WAO :: Volume #4

#374: The reinforcements come one after another

After the trial ended, the entire star boiled! 审判结束后,整个星球沸腾了! all over the world, discovered Desire Judgement Machine one after another. 世界各地,陆续发现了愿力审判机 Quick that it splits, each city and each place that have the habitation, will present such a machine. 它分裂的很快,每个城市、每个有人烟的地方,都会出现这样一台机器。 Various countries' news starts to report. 各国新闻开始报道。 The scientists and all governments start to pay attention. 科学家、各国政府都开始关注。 People attempt to communicate this strange thing. 人们尝试着沟通这个奇怪的东西 Facing the first trial, first responded, was a prisoner. 面对第一次审判,首先反应过来的,是一名囚犯。 At that time the entire prison was letting in fresh air. 当时整个监狱正在放风。 Prisoners around drill ground, slowly is walking. 囚犯们绕着操场,慢慢的走着。 Suddenly a loud sound of rupturing. 忽然一声爆裂的巨响。 Outside the iron wire isolation network, Desire Judgement Machine appeared. 在铁丝隔离网外,一台愿力审判机出现了。 Everyone has a scare. 所有人吓了一跳。 This prisoner looks at Desire Judgement Machine, suddenly dashes about wildly to the isolation column. 这名囚犯看着愿力审判机,突然狂奔向隔离栏。 He holds the wire netting, extends diligently the hand. 他抓住铁丝网,努力将手伸出去。 Sufficing! 够着了! How the prisoners do not know use, but makes an effort to whip on Desire Judgement Machine with the hand. 囚犯不知道如何使用,只是用手使劲拍打着愿力审判机上。 Desire Judgement Machine makes rumble the sound immediately: Respectable customer, please say the criminal who you must try, as well as his status.” 愿力审判机立刻发出轰隆隆的声响:“尊敬的顾客,请说出你要审判的罪人,以及他的身份。” Border, police bureau chief.” The prisoner say/way of fast. “伯德,警察局长。”囚犯飞快的道。 This time actually with the first difference. 这一次却与第一次不同。 Was a guest performer the presiding judge, Slaughtering Clown obtained his reward, has left. 客串审判长,杀戮小丑得到了他的酬劳,已经离开了。 Displaces, is together phantom of day chessboard. 取而代之的,是一道天枰的虚影 Day chessboard phantom appears in the Desire Judgement Machine above. 天枰虚影出现在愿力审判机的上方。 Desire Judgement Machine rumble saying: Was determining whether police bureau chief Border is a criminal.” 愿力审判机轰隆隆的说道:“正在确定警察局长伯德是否为罪人。” Day chessboard both sides, presented a sending out creamy white ray heart respectively, with a sending out black light heart. 天枰两端,分别出现了一颗散发乳白光芒的心,和一颗散发黑光的心。 Two hearts just put the tray, white heart turn upwards immediately high, but the black heart has sunk. 两颗心刚一放上托盘,白心顿时高高翘起,而黑心一直沉到底。 Crime does not have to be possible the person of amnesty, meets the trial condition.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “罪无可赦之人,符合审判条件。”愿力审判机道。 That starts quickly!” The prisoners hurried to call out. “那就快开始吧!”囚犯慌忙叫道。 The distant place, two prison guards are dashing. 远处,两个狱警正飞奔而来。 Please pay the blood.” “请支付血液。” Also wants my blood?” The prisoners gawked under. “还要我的血?”囚犯愣了下。 „The price of blood, can trade the result of blood, please pay the blood.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “血的代价,才能换来血的结局,请支付血液。”愿力审判机道。 How many wants?” The prisoners clench teeth to say. “要多少?”囚犯咬牙道。 200 milliliters.” “200毫升。” Takes away quickly!” “快拿去!” The prisoners just said, was held by two prison guards, the making an effort round trip drags. 囚犯刚说完,就被两名狱警抓住,使劲往回拖。 Prisoner holds the wire netting stubbornly, another still according to Desire Judgement Machine. 囚犯一手死死抓住铁丝网,另一手依然按在愿力审判机上。 Two prison guard full strength drag to entrain, the prisoner was pulled back finally. 两名狱警全力拖拽,囚犯终于被拉了回来。 Prison guards him according to the ground, with all one's might is hitting. 狱警将他按在地上,狠命的打着。 Was the transaction closed? 交易完成了吗? Prisoner pain is calling out, the look has not actually left Desire Judgement Machine. 囚犯痛苦的嚎叫着,眼神却始终没离开愿力审判机 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Desire Judgement Machine makes together the solemn and respectful sound: Blood has received, starts to place on trial.” 愿力审判机发出一道肃穆的声音:“鲜血已收到,开始审判。” Its sound, resounds in bottom of one's heart of all human. 它的声音,在所有人类的心底响起。 Human, when you meditate Desire Judgement Machine, can see this trial in the mind.” “人类,当你默念愿力审判机,就能在脑海中看见这一次的审判。” „The crime that police bureau chief Border, the life commits starts presents.” “警察局长伯德,一生所犯的罪行开始呈现。” Offering or accepting bribes and cheating cards, frame by planting stolen goods on to frame and trade, the picture of Shelter drug dealer in private, demonstrates nakedly before everyone. 一幕幕行贿受贿、做假证、栽赃陷害、私下交易、庇护毒贩的画面,赤裸裸展示在所有人面前。 You look! You look!” “你们看!你们看!” The prisoner of ground cries, while yelled. 地上的囚犯一边哭,一边大叫道。 Present one, is Border one package of narcotic stoppers in his pocket, then arrests his scene. 现在的一幕,正是伯德将一包毒品塞在他口袋里,然后逮捕他的情景。 Next, police bureau chief Border received others' return alone villa, the credit point of big pen. 下一幕,警察局长伯德收到了别人的回报独栋别墅,还有大笔的信用点。 Two prison guards were shocked, stopped the hand. 两名狱警愣住,停下了手。 Border's evil act, exposes before everyone like this. 伯德的罪恶行径,就这样暴露在所有人面前。 The Desire Judgement Machine sound resounds: Wears the just coat, actually Shelter evil, brings the pain for the innocent person, Mr. Border the crime adds first-grade.” 愿力审判机的声音响起:“身披正义的外衣,却庇护邪恶,为许多无辜的人带来痛苦,伯德先生罪加一等。” In three minutes, the red digit arrives at 10,000, Mr. Border must be sewn on the shame column, enjoys the cauterization of roaring flame to roast roasts.” “三分钟内,红色数字到达一万,伯德先生就要被钉在耻辱柱上,享受烈焰的烧灼炙烤。” Border puts on police bureau chief Empire of the system, appears in everyone thought. 伯德穿着一身帝国警察局长的制度,出现在所有人意念中。 Border yelled: This is a devil, he is deceiving you, I am innocent!” 伯德大叫道:“这是魔鬼,他在欺骗你们,我是无辜的!” Who saves me! Heaven God!” “谁来救救我!天神啊!” He was sewn on a pillar, the chest projects one line of red digits. 他被钉在一根柱子上,胸口投射出一行红色的数字。 Under the red digit, is one stops the motionless stopwatch. 红色数字下面,是一个停止不动的秒表。 Then now, the time starts!” “那么现在,计时开始!” The stopwatch start to beat immediately. 秒表立刻开始跳动。 In the reality, the front of everyone presented one line of written prompt. 现实之中,每个人的面前出现了一行提示符 You whether is willing in the way of blood, to decide police bureau chief Border's Death?” “您是否愿意以血的方式,决定警察局长伯德的死亡?” Almost is the flash, the red digit achieved 10,000. 几乎是一瞬间,红色数字就达到了一万。 Three minutes, the red digit achieved 20 million. 三分钟,红色数字达到了两千万。 Obviously, human has understood this is anything. 显然,人类已经明白了这是什么。 Experienced so many strange things, everyone regarding the these strange matter, had certain immunity. 经历了那么多离奇的事情,大家对于这些奇怪的事情,有了一定的免疫力。 In the heart of people, what are more is to resenting of evil. 人们的心中,更多的是对罪恶的愤恨。 Mr. Border, you obtained the astonishing support level, and won the punishment of roaring flame.” Desire Judgement Machine rumble say/way. “伯德先生,你获得了惊人的支持率,并赢得了烈焰之刑。”愿力审判机轰隆隆的道。 On the pillar emits the raging flame suddenly. 柱子上突然冒出熊熊烈火。 Border sends out calling out of pain. 伯德发出痛苦的嚎叫。 His body is vibrating fiercely, but his hands and feet stubbornly fixed, moves cannot move. 他的身体剧烈抖动着,但他的手脚都被死死固定,一动也不能动。 The ultra-high temperature of roaring flame, making him stop struggling gradually. 烈焰的超高温度,让他渐渐停止了挣扎。 The life of his evil ended. 他罪恶的一生结束了。 „The second trial ended now.” Automatic Desire Judgement Machine said. “第二场审判现在结束。”自动愿力审判机道。 Surplus Strength of Hope, will transform all private properties of Mr. Border as the credit point, the compensation gives the victim.” “剩余的愿力,将把伯德先生的所有私人财产转化为信用点,补偿给受害者。” This sells the machine not to suppose gives change, does not accept to refund money, the minor please watch accompanied by Sir.” “本售卖机不设找零,不接受退款,未成年人请在大人陪同下观看。” This trial ended, asks respectfully the anticipation next trial.” “本次审判结束,敬请期待下一次审判。” The image vanishes. 影像消失。 hahaha, I revenged! I revenged!” The prisoners lie down on the ground, weeps bitterly to say. 哈哈哈,我报仇了!我报仇了!”囚犯躺在地上,痛哭道。 The shackles on his hand loosen suddenly. 他手上的镣铐突然松开。 The prison uniform does not see. 囚服不见。 A brand-new clothing puts on his body, but also brings the light ancient dragon perfume. 一身崭新的服装穿在他身上,还带着淡淡的古龙香水。 His whole person seemed like spirit. 他整个人看上去精神极了。 The prisoners have a look at own one, some hard to believe. 囚犯看看自己的一身,有些难以置信 Suddenly, a paper jumps from his pocket, falls on the front of several prison guards. 突然,一张纸从他的口袋跳出来,落在几名狱警的面前。 Sets free with a verdict of not guilty the proof......” “无罪释放证明……” A prison guard discussed. 一名狱警念道。 „Is this real?” The prison long also came, asked loudly. “这是真的吗?”狱长也来了,大声问道。 A prison guard puts out the scanner, to is setting free with a verdict of not guilty the proof to sweep. 一名狱警拿出扫描器,对着无罪释放证明一扫。 Drop!” “滴!” This is latest trial result, has confirmed successfully.” “这是最新的审判结果,已成功验证。” All prison guards hold breath cold air. 所有狱警倒吸一口凉气。 Prison long communication made a sound suddenly. 狱长的通讯器突然响了起来。 He put through the connection, replying: Is...... is......” 他接通了连线,不停的答道:“是……是……” Hangs up the communication, the prison long is looking at that changed beyond recognition prisoner, said: Put him.” 挂断通讯,狱长望着那名焕然一新的囚犯,道:“放了他。” He is explaining to the prison guards: Fair Goddess approved this matter, Her Majesty the Queen also tacitly approved.” 他对着狱警们解释道:“公正女神认可了这件事,女王陛下也默认了。” ...... …… Starting from this moment, every minute every seconds, so long as some people meditate Desire Judgement Machine, will certainly watch the trial. 从这一刻开始,每一分每一秒,只要有人默念愿力审判机,就一定会观看到审判。 The trial has not stood still. 审判一刻也没有停歇。 Human World has too many grievances, there are too many evils. 人间有太多的不平,也有太多的罪恶。 Now, all obtained the settlement finally. 现在,一切都终于得到了清算。 In all over the world, countless people rush. 世界各地,无数人涌向它。 People want to revenge competitively. 人们争先恐后的想要报仇。 Quick, everyone discovered a matter. 很快,大家就发现了一件事。 To forbid others to use Desire Judgement Machine, is impossible. 想要禁止别人使用愿力审判机,是不可能的。 Because Desire Judgement Machine always has the means that appears in the sides of these victims. 因为愿力审判机总有办法,出现在那些受害者的身边。 Regarding this machine, everyone also has a recognized question. 对于这台机器,大家还有一个公认的疑问。 In the Desire Judgement Machine semblance, writes one in a big way 1. 愿力审判机的外表上,写着一个大大的“一”。 Then, has 2? 那么,有“2”号机吗? Human has not had doubts too long. 人类并没有疑惑太久。 The answer comes unusual is quick. 答案来的非常快。 In the open area outside ravine villa. 山间别墅外的空地上。 Three large-scale game machines appear in Gu Qingshan and the others the front. 三台大型游戏机出现在顾青山等人的面前。 By black Desire Judgement Machine, is one grasps the baby machine. 黑色的愿力审判机旁边,是一台抓娃娃机。 This machine is painting the blue paint all over the body, the side is labelling 12. 这台机器通体刷着蓝漆,侧面标注着“12”。 Hello, the brave young fellows, I am rescue rescuing of All Living Things to take off/escape the sea of bitterness machine.” Grasps the baby machine to send out regards. “你们好,勇敢的小伙子们,我是解救众生的救脱苦海机。”抓娃娃机发出一声问候。 One similarly is the black sale machine, the side is labelling in a big way 23. 一台同样是黑色的售卖机,侧面标注着大大的“23”。 „To vent anger is very simple, does not need to do the misdemeanor, asked me to be OK, I was calm down to eliminate the offense machine.” This machine loud roar called out. “想出气很简单,不需要做坏事,找我就可以了,我是消气除戾机。”这台机器大声吼叫道。 A red self-service photograph machine, the side is labelling 47. 一台红色的自助拍照机,侧面标注着“47”。 I was the criminal repenting machine,” this machine looks at Gu Qingshan, bowed a ritual to say slightly: Although you killed many people, but you cannot use me, dear.” “我是罪人悔过机,”这台机器看着顾青山,微微鞠躬一礼道:“虽然你杀了不少人,可你用不上我,亲。” Their unceasing fissions the new machine, the new machine from vanishes instantaneously same place. 它们不断的分裂出新的机器,新机器瞬间从原地消失。 Looks at this appearance, they are going to all over the world. 看这幅样子,它们正在前往世界各地 Desire Judgement Machine coughs lightly, said: I first come to introduce for you.” 愿力审判机轻咳一声,道:“我先来为你们介绍。” ...... …… When it introduced the functions of three machines, Gu Qingshan and the others were silly. 等到它把三台机器的功用介绍完毕,顾青山等人都傻了。 thing that does is this, Underworld does Spiritual God usually cross too bored?” Gu Qingshan is hesitating the say/way. “搞出的东西全是这样的,黄泉神灵是平常过得太无聊吗?”顾青山沉吟着道。 Our Underworld is always in good order, when is idle, Spiritual Gods also needs to look for a pleasure.” Rescues to take off/escape the sea of bitterness machine to answer. “我们黄泉向来都是秩序井然,空余之时,神灵们也需要找点乐子。”救脱苦海机解释道。 Ye Feili sighed, said: Your Underworld will really play.” 叶飞离叹口气,道:“你们黄泉真会玩。”
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