WAO :: Volume #4

#373: The first drop of blood

Holy Empire. 圣国 Here is the disaster area that Cold Ice Hell erupts. 这里是寒冰地狱爆发的重灾区。 Although many monster had been cleaned up cleanly, but the snow and ice remained. 尽管许多怪物已经被清理干净,但冰雪残留了下来。 The climate also changes gradually. 气候也渐渐为之改变。 At night. 夜晚时分。 Slum. 贫民窟。 The person of this/should rest, rested. 该休息的人,都休息了。 Heavens is having the ice rain, the cold wind across unmanned low street, exudes the intermittent howl. 天上下着冰雨,冷风穿过无人的低矮街道,发出阵阵啸声。 On road slippery difficult line, almost no one. 路上湿滑难行,几乎没什么人。 Such night, robbed could not find the object. 这样的夜晚,就连抢劫都找不到对象。 These gang members, retracted the nightclub, Casino and bar, each and everyone drank the dead drunk oneself. 那些黑帮成员,都缩回了夜总会、赌场、酒吧,一个个自己喝成烂醉。 In the impasse in slum, suddenly presented one brand-new, sparkles the shining machine. 贫民窟的死胡同里,突然出现了一台崭新的、闪闪发亮的机器。 It seems like sells the machine automatically, is a bit like the large-scale game machine. 它看上去就像自动售卖机,也有点像大型游戏机。 The machine is all over the body jet black, the side is brushing one in a big way 1. 机器通体漆黑,侧面刷着一个大大的“一”。 Desire Judgement Machine. 愿力审判机 It made some changes. 它做了些许改变。 In one layer clear glass, those who are suspending the brim full can the dessert between-meal snack, well-packaged is the heat has the box lunch. 一层透明玻璃之中,摆着满满当当的易拉罐、点心零食、包装严密的即热即吃盒饭。 This regarding these poor who are having an empty stomach, without doubt in giving opportune help. 这对于那些正饿着肚子的贫民们来说,无疑于雪中送炭。 In the past several minutes, already two groups of tramps and poor implemented the violent destruction to it, attempted to break open the glass, gained inside food. 在过去的数分钟内,已经有两批流浪汉和贫民对它实施了暴力破坏,企图砸开玻璃,获取里面的食物。 However the machine is perfect. 但是机器完好无损。 The tramps all lie down on the ground, moan that continuously. 流浪汉全都躺在地上,不住的呻吟着。 When they are supporting by the arm departure mutually, the corner presented one groups of half big children. 等到他们互相搀扶着离去,街角出现了一群半大的孩子。 Look, their unable to destroy that food machine.” A child said. “瞧,他们无法破坏那个食品机器。”一个孩子道。 On perhaps us, today's dinner depended on it.” Another child said. “我们上,也许今天的晚餐就靠它了。”另一个孩子道。 They surrounded jet black Desire Judgement Machine. 他们围住了漆黑的愿力审判机 The destruction and attack start. 破坏和攻击开始。 Whenever they send out a vicious attack, oneself will also receive the similar injury surely. 每当他们发出一次凶狠攻击,自己必定也会受到同样的伤害。 Before long, they are like the beforehand two rows of tramps, unstab lying down on the ground. 不一会儿,他们跟之前的两排流浪汉一样,东倒西歪的躺在地上。 Desire Judgement Machine is perfect. 愿力审判机完好无损。 Damn, this is what thing.” “见鬼,这到底是什么东西。” Half big boys are rubbing the belly, said bitterly. 一个半大的小子揉着肚子,恨恨说道。 His partner has not spoken, each and everyone is considering only the ache. 他的同伙都没有说话,一个个只顾着疼痛。 Desire Judgement Machine makes rumble the sound suddenly. 愿力审判机突然发出轰隆隆的声音。 Although you were very impolite before, but since sent out the inquiry, I told you.” “虽然你之前很无礼,但既然发出了询问,那我就告诉你。” A spirited music resounds. 一阵激昂的音乐响起。 Underworld Spiritual God shows mercy, to satisfy All Living Things hopes, made me.” 黄泉神灵大发慈悲,为了满足众生所愿,制造了我。” Yes, I am the Gods big amusement Lejia.” “是的,我就是众神的大娱乐家。” I am callous Desire Judgement Machine!” “我是冷酷的愿力审判机!” A silence. 一片寂静。 The children look at each other in blank dismay. 孩子们面面相觑。 The machine can speak! 机器会说话! Moreover the obvious and general electronic language is different. 而且明显和一般的电子语言不同。 It as if there is independent consciousness. 它似乎有自主意识。 At night, presents such thing bewilderedly. 黑夜中,莫名其妙出现这么一个东西 This is a little really strange. 这真的有点诡异。 The children in this crowd of slums stand silently, mutually supporting by the arm, hobble along. 这群贫民窟的孩子们默默站起来,互相搀扶着,蹒跚而行 No matter this is anything, best be far away from it. 不管这是什么,最好远离它。 They decide, the walked ratio is usually quicker. 他们打定了主意,走的比平常还快一些。 However falls on a final young boy does not lose heart, say/way bitterly: You, since is the mercy of god, that takes your thing, eats to us.” 然而落在最后的一名小男孩不死心,恨恨的道:“你既然是神的慈悲,那就把你的东西拿出来,给我们吃啊。” Sorry,” Desire Judgement Machine rumble said that world not free lunch.” “对不起,”愿力审判机轰隆隆道,“天下没有免费的午餐。” Damn! 真见鬼! Young boy gnashing one's teeth asked: What can you make?” 小男孩咬牙切齿问道:“那你能做什么?” Upholds justice! Tries evil! So long as you have such desire, I can do for you.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “伸张正义!审判邪恶!只要你有这样的愿望,我就可以替你去做。”愿力审判机道。 The young boy is startled. 小男孩怔住。 He this year is only 11 years old, but in the family/home does not have money to study a technology for him, no method spreads the future for him. 他今年才十一岁,但家里没钱供他学一门技术,也没有门路替他铺前程。 In the family/home is only left over his paternal grandmother, moreover is seriously ill in the bed. 家里只剩下他奶奶,而且病重在床。 Therefore he can only wander on the street, knows some same partners, takes stealing as the source of income. 所以他只能在街上游荡,结识一些同样的伙伴,以偷盗为收入来源。 Said, you were thing of very high tech.” The young boy summarized. “这么说,你是非常高科技的东西了。”小男孩总结道。 In your words, actually I can be the black science and technology.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “用你们的话说,其实我算得上黑科技。”愿力审判机道。 The companion of young boy walks, must draw him to leave. 小男孩的同伴走回来,要拉他离开。 The young boy said indignantly: dog shit! You must really be the black science and technology, has to plant gets rid of Max.” 小男孩愤愤道:“狗屎!你要真是黑科技,有种就把麦克斯干掉。” Max, is criminal syndicate Boss of this stretch of block. 麦克斯,是这片街区的黑帮老大 All drug trafficking and population business, rob the murder, to wrest away the market quotation, is he decides. 所有的毒品交易、人口买卖、抢劫杀人、霸占行市,都是他说了算。 This group of children's parents, have suffered a loss in this person body, even some people paid the life price. 这群孩子的父母,都在这个人身上吃过亏,甚至有的人付出了生命的代价。 The young boy is an orphan. 小男孩正是一个孤儿。 His father is frank that does not submit, was found an opportunity to get rid of by Max, mother also sold out. 他父亲是个不屈服的直性子,被麦克斯找了个机会干掉,母亲也被卖掉了。 Desire Judgement Machine said: I cannot get rid of an innocent person casually.” 愿力审判机道:“我不能随随便便干掉一个无辜的人。” The children listened, erupts one to laugh wildly. 孩子们听了,爆发出一阵狂笑。 Does not have innocently............” “无……无辜……” hahaha, Max is innocent, this is the funniest joke that I hear this year.” 哈哈哈,麦克斯无辜,这是我今年听到的最好笑的笑话。” This machine, the establishment of intelligence went wrong “这个机器,智能的设置出毛病了吧” In the small boy eyes reveals the deep disappointment. 小男孩眼中流露出深深的失望。 But!” Desire Judgement Machine said that „, if you are willing to make him stand the trial, placing on trial later discovered that he is an evil person, I will find the way to get rid of him.” “但是!”愿力审判机道,“如果你们愿意让他接受审判,审判之后发现他是恶人,我就会想办法干掉他。” „Are you willing to make me try him?” “你们愿意让我审判他吗?” Naturally wants!” The young boy exclaimed. “当然愿意!”小男孩吼道。 His companions also one after another makes noise: Wants! Wants!” 他的同伴们也纷纷出声:“愿意!愿意!” Good, please donate your blood.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “好的,请献出你们的鲜血。”愿力审判机道。 All around one static. 四周一静。 Desire Judgement Machine explained: „The blood of All Living Things contaminated thin Strength of Hope, only has Strength of Hope to actuate this machine.” 愿力审判机解释道:“众生的鲜血沾染了稀薄的愿力,唯有愿力才能驱动本机器。” Walking, this is strange thing.” The companion of young boy said. “走,这是个诡异的东西。”小男孩的同伴道。 They are drawing the young boy, left here quickly. 他们拉着小男孩,很快离开了这里。 The corner restored peacefully. 街角恢复了安静。 In a while. 没过多久。 The young boy stands before Desire Judgement Machine again. 小男孩再次站在愿力审判机前。 He wiped rainwater on face, asked: Really can uphold justice?” 他抹了一把脸上的雨水,问道:“真的可以伸张正义?” Yes, so long as you offer your blood.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “是的,只要你献出你的血。”愿力审判机道。 How many wants?” “要多少?” I guess what you must cope is an evil fellow, must therefore start the ultimate trial.” “我猜你要对付的是一个罪恶的家伙,所以必须发动终极审判。” How many wants?” “要多少?” Just like I just said that can need many blood, because in the blood contains fragmentary Strength of Hope.” “正如我刚刚说的,会需要不少血液,因为血液中包含着零星的愿力。” How many wants?” The small boy whole body non-stop trembling, in the eye is hopeful. “要多少?”小男孩浑身不停发抖,眼睛中充满渴望。 In pitiful and dark destiny, the young boy so likely longs for a dawn although this is a practical joke, but he is willing to try. 凄惨而黑暗的命运中,小男孩是如此渴望一丝曙光尽管这很可能是一场恶作剧,但他愿意试一下。 Desire Judgement Machine sends out ray of light, sweeps the too small boy skin and bones body. 愿力审判机发出一道光,扫过小男孩瘦骨嶙峋的身体。 Long time, Desire Judgement Machine sends out a sigh. 良久,愿力审判机发出一声叹息。 You are in the whole world, our first customer, therefore only needs a symbolic drop of blood.” It said. “你是整个世界之中,我们的第一位顾客,所以只需要象征性的一滴血。”它说道。 The young boy relaxes, said: I am willing to shed this drop of blood!” 小男孩松了口气,说道:“我愿意出这一滴血!” You is a sturdy young fellow, dares to fight with evil, now, your palm according to my left black region.” “你是一个棒小伙子,敢于和邪恶做斗争,现在,把你的手掌按在我左边的黑色区域。” Is this?” “是这样吗?” To...... is this.” “对……就是这样。” Ok!” “好了!” The young boy shrank to reach behind the back, places carefully to look at present. 小男孩缩回手,放在眼前仔细看了看。 Without the wound. 没有伤口。 Probably just now also has no feeling. 好像刚才也没什么感觉。 Truly, merely is a drop of blood. 确实,仅仅是一滴血。 Even hungry a day of young boy, can still withstand. 就算是饿了一天的小男孩,也是能承受的。 Desire Judgement Machine exudes an intermittent bellow. 愿力审判机发出一阵阵轰鸣声。 „, I obtained the first drop of blood!” Its low and deep saying. “啊,我获得了第一滴血!”它低沉的说道。 Respectable customer, please say the criminal who you must try, as well as his status.” “尊敬的顾客,请说出你要审判的罪人,以及他的身份。” The young boy hopeful yelled: Max, criminal syndicate Boss Max!” 小男孩满怀期待的大叫道:“麦克斯,黑帮老大麦克斯!” Desire Judgement Machine sends out one rumble the sound. 愿力审判机发出一阵轰隆隆的响动。 Trial will soon start.” “审判即将开始。” It uses the solemn and respectful tone to state. 它用肃穆的语气陈述着。 Because is starts doing business the trial, therefore needs to treat cautiously.” “由于是开业审判,故此需要慎重对待。” Is searching for the judicial way of this world.” “正在搜寻本世界的审判方式。” In this world, most eye-catching judicial way had found.” “本世界中,最拉风的审判方式已找到。” With global Quantum Brain showing, will soon broadcast live to trial.” “即将采用全球光脑放映,对审判现场进行直播。” Is choosing the presiding judge in this world.” “正在挑选本世界的审判长。” In this world, the most frightening presiding judge had found.” “本世界中,最让人恐惧的审判长已找到。” Invited Slaughtering Clown to be a guest performer to start doing business the trial.” “邀请杀戮小丑客串开业审判。” Pays the corresponding price.” “付出相应代价。” Slaughtering Clown had agreed.” 杀戮小丑已同意。” Under, the trial starts!” “下面,审判开始!” On the entire star, all can show that the image the instrument, all shone in this moment. 整个星球上,所有能显示图像的仪器,在这一刻全都亮了起来。 When Slaughtering Clown tries the immortal champion scene, appears in all human again at present. 杀戮小丑审判永生冠军之时的情景,再次出现在所有人类的眼前。 Wears ice-cold and stiff smile Clown Mask, jet black Battle Armor, the back is a pair of black light wing. 戴着冰冷而僵硬的笑脸小丑面具,一身漆黑的战甲,背后是一双黑光羽翼。 Slaughtering Clown walks from the darkness, by chance one bunch of spotlights according to its body. 杀戮小丑从黑暗中走出来,恰巧有一束聚光灯照在它身上 clown sets upright the palm is placing the mouth, said quietly: I found the new work.” 小丑将手掌竖着放在嘴边,悄声道:“我找到了新工作。” Its anxious looking around, some little time released a long breath. 它紧张的东张西望,好一会儿才长出一口气 Does not know where pulls out a wrinkled paper, Slaughtering Clown spreading out, discussed: That, the tonight's honored guest is Max, Holy Empire Max!” 不知从哪儿掏出来一张皱巴巴的纸条,杀戮小丑将之摊开,念道:“那么,今晚的嘉宾是麦克斯,圣国的麦克斯!” clown starts to applaud earnestly. 小丑开始认真鼓掌。 Its side suddenly presented a person. 它身边突然出现了一个人。 Is combing the big long hair combed straight back, wears the black waistcoat, aquiline nose, the black beard, in the hand also takes one glass of liquor. 梳着大背头,身穿黑色马甲,鹰钩鼻子,黑胡子,手中还拿着一杯酒。 Reactionary gang Boss, Max. 黑帮老大,麦克斯。 A Max suddenly appearance, obvious gawked. 麦克斯骤一出现,明显的愣了一下。 Slaughtering Clown......” he is looking at clown, difficult swallows a canal. 杀戮小丑……”他望着小丑,艰难的吞咽口水道。 Max puts out a hand to take what thing toward the bosom. 麦克斯伸手朝怀里取着什么东西 Next second, he as if realized what oneself faces is what exist(ence). 下一秒,他似乎意识到自己面对的是什么样的存在 His hand stiffens, on the face squeezes the smile: What does your excellency want?” 他的手僵住,脸上挤出笑容:“阁下想要什么?” Slaughtering Clown has grasped his hand, grips. 杀戮小丑抓过他的手,握住。 clown said: Congratulates you, I want to chat a while with you, however our live broadcast time are limited, does not have the advertising agent to support us, therefore we start to place on trial now directly.” 小丑道:“祝贺你,我很想和你多聊一会儿,但是我们的直播时间有限,又没有广告商赞助我们,所以现在我们直接开始审判。” Max's splendid life must start, asking everyone to watch!” “麦克斯精彩的一生就要开始了,请大家观看!” Picture switching. 画面切换。 During Max life, has done all wicked matters, successively appear in the picture. 麦克斯一生之中,做过的所有恶事,陆续出现在画面上。 Fights, robs, the murder, trades the women and children, collects the protection money, the drug taking and peddling, opens Casino, cheats, extinguishes the person entire family. 打架,抢劫,谋杀,贩卖妇女儿童,收保护费,吸毒贩毒,开赌场,出老千,灭人全家。 These make the blood boil atrocities, these extremely wicked inhuman crime, appear in the picture. 那些让人发指的暴行,那些极恶非人的罪行,一幕幕出现在画面上。 Each , to continue for several seconds, to beginning to end that people confess a crime. 每一幕,都持续数秒,向人们交代一次罪行的始末。 Used for several minutes, the picture on light screen completely vanishes. 足足用了数分钟,光幕上的画面才完全消失。 Slaughtering Clown and Max appear before everyone again. 杀戮小丑和麦克斯再次出现在所有人面前。 Slaughtering Clown loosens the hand of opposite party, said: According to the crime of Mr. Max chooses, had found to suit his classical penalty.” 杀戮小丑松开对方的手,说道:“根据麦克斯先生的罪行进行挑选,已找到适合他的古典刑罚。” Five ropes fly, respectively in Max's both hands, both feet and neck. 五条绳索飞出来,分别在麦克斯的双手,双脚、脖子。 Rope rapid punch fast knot. 绳索迅速的打上死结。 Another end of rope, submerges in the darkness, cannot see the end. 绳索的另一端,没入黑暗中,看不到尽头。 Damn, this what's the matter.” Max struggles to say. “该死的,这到底是怎么回事。”麦克斯挣扎道。 He more struggles, five ropes entangle is tighter. 他越是挣扎,五根绳索就缠的越紧。 Five ropes more stretch are straighter, is almost impossible to move to Max finally again. 五根绳索越绷越直,到最后麦克斯几乎无法再动弹。 He assumes one in a big way glyph, flew high to pull taut by the rope. 他呈一个“大”字形,被绳索凌空扯住。 Now, time gives everyone.” Slaughtering Clown said. “现在,时间交给大家。”杀戮小丑道。 Please start to vote.” “请开始投票。” Approved that Max dies, please spend a drop of blood, throws him dead.” “赞成麦克斯去死的,请花费一滴血,投他死。” „, Right, you can certainly cast several tickets.” “哦,对了,你当然可以多投几票。” Slaughtering Clown finishes speaking, Max's chest front presented one line of red digits. 杀戮小丑话音刚落,麦克斯的胸前就出现了一行红色的数字。 Under the red digit, is one stops the motionless stopwatch. 红色数字下面,是一个停止不动的秒表。 The Slaughtering Clown solution said: Red digit grows 1 point every time, means that some people spent a drop of blood, hopes Mr. Max Death.” 杀戮小丑解说道:“红色数字每增长一点,就意味着有人花费了一滴血,希望麦克斯先生死亡。” In three minutes, the red digit arrives at 1 million, Mr. Max must accept the punishment of classical splitting by cart.” “三分钟内,红色数字到达一百万,麦克斯先生就要接受古典的车裂之刑。” Then now, the time starts!” “那么现在,计时开始!” The stopwatch start to beat immediately. 秒表立刻开始跳动。 In the reality, the front of everyone presented one line of written prompt. 现实之中,每个人的面前出现了一行提示符 You whether is willing in the way of blood, to decide criminal syndicate Boss Max's Death?” “您是否愿意以血的方式,决定黑帮老大麦克斯的死亡?” Some people with the vigilant psychology, have not responded Desire Judgement Machine. 有些人怀着警惕的心理,没有搭理愿力审判机 But more people do not think. 可是更多的人不这么想。 In Max life faces retribution for a life of crime, commits the crimes of innumerable seething discontent among the people, any average person looked, will be filled with righteous indignation. 麦克斯一生中恶贯满盈,犯下无数天怒人怨的罪行,任何一个普通人看了,都会为之义愤填膺。 Always some did not know that his person, is not parsimonious in spending a drop of blood throws him dead. 总有些不认识他的人,不吝啬于花费一滴血投他死。 all over the world. 世界各地 Bah! Such waste, is really damn!” “呸!这样的人渣,真是该死!” old man you calmly.” “老头你冷静点。” Calm anything, I lived in any case such big age, even if Slaughtering Clown must kill me, I am still indifferent.” “冷静个什么,反正我都活了这么大岁数,就算杀戮小丑要杀我,我也无所谓。” I must give blood!” “我要献血!” Another. 另一处。 A man urged: Wife , do not respond Slaughtering Clown calmly, it is terrifying monster.” 一名男子劝道:“老婆,你冷静点,千万别搭理杀戮小丑,它是个恐怖的怪物。” His wife eye socket blushes, said: Fart! This Max was too hateful, many people who he harms are with one's family broken up and decimated, no matter I, I must shed a drop of blood!” 他老婆眼圈发红,说道:“放屁!这个麦克斯太可恶了,他害的多少人家破人亡,我不管,我要出一滴血!” Saying, she offered a drop of blood. 说着,她就献出了一滴血。 Thinks, she is unwilling. 想了想,她还不甘心。 Is facing that line of characters in Void, she asked: I want to offer, Ok?” 面对着虚空中的那行字,她问道:“我想多献一些,可以吗?” That line of characters change, changes to the new line of characters: Sure, you want to offer many to be good.” 那行字一变,化作新的一行字:“当然可以,你想献多少都行。” I donate ten drops of blood again!” “我再献十滴血!” Fu Xi Imperial palace. 伏羲皇宫。 Your majesty, your is a little as if dangerous.” A minister urged. “陛下,您这样似乎有点危险。”一名大臣劝道。 All right, Slaughtering Clown I know, this matter is very interesting, making me give a try.” “没事,杀戮小丑我知道,这件事很有意思,让我试试看。” I donate 20 drops of blood, wants Max dead.” “我献二十滴血,要麦克斯死。” Varona Queen like discovering any novel toy, said the above words. 瓦罗娜女王就像发现了什么新奇的玩具,说出了上述话语。 Holy Empire. 圣国 Reactionary gang Casino. 黑帮赌场 A person of Boss appearance said: Originally is Max, happen , the previous time enmity has not reported that everyone gives blood.” 一名老大模样的人说道:“原来是麦克斯啊,正好,上次的仇还没报,大家都献血吧。” Boss, you did not fear that this is a trap?” Under a master asked. 老大,您不怕这是个陷阱吗?”一名手下问道。 „The world turned like this, but also there is anything to be good to fear that said Slaughtering Clown again, although terrifying, but he has not begun to the civilians, this point you must pay attention.” “世界都变成这样了,还有什么好怕的,再说杀戮小丑虽然恐怖,但他没有对平民动过手,这一点你们要注意。” Reactionary gang Boss is saying, offered a drop of blood. 黑帮老大说着,就献出了一滴血。 You also offer.” “你们也献吧。” Yes!” “是!” Knows Max, does not know Max, at this moment made the decision. 认识麦克斯的,不认识麦克斯的,这一刻都做出了决定。 Do not say in the entire slum, is not infrequent about the person who Max hates to the marrow of the bones. 更不要说整个贫民窟里,对麦克斯恨之入骨的人不在少数。 Some many people chose the blood at the scene. 当场就有不少人选择了鲜血。 The red digit starts rapidly to grow. 红色的数字开始迅速增长。 The short 20 seconds, 1 million drops of blood have accumulated. 短短二十秒,一百万滴鲜血已经积满。 This starts merely. 这仅仅是开始。 People discovered after offering a drop of blood, has not had the influence on oneself. 人们发现献出一滴血之后,并没有对自己造成影响。 More observers start to participate in this matter. 更多的旁观者开始参与到这件事情里来。 Constantly grows on behalf of the digit of blood. 代表鲜血的数字不断增长。 Three minutes quick in the past. 三分钟很快过去。 time. 时间到。 20 seconds completed the accumulations of 1 million drops of blood.” “二十秒就完成了一百万滴鲜血的积累。” Three minutes, 89 million drops of blood.” “三分钟,八千九百万滴血。” Really is moving one, everyone so craves regarding others' Death.” Slaughtering Clown said after a sigh. “真是让人感动的一幕,大家对于别人的死亡是如此热衷。”杀戮小丑感叹道。 Mr. Max, you obtained the astonishing support level, and won the punishment of splitting by cart.” “麦克斯先生,你获得了惊人的支持率,并赢得了车裂之刑。” Please enjoy, I do not disturb.” “请您享受吧,我不打扰了。” Slaughtering Clown said, the whole person is hidden in the darkness. 杀戮小丑说完,整个人隐没于黑暗中。 The scene only had Max. 现场只剩下了麦克斯。 The winding tightens in his rope on arm, the foot neck and head rapidly. 缠绕在他手臂、脚脖和头颅上的绳索迅速拉紧。 The next second, the tremendous and strength irresistibly transmits from the rope, lets in all the person hearts of watching one tight. 下一秒,巨大而无法抵抗的力量从绳索上传来,让所有观看的人心中一紧。 „!” “啊啊啊啊啊!” Max sent out shouted miserably. 麦克斯发出了惨呼。 Must cut off to make many effort with the four limbs the head of person, let alone with slow pulling. 要把人的头跟四肢砍下来都得花不少力气,更何况是用缓慢的拉扯。 The pain that the receiving punishment person receives can be imagined. 受刑人身受的痛苦可想而知。 Used for more than ten seconds. 足足用了十几秒。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! The blood such as the fountain rolls wells up. 血如喷泉滚涌。 Five ropes bring Max's both hands, both feets and head vanish in the darkness. 五根绳索带着麦克斯的双手、双脚和头颅消失在黑暗中。 Only is left over Max's body same place. 原地只剩下麦克斯的尸体。 This corpse headless, no both hands and no both feets, was split by cart lethal Max. 这尸体无头、无双手、无双脚,正是被车裂致死的麦克斯。 He only had the torso. 他只剩下了躯干。 „The first trial ended.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “第一场审判结束。”愿力审判机道。 Trial spent million Strength of Hope, surplus Strength of Hope are an auspicious number 88 million.” “审判花费了一百万愿力,剩余的愿力是一个吉利的数字八千八百万。” Because obtained unnecessary Strength of Hope, this machine will be used for the issue that solves Max to leave over.” “由于获得了多余的愿力,本机器将用来解决麦克斯遗留的问题。” His all properties will convert the credit point, according to the suffering degree, apportions by he has framed the person.” “他所有的财产都将折算成信用点,按照受害程度,分给被他陷害过的人。” This trial ended, asks respectfully the anticipation next trial.” “本次审判结束,敬请期待下一次审判。” All light screens close automatically, the projector equipment of entire star returns to normal. 所有的光幕自动关闭,整个星球的投影设备恢复正常。 The trial ended. 审判结束了。 The young boy stands before the trial machine. 小男孩站在审判机前。 „Did Max really die?” He asked. “麦克斯真的死了?”他问道。 Yes, he went to the hell report.” Desire Judgement Machine replied. “是的,他已经去地狱报道了。”愿力审判机答道。 „Is this real? It is not a dream.” Asking that the young boy cannot believe. “这是真的吗?不会是一场梦吧。”小男孩不能置信的问道。 Naturally is not the dream, I converted a credit point, deposits by you and your mother's name in the Holy Empire bank, the password is eight 8.” “当然不是梦,我折算了一笔信用点,以你和你母亲的名义存放在圣国银行,密码是八个八。” Then asked you to turn around, surface toward behind.” “接下来请你转身,面朝后面。” The young boy has turned around according to the word. 小男孩依言转过身。 His mother stands behind him, is wiping tears, while gentle gaze he. 他的母亲站在他背后,正一边抹着眼泪,一边温柔的注视着他。 Mom!” “妈妈!” The young boy jumps in the arms of mother. 小男孩扑进母亲的怀抱。
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