WAO :: Volume #15

#1474: Two people joint effort

Travel of fast train in underground tunnel. 火车在地下隧道之中飞快的行驶。 Falls in other train not passengers, only has Gu Qingshan one line of four people. 整列火车没有其他乘客,唯有顾青山一行四人。 The curtain extends take action, grasps star light in the hand. 幕伸出手,将一片星光握在手中。 A pale blue small-scale vortex regarding his hand, is revolving unceasingly. 一个淡蓝色的小型旋涡围绕着他的手,不断的旋转着。 The Renedora to praise sighed: 蕾妮朵尔赞叹道: Really is fierce, the time of such a while, you can inspire four Stars strengths.” “真是厉害,这么一会儿的功夫,你就可以引动四颗星辰的力量了。” The curtain shakes the head with a smile. 幕笑着摇摇头。 In Void, another weak star light appears, brightens gradually, submerges to his hand. 虚空之中,又一颗微弱的星光出现,渐渐变亮,没入到他的手中。 He is lost in thought that some little time thought aloud: 他陷入沉思,好一会儿才自言自语道: Principle Behemoth have passed away...... has taken the mortal, actually how to do, can obtain World Source Strength to the full?” 法则巨兽已经不在了……作为凡人,究竟怎么做,才可以最大限度获得世界源力呢?” Thought a while, the curtain extends both hands, manipulates these Stars in Void unceasingly. 想了一会儿,幕伸出双手,在虚空之中不断摆弄那些星辰 This made other three people look dull. 这一幕让其他三人都看呆了。 He is really the talent strongest mortal, in such short time, learned Stars that operates these World Source Strength manifestation. 他果然是天赋最强的凡人,这么短的时间之内,就学会了操纵那些世界源力具现星辰 „It is not right, is not this......” “不对,不是这样……” Not to......” “也不对……” Is this?” “难道是这样?” The curtain arranges several Stars back and forth, finally combines an incomplete shape. 幕将几颗星辰来回排列,最终组合成一个残缺的形状。 What is this?” Say/Way that Gu Qingshan is interested. “这是什么?”顾青山感兴趣的道。 The curtain gasps for breath, wipes head perspiration saying: 幕喘了口气,抹着头上的汗道: I want to list a Stars Lance shape, what a pity also misses several Stars, it seems like after must wait, I was more powerful, can complete this attempt.” “我想列出一根星辰长矛的形状,可惜还差几颗星辰,看来要等以后我更强大了,才可以完成这个尝试。” You think that laws manifestation is the weapon, is uses the Stars strength the key?” “你认为把法则具现为兵器,是利用星辰力量的关键?” Gu Qingshan asked. 顾青山问道。 Right, Strength of Stars is actually unconsciousness World Source Strength, but it as if was also many anything, had the unprecedented qualitative change.” “对,星辰之力其实就是无意识的世界源力,但它似乎又多了些什么,产生了前所未有的质变。” Stars can form the weapon incessantly, but should also be able to change to armor to have, the these thing might will exceed any magic artifact, they can be called Soul of the World manifestation!” 星辰不止可以形成兵器,还应该能化作甲具,这些东西的威力将超越任何魔法器物,它们可以称为世界之魂具现!” Perhaps...... can they call it these in remote legend soul artifact?” “……或许它们可以称之为遥远传说中的那些‘魂器’?” The curtain more said is more stimulated, the look becomes bright. 幕越说越亢奋,眼神变得明亮。 soul artifact truly is in the legend strongest artifact, I also hope that your weapon can be that degree.” The Renedora nod said. 魂器确实是传说中最强器物,我也希望你这柄兵器能达到那个程度。”蕾妮朵尔点头道。 The curtain continues saying: Besides artifact these Stars should be able to make the mortal have the evolution, leaps to become Principle Behemoth exist(ence)!” 幕继续道:“除了器物之外-这些星辰应该可以让凡人产生进化,一跃而成为法则巨兽般的存在!” Temporarily could not have achieved that step, we first condensed soul artifact to say Stars again.” “不过暂时还做不到那一步,我们先把星辰凝聚成魂器再说。” Stars in his hand starts the unceasing change and combination, ultimately to form a slightly to be short Lance. 他手中的星辰开始不断的变化、组合、最终形成一柄略短些的长矛 Also misses four Stars, can form thoroughly!” “还差四颗星辰,才可以彻底成形!” The curtain panted for breath was saying, simultaneously extended take action, went to Void to inspire the star light. 幕喘息着说,同时伸出手,去虚空之中引动星光。 Moment. 须臾。 Another Stars flies from Void, falls in his hand. 又一颗星辰虚空飞出来,落在他手上。 The curtain whole body starts to shiver, as if had reached the limit. 幕全身开始颤抖,似乎已经到了极限。 The Gu Qingshan eye winks looks at the attempt of opposite party does not wink, has not made noise. 顾青山眼睛一眨也不眨的看着对方的尝试,并未出声。 Renedora cannot bear urge: Ok, the curtain, this is very great, first rests, will wait to attempt next time again.” 蕾妮朵尔忍不住劝道:“算了,幕,这已经很了不起了,先休息一下,等下次再尝试。” The curtain look is tranquil, said: Chases down your several people very fierce, I must quick become stronger, be able to protect you.” 幕神色平静,说道:“追杀你的那几人很厉害,我得快一点变强,才可以保护你。” Renedora dumbfounded. 蕾妮朵尔呆住 She silent a while, suddenly grasps in the oneself top of the head gently. 她沉默了一会儿,忽然在自己头顶轻轻一握。 That three Stars were picked up by her in referring, delivers to the front of curtain. 那三颗星辰被她拈在指间,送至幕的面前。 The curtain has a look at her. 幕看看她。 I happen to have three Stars.” Renedora also visits him, said gently. “我正好有三颗星辰。”蕾妮朵尔也看着他,轻轻说道。 The curtain shows the smile slowly. 幕缓缓露出笑容。 Good, makes us construct this Lance together, has a look at its strength such whether such as we imagine.” “好,就让我们一起构建这柄长矛,看看它的力量到底是否如我们想象的那样。” He received Stars, its arrangement in incomplete position. 他接过星辰,一颗一颗将其排列在残缺的位置上。 in a split second, the Lance construction was completed. 霎时间,长矛构建完成了。 Static a breath. 静了一息。 Suddenly, Stars Lance erupts radiant Radiance. 突然,星辰长矛爆发出璀璨的光辉 It by the star light manifestation forming, changes to real existence's Lance gradually. 它渐渐由星光具现成形,化作一柄真实存在的长矛 Lance falls in the hand of curtain , to continue to emit azure, orange and red three types of gorgeous light. 长矛落在幕的手上,持续放出青、橙、红三种绚丽之光。 Really beautiful!” Renedora looks at the heart spreading god fan, said with a sigh. “真美!”蕾妮朵尔看得心驰神迷,叹息道。 I felt very powerful Strength of Laws- is this strength that Principle Behemoth have?” Chi Hu is also jumping for joy asking. “我感受了很强大的法则之力-这就是法则巨兽们具备的力量吗?”赤鹄也雀跃着问道。 The curtain is grasping Lance, long time said: It has very strong might, but this is insufficient, later we continue to gather Stars to construct it, it will be getting stronger and stronger!” 幕握着长矛,半晌才道:“它已经具备了很强的威力,但这还不够,以后我们继续汇聚星辰来构筑它,它会越来越强!” Renedora said: I and you do this matter together.” 蕾妮朵尔道:“我和你一起做这件事。” The curtain visits her, the vision was gradually gentle, said: Renedora, to this Lance giving a name character.” 幕看着她,目光渐渐柔和,说:“蕾妮朵尔,给这柄长矛起个名字吧。” The Renedora thinking said: This Lance thorough casting has not been completed, waits for it to form thoroughly, we called it Destroyer of All Creation, how?” 蕾妮朵尔思索道:“这柄长矛还未彻底铸造完成,等它彻底成形,我们就称它为万物摧毁者,如何?” Gu Qingshan stands in the one side, hearing these words whole body to shake. 顾青山站在一旁,听见这句话不由浑身一震。 The curtain nod said: Good! If some day I complete its casting, I will give its another shape.” 幕点头道:“好!如果有一天我把它铸造完成,我会赋予其另一种形态。” Why?” Renedora asked. “为什么?”蕾妮朵尔问。 It must be able to attack for me, must be able for you but defense.” Mu said. “它必须能为我进攻,也要能为你而防御。”幕说道。 Gu Qing hears here, could not bear retrocede one step, by bead. 顾青听到这里,忍不住后退了一步,靠在车厢壁上。 Destroyer of All Creation. 万物摧毁者 A its another shape is All Living Things Shelterer. 它的另一种形态是众生庇护者 Originally of Seven Colored Spear Abyss Seven Saint Weapons, unexpectedly at this time point, by the Boss casting! 原来深渊七圣兵之一的七彩长矛,竟然是在这个时间点,就被老大铸造了出来! All around all fall into suddenly static. 四周的一切忽然陷入静止。 The howling sound of train vanishes, its suddenly stay still in same place, has not actually had any inertia. 火车的呼啸声消失,它突然静止不动在原地,却没有产生任何惯性。 Gu Qingshan can penetrate the glass, sees outside underground dike. 顾青山能透过车窗,看到外面的地下岩壁。 The curtain, Renedora and Chi Hu are maintaining the original(ly) facial expression movement, falls into the stationary state. 幕、蕾妮朵尔赤鹄都保持着原本的神情动作,陷入停滞状态。 The Boss sound also resounds: 老大的声音随之响起: Gu Qingshan, to this step, actually something I should tell you.” 顾青山,到了这一步,其实有些事我该告诉你了。” Past I was in entire Gate of World strongest exist(ence), was First Revered Star Crown, great Lord of Infinite Source Strength, I saw many future destiny, knows that oneself must become Eternal Abyss that exiled Saint, became degenerates eventually.” “昔日我是整个世界之门最强存在,是星冠上的第一人,伟大的无穷源力之主,我看到了许多未来的命运,也知道自己终究要成为被流放的圣徒、成为堕落的永恒深渊。” Therefore I exhaust the own strength, left behind many dark hands in the river of history.” “所以我用尽自己的力量,在历史的长河中留下了许多暗手。” For example these six Part of Seal, for example Abyss Seven Saint Weapons, but also for example-” “比如这六枚封印之章,比如深渊七圣兵,还比如-” His sound becomes serious: Rhodes exist(ence).” 他的声音变得严肃:“罗德存在。” Rhodes exist(ence)?” Gu Qingshan redundant say/way. 罗德存在?”顾青山重复道。 Yes, historically a original(ly) not such person, but I established six Part of Seal, feared that does this is still insufficient, therefore in my first half of life destiny, reserved the position to from some future person.” “是的,历史上原本没有这样一个人,但我设置了六枚封印之章,又怕这样做依然不够,所以在我前半生的命运之中,给某个来自未来的人预留了位置。” I hope that this person can grow with me together, helping me see clearly these fuzzy history, faces directly these truth of concealed in dense fog.” “我希望这个人能跟我一起成长,帮我看清那些模糊的历史,直面那些藏在迷雾之中的真相。” At the last minute, I chose you.” “最后一刻,我选择了你。” Many thanks trust- how, but you achieve?” Gu Qingshan asked. “多谢信任-但你是怎么做到的呢?”顾青山问道。 Actually is you achieves with me together, after all, three coin in your hand, only have you to start distortion.” Boss said. “其实是你跟我一起做到的,毕竟,三枚钱币在你的手上,唯有你能发动‘篡改’。”老大道。 „But how you can place a person baseless, entered your past age?” Gu Qingshan puzzled say/way. “可是你怎么能凭空安插一个人,进入你的过去时代呢?”顾青山不解道。 This is a destiny strength, I think that you should guess obtains.” Boss said. “这是一种命运的力量,我想你应该猜得到。”老大道。 Gu Qingshan silent flickered, mutters: so that's how it is, you used Destiny Skill: exist(ence).” 顾青山默了一瞬,喃喃道:“原来如此,你用了命运技:存在。” Intelligent, worthily is you.” Boss praised. “聪明,不愧是你。”老大赞道。 Gu Qingshan sighed, said: Lin after Abyss Transformation, obtained the Abyssal Fate Weaver strength, had Destiny Skill: exist(ence).” 顾青山叹了口气,说:“琳是在深渊化之后,才获得了深渊织命者的力量,具备了命运技:存在。” Right, in Immemorial Age, as First Revered Star Crown, I have this ability, I used it to establish a position, leaves person who will come from the future.” Boss said. “对,在亘古时代,身为星冠上的第一人,我具备这个能力,我用它设置了一个位置,留给从未来而来的人。”老大道。 By my distortion, your exist(ence) ’, makes me person of real exist(ence) in additionin ancient history.” “以我之‘篡改’,加上你的‘存在’,就让我成为了真实存在于亘古历史上的一个人。” Gu Qingshan somewhat sigh with emotion saying. 顾青山有些感慨的说道。 Boss worthily was the once first person. 老大不愧是曾经的第一人。 He in Immemorial Age, got down the so unthinkable subsequent hand on supposing unexpectedly! 他竟然早在亘古时代,就设下了如此匪夷所思的后手! „Do present you have exist(ence) this strength?” Gu Qingshan asked. “现在的你还具备‘存在’这种力量么?”顾青山问。 This is I in the strength of heyday reservation, afterward...... this strength I passed to a person, you know her.” Boss said. “这是我在全盛时期预留的力量,后来……这种力量我传给了一个人呢,你认识她。”老大道。 I know......, therefore you as Eternal Abyss, after grant Lin the new Abyss body, Lin's mission doing everything possible entry Evil Ghost World?” Gu Qingshan asked. “我知道……所以你作为永恒深渊,重新赐予琳新的深渊体之后,琳的任务就是想方设法的进入恶鬼世界?”顾青山问。 Right.” Boss said. “对。”老大道。 You suddenly appear now, for what matter?” “你现在突然出现,是为了什么事?” To tell you, this is an important node, at this moment, I created first laws soul artifact, is the Destroyer of All Creation Lance embryonic form.” Boss said. “为了告诉你,这是一个重要的节点,在这个时刻,我创造了第一柄法则魂器,也就是万物摧毁者长矛的雏形。”老大道。 Gu Qingshan nods, is waiting for his following words. 顾青山点点头,等着他后面的话。 I am Lord of Laws of Radiance, but you were used six seals to have in the history by me, becomes Lord of Laws of Death.” “我是光辉法则之主,而你被我用六枚封印带到了历史之中,成为了死亡法则之主。” Gu Qingshan, you must, when my become stronger, thinks deeply about you to make anything, what your Law of Death path is.” 顾青山,你必须在我变强的时候,思索你该做什么,你的死亡法则道路又是什么样的。” Gu Qingshan say: „Is this very important?” 顾青山道:“这很重要?” Is important!” “非常重要!” Boss serious living Wood Road: Radiance and Death complement one another, but you can tamper with the person of history only- actually you can achieve which step, decided, what Renedora you will face, as well as All Worlds what in the future will be.” 老大严肃的生活道:“光辉死亡相辅相成,而你是唯一能篡改历史之人-你究竟能做到哪一步,就决定了之后你将面对什么样的蕾妮朵尔,以及诸界的未来又是什么样的。” Using Immemorial World Source Strength, creates the road of your Law of Death well.” “好好利用亘古世界源力,创造你的死亡法则之路吧。” Boss said, the sound vanishes thoroughly. 老大说完,声音彻底消失。 All around all gradually return to normal. 四周一切逐渐恢复正常。 The train starts to go, the dike outside glass after retreats, the curtain, Renedora and Chi Hu start to speak again. 火车开始行驶,车窗外的岩壁朝后退去,幕、蕾妮朵尔赤鹄再次开始说话。 Gu Qingshan stands in the one side silently. 顾青山默默站在一旁。 In history...... 历史中…… Real existence's person. 真实存在的人。 Until now, Gu Qingshan thinks that oneself enters the history, witnesses something, inquires about some truth. 一直以来,顾青山都以为自己只是进入历史,见证一些事情,探寻一些真相。 Cannot think, oneself and Boss strength gathers, has changed the history sufficiently. 想不到,自己老大的力量合起来,已经足以改变历史。 karma in river of history truly does not change. 历史长河之中的因果确实不会变。 But the process is different, then the karma also disciple has its shape, the destiny path will change significantly. 但过程不一样,那么因果也徒有其形,命运的轨迹将大幅度改变。 This changes all times! 这是改变一切的时刻! He is meditating in the heart, depends on the wall to sit slowly, closes the eye. 他在心中默念着,缓缓靠着墙壁坐下来,闭上眼睛。 How to use the Stars strength, makes Law of Death more powerful? 如何利用星辰的力量,来让死亡法则变得更强大? Gu Qingshan extends take action slowly. 顾青山缓缓伸出手 Stars quietly appears, quietly float in his hand, sends out pale blue Radiance. 一颗星辰悄然出现,悄然悬浮在他手上,散发出淡蓝色的光辉
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