WAO :: Volume #4

#372: Desire Judgement Machine

Damn, this are not related with me, this was says to the bastards who will soon go to hell.” Liao Hang said. “该死,这跟我没关系,这是对即将下地狱的混蛋们说的。”廖行道。 „Do we in Human World, why want to warn us obviously?” Ye Feili puzzled say/way. “我们明明在人间啊,为什么要警告我们?”叶飞离不解道。 Four people look at scroll, somewhat is bewildered. 四人看着卷轴,都有些莫名其妙。 Suddenly, the powerful sound resounds together. 突然,一道充满力量的声音响起。 Very sorry, this truly is the prologue of hell, but we cannot make the lines, therefore did not have the reforming writing content.” “很抱歉,这确实是地狱的开场白,但我们不太会弄台词,所以就一直没改过文字内容。” Four people visit everywhere, flutters except for that scroll in the front, in the open area anything does not have. 四人到处望望,除了那卷轴飘在面前,空地上什么也没有。 Who are you?” Gu Qingshan asked. “你是谁?”顾青山问道。 That sound said: Please letting, I am descending, being battered to death person I may be unable to rescue.” 那声音道:“请让让,我正在降落,砸死人了我可救不回来。” Four people go to be very far on to Log-Out / withdraw. 四人就退出去很远。 Waited for several breaths, only listens to the loud sound of bang. 等了数息,只听轰的一声巨响。 The thick smoke is billowing! 浓烟滚滚! As if really had what thing to appear. 似乎真的有什么东西出现了。 Before long, the smog diverges. 不一会儿,烟雾散去。 In the open area is poking thing that is similar to the refrigerator. 空地上杵着一个类似于冰箱的东西 Also cannot be the refrigerator, this gadget be bigger than the refrigerator. 也不能算是冰箱,这玩意儿要比冰箱大一圈儿。 Looks at its modeling, seem like a coin-operated large-scale game machine! 看它的造型,倒像是一个投币式的大型游戏机! On this machine has the light photo to come out, but also brings the indistinct spirited singing sound. 这机器上有灯光照出来,还带着隐隐约约的激昂歌声。 Listens carefully, is the innumerable say/way sounds, the together song sings the hymn. 仔细听来,却是无数道声音,在一起颂唱圣歌。 This machine black, the side marked one all over the body in a big way 1. 这机器通体黑色,侧边标记了一个大大的“一”。 Young fellows, you do is very attractive, Cold Ice Hell is unable to erupt temporarily completely.” The machine sent out a commendation. “小伙子们,你们干的很漂亮,寒冰地狱暂时无法全部爆发。”机器发出了一声称赞。 Who are you?” Gu Qingshan asked again. “你是谁?”顾青山再次问道。 I am Desire Judgement Machine, office terminal from Underworld .” The machine introduced oneself. “我是愿力审判机,来自黄泉的办公终端。”机器自我介绍道。 Hello.” Gu Qingshan wiped the perspiration of forehead, greeted. “你好。”顾青山擦了擦额头的汗,打招呼道。 Originally this is reinforcements. 原来这就是援军。 Desire Judgement Machine exudes rumble the sound. 愿力审判机发出轰隆隆的响声。 Discontentedly what do you have to this world? This world doesn't exist(ence) put down and oppression? If there is an above issue to happen, please chat with me promptly.” “你对这个世界有什么不满吗?这个世界是否存在不平和欺压?如果有上述问题发生,请你及时跟我谈谈。” Wait, I asked you, did you come from Underworld ?” Gu Qingshan asked. “等等,我问你,你来自黄泉?”顾青山问道。 Without a doubt, yes!” “毫无疑问,是的!” Gu Qingshan sizes up it saying: You do not seem like Underworld thing.” 顾青山打量着它道:“你看上去不像是黄泉东西。” To raise efficiencies of various Underworld work, we have moved toward the automated work now, I represent one of the products.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “为了提高黄泉各项工作的效率,我们现在已经走向自动化办公,我就是代表产品之一。”愿力审判机道。 Gu Qingshan must convince oneself to believe this matter. 顾青山只得说服自己相信这件事。 He changed a way, said: Good, since is Underworld , then total has to run its exist(ence).” 他换了个方式,说道:“好吧,既然是黄泉,那么总有掌管它的存在。” Yes.” “是的。” Why is you comes? They?” “那么为什么是你来?他们呢?” Was finished.” “都完蛋了。” Was finished? What's the matter?” Gu Qingshan pursues asks. “完蛋了?是怎么回事?”顾青山追问道。 This involves the Underworld internal matter, cannot tell you, in brief, in Underworld can also be able to help for human, is only left over our these automated machine.” “这涉及到黄泉内部的事情,不能告诉你,总之,黄泉里还能为人类帮上忙的,只剩下我们这些自动机器。” You?” Gu Qingshan keen say/way, besides you, other machines?” “你们?”顾青山敏锐的道,“除了你,还有其他机器?” Desire Judgement Machine said: Naturally, besides me, Hell Rotation Machine, rescued to take off/escape the sea of bitterness machine and criminal repenting machine, to calm down to eliminate the offense machine wait/etc, we had 88 machines fully.” 愿力审判机道:“当然,除了我,还有地狱轮转机、救脱苦海机、罪人悔过机、消气除戾机等等,我们足有88台机器。” It continues saying: 88, the Old Heaven master, actually I also felt some personnel ultra establishments.” 它继续道:“88台,老天爷,其实我也觉得人员有些超编制了。” „Do you divide the work differently?” Liao Hang asked. “你们分工不同?”廖行问道。 Intelligent!” “聪明!” Desire Judgement Machine looks to him, said: I am Spiritual Gods am used to make the general amusement machine, other are responsible for the combat machine, being responsible for cleaning the hygienic machine, to be responsible for the expansion netherworld the machine, in any case altogether 88 machines.” 愿力审判机望向他,说道:“我是神灵们用来做一般性消遣的机器,还有其他负责战斗的机器、负责打扫卫生机器、负责扩张冥土的机器,反正一共88台机器。” Why is 88? What implication has?” Zhang Yinghao asked. “为什么是88台?有什么寓意吗?”张英豪问道。 Desire Judgement Machine sighed, said: Because we have Spiritual God to be very superstitious, thought that this number good by the way, when the disaster happened this Spiritual God truly is first 88.” 愿力审判机叹息一声,道:“因为我们有一位神灵很迷信,觉得这个数字好顺便说一句,灾难发生时这位神灵确实是第一个88的。” Gu Qingshan everywhere looks. 顾青山四下望了望。 The cold wind has blown, only then this Desire Judgement Machine pestle in the face of four people. 冷风吹过,只有这一台愿力审判机杵在四人面前。 He asked: Your good partners?” 他问道:“你的好伙伴们呢?” They are still preparing, will soon come leave alone them one after another, comes to chat the current disaster with me.” “它们还在准备中,即将陆续前来别管它们了,来跟我谈谈当前的灾难。” Desire Judgement Machine makes rumble the sound , to continue saying: We could try to find the solution, helping your world go through the difficulty.” 愿力审判机发出隆隆的声音,继续说道:“我们也许能想办法,帮助你们的世界度过难关。” You really?” Ye Feili indefinite say/way. “你们真的可以?”叶飞离不确定的道。 Do not despise us,” Desire Judgement Machine throws out the chest saying: We are the new products after Underworld industry Revolution, our laws strength is strong, can help Spiritual Gods govern entire Underworld , cooperates to process the hell one on business.” “你千万别小看我们,”愿力审判机挺了挺胸道:“我们可是黄泉产业革命之后的新产品,我们法则力量强大,可以帮助神灵们治理整个黄泉,协作处理地狱的一应事务。” With its recounted, the Gu Qingshan four people look one, had the happy expression. 随着它的述说,顾青山四人对望一眼,均有了喜色。 If is so fierce, this world could be saved. 如果真的这么厉害,这个世界就有救了。 Respect, un, Desire Judgement Machine, I spoke frankly, here presented three hells.” Gu Qingshan brief say/way. “尊敬的,恩,愿力审判机,那我就直说了,我们这里出现了三个地狱。”顾青山简短的道。 Ended! I could not help you!!!” Desire Judgement Machine sighs woefully. “完了!我帮不了你们!!!”愿力审判机哀叹一声。 Gu Qingshan: „......” 顾青山:“……” Zhang Yinghao: „......” 张英豪:“……” Ye Feili: „......” 叶飞离:“……” Liao Hang cannot bear scold: Your his mother is comes funny.” 廖行忍不住骂道:“你他娘是来搞笑的吧。” Desire Judgement Machine said: Of course not, I truly could not solve this problem, but the Hell Rotation Machine function escorted to each hell evil Dead.” 愿力审判机道:“当然不是,我确实解决不了这个问题,但地狱轮转机的功能是将罪恶的亡者送往各个地狱。” You can cooperate with it, feeds in the trash of three hells other hells, as the matter stands, the crisis eliminated.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “你们可以跟它合作,把三个地狱的垃圾们送进其他的地狱里,这样一来,危机就消除了。”愿力审判机道。 Is monster in three hell are many, that Hell Rotation Machine really useful?” Ye Feili asked. “可是三个地狱里的怪物很多啊,那个地狱轮转机真的有用吗?”叶飞离问道。 Naturally, it is a bit like your trains, so long as you force in Dead, Dead will be fettered immediately, cannot leave Hell Rotation Machine again.” “当然,它有点像你们的火车,只要你们把亡者塞进去,亡者立刻就会受到束缚,不能再离开地狱轮转机。” „, Hell Rotation Machine each compartment, once packed Dead, it will start, transports Underworld Dead, throws into other hells.” “紧接着,地狱轮转机的各个车厢一旦装满了亡者,它就会启动,把亡者运送回黄泉,丢进其他地狱。” Zhang Yinghao muttered: Forces in Dead...... in other words, we must win Dead, can make them return to the hell.” 张英豪喃喃道:“把亡者塞进去……也就是说,我们必须打赢亡者,才能让它们回到地狱。” Dead that three hells, several era produce is astronomical figures, how can we hit?” Liao Hang said. “三个地狱,数个纪元产生的亡者是一个天文数字吧,我们怎么打得过来?”廖行道。 Cannot hit also to hit, it seems like that this is the only means.” Gu Qingshan hesitates to say. “打不过来也得打,看来这是唯一的办法。”顾青山沉吟道。 Several people are discussing, suddenly hears in Void to hear a world-shaking bellow. 几人正议论着,突然听见虚空中传来一阵惊天动地的轰鸣声。 Several compartment and a railway engine emerge out of thin air, fall on the ground. 几节车厢和一个火车头凭空出现,掉落在地上。 Violent combustion of raging flame on compartment and railway engine, before long, will fire pile of scrap iron. 熊熊烈火在车厢和火车头上猛烈燃烧,不一会儿,就将之烧成一堆废铁。 „, Oh no, arriving Human World that it seems like Hell Rotation Machine cannot succeed.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “啊,糟糕,看来地狱轮转机没能成功的来到人间。”愿力审判机道。 How like this, this can't thing help us?” Zhang Yinghao loud say/way. “怎么会这样,这个东西不是能帮我们吗?”张英豪大声道。 We want to come Human World, is not then smooth.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “我们想来人间,并不是那么顺利。”愿力审判机道。 What is thing attacking you?” The Gu Qingshan sinking sound asked. “什么东西在攻击你们?”顾青山沉声问道。 This cannot say.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “这不能说。”愿力审判机道。 Several people look one, walks to go forward, examines the ground carefully the train wreckage. 几人对望一眼,走上前,仔细查看地上的火车残骸。 „Is this Hell Rotation Machine? Can we fix it?” Liao Hang asked. “这就是地狱轮转机?我们能修好它吗?”廖行问道。 Only if makes its Spiritual God, may fix it.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “除非是制造它的神灵,才有可能修好它。”愿力审判机道。 In other words, did we lose the only hope?” Zhang Yinghao asked. “也就是说,我们失去了唯一的希望?”张英豪问道。 „, Actually many machines, do not have all kinds of means.” Desire Judgement Machine said. “不不不,其实还有许多机器,具备各种各样的办法。”愿力审判机道。 What means asked that please speak one time the words.” Gu Qingshan say. “什么办法拜托,请一次把话说完。”顾青山道 Desire Judgement Machine one static. 愿力审判机一静。 Its clumsy swaying from side to side body, everywhere looks around. 它笨拙的扭动身体,四下张望。 In this stretch of open area, except for the Gu Qingshan four people, anything does not have. 这一片空地上,除了顾青山四人,什么都没有。 Here does not have the road. 这里没有公路。 Desolate and uninhabited. 荒无人烟。 Only the cold wind blows intermittently. 只有寒风阵阵吹来。 Desire Judgement Machine said: It seems like I made a mistake, I must be open for business immediately, can have the close relation with this world, otherwise I will be repelled by Human World, has to return to Underworld immediately.” 愿力审判机道:“看来我犯了一个错误,我必须马上开张,才能和这个世界产生密切联系,不然我会被人间排斥,不得不立刻回到黄泉。” It toward Gu Qingshan four humanity: I first get a business, making oneself settle, then spoke in detail with you carefully.” 它朝着顾青山四人道:“我先接一笔生意,让自己安顿下来,再跟你们细细详谈。” Good,” Gu Qingshan sighed, hopes you can, the speed of hell invasion constantly speed up quickly after all.” “好吧,”顾青山叹口气道,“希望你能快一点,毕竟地狱入侵的速度在不断加快。” Relax, I come back quickly.” “放心,我很快回来。” Bang a loud sound, Desire Judgement Machine splits two. “嘭”的一声巨响,愿力审判机分裂成两个。 And vanishes does not immediately see. 其中一个立刻消失不见。 Several people look at each other in blank dismay. 几人面面相觑。 Liao Hang said: I said, you also meet doppelgänger 廖行道:“我说,你还会分身 Another loud sound, second Desire Judgement Machine comes back again, appears in the face of several people. 又一声巨响,第二个愿力审判机再次回来,出现在几人面前。 I must with you taking advantage of individual, please relax, is the paid work.” It said. “我要跟你们借个人,唔,请放心,是有偿劳动。”它说道。
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