. 他更是要干掉夏天 Only by doing so. 只有这样。 Can by the never recurring trouble. 才能以绝后患。 Flame! 火焰! In that moment that he rushes. 就在他冲上去的那一刻。 The surroundings innumerable deep fires erupted instantaneously. 周围无数的冥火瞬间爆发了出来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Forever the deep fire without limits will pound like this to the day of frost palace lord. 永无止境的冥火就这样砸向了天霜殿主。 Originally, you choose here, is to use here deep fire to consume me.” The day frost palace main has understood that Xia Tian they chose here goal. “原来,你们选择这里,就是要利用这里的冥火来消耗我啊。”天霜殿主已经明白夏天他们选择这里的目的了。 They are want to occupy here place to benefit the environment. 他们是想要占据这里的地利环境。 Bang! 轰! Racket that both hands of Xia Tian make an effort above ground. 夏天的双手用力的拍在了地面之上。 The principle of day. 日之法则。 Flame! 火焰! Under ground. 地面之下。 The innumerable flame shoot up to the sky. 无数的火焰冲天而起。 Like this pounded to the day of frost palace lord. 就这样砸向了天霜殿主。 Does not let the possibility that the day of frost palace lord has to pursue. 不让天霜殿主有追过来的可能。 On dark sparks/Mars, most does not lack is the deep fire, the deep fire has the function of corrosion principle, although your world is reliable, but the world still has the weakness even, if has been corroded by the deep fire, your world will also crash, I use the deep fire to attack the edge in your world, if you want to make your world cover us, that will suffer the endless attack of deep fire, thorough smashing.” Xia Tian said directly. “暗火星上,最不缺少的就是冥火,冥火有腐蚀法则的作用,虽然你的世界非常牢固,但就算是世界也有弱点,如果一直遭受冥火腐蚀的话,你的世界也会崩塌,我用冥火一直攻击你世界的边缘,如果你想让你的世界重新笼罩我们,那就会遭受到冥火的无尽攻击,彻底粉碎。”夏天直接说道。 Facing day frost palace main such enemy. 面对天霜殿主这样的敌人。 How he has not possibly selected to prepare. 他怎么可能没有点准备呢。 If this preparation if no, he were even doomed dead here. 如果连这点准备都没有的话,那他就注定会死在这里了。 This is also he arrives at the goal of this dark sparks/Mars. 这也是他来到这颗暗火星的目的。 Good, the preparation is really sufficient.” Day frost palace main appreciation looks at Xia Tian. “不错,准备还真充分呢。”天霜殿主赞赏的看着夏天 He has to acknowledge. 他不得不承认。 Xia Tian is really not good to cope. 夏天还真的没那么好对付。 He has believed before, oneself can strike to kill here all people with ease, but now, Xia Tian unexpectedly resists him to attack continuously twice, including he one big move. 他之前一直认为,自己轻轻松松就可以击杀这里所有的人,可现在,夏天居然连续抵挡了他两次攻击,包括他其中一场的大招。 Day frost palace lord, your may be unable to kill us.” Arched eagle provocation looks at the day of frost palace lord. “天霜殿主,你这样可杀不了我们啊。”穹鹰挑衅的看着天霜殿主。 Bang! 轰! The soft whip in day frost palace main hand hit on this directly to the front: Gives me to break!!” 天霜殿主手中的软鞭就这样直接打向了前方:“给我破!!” Destruction! 毁灭! The tremendous destruction strength the front deep fire attack will stroke a channel directly. 巨大的毁灭力量直接将前面的冥火攻击打出了一条通道。 ! 唰! The day frost palace main also killed the front of arched eagle instantaneously: „Can I kill you now?” 天霜殿主也是瞬间杀到了穹鹰的面前:“我现在能不能杀了你?” But he day frost palace lord. 他可是天霜殿主啊。 Any person can provoke him. 什么人可以挑衅他。 Explode! 爆! At this moment. 就在这时。 The air explodes instantaneously. 空气瞬间爆炸开来。 Air gun king leaf!!” The day frost palace lord stood firm own body, in the hand the whip also pulled out directly to king leaf. “空气炮王叶!!”天霜殿主稳住了自己的身体,手中鞭子也是直接抽向了王叶。 Although present king leaf brings the mask. 虽然现在的王叶是带着面具的。 But the day frost palace main is not ordinary Expert. 但天霜殿主可不是普通的高手 His experience is also very fearful. 他的见识也是非常可怕的。 king leaf just acted, he saw king leaf the status. 王叶刚刚一出手,他就看出了王叶的身份。 The soft whip must select king leaf shortly. 眼看着软鞭就要抽中王叶了。 Slow! 缓慢! king leaf disappeared in instantaneously same place. 王叶瞬间消失在了原地。 Such strong slowness, moreover external personnel who the god protects, should not be old, you were slow king Zhouyu.” The day frost palace main was also the fast analysis the slow king Zhouyu status. “这么强的迟钝,而且还是神卫的外部人员,年龄应该不大,那你就是迟钝王周鱼了。”天霜殿主也是快速的分析出了迟钝王周鱼的身份。 Although these people wear the mask. 这些人虽然都戴着面具。 May before the day frost palace lord, their masks actually turn into the ornaments. 可在天霜殿主面前,他们的面具却变成了摆设。 ! 唰! The day frost palace main arrived at king leaf the side instantaneously. 天霜殿主瞬间来到了王叶的身边。 Slow! 迟钝! Zhou fish also uses oneself skill again. 周鱼也是再次使用自己的本事。 However. 不过。 The soft whip also pulled out from another side on his body. 软鞭也是从另外一边抽在了他的身上。 Bruised and lacerated. 皮开肉绽。 Dies!!” The day frost palace main two attacks also overcome directly. “去死吧!!”天霜殿主的二次攻击也是直接打下。 Time change. 时间变换。 Zhou fish the body transformed several positions instantaneously, escaped the day of frost palace main attack. 周鱼的身体瞬间变换了几次位置,逃过了天霜殿主的攻击。 „The time King, bell soul, I know you.” Day frost palace main to some time King bell soul understanding. “时间王者,钟魂,我知道你。”天霜殿主对时间王者钟魂还是有些了解的。 Many thanks day frost palace main help, without your help, I wants to kill star king Tong really is not easy.” bell soul said directly. “多谢天霜殿主帮忙,如果没有您的帮忙,我想杀星王瞳还真的没那么容易。”钟魂直接说道。 He induced to some people at that time is tracking him. 他当时就感应到有人在跟踪他了。 Behind he knows through Xia Tian. 后面通过夏天他才知道。 That person is the day of frost palace lord. 那个人就是天霜殿主。 Doesn't matter, you must die in any case sooner or later.” The day frost palace main attack is also wants to make again. “没关系,反正你早晚都要死。”天霜殿主的攻击也是想要再次打出。 Light! 光! Meanwhile. 与此同时。 His surroundings were full of the endless ray. 他的周围充满了无尽的光芒。 The ray covered all. 光芒笼罩了一切。 As if must all swallow completely. 仿佛是要将所有的一切全部吞噬。 Immortal of flying spirit light , your unexpectedly all becomes the external personnel who the god protects.” The soft whip in day frost palace main hand pulls out. “光之仙飞灵,没想到,你们居然全都成为了神卫的外部人员。”天霜殿主手中的软鞭一抽。 The surrounding ray crushes completely. 周围的光芒全部粉碎。 Flew the spirit body also to pull out to fly. 飞灵的身体也被抽飞了出去。 Time was just good!!” The voice of arched eagle appears at the same time. “时间刚刚好!!”穹鹰的声音在同一时间出现。 bo! 啵! Meanwhile. 同时。 The endless darkness swallowed the day of frost palace main body. 无尽的黑暗吞噬掉了天霜殿主的身体。 Without arriving at revering Realm, has has almost compared favorably with the world attack of revering . Moreover the dark principle, you should be the child of arched eagle darkness!!” The day frost palace main experience is very fearful. “没到尊者的境界,就已经拥有了几乎媲美尊者的世界攻击,而且还是黑暗法则,你应该是黑暗之子穹鹰吧!!”天霜殿主的见识是非常可怕的。 He just fought with these people. 他刚刚和这些人交手。 Analyzed the status of these people. 就分析出了这些人的身份。 Destruction! 毁灭! The tremendous destruction strength pounded instantaneously to the day of frost palace lord. 巨大的毁灭力量瞬间砸向了天霜殿主。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The soft whip in day frost palace main hand moves, the attack hit of direct and arched eagle in one. 天霜殿主手中的软鞭一动,直接和穹鹰的攻击撞击在了一起。 The day frost palace main body also arrives to fly directly to outside. 天霜殿主也的身体直接向外面到飞出去。 He is borrowing the strength, he wants to return to oneself world, blocks him.” Xia Tian saw through the day of frost palace main thoughts. “他在借力,他想要回到自己的世界之中,拦住他。”夏天看穿了天霜殿主的心思。 Sky mirror! 昊天镜! 13 attacks also hit instantaneously to the day of frost palace lord. 十三的攻击也是瞬间打向了天霜殿主。 The supernatural might, Qu Xi and place uncle three people of attacks are also making. 神武,曲溪和地伯三人的攻击也在同时打出。 Bang! 轰! The strength of endless destruction pounded directly on the day of frost palace main body. 无尽毁灭的力量直接砸在了天霜殿主的身上。 At the same time. 同一时间。 The arched eagle also killed again. 穹鹰也是再一次的杀了上来。 Day cold sword! 天寒剑! Xia Tian seized the time, the day cold sword sneak attacked directly. 夏天看准了时机,天寒剑直接偷袭。 ! 噗! The day cold sword cut above the day of frost palace main arm. 天寒剑切在了天霜殿主手臂之上。 The day frost palace main movement is too quick, avoided vital point. 天霜殿主的动作太快,还是避开了要害 Several other people. 其他的几个人。 Also is killing simultaneously to the day of frost palace lord. 也是在同时杀向了天霜殿主。 One flock of mixed fish rotten shrimp, wants before me dissolute.” The day frost palace main body moves, the body as if turned into dozens in the flash. “一群杂鱼烂虾,也想在我面前放肆。”天霜殿主的身体一动,身体仿佛在一瞬间变成了数十个。 The soft whip in hand pulled out directly to everyone. 手中的软鞭更是直接抽向了每一个人。 All be careful, his attack is the entity!!” Xia Tian shouts. “全都小心,他的攻击都是实体!!”夏天喊道。 The people are also completely retreat. 众人也是全部后退 However air gun king leaf was circles the day of frost palace main behind, wanted to sneak attack. 不过空气炮王叶则是绕到了天霜殿主的身后,想要偷袭。 Comes back!!” Xia Tian shouts again. “回来!!”夏天再次喊道。 But air gun king leaf has not actually paid attention to Xia Tian. 可空气炮王叶却并没有理会夏天 Read the reading website: 都来读阅读网址:
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