AS :: Volume #106

#10508: World big stove

He is not the Xia Tian subordinate, does not need to listen to Xia Tian, such good opportunity, such big neutral gear, he must attack shortly. 他可不是夏天的手下,没必要听夏天的,眼看着这么好的机会,这么大的空档,他不可能不进攻的。 Kill! 杀! When his attack makes. 就在他的攻击打出去的时候。 The form killed his front together instantaneously. 一道身影瞬间杀到了他的面前。 The burning whip pulled out on his body. 火辣辣的鞭子抽在了他的身上。 His half body pulled out directly. 他的半个身子直接被抽开了。 Slow! 迟钝! Zhou fish is also the earliest possible time uses own ability life-saving. 周鱼也是第一时间使用自己的能力救人。 Light! 光! Flying spirit is also similar use own ability blinding. 飞灵也是同样的使用自己的能力致盲。 Time! 时间! Clock soul fast response. 钟魂快速的反应。 Without enough time.” The arched eagle is also a brow wrinkle. “来不及了。”穹鹰也是眉头一皱。 ! 唰! At this moment. 就在这时。 13 appear in the air gun king leaf side. 十三出现在空气炮王叶的身边。 Sky mirror. 昊天镜。 Bang! 轰! He directly uses the sky mirror, the day frost palace main two attacks blocking, in the meantime, his body also flew upside down, when his body to flying, he was also directly king leaf throwing. 他直接使用昊天镜,将天霜殿主的二次攻击给挡住了,同时,他的身体也是倒飞了出去,在他的身体到飞出去的时候,他也是直接将王叶给扔了出去。 bo! 啵! The cold ice appears. 寒冰出现。 Sped up king leaf in the in the air glide speed. 加快了王叶在空中的滑行速度。 Bang! 轰! Cold ice smashing. 寒冰粉碎。 By day frost palace main direct crushing. 被天霜殿主直接击碎。 king leaf also evaded the third time fatal strikes. 王叶也是躲过了第三次的致命一击。 If not 13 and Xia Tian acts, king leaf just must die without doubt. 如果不是十三和夏天出手的话,王叶刚刚必死无疑。 Excuse me!!” Arched eagle apology looked to Xia Tian. “不好意思!!”穹鹰歉意的看向了夏天 He had complied with Xia Tian before, own subordinate will certainly listen to the order to handle affairs, although was just not under him the order, but when this war, they should also share everything. 他之前答应过夏天,自己的手下一定会听命令行事,虽然刚刚不是他下的命令,但在这种大战的时候,他们应该也是不分彼此的。 But king leaf unexpectedly when Xia Tian shouted continuously retreats twice, still to/clashes forward. 可王叶居然还是在夏天连续喊了两次撤退的时候,依然向前冲。 Oneself will fall into the strategic place. 将自己陷入了险地。 Almost dies there. 差点死在那里。 Tread! 踏! The day frost palace main has returned in own world. 天霜殿主已经重新回到了自己的世界之中。 Really is the idiot, oneself courting death, implicates us, we think so many means that hit going all out that to prevent him returns to own world, now is all destroyed by you.” Qu Xi is not a good nature person. “真是蠢货,自己找死,连累我们,我们想了那么多的办法,打的那么卖力,就是为了阻止他回到自己的世界,现在全都被你毁了。”曲溪可不是一个好脾气的人。 They in the fight, were almost just breaknecking. 他们刚刚在战斗的时候,几乎都是在玩命。 She is a fearing death person. 她是一个怕死的人。 This breaknecking, making her very anxious, now some unexpectedly also people of opportunities that wastes her to breakneck to trade. 这种玩命,让她非常紧张,现在居然还有人浪费她玩命换回来的机会。 king leaf cannot say anything now. 王叶现在也说不出来什么。 He just really experienced the life and death. 他刚刚真的经历了生死。 If not Xia Tian and 13 help, he really died, moreover just truly was he impulses, he also knows oneself were not right. 如果不是夏天和十三帮忙,他真的死了,而且刚刚确实是他冲动,他也知道自己不对。 Has not responded. 就没有回应。 The hurried clothing/taking restored the compounded drug. 急忙的服下了恢复丹药。 Scoff! 嗤! The deep fire was ripped open an opening. 冥火被撕开了一条口子。 Day frost palace main this walked step by step. 天霜殿主就这样一步一步的走了过来。 His world also follows coming step by step. 他的世界也跟着一步一步的过来。 His world is big. 他的世界非常大。 If covers Xia Tian again they, he will be they will not flee the opportunity in oneself world to Xia Tian absolutely. 如果再次笼罩夏天他们,那他是绝对不会给夏天他们逃离自己世界的机会。 Once Xia Tian and the others enter to his world in completely. 一旦夏天等人完全进入到他的世界之中。 That Xia Tian they, no matter some big skills. 夏天他们不管有多大的本事。 Lost. 都输定了。 Dark!! 黑暗!! The arched eagle is to use own skill to resist the day of frost palace main world obviously. 穹鹰显然是想要用自己的本事来对抗天霜殿主的世界。 You not awfully?” Xia Tian vision one horizontal. “你不要命了?”夏天的目光一横。 Hears the Xia Tian words, the arched eagle took back own attack. 听到夏天的话,穹鹰收回了自己的攻击。 „Didn't this have the means? Aren't you known as below one group of revering invincible people? I also think, after you chose here, can seethe, now looks like, you are also mediocre.” In the day frost palace main vision all disdains. “这就没办法了?你们不是号称一群尊者以下无敌的人吗?我还以为,你们选择了这里之后,可以多翻腾一下,现在看来,你们也不过如此啊。”天霜殿主的目光之中全都是不屑。 Tread! 踏! Arched eagle again stand forth: My arched eagle, the gentleman may kill, not shame!!” 穹鹰再次向前走去:“我穹鹰,士可杀,不可辱!!” That several external personnel who the gods protect, although is the following arched eagle has mixed, but they do not know the true status of arched eagle. 神卫的那几个外部人员,虽然一直都是跟着穹鹰混的,但他们都不知道穹鹰的真正身份。 They were also just know from day frost palace main there. 他们也都是刚刚才从天霜殿主那里知道。 Now. 现在。 The arched eagle also does not have any to hide the identity. 穹鹰也没有什么隐瞒自己身份的了。 He is the candidate personnel who the god protects. 他可是神卫的候选人员。 Worthily is the candidate personnel who the god protects, has such spirit, it seems like that the god protects has not really elected the wrong person, but is fights a hopeless battle eventually.” The day frost palace main was also covered own world directly. “不愧是神卫的候选人员,有这样的志气,看来神卫还真的没选错人,不过终究是以卵击石罢了。”天霜殿主也是直接将自己的世界笼罩了过去。 Bang! 轰! At this moment. 就在这时。 Ground large explosion. 地面大爆炸。 Is now!!” Xia Tian shouts loudly. “就是现在!!”夏天大声喊道。 Sky mirror! 昊天镜! 13 sky mirrors also make instantaneously. 十三的昊天镜也是瞬间打出。 However. 不过。 His goal is not the day of frost palace lord, but is around day of frost palace main that world all, all within surrounding area tens of millions li (0.5 km), are his place of attack. 他的目标并不是天霜殿主,而是天霜殿主那个世界周围的一切,方圆数千万里之内的一切,都是他的攻击之地。 Em? 恩? A day frost palace main brow wrinkle, he also looked to the surroundings. 天霜殿主的眉头一皱,他也是看向了周围。 Fiery pit!!” “火坑!!” Right, is the fiery pit, now discovers, was little too late.” Pounding that both hands of Xia Tian make an effort above ground. “没错,就是火坑,现在才发现,就有点晚了。”夏天的双手用力的砸在地面之上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The ground caves in directly. 地面直接塌陷下去。 Under destruction ground. 毁灭的地面下面。 Is the endless deep hot endocrater. 就是无尽的冥火巨坑。 Bang! 轰! Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In sky. 天空之中。 Dropped the innumerable class/flow spark rain. 落下了无数的流星火雨。 This is the flame eruption!!” Saying of day frost palace lord coldly. “这是火焰喷发!!”天霜殿主冷冷的说道。 Endless flame from the surrounding surrounding volcanic eruption. 无尽的火焰从周围的周围的火山喷发出来。 Is the deep fires. 都是冥火。 That these deep fires as if were attracted, all falls on this fiery pit above. 这些冥火就仿佛是被吸引过来的一样,全都落在这个火坑的上面。 This is Xia Tian chooses here goal. 这就是夏天选择这里的目的。 He is clear. 他非常清楚。 They are impossible to defeat the day of frost palace main, therefore he must depend upon the strength of the world, depends upon the strength of this dark sparks/Mars. 他们这些人是不可能战胜天霜殿主的,所以他必须依靠天地的力量,依靠这颗暗火星的力量。 Worthily is the day of frost palace lord, is experienced, to cope with your world, I use the fiery pit to be the bottom, the flame eruption is a lid, forms a world stove, then, I must make you have a look at my Refining Technique.” After the Xia Tian sound falls . “不愧是天霜殿主,就是见多识广啊,为了对付你的世界,我用火坑为底,火焰喷发为盖,形成一个天地火炉,接下来,我就要让你看看我的炼器术了。”夏天的声音落下之后。 The strength of endless world falls directly. 无尽的天地之力直接落下。 Supreme Refining Technique! 超级炼器术 He very long has not used Supreme Refining Technique. 他已经很久没有使用过超级炼器术了。 Now. 现在。 He is to use Supreme Refining Technique to cope with the day of frost palace main world. 他就是想要使用超级炼器术来对付天霜殿主的世界。 Good, really good.” The day frost palace lord said: Refining up my world with the world stove, this means I also really am first seeing, was really the too long world, but, your was also only the theory, wanted to refine my world truly, perhaps you were unqualified, your strength was not enough to control such huge world stove!!” “不错,真的不错啊。”天霜殿主称赞道:“用天地火炉来炼化我的世界,这种办法我还真的是第一次看到,真的是太长世面了,不过,你这也只是理论吧,想要真正炼化我的世界,恐怕你还不够格吧,你的力量根本就不足以驾驭这么庞大的天地火炉!!” Tread! 踏! 13 arrived at the Xia Tian side. 十三来到了夏天的身旁。 The strength injected into Xia Tian within the body. 力量注入到了夏天的体内。 Qu Xi and the others also arrived at the Xia Tian side similarly. 曲溪等人也同样来到了夏天的身边。 Injects Xia Tian within the body the strength directly. 直接将力量注入夏天的体内。 The arched eagle sees such scene. 穹鹰看到这样的场面。 Not hesitant, similarly walked. 没有犹豫,同样走了过来。 Several other people are also 11 walked. 其他的几人也是一一的走了过来。 king leaf also arrived here. 就连王叶也是来到了这里。 They inject the strength to Xia Tian within the body together. 他们一起将力量注入到夏天的体内。 Now, my strength enough?” Xia Tian asked. “现在,我的力量够了吗?”夏天问道。 Bang! 轰! The endless strength poured into the world stove directly. 无尽的力量直接注入到了天地火炉之中。 Soft whip! 软鞭! The day frost palace main also put out own soft whip: So long as killed you, that finished.” 天霜殿主也是拿出了自己的软鞭:“只要杀了你,那就结束了。” He understands. 他明白。 At this time. 这个时候。 Only can attack Xia Tian. 只能攻击夏天了。 The soft whip in his hand also pounded directly to Xia Tian. 他手中的软鞭也是直接砸向了夏天 The strength of destruction appear here moment. 毁灭的力量在这一刻出现。 Famous article! 名器! Destruction. 毁灭。 Dies!!” “去死吧!!” The day frost palace main also seized the opportunity, pounded own attack directly on the body of Xia Tian. 天霜殿主也是抓住了机会,直接将自己的攻击砸在了夏天的身上。 Silk thread! 丝线! In this moment. 在这一刻。 Silk thread appearance. 丝线出现。 Moreover is the black silk thread. 而且是黑色的丝线。
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