AS :: Volume #106

#10506: Xia Tian VS day frost palace lord

This is the self-confidence of Expert. 这就是强者的自信。 The day frost palace lord has the absolute strength, therefore he, even if has known that Xia Tian they must plan him, he does not have slight caring, even also arrived here on own initiative. 天霜殿主拥有绝对的实力,所以他就算是已经知道夏天他们这些人要算计他了,他也没有丝毫的在意,甚至还主动来到这里。 Because. 因为。 He needs such a place. 他需要一个这样的地方。 It seems like, you are also prepared.” Xia Tian says with emotion. “看来,你也有准备啊。”夏天感慨道。 His vision looked to the surroundings. 他的目光看向了周围。 Did not need to look, I had crushed the dark star surrounding space ahead of time, even if now you release the pass on message symbol, cannot fly . Moreover the space and surrounding star that crushed formed the repel, within one day, you wanted to leave the dark star unable to achieve, to me, destroyed completely you with day , was also not the issue, naturally, to delay time, you can also the present start to escape separatedly, perhaps some people can insist day.” Day frost palace main very optional saying. “不用看了,我已经提前粉碎了暗星周围的空间,现在就算是你们释放传讯符,也飞不出去,而且粉碎的空间和周围的星形成了排斥,一天之内,你们想要离开暗星也做不到,对于我来说,用一天的时间灭掉你们,还不是什么问题,当然了,为了拖延时间,你们也可以现在开始分开逃,说不定有人能坚持一天的时间。”天霜殿主非常随意的说道。 This is true Expert. 这才是真正的高手 Among the graces, is a Expert style. 举手投足之间,都是一副高手风范。 Is competitive. 士气十足。 Even if front these people are not affable in others eyes. 哪怕面前这些人在别人眼中都是非常不好惹的。 He is also the similar attitude. 他也是同样的态度。 ! 唰! The arched eagle falls on the day frost palace main front: Day frost palace lord, you thought that this can get rid of us?” 穹鹰落在天霜殿主的面前:“天霜殿主,难道您觉得这样就可以干掉我们了吗?” He was also top Expert. 他也算是一个顶尖高手了。 Although is also not the true god health/guard. 虽然还不是真正的神卫。 Candidate personnel but who the god protects. 但还是神卫的候选人员。 Only had half from the god health/guard step remote. 距离神卫只有半步之遥了。 When he becomes the god health/guard, that day frost palace opinion he, does not dare to provoke him even. 等他成为了神卫,那就算是天霜殿主见了他,也不敢招惹他。 Therefore. 所以。 Even facing the day frost palace lord, in his imposing manner will not have the slight weak trend. 就算是面对天霜殿主,他气势上也不会有丝毫的弱势。 „When you become the true god protects, again to me says these.” Similarly the day frost palace main also disdains looks at the arched eagle. “等你成为了真正的神卫时,再跟我说这些吧。”天霜殿主也是同样不屑的看着穹鹰。 So long as is also not the god health/guard. 只要还不是神卫。 Cannot enter his eye. 就入不得他的眼。 That was needless to say so many, had a look here is your place of burying bone, was our burial grounds!” The right hand of Xia Tian moves. “那就不用说那么多了,看看这里到底是你的埋骨之地,还是我们的葬身之地吧!”夏天的右手一动。 The day cold sword appears in his hands. 天寒剑出现在他的手中。 The day frost palace main also revealed own weapon directly. 天霜殿主也是直接亮出了自己的武器。 Soft whip! 软鞭! This is his weapon. 这就是他的武器。 Before. 之前。 He had not put out oneself weapon, is worried to expose. 他一直没有拿出自己的武器,就是担心暴露。 But now. 但现在。 He does not need to be worried. 他不需要担心了。 Because he has exposed himself, so long as he extinguishes these people here completely kills, that all also all finished. 因为他早就暴露自己了,而且只要他在这里将这些人全部灭杀,那一切也就全都结束了。 Naturally. 当然了。 If he cannot kill Xia Tian they. 如果他干不掉夏天他们这些人的话。 That Xia Tian they will come here goals and his all information him all expose. 夏天他们这些人就会将他来这里的目的和他所有的信息全都暴露。 Therefore. 所以。 He only has opportunity a time. 他只有一次机会。 You are bring about own destruction!!” The day frost palace main body moves. “你们是自寻死路罢了!!”天霜殿主的身体一动。 The strength of the world appeared. 世界的力量出现了。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 The surrounding all people all appeared. 周围所有的人全都出现了。 Five people who the gods protect. 神卫的五个人。 Xia Tian their six people. 夏天他们六个人。 All completed the combat readiness, now they do not need specially the protectorate uncle and supernatural might, because of the present day frost palace lord, is to get rid of them, everyone, is his goal. 全都做好了战斗准备,现在他们也不需要特意去保护地伯和神武了,因为现在的天霜殿主,是想要干掉他们所有人,每个人,都是他的目标 Everyone all completed the combat readiness. 所有人全都做好了战斗准备。 Buzz! 嗡! Strength. 力量。 At this time. 此时。 Incomparably powerful world strength starts to go to the day frost palace main there gathering. 无比强大的世界力量开始向天霜殿主那里汇聚而去。 Above the whip in his hand. 他手中的鞭子之上。 Also adhered to stick cohere the powerful strength. 也是附着了强大的力量。 This scene he very familiar. 这个场面他非常的熟悉。 He has seen such scene more than once. 他已经不止一次看到过这样的场面了。 Broken star!! 碎星!! Everyone was careful, like this attack we cannot shoulder.” 13 also put out the sky mirror, seems wants to block this to strike to be the same personally. “大家小心,这样的攻击我们扛不住。”十三也是拿出了昊天镜,仿佛是想要亲手挡住这一击一样。 Comes up to enlarge incurs. 上来就放大招。 Such scene absolutely is the incomparable terrifying. 这样的场面绝对是无比恐怖的。 formidable that no one conceivable this strikes. 没有人可以想象这一击的强悍 Buzz! 嗡! World. 世界。 The day frost palace main also strength thorough covering world approached the people. 天霜殿主也是将自己世界的力量彻底的笼罩向了众人。 I acknowledged, you all are some powerful revering certainly, even it can be said that below revering almost invincible combination, but that also is only restricted below revering, revering front, your strengths were not anything, the strength of the world, can disintegrate all your methods.” The soft whip in day frost palace main hand also flies directly: Then, is I destroys your strikes, this strikes, got rid of all of you sufficiently, ended this farce.” “我承认,你们全都是一些实力强大的准尊者,甚至可以说是尊者以下几乎无敌的组合,但那也仅限于尊者以下,在尊者的面前,你们的实力就不算什么了,世界的力量,可以瓦解你们一切的手段。”天霜殿主手中的软鞭也是直接飞起:“接下来,就是我毁灭你们的一击,这一击,足以将你们所有人干掉,结束这场闹剧。” Strikes! 一击! He wants with strike to handle all these. 他就是想要用一击来搞定这一切。 In his opinion. 在他看来。 Xia Tian they are some troublesome existences. 夏天他们这些人都是一些麻烦的存在。 Strength formidable of everyone, is the background is very mainly terrorist. 每个人的实力强悍,主要是背景都很恐怖。 If cannot extinguish directly kills these people, only meets no end of trouble for the future. 如果不能直接灭杀这些人的话,只会后患无穷。 Therefore. 所以。 He currently also directly uses oneself world strength fetter residence to have the person, then extinguishes all people with oneself full power wrecking. 他现在也是直接使用自己的世界力量束缚住所有人,然后用自己全力的一击毁灭现场所有的人。 These people die. 这些人一死。 His trouble vanished. 他的麻烦就消失了。 bo! 啵! Destruction struck to hit directly. 毁灭的一击直接打了出去。 This strikes. 这一击。 Can destroy an attack of star. 是可以毁灭一颗星的攻击。 ! 唰! When everyone how considers to dodge this to strike, Xia Tian directly rushes, his positive/direct charged into the day of frost palace main strikes. 在所有人考虑如何闪避这一击的时候,夏天直接冲了上去,他正面的冲向了天霜殿主的一击。 At this time the day frost palace main attack also pounded directly to Xia Tian: You think, you can block this to strike with your life?” 此时天霜殿主的攻击也是正面砸向了夏天:“你以为,你用自己的性命就可以挡住这一击了吗?” Laughable! 可笑! Day frost palace main that very laughable. 天霜殿主个那就非常的可笑。 His strikes. 他的一击。 How also possibly is Xia Tian can block with the life? 又怎么可能是夏天用性命就可以挡住的呢? Arched eagle and the others also felt that at this time Xia Tian died. 穹鹰等人此时也感觉夏天死定了。 But they also discovered. 可他们也发现。 Own movement seemed fettered. 自己的动作都仿佛被束缚了。 Even if they want to leave this region is not impossible. 就算是他们想要离开这个区域也不可能了。 How can like this!!” Arched eagle and the others on the faces also is the shocking facial expression. “怎么会这样!!”穹鹰等人的脸上也全都是震惊的神情。 Bang! 轰! When they think oneself died. 就在他们认为自己死定了的时候。 They suddenly discovered. 他们突然发现。 Blocked. 挡住了。 Day frost palace main that destructive strikes, the representative revering unsurpassed powerful attack, that can fall an attack of star broken, was blocked by Xia Tian like this. 天霜殿主那毁灭性的一击,代表尊者无上强大的攻击,那个可以碎掉一颗星的攻击,就这样被夏天挡住了。 What?” Arched eagle and the others stare immediately. “什么?”穹鹰等人顿时一愣。 No one has thought. 谁也没想到。 Will have such matter. 会发生这样的事情。 At this time they are unable to describe oneself feelings. 此时他们都无法形容自己的心情了。 Xia Tian unexpectedly blocked the day of frost palace main strikes. 夏天居然挡住了天霜殿主的一击。 Sky mirror! 昊天镜! When their god. 就在他们愣神的时候。 13 attacks have started. 十三的攻击已经发动了。 Here. 这里。 13 are Xia Tian coordinates the most person, therefore his ability to the Xia Tian is also the unusual understanding. 十三是和夏天配合最多的一个人,所以他对夏天的能力也是非常的了解。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The powerful attack pounded instantaneously on the day of frost palace main body. 强大的攻击瞬间砸在了天霜殿主的身上。 However this is in the day frost palace main world. 不过这是在天霜殿主的世界之中。 The attack has not brought any harm to the day frost palace lord. 攻击并没有给天霜殿主带来任何的伤害。 Qu Xi, the supernatural might and attack of place uncle also hit at the same time, they three speeds also very quick, all has the destructive attack. 曲溪,神武和地伯的攻击也是在同一时间打了出去,他们三个的速度也是非常的快,全都是带有毁灭性的攻击。 Bang! 砰! The day frost palace director hits by these attacks on his body. 天霜殿主任由这些攻击打在他的身上。 Similarly. 同样的。 Arched eagle and the others also responded finally. 穹鹰等人也是终于反应过来了。 They also all killed to the day of frost palace lord. 他们也全都杀向了天霜殿主。 Good, is very good, I have not thought, your unexpectedly can block my strikes.” Nod of day frost palace main appreciation, the whip in his hand hit simultaneously directly: But, in my world, your attacks, is only raindrop entering the sea.” “不错,真的很不错啊,我没想到,你居然能够挡住我的一击。”天霜殿主赞赏的点了点头,同时他手中的鞭子直接打了出去:“不过,在我的世界之中,你们的攻击,都只是雨滴入海罢了。”
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